Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 900 The Justice of Vision Control Officer Konrad Koz!

Chapter 900 Vision Control Organ—Konrad Koz’s Justice!
[In an instant, the giant shadow crows flitted back and forth over the huge body of Midnight Haunter, their sharp claws took away piece after piece of armor wreckage and flesh and blood fragments. 】

[Even if the opponent has a strong physique at the level of the original body, they cannot resist your terrorist attack after releasing the subspace essence again. 】

[Just tens of seconds later, the Midnight Haunter, whose whole body was almost covered with countless tragic wounds, landed heavily on the metal floor, making a dull roar. 】

【Your huge body also instantly condensed from the storm of crows that has not yet dissipated, and stood directly in front of the midnight wandering spirit. 】

【You leaned down slightly, and with a huge palm, you lifted the badly injured Midnight Haunted Curz to your face. 】

【You stared at the other party's dark eyes with your blood-red eyes, and said in a low tone. 】

【"Brother, do you still think that you will die in the hands of the Callidus assassin? As long as I move my finger casually, you will die in front of me! Therefore, your paranoid thoughts about psychic prophecy have nothing to do with it. Meaning! Give me a little sober!"]

[Your voice just fell. 】

【The Midnight Haunted, whose pale face was covered with fine wounds, suddenly laughed. 】

【He said to you in a low voice. 】

【"My brother, do you know what fate is?"】

【"I swear to you in the name of the emperor, even if I cannot resist, you will not be able to kill me this time no matter what!"】

【"Hehe, maybe when I meet you next time, I will definitely devote [-]% of my energy to entertaining you well!"】

[You heard the ridicule and explanation of the current situation from the Midnight Haunter. 】

【You immediately recalled the memory of death when you first faced Curz. 】

【You took a deep breath, and slowly raised the mysterious magic sword tightly held in the other palm. 】

[You have already made the important decision to completely kill the Midnight Haunter. 】

[You subconsciously revealed a bloody grin from the corner of your mouth, and you slowly pierced the sharp tip of the mysterious magic sword into the huge body of Konrad Kotz. 】

【Your blood-red gaze is meeting the cold gaze of Midnight Haunted, as if both of you want to draw each other's appearance deep in your mind. 】

[You can clearly feel that the sharp blade that is being drawn is only a very short distance from the opponent's two hearts. 】

[As long as you push a little harder, even the Primarch will die on the spot! 】


[However, at this time, the sudden violent shock and terrifying roar inside the ship made you subconsciously turn your gaze. 】

【At the moment when you were slightly distracted. 】

[A fist landing craft that is continuously releasing heat-melting beams to melt the metal bulkhead quickly penetrated the thick deck diagonally above. 】

[The heavy and huge metal hull almost contained a large amount of metal wreckage and molten liquid, and hit your huge body heavily! 】

【And held in your palm, the Midnight Haunter, who is only one step away from death, took the opportunity to break away from your shackles and deadly threats. 】

【Your whole body was rubbed against the metal floor for a certain distance by the incomparably huge impact force, and then you were forcibly hit into the metal bulkhead that was deforming and twisting! 】

[You were forcibly knocked out of the liberated form of the subspace essence by the landing craft. 】

【You can clearly feel a large amount of pale golden blood splashing out from your huge body. 】

[A large amount of metal debris and the hot melt beam that has not been turned off not only penetrated your adamantine power armor, but also forcibly destroyed the two hearts and other vital organs in your body! 】

[You seem to have seen Conrad Curz, the midnight wandering spirit who just landed gently from mid-air, staring at your direction and showing a twisted smile full of sadness. 】

【Even he himself didn't think that the so-called fate would use this method to solve the problems you caused in order to let him embark on the established path. 】

[Your breathing rhythm slows down. 】

[You can vaguely see a large number of Astartes rushing out from the interior of the landing craft in your gradually dimmed vision. 】

【You seem to hear the familiar roars belonging to Titus and Tiberus from the crowd. 】

