Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 939 Son of the Forest: Ryan Johnson (6)

Chapter 939 Son of the Forest: Ryan Jonson ([-])

[Just when you are having a detailed discussion with the wild wolf cub. 】

[The ceiling of the entire old square seems to have been extremely severely shattered and collapsed. 】

[The next second, Lion Lion, holding two power swords, and the fragmented Chaos Astartes corpses landed heavily on the ground. 】

[You immediately drove the vibranium power armor and stepped forward. After the bruised and swollen wolf cub calmed down for a while, he also came to the side of Lion King Ryan. 】

["The main force of the Ten Thousand Eyes war gang is not on Kamaz. There are only seven damn Chaos traitors here... The flavor of Chaos in your clone is getting stronger and stronger. Do you need my help?" At this moment, the cold gaze The spinning Lion Lion recognized the wild wolf cub he had seen at a glance. 】

[You shook your head slightly, and while rejecting Lion King Ryan's proposal, you also raised your hand to stop the bad words that the wild wolf cub wanted to say. 】

[Perhaps due to the deep friendship between the Space Wolves and the Dark Angels in the past, the Wolf cubs always seem to have trouble getting along with Lion Lion. 】

[In the next period of time, Lion King Ryan, who successfully harvested a power sword called 'Loyalty', and the two of you explored the entire enemy station together. 】

[Although the Chaos Astartes left here by the Ten Thousand Eyes Warband have been cleaned up by you, the intermittent communication calls from Zabriel still let you go deeper into the huge castle. 】

[And after you have explored the museum armory and many miserable rooms filled with mutilated mortal corpses one by one, you reunited with Zabriel who had been waiting for a long time. 】

[And a secret dungeon accidentally discovered by Zabriel has become the last target of your exploration. 】

[The four of you just drove the vibranium power armor and stepped inside, and you saw nine Blood Angels Astartes who were forcibly bound to the wall by a large number of thick chains. 】

["There are still people alive here?" The wild wolf cub, whose swollen face had mostly recovered, used his vibranium arm to carry the Furnace Breaker war hammer, and said without looking back. 】

[You take a closer look at the Blood Angel, whose nine eyes are completely dark, and the whole person seems to have no sense at all. The only thing left on his twisted face is the desire to suck blood, and subconsciously let out a sigh. 】

["The blood thirst and black rage in their bodies broke out at the same time, and there is basically no possibility of rescue." The stern-looking wild wolf cub said to Zabriel beside him. 】

[Lion King Ryan’s old face doesn’t show many emotional changes. 】

[He casually drew out the power sword named Loyalty, and his huge body slowly drove the power armor forward, intending to free the nine Blood Angels. 】

[Just like the Dark Angels possess little secrets within the inner circle, the blood thirst and black rage of the Blood Angels are also a lifelong trouble and haze that accompanies all their descendants. 】

[At this moment, you vaguely thought of something in your memory and immediately drove the vibranium power armor and stepped forward. 】

[When Lion Lion just raised the power sword, you told the other party that you wanted to try to save these Blood Angels. If you failed, it would not be too late to take action. 】

[Lion King turned his head and stared, then nodded and agreed to your request. 】

[You are not [-]% sure of success in restoring the Blood Angels to their sanity. 】

[You just accidentally remembered that you once forcibly restored the wailers who broke out in black anger to normal. 】【Your huge body stands closer to the nine Blood Angels, listening to their roars and roars, and slowly closes your eyes. 】

[The next second, a pair of blood-red transparent wings that look extremely illusory suddenly extend from behind your broad back! 】

[Except for the wild wolf cubs who know some secrets, Lion King Ryan and Zabriel present subconsciously opened their eyes wide and stared at your every move. 】


[In an instant, even though the nine irrational Blood Angels were already deep in blood thirst and black rage, they still let out painful wails belonging to the bloodline heirs from their roars and roars. 】

[You then flapped your two blood-red transparent wings vigorously, and extremely illusory blood-red feathers landed on the tall bodies of the Blood Angels one after another. 】

[In just a moment, these Blood Angels, who were constantly roaring and roaring, gradually became quiet. Their sanity, which had been completely immersed in blood thirst and black rage, seemed to have been successfully saved. 】

[At the same time, the horrific scene of Sanguinius being brutally murdered by Horus seemed to suddenly appear in the depths of your eyes, and an extreme thirst for blood also arose within the entire huge body! 】

[You gritted your teeth tightly and used the tenacity of the original body to resist the blood thirst and black rage that you had not felt for a long time. 】

[And Lion King Ryan, who carefully observed the Blood Angels for a few times, slowly put away the power sword, drove the power armor and turned around and walked out. 】

[Soon after, when the four of you quickly left the interior of the huge castle, nine Blood Angels who had just regained their senses unexpectedly became a member of your team. 】

[You carried all the ammunition and supplies you found and returned to the interior of the camp, which is undergoing tremendous changes. 】

[The victory you achieved in just one day has made countless mortals feel extremely inspired to fight. 】

[You, Lion King Ryan and others did not rest long. 】

[After the nine Blood Angels took the panacea you brought out and successfully recovered from their internal injuries, they put on the new locally produced power armor again, and instantly became a highly effective offensive team. 】

[You and Lion Lion immediately led the Blood Angels team, as well as some mortals who could drive various vehicles, and started the first battle to regain Kamath. 】

[As countless cultists in each city were wiped out by you one by one, a large number of people who were still alive gradually bravely walked out of their hiding places and joined the huge team with Lion King Ryan as their propaganda banner. 】

[And when all the cities on Kamaz are almost recovered, you start to search everywhere for a huge ship that can leave this planet with the help of the only mechanical sage. 】

[During this period, according to Zabril’s little suggestion and your careful preparation, ten mortal lion guards who were injected with super soldier potion to strengthen their physical strength and even put on mortal power armor became Lion King Ryan’s honor guard. . 】

[Even though Lion Lion clearly expressed his rejection, under the repeated persuasion of countless mortal people and Zabriel, he had no choice but to accept this group of mortal Lion Guards who were far more loyal than the inner ring. 】

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(End of this chapter)

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