Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 901 Crazy Foresight and War Blacksmith Hong Suo!

Chapter 901 Crazy Foresight and War Blacksmith Hong Suo!

Rorschach slowly opened his eyes.

And Titus and Tiberus who stood under the metal throne also immediately woke up.

Rorschach did not blame others for the death of the simulated body.

He just chose the strengthening reward of the original body organ immediately after quickly reading all the marked content on the simulator page.

Because Luo Xia wanted to see if he could use the special power he obtained this time to completely recover his huge body that could only move a little.


The next moment, Rorschach couldn't help but frown.

An extremely strong tingling sensation burst out from the depths of his brain, forcing him to let out a muffled groan.

After tens of seconds, all the discomfort quickly disappeared.

Rorschach, who blinked his eyelids back and forth, didn't seem to notice anything different.

However, when he concentrated his gaze on Titus and Tiberus who were waiting for the Primarch to speak under the metal throne.

Pictures of psychic predictions that Rorschach couldn't control on his own kept appearing in his field of vision!
Rorschach vaguely saw a taller and stronger Captain Titus launching a battle charge among countless broken corpses of Astartes.

A green-skinned orc with teeth and claws followed behind him instead.

Together with Titus, they launched continuous long-range attacks towards a mechanical giant whose size was comparable to that of an emperor-level titan, but whose overall shape and structure were completely different.

On the tragic battlefield farther away.

The wild wolf Rorschach, who was holding a blood-red axe, was joining forces with Sef Rorschach, who was holding a white tiger sword. They were having an extremely fierce battle with another burly figure. The three of them were surrounded by Aspens from various battle groups. Tate.

At this moment, the psychic prediction screen belonging to Captain Titus suddenly changed.

A group of Ultramarines, led by Titus himself, were moving back and forth beneath the terrifying figures of a large number of moving hives.

The mutants who were releasing different superpowers launched continuous energy bombardment towards Titus and the others.

If only so.

The fleeting psychic vision did not surprise Rorschach.

However, the state of Titus in the precognition screen was obviously not normal. He looked more like a demon prince who had surrendered to the forces of chaos!

At this moment, Luo Xia couldn't help turning his eyes.

The psychic foreseeing picture from Tiberus also quickly appeared.

Surrounded by countless Tyranid sword-gun worms, there are a large number of broken corpses of the shark Astartes on the surrounding ground.

The body is obviously larger, and Tiberus, who has been shattered between the Vibranium Terminator armor shells, seems to be in a desperate situation.

The opponent subconsciously clenched two lightning power claws with broken claw blades.

Launched the final battle charge towards more than a dozen new Tyranid Zergs that had never been seen before!

Immediately afterwards, the psychic prediction picture changed again.

Tiberus, with an extremely dignified expression, was facing the double siege of the wild wolf Rorschach and Sephroschach.

There seems to be an irreconcilable conflict between the two sides, which can only end with the death of one side as a tragic price.

In the next second, Tiberus, who had transformed into a demon prince, led the Chaos Shark, whose body had undergone a lot of mutations, into a hive city.

Started to launch a horrible killing ceremony towards countless people around.

At this moment, countless good or bad future pictures are constantly filling Rorschach's mind.

It also made him completely lose the basic judgment of truth and falsehood!

In the end, Rorschach, who closed his eyes forcefully, forcibly turned off the invisible switch of the psychic prediction ability with his will, only to temporarily end the seemingly endless psychic prediction!
"Now I finally know why Koz became so crazy. If I have to face this situation all the time, I will go crazy sooner or later..."

"I can forcibly turn off the psychic foreseeing ability, but Curz can't control it at all. He can only bear this pain passively."

At this moment, Luo Xia who slowly opened his eyes thought silently.

Afterwards, he turned his gaze and asked Tiberus and Titus about their experience.

As expected, the other party was sent to an imperial fleet dedicated to tracking the whereabouts of midnight ghosts, just as Rorschach expected.

It was even their subsequent gang-jumping tactics that caused the unexpected tragedy of the death of Rorschach's simulated body.

However, Rorschach only asked Titus and Tiberus a few words, and let them leave the private palace temporarily.

It's like Rorschach never believed in the future pictures brought about by the ability to predict the psychic power.

The more you care about some things, the more likely it will happen, until everything becomes an unchangeable ending.



A series of huge light spears with extremely bright rays of light continuously bombarded out from the weapon array of the huge metal ship.

After drawing lines of visual remnants in the icy void, they landed heavily on the layers of void shields that were stretched out with all their strength.

Right now, Rorschach's Scourge Legion fleet has just been ambushed by dozens of Iron Warriors gangs on the void route of the Limit Star Field.

These traitors, who unfortunately lost their genetic father, finally tracked down the Scourge.

Countless Chaos Astartes, led by Chaos Sorcerers and War Blacksmiths, couldn't wait to launch a crazy operation towards the huge fleet to snatch Perturabo.

And the large number of Astartes descendants belonging to Rorschach also quickly displayed their fighting style.

Or they launched riskier gang-jumping operations against the Chaos fleet, such as the Dalian of the White Shark and the Dalian of the Silver Skull.

Or they could set up an ambush trap inside the huge ship, waiting for more Chaos Astartes to join their gangs, such as the Blood Ravens and the Ultramarines.

As for the Great Company of the Black Templars and the Great Company of the Space Wolves, they remained on hold to prevent other problems from occurring during the entire engagement.

Over time.

One after another frigate or small ship belonging to the two fleets exploded and sank.

A dense number of ancient landing craft and jumping torpedoes took the huge risk of countless laser arrays and light spear bombardments to shuttle back and forth between the fleets, launching a series of jumping gang operations.

After Rorschach's flagship was also successfully invaded by a large number of jumping teams led by the war blacksmith Suo Hong himself.

Slowly condensing a battle shadow clone, Rorschach immediately led the five giant crow guards to behead the war blacksmith Hong Suo.

As long as this Hong Suo, who is the soul of the Iron Warrior, dies.

Even if the entire fleet will be pursued and intercepted by the Iron Warriors in the future.

But the chaotic warband, which has greatly lacked cohesion, is just a mess after all!

 thanks for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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