【You seem to have accidentally died at the hands of your own people. 】

[Your vague consciousness is breaking away from your huge body. 】

【You slowly exhaled your last breath, and lowered your head helplessly. 】

【you are dead. 】

[This simulation is over, and the time spent is unknown. 】

[The reserved options for this simulation are as follows. 】

【[-]. Adamantite Power Armor——Dark King (Primitive Body)】

[Note: "This is a gift carefully prepared by the planetary governor of Nostramo, the star of the eternal night, for the midnight wandering soul Konrad Koz, but the gift has not been sent yet, and the planetary governor died at the Ninth Congress In the assassination operation personally planned by the noble family."]

[Note: "This set of power armor is much stronger than the ordinary Primarch power armor in terms of defense alone. This may be due to the huge increase brought by the special fine gold produced by Nostramo, and Due to the destruction of the Eternal Night Star, the Nostramo Adamantite has become a precious mineral in legends, and perhaps some ancient weapons and equipment of similar materials can be found in the many war gangs of the Night Lord.”]

[Note: "In addition to the basic functions, the rest of the functions of the power armor have not been fully developed. If we can find a great sage of the Mechanic Order who is proficient in casting and transformation, perhaps the complete original body-level power armor can bloom in a different way." The brilliance."]

[Note: "'Hey, nine ways, I have nine ways to kill you!'——The mentally insane Conrad Koz whispered."]

[[-]. The Broken Lightning Power Claw - Mercy and Forgiveness (Original Body)]

[Note: "This is a pair of precision lightning power claws used by Primarch Konrad Koz all the year round, which was damaged due to the fierce confrontation with Primarch Brother Rorschach."]

[Note: "The origin and origin of this pair of weapons are very mysterious. Midnight Haunter has never revealed it to the outside world, but judging from the collision and fight between the power claw and other original body weapons, its material itself is not weak, maybe it is It is cast from the special adamantine essence produced by Nostramo, the star of the eternal night.”]

[Mark: "In fact, even the names that this pair of lightning-powered claws now have are only called by the descendants of the Night Lords Legion. How the Primarch himself views it is still unknown. To a certain extent, The name of the sidearm called Mercy and Forgiveness seems to be a great irony for Midnight Haunter himself, and the number of innocent civilians who died at his hands is simply too numerous to count."]

[Mark: "'...But I never thought that there is a Primarch brother who cares so much about my fate. Father, I owe 22 my life, and I will find a way to pay him back!' The statue of the emperor made of flesh and blood, Konrad Curz, who was complaining aggrievedly, slowly raised his pale face with a gradually resolute expression and continued."]

[[-]. Vision Control Organ—Konrad Kotz’s Justice (Primitive)]

[Note: "This is the original body organ that was taken out from the inside of the skull by the midnight wandering soul before being assassinated by the Callidus assassin. He accidentally glimpsed a glimpse of the future through the compulsive psionic predictive ability, and decided to serve as the emperor. And you, brother Primarch, left a gift of redemption."]

[Note: "It seems to have been strengthened and blessed by the emperor."]

[Note: "Its existence will allow you to gradually gain the powerful prediction ability of the midnight wandering soul itself, but since this is the organ tissue of the original body itself, the effect of the spiritual prediction is too amazing, you are very It is difficult to completely control it, and it is even easy to embark on the original self-destructive path of Konrad Kotz. Simply under the double blessings of the Emperor and the Midnight Haunter, you can choose to turn on or turn off the ability of spiritual prophecy, but every time Both the turn-on and turn-off intervals require long recovery times."]

[Mark: "'Brother, perhaps in your impression, death is a frightening thing, but in my opinion, the pain of death and the torture of justice are not worth mentioning, so don't compromise, because Justice will never compromise!' A tall and slender vague figure stood in front of the golden throne, he said slowly with his back turned in your direction."]

[Note: "...I vaguely heard the roar of the giant wolf, the roar of the lion, child, go find him, he should also wake up from his deep sleep, the empire now needs his coming." You whispered in your sleep. 】

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(End of this chapter)

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