Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 888 Rebellion from within!

As the torchbearer fleet continues to approach the meeting point.

Two strike cruisers and eleven sword-class frigates appeared on the void route ahead, plus an expeditionary fleet composed of several large transport and supply ships.

This is also the Black Templar Expeditionary Army that has been fighting in this star area for decades under the leadership of Marshal Angvian.

Soon after, after several communications and messages were passed within the fleets of both sides, they finally launched a rendezvous operation towards a coordinate in the cold void.

Marshal Angvian was also temporarily notified of the important news that the dark side Regent Rorschach had arrived at the Torchbearer Fleet.

For the time being, Rorschach didn't see what kind of danger everyone would encounter, nor did he perceive the fluctuation of chaotic psychic energy.

Therefore, he planned to follow the Custodes tribunes escorting the Primaris Astartes and board the opponent's fleet to see if he could successfully take away all the Black Templars.

After all, the Black Templars who bear the name of Black Orcs are Astartes who are extremely religious and very powerful in combat. It is most suitable to be his descendants of Rorschach.

in the next period of time.

The transport ships in the Torchbearer Fleet first docked with a strike cruiser as a landing platform.

Rorschach and the Custodian Tribune, leading the five Giant Raven Guards, also entered the expeditionary ship for the first time.

dong dong dong-

Everyone just stepped onto the metal deck.

Under the gazes of countless mortal servants who are either numb or curious.

An ancient Terminator wearing a black and white painting on a tall body, and a black marshal of the templar wearing a gold-rimmed white robe on the armored shell immediately stepped forward.

The other party knelt on one knee to Rorschach and the Guards Tribune in the shadow clone state, expressing their loyalty.

However, Rorschach, whose psychic perception became more acute, also vaguely noticed it.

When the grey-bearded Marshal Angvian faced the current clone of the Primarch and several giant Raven Guards that were far larger than the Astartes, the other party obviously showed some fleeting hesitation.

And it seems to be aware of the vague emotions of the original body, or want to make a good impression in front of the original body.

Marshal Angevian stood up slowly and said in a deep voice to the people in front of him.

Although he had heard of the famous name of the original body Rorschach in various intelligence information.

But if there were no imperial guards standing aside to endorse his identity, he really wouldn't dare to confirm that Rorschach in front of him was the real Primarch and Lord Regent of the Dark Side.

And in the face of the doubts obviously expressed by Marshal Angvian.

Rorschach couldn't help but took a deep breath, he could only explain that this was the ability of the Primarch he was experimenting with, and his real body was not here.

In fact, after the lack of suppression and connection at the bloodline level.

Undoubtedly, it made Rorschach's communication and trust with every Astarte more fragile.

And every time Rorschach faced the same experience.

He was increasingly nostalgic for the familiar scene of countless Astartes voluntarily kneeling to meet the Primarch in the past.

It didn't take long for Marshal Angevian, who was respectful, to complete a simple conversation with Rorschach and others.

The opponent immediately stepped forward to greet the original cast Astartes who were landing inside the ship.

At this moment, Rorschach, who was scanning his surroundings back and forth, suddenly expressed some doubts to the guard of the Imperial Guard who stood aside.

According to the information obtained by the Torchbearer Fleet.

There are less than a hundred Astartes veterans alive in this expeditionary fleet.

But apart from Marshal Angvian and several members of the guards, there were no other Astartes on the entire deck.

This was unusual for a Crusade force that was receiving large numbers of Primaris Astartes and welcoming the arrival of the Primarch.

Especially in the eyes of the extremely devout Black Templar.

As the heir of the Emperor, the Primarch is the Son of God. Every time he comes, he will be surrounded by many people, so he must see it in person no matter what.

At this moment, Rorschach, who subconsciously squinted his eyes, played with the black shadows dancing back and forth in the huge palm.

Although he still didn't perceive any fluctuations and aura of chaotic psionic energy.

But he still opened his mouth to remind the tribunes of the imperial army and the giant crow guard to be vigilant.

The next moment, after a large number of Primordial Astartes underwent personal inspection by Marshal Angvian, the silent people drove the power armor towards their cabins under the guidance of countless mortal servants.

And Marshal Angvian also turned around and invited Lord Primarch and the Tribunes of the Custodian Army to stay inside the ship temporarily to participate in the welcome ceremony of the Black Templar Expeditionary Force.

For this, Luo Xia, who was mentally prepared, agreed without any hesitation.

However, when everyone went to the upper cabin together.

Rorschach, who was in the shadow clone state, took the opportunity to send a secret communication to the tribune of the Imperial Army, asking the other party to hold back Marshal Angovian.

And he immediately cast a shadow step, walking silently in the entire interior of the ship.

Rorschach wanted to find out what happened to this expeditionary force as soon as possible.

Because he suspected that the danger of prayer support this time did not come from the outside world, but was within the Black Templar Expeditionary Army!
At this moment, Rorschach used the characteristics of the power of shadow.

The whole person looked around the huge ship like an invisible ghost.

It is precisely because of this.

He was able to find dozens of Black Templars who were preaching before the war in the ship's arsenal very smoothly.

"Brothers in battle, I have expressed serious protests to Marshal Angvian countless times. Those new guys are a bunch of unclean things. They are not worthy to fight with us. We are the great masterpiece of the Holy Emperor. , and the Primaris Astartes are nothing but Belisarius Caul's filthy creation!"

An Astartes veteran standing in the center growled in a low voice to the surrounding crowd.

The bolter and the power sword glowing with icy cold light are making subtle collision sounds at the waist of the opponent's power armor.

"The Son of Vengeance who allowed the creation of those unclean things is also an apostate. Guilliman is a heretic. He is still fighting for mankind, but the desire for the Golden Throne will eventually engulf him and make him Completely following in the footsteps of his primarch brother Horus! So we must stand up and resist and use our power to stop this blasphemy against the great God-Emperor!"

"Battle brothers, we will make those unclean things pay a heavy price, and make the Son of Vengeance regret all his decisions in the end!"

"Wait a minute, Lord Beornos! Hasn't the legendary regent of the dark side already arrived inside our fleet? Why don't we go find him to seek justice? I believe that this decisive and decisive primarch can definitely do it. Hear all our demands!"

At this moment, the Lord of Beonosberg, who had just tried to instigate a rebellion, just finished speaking.

A black templar who was clearly a recruit from the outside spoke immediately.

But the Lord of Beonosberg, whose expression became more and more grim, suddenly raised the bolter from the waist of the armor.

The dark gun muzzle is already pointed at the recruit's head!

However, at this time, a slightly gloomy and cold voice also temporarily interrupted the plot to kill between brothers.

"I want to see me?"

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