Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 895 The King of Darkness and the Night Haunter: Konrad Koz (6)

Chapter 895 The Dark Lord and the Night Haunter: Conrad Koz ([-])

[At this moment, you are obviously surprised and puzzled by the attitude shown by the prince of crows Sevita. 】

[The other party clearly looked loyal before death, but after your shadow scythe was placed on the neck, the other party's whole person instantly changed into a different face. 】

【Boom boom boom—】

[However, at this time, you haven't had time to do anything to the other party. 】

[One after another whirlwind missiles piercing the night sky and a metal storm formed by a large number of solid bullets suddenly swept towards your huge body! 】

[In the face of such intense firepower, even you have to immediately drive the pure gold power armor to jump hundreds of meters away! 】

[And Prince Sevita, the prince of crows lying in the wreckage of the building, also took the opportunity to drive the Terminator armor, and quickly disappeared into the shadow of the building! 】

【dong dong dong-】

[At this time, hundreds of tarantula sentry guns with mechanical limbs moving back and forth, surrounded by hundreds of midnight lords, quickly surrounded the dilapidated street where you are. 】

【Just when you intend to turn your entire huge body into a terrifying storm of crows once again to completely eliminate these midnight lords. 】

[Among the countless tall figures, a Midnight Lord commander holding a strange sword temporarily attracted your attention. 】

【"Wait, I seem to smell the stench of chaos... That long sword must be a magic sword inhabited by demons! Hmph, another guy who doesn't know how to live or die!"]

[The cold killing intent on your bronzed face gradually permeated, and wisps of pitch-black shadows quickly wrapped around your huge body! 】

[If you say that you have a bit of a heart for the crow prince Sevtar just now, and you have given the black armored guards led by the opponent a kind of respect that the Astartes deserve. 】

[Then face the strange Astartes who has been corrupted by chaos for an unknown amount of time in the field of vision. 】

[As the original body, the only thing you can give to the other party is the destruction and killing that contains anger! 】

【Your two huge palms condense two shadow sickles one after another. 】

[You activated the adamantine power armor without hesitation, and launched a terrifying battle charge towards the densely packed midnight lords! 】

【The strands of jet-black shadows continuously escaping from your body seem to drag a huge shadow cloak behind your huge body! 】


[At this moment, every tarantula sentry gun and Midnight Lord have launched a long-range attack on you. 】

[However, the storm of countless metal bullets and the flames of explosive bombs were completely blocked by the shadow armor that you condensed in an instant, and the terrifying firepower that was enough to stop the armor formation from advancing could not hurt you at all! 】

【"I finally found you! You damn executioner!"】

["Countless resentful spirits of the Skolywok family will forever curse you! As the only survivor of the family, I, the tattooed Earl Jando Skolywok, ​​will definitely kill you, this monster, with my sword!" 】

[In an instant, the commander of the Night Lords, Earl Graves, who holds the mysterious magic sword, quickly moved towards you and let out a roar that resounded through the night sky of the battlefield. 】

【He even forcibly broke through the obstruction of many Astartes guards, and drove the power armor to launch a not-so-slow battle charge! 】

[You, who are repeatedly slaughtering the Night Lord Astartes, also vaguely understand the identity of the other party. 】

[He must be one of the noble descendants who entered the Night Lords Legion from Nostramo. 】

[At the moment of lightning and flint, you suddenly stopped the heavy magnetic boots that kept rushing forward. 】

[The Shadow Scythe dancing back and forth once again chopped dozens of midnight lords, including the power armor, into countless broken corpses and scattered them on the surrounding ground! 】

【Boom! 】

【The mysterious magic sword held tightly in the palm of the tattooed count suddenly collided with your shadow sickle! 】

[You can clearly feel that the mysterious magic sword is rapidly absorbing part of your shadow power, trying to strengthen the evil power residing in the sword body! 】

【Without hesitation, you completely dissipated the sickle of shadow in your palm, and grabbed a thick arm of the tattooed earl with only a huge palm with five fingers spread out! 】


[You suddenly split into fast-moving shadow clones from the inside of your huge body. 】

[A handful of jet-black shadows condensed into power claws penetrated the tall body of the tattooed earl, constantly destroying the opponent's tenacious vitality! 】


【However, at this time, a dangerous premonition far beyond the past has continuously stimulated your beast instinct, causing your entire huge body to subconsciously slam into the face of the tattooed earl! 】

[The next second, you can clearly feel that the extremely cold power claw blades forcibly penetrated your adamantine power armor, leaving a series of terrifying wounds on your broad back that almost penetrated into the bones of your spine! 】


【You couldn't help but let out a deafening roar from your mouth. 】

[One after another incomparably illusory shadow clones suddenly bombarded from around your huge body in all directions, and also caused the huge figure that was moving around in mid-air to fall sideways heavily! 】

[Almost at the same time, your huge palm had pinched the tattooed earl, who had not yet died completely, and crushed the opponent's entire head in the palm of your hand with terrifying force! 】

[The other huge palm you waved happened to catch the mysterious magic sword dropped by the tattooed Earl suddenly. 】

["I didn't remember that I had a primarch brother like you. Who are you, the emperor's bastard son?!" A familiar hoarse voice slowly sounded in your ears. 】

[At this moment, there was a dull sound as the magnetic boots landed heavily on the ground. 】

[A huge body covered with a foul-smelling scarlet cloak, and a black-blue Primarch-level powered armor 'Nightmare Cloak' covered with countless shriveled fingers and withered human heads appeared for the first time in your field of vision. ! 】

[And the other party is the genetic father of the Night Lords of the Eighth Legion, one of the rebel Primarchs, midnight wandering soul Konrad Curz! 】

["Then I will let you get to know me today, my dear brother Primarch!"]

【You subconsciously clenched the mysterious magic sword that suddenly became very submissive in your palm. 】

[You show a slightly nervous grin to Conrad Koz who is not far away. 】

[In the next second, countless dark shadows blooming from your huge body completely enveloped all the space within a radius of several hundred meters! 】

 thanks for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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