Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 896 The King of Darkness and the Night Haunter: Konrad Koz (7)

Chapter 896 The Dark Lord and the Night Haunter: Conrad Koz ([-])
[As if you were teleporting, you performed Shadow Step in countless dark shadows. 】

【The mysterious magic sword you held tightly in your palm suddenly swung over, and fought with the midnight wandering spirit Konrad Koz who reacted extremely quickly. 】

[At the moment of lightning and flint, two lightning-powered claws named Mercy and Forgiveness forcibly parried the mysterious magic sword that was slashed at the head, and the dazzling sparks and shock waves from a large number of collisions swept towards the surroundings! 】

[At this moment, the balance between the two sides gnashing their teeth is gradually tilting towards you. 】

[Only relying on the pure strength between the flesh, the midnight wandering soul Curz is not your opponent. 】

【You just wanted to drive the gold power armor to step up and completely enter the close range of the opponent. 】

[Midnight Haunter, who is experienced in fighting Primarchs, immediately raised a huge magnetic boot covered in thick armor, and almost instantly attacked your chest and abdomen! 】

【Your eyes are fixed on Curz's shadowy face. 】

【Your other huge hand clenched into an iron fist of gold, wrapped in a huge force, and fell down with a bang, hitting the opponent's legs, feet and knees heavily, and forced the opponent's entire huge body to take a few steps back! 】


[At this moment, Curz, the benevolent and forgiving midnight ghost, swiped his hands back and forth, and a gloomy sneer appeared on his face. 】

【He quickly changed his battle plan of confronting you head-on, but quickly displayed a stealth skill that is not weaker than Corax, allowing the entire huge body to completely dive into the depths of the shadows that are everywhere around you! 】

[But you didn't experience any negative emotional changes, and the entire huge body became active again after just adjusting the fighting mentality. 】

[Because the pitch-black shadow covering the space of hundreds of meters is basically your extended sensory tentacles. 】

[You can even clearly perceive the huge body of the midnight wandering spirit moving back and forth in countless dark shadows! 】

[You suddenly drove the fine gold power armor to cast a shadow step towards the edge of the shadow hundreds of meters away. 】

【Your huge body has just floated above the ground, and the mysterious magic sword held tightly in the huge palm bombarded the space in front of you with an ear-piercing scream. 】

【Ding Ding Ding! 】

[In an instant, the huge body of the midnight wandering soul Curz was interrupted by you, and he had to emerge from the depths of the shadows. 】

[Two lightning-powered claws wrapped in azure blue disintegrating force fields suddenly lifted upwards, and violently collided with your mysterious magic sword again and again! 】

【Pfft! 】

【Your huge body wearing the fine gold power armor suddenly lowered a lot, and the two magnetic boots stomped back and forth on the ground, making a loud roar. 】

【You seem to have vaguely grasped the habits and flaws in the opponent's offensive moves based on your past combat experience. 】

[The mysterious magic sword you held tightly in your huge palm suddenly changed its swinging direction, and the sharp blade flashing with cold light quickly passed through the lightning-powered claws that had just been separated by the midnight wandering soul, Curz, and forcibly inserted into the opponent's Shoulder deep! 】

【However, at this time, the gloomy-eyed midnight wandering soul, Curz, doesn't seem to care about the injury in front of him, or the previous attack is a trap deliberately prepared for you! 】

[The next moment, two lightning power claws that suddenly crossed the black shadow also penetrated the thick shell of the fine gold power armor one after another, piercing deeply into your waist and abdomen! 】


[You couldn't help but let out a roar that resounded all around. 】

【Your eyes turned blood red from the stimulation of the injury. 】

[One of your huge magnetic boots suddenly lifted up, and it hit the midnight wandering soul Curz's breastplate heavily, and also let the opponent who flew backwards take the opportunity to lurk again and escape into the shadows! 】

【Now you can clearly perceive the stinging process of the serious injury caused by the power claw is gradually recovering, but you can no longer perceive any movements of the midnight wandering soul Curz. 】

[You turned your cold eyes with murderous intent back and forth, and then suddenly absorbed the pitch-black shadow covering a radius of several hundred meters back into your huge body! 】

[At the same time, you suddenly raised your thick arms, completely scattered the shadow clones formed by the condensed black shadows on the surrounding ground, and let them quickly launch a continuous wave into the surrounding air Continuous violent bombardment! 】


[A shadowy shadow clone faintly touched an invisible huge body with the shadow sickle. 】

[Coz, the midnight wandering spirit who had just raised Mercy and Forgiveness to parry, was forcibly interrupted from his stealth state again. 】

[You didn't wait for the other party to fully react, the shadow clone that was still dissipating was completely replaced by your huge body by the sudden shadow step, and the countless shadow clones around also suddenly changed their attack direction, quickly Surrounded you and Koz! 】

[The mysterious magic sword that you held tightly in your palm swept across towards the waist of the midnight wandering soul Curz, and a shadow hammer was instantly condensed from a large number of dark shadows in the other huge palm, and it was heavily aimed at midnight wandering. The ground where Soul was about to dodge fell to the ground! 】

【"Ho ho ho—"】

【However, the midnight wandering soul, Curz, who seemed to be flickering with psychic energy fluctuations in the depths of his gloomy eyes, let out an extremely deep and sarcastic laugh. 】

【He seems to have predicted your next move in advance. 】

【The other party shook violently, its huge body turned back and forth on the spot. 】

[A scarlet cloak wrapped in a stench made a rattling sound in mid-air, temporarily blocking your attacking sight. 】

【But at this moment, you, who reacted more quickly, quickly dissipated the shadow hammer condensed in the huge palm, and then spread your five fingers and grabbed the scarlet cloak belonging to the midnight wandering soul Curze! 】

【"Kurz, do you know why few other Primarch brothers wear capes or cloaks on the battlefield?" You suddenly grinned and growled at the midnight ghost who subconsciously turned his head. 】

【You suddenly let out a piercing roar that resounded through the entire night sky. 】

【In an instant, you gathered all the strength in your body, and forcibly danced the Midnight Haunter bound on the other end of the scarlet cloak into the air like a rag doll! 】


【Midnight Haunting Curz's huge body was smashed onto the broken ground by you with all your strength, and a very eye-catching human-shaped shattered pit fell out of it. 】

[You didn't even wait for the other party to react, you danced the other party's whole body into the air again, and then quickly swung to another place between the ground! 】

 thanks for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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