Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 883 Plague Ode: Murder of Father Yu (6)

To some extent, this final battle belonging to both sides has entered a state of intense madness from the very beginning.

For the demons of Nurgle, this Chaos Planet is now the last refuge they have not yet been destroyed by the expedition fleet.

If unfortunately defeated, it is not only the demons of Nurgle who will return to the depths of the warp.

And next time it would be difficult to obtain similar corrupted galaxies in the real universe.

For the Darkside Regent's expeditionary fleet.

If the disaster stars are successfully recovered by them, even if they can only be used to salvage minerals in the future, for today's human empire and Ultramar, it will be regarded as a great victory worthy of being deeply remembered by the people.

It can also let the countless imperial worlds that are struggling in the dark side of the empire see a sliver of hope, proving that the emperor and even the sons of gods on the golden throne have not given up on them.


When countless Nurgle demons fought back and forth with the Astartes.

Hundreds of extremely large demon engines suddenly appeared on the chaotic battlefield.

Teams of Primaris Terminator wearing new Terminator armor immediately stepped forward with heavy firepower weapons, and took on the difficult task of beheading the demon engine.

More than a dozen formations of Leman Rus tanks also quickly turned their pitch-black muzzles, and launched a continuous and violent bombardment towards the slow-moving demon engine.


However, at this moment, fine drizzle suddenly began to fall in the midair, which was originally covered with a large amount of green poisonous mist.

The light rain that followed quickly turned into a torrential downpour like a waterfall.

Countless heavy vehicles that were galloping on the battlefield fell into the smelly mud and became metal targets trapped in place, completely surrounded by a large number of Nurgle demons!

A large number of Death Guards also took the opportunity to step up their attack on the Astartes, causing the imperial army's position to shrink rapidly!

Boom boom boom!
In the next second, a huge figure towered like a mountain tens of meters high.

On the festering fat belly, the giggling Daemon Nurgle suddenly revealed a terrifying figure!
The other party was Father Yu Rotigues whom Rorschach had missed for a long time!

"Well, I guess Kugath must have cried to his loving father in the garden. It still can't join this happy battlefield. It can only hug and cry with that big moth, remembering why it didn't listen to my advice back then. gone."

The grinning Rainfather Rotigues stared at the imperial troops that were temporarily defeated by the sour rain.

It couldn't help but let out an extremely low murmur from its big mouth covered with herpes.


However, at this moment, a drop of acid rain that quickly condensed into crystal clear ice slags suddenly fell on Father Rain's fat face, causing the other party to be slightly taken aback.

"Ice? How is this possible..."

Just when the father of the rain, Rotigues, had some doubts about the sudden drop in temperature.

Layers of icy aura like turbulent waves struck from a distance in an instant!
In just a moment, countless Nurgle demons trampled in the smelly muddy water and the huge rain cloud covering hundreds of kilometers around were completely frozen!
In the next second, there was a buzzing and whistling sound from the propulsion device.

A huge figure wearing a light golden vibrating gold power armor, holding a treasure box of ice on one of its huge palms, suddenly passed through the sky, and the whole person landed heavily in Father Rain's sight range!

"Hehe, another fat man, do you Nurgle miss me?"

At this moment, Rorschach, who was wearing a skull helmet, quickly took hold of the ice treasure box, and firmly aimed at the extremely huge Rain Father Rettigus!

Immediately afterwards, waves of freezing breath that was enough to plunge the entire planet into a world of ice and snow were instantly ejected from the inside.

It also completely froze the Great Demon Nurgle who was trying to charge Rorschach in battle!
In order to be able to target Father Yu, Rorschach specially asked for the native artifact, the Frost Treasure Box, from Reditus!
"Kaduron! It's your turn!"

Rorschach took a deep breath and immediately roared into the communication channel.

In an instant, as countless teleportation barriers reappeared.

Nearly fifty gray knights, led by the think tank Kaduron, instantly arrived around Father Rain, Rotigues, and surrounded the opponent's huge body heavily.

Afterwards, exorcism runes and sealing ritual tools quickly appeared in the huge palms of every gray knight.

And the uninterrupted chanting of prayers was also accompanied by a large amount of psionic energy fluctuations, completely covering the huge body of the Great Demon Nurgle!
dong dong dong-

At this moment, it seems that the unfortunate fall of Rainfather Rettigues has caused more Nurgle demons to completely fall into a state of rage.

A large number of Nurgle demons from other regions quickly appeared on the edge of the chaotic battlefield under the leadership of 77 Nurgle demons.

Rorschach, who was wearing a skull helmet, immediately turned his gaze.

He gazed at the Astartes battling the Death Guard legions in the distance.

He immediately issued an order to the five giant crow guards who had just arrived.

"You are in charge of guarding Father Rain Rotigues. If the other party is not sealed successfully, then you will expel it with the Gray Knights! If you really can't beat it, then hold it with your life and wait for me to come back!"

Rorschach's voice just fell.

He quickly activated the propulsion device behind the Zhenjin power armor.

The entire huge body suddenly rose from the ground, and after turning around, it flew towards the Nurgle Great Demon and Nurgle Demon who were approaching from the edge of the battlefield!

When Rorschach quickly arrived at the sky above the support troops composed of countless Nurgle demons.

One of his huge palms moved slightly, and waves of obviously weaker freezing breaths shot out from the ice treasure box, and scattered over the heads of a large number of Nurgle demons like cold magic!

The next moment, Rorschach, who suddenly emerged with the Dawnbringer Warhammer in his huge palm, began to use the frozen breath of the ice treasure box to imprison those Nurgle Great Demons who were more threatening.

His huge body also landed on the cold and hard ground, and he swung the Dawnbringer's hammer to smash one Nurgle after another into frozen residue!

roar roar-

At the same time, strands of fine broken lines faintly appeared inside the super-large ice block that enveloped Father Yu Rettigs.

More than 50 gray knights immediately accelerated the speed of chanting prayers and releasing spiritual energy.

And after the giant crow guards who had been guarding against this big demon Nurgle looked at each other, they all transformed into stronger giant forms in advance!
And taking advantage of the situation, from behind the specialized power armor that was undergoing a large amount of structural deformation, he drew out the power sword with both hands, and firmly locked the position of the flickering sword edge on the father of the rain, Rotigues, who seemed to be about to break free!

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