Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 889 Massacre and the Black Temple Dalian!

"Hehe, I have always believed that belief and religion are slowly evaporating deadly poisons, but today's human empire simply cannot heal the poison, so I am also learning how to control the state religion, hoping to shape it into one that I can use in the future. instrument of faith."

"But I never thought of it anyway."

"There was an accidental deviation in a group of beliefs, but the extremely pious Black Templar would think that Guilliman is a heretic, and I don't know how my brother Primarch will evaluate it when he finds out?"

"I haven't noticed any signs of chaos and corruption here, so it means that this is the heartfelt decision of you traitors?"

"Well, I will allow the traitors among you to take up melee weapons to resist me. If anyone doesn't want to die, then just stand still!"

In an instant, a huge body formed by wisps of dark shadows re-condensed appeared in front of dozens of black temples.

Rorschach, who had an extremely cold expression on his face, also said calmly to the people in front.

"Space Demon! How dare you pretend to be Lord Regent of the Dark Side!"

"Battle brothers, take up your weapons and prepare to fight!"

However, at this time, the Lord of Beonosberg, whose expression changed suddenly, turned the bolter pointed at the recruits to Rorschach's direction first.

At the same time, the opponent who was driving the power armor backward also roared loudly at the surrounding people.

Rorschach, who had an extremely keen sense, quickly noticed every small movement of the Black Templar.

He sighed first, then shook his head.

An extremely strong murderous intent burst out from the depths of those black eyes composed of countless dark shadows!
"Hmph, a bunch of lifeless bastards!"

Rorschach let out a cold snort, and suddenly transformed the entire shadow clone into a storm of crows that could engulf the arsenal.

Every terrifying giant crow condensed by the power of shadows surrounded with roaring sound, and the heavy bombardment penetrated any black temple that took up weapons!

In fact, facing the psionic power of the Primarch level, the Black Templar, which had already revoked the think tank unit, had no resistance at all.

In just a few seconds, dozens of broken corpses of the black temple were scattered on the metal floor and many weapons and equipment like a rain of blood.

At this moment, with the return of countless shadow crows, they gradually condensed into Rorschach's huge body.

Apart from the recruit from the Black Templar, the only one still standing on the ground was the Lord Beonosberg who was trying to instigate a rebellion!
"Primarch...Master Primarch!"

Beonosberg, who was obviously showing fear, knelt down on one knee towards Rorschach in front of him with a very stiff movement.

The bolter that was tightly held in the opponent's palm also inadvertently broke away from the shackles of his fingers, and landed heavily on the blood-stained metal floor!

"Recruit, as the Primarch, I need to tell you one thing, that is, these Black Templars who participated in the rebellion, and this traitorous castellan master cannot represent the true will of the Black Templars. In my memory, the Black Templars Tang has always been an Astartes battle group that is extremely devout to the emperor's beliefs, and may be a little ignorant in some behaviors, but never retreats!"

"I still remember those black templar brothers who launched a battle charge against the Alpha-level psykers with me, and the countless expeditionary fleets that penetrated into the dark side of the empire are resisting the attacks of many alien and chaotic forces with great difficulty! "

"So, I hope you can remember everything that happened today, and gradually realize the tenacity and charm of the Black Templar in the future, and become a real Black Templar!"

"Recruit, in the name of the Primarch, I order you to draw your melee weapon and cut off the head of this traitor!"

Rorschach's deep voice slowly echoed in the bloody air around him.

Standing among the broken corpses of countless battle brothers, the black templar recruit who had quietly listened to the Primarch's lecture drew out his power sword without hesitation.

The opponent violently drove the power armor, and slashed heavily at the Beonosberg master who wanted to stand up and resist!

Only tens of seconds later, the Black Templar recruit successfully chopped off the traitor's head and sent it to Rorschach himself.

And Luo Xia, who nodded slightly, also raised a huge palm and patted the opponent's thick shoulder armor heavily to show encouragement.

Next, Rorschach, who reappeared a huge figure inside the ship, led the Black Templar recruits holding the traitor's head tightly, and embarked on the road to the upper cabin.

Wait until Rorschach sees the frowning Marshal Angvian again.

However, he suddenly cast a shadow step towards the opponent, and blasted Marshal Angvian, who was wearing Terminator power armor, away with one kick!
"Angvian, as the marshal of this expeditionary fleet, you should not have been unaware that there has been a crisis of faith within the battle group. You neither chose to kill the leader on the spot, nor did you choose to try to solve the problem. , but let this kind of wrong belief and concept spread everywhere among the Astartes!"

"From now on, I will completely deprive you of all your military positions and honors in the name of the Regent of the Dark Side! The group of Primaris Astartes who just arrived and the rest of the veterans who did not participate in the rebellion will be taken away by me." Go, you will also join my Scourge as a redeemer, and bear the consequences for all the losses you personally caused!"

At this moment, Rorschach with a bad expression gave the order without any room for refutation.

And Angvian, who just got up from the metal floor, could only lower his head with a heavy expression, and slowly knelt down in front of the Primarch.

In fact, Angvian did not think of ways to solve the belief problem within the expeditionary force in the past.

But he did underestimate the speed with which false beliefs could spread among the Astartes and the great harm it would entail.

Not long after, the Primaris Astartes, who had just arrived inside the expeditionary fleet, once again prepared a transfer plan.

And Rorschach, who tried to lure a Forbidden Army tribune back to the army, finally chose to give up this idea.

These elite warriors who only belonged to the Emperor are all stubborn stones, no wonder even Chaos has difficulty corrupting their will.

So far, the prayer support of Rorschach and the five giant Raven Guards has temporarily ended.

He relied on the large portal opened by five Golden Throne coins to bring the Black Templar Expeditionary Army fleet back to the legion in its entirety.

After the returning Rorschach had a meeting with Tiberus and others.

Dalian, which belongs to the Black Temple, was officially established within the Scourge.

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