Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 882 Plague Ode: Murder of Father Yu (5)

The upper deck of the battle barge The Monster, inside the Primarch's personal sanctum.

Teams of automatic servo robots waving mechanical tentacles back and forth are on a dismantling platform, using a special liquid mixed with a large amount of disinfectant and holy water to wash the set of vibration gold power armor covered with countless broken flesh and blood.

On top of the metal throne, Rorschach, who was only wearing a set of casual clothes on his huge body, was listening to the increasingly burly Man Eater Shark Captain Tiberus reporting to him.

"Master Primarch, just judging from the current situation within the fleet."

"The unexpected appearance of the Geller Iron Plague has caused heavy losses to countless mortals. Among the hundreds of ships, large and small, there are at least a few strike cruisers, hundreds of sword-class frigates and cobra destroyers temporarily suspended, and the number is close to 300 million. The mortal crew and common servants had to be slaughtered by us ourselves."

"So far, there are still four battle barges and more than 20 strike cruisers, because there are a large number of priest brothers on board, which caused the Geller Iron Plague to be discovered before it had finished spreading. This is also a blessing among misfortunes. There is basically no loss in the number and combat effectiveness of Stat."

At this moment, Tiberus's deep words just fell.

The wings of his nose fluttered slightly, and Rorschach, who took a deep breath, narrowed his eyes subconsciously.

He stared at the Vibranium power armor being carefully cleaned with cold eyes without emotion, and then said to Tiberus below:
"Has the expedition fleet reached the point where it's broken? I don't think so."

"However, the loss of a large number of mortal crew members has caused considerable problems in the basic operation of some ships. Even if I let the production line inside the Hero Tower temporarily manufacture a large number of automatic servo robots, it is too late to fill more vacancies in combat positions. The chain reaction is that we temporarily lose the ability to destroy the Chaos planet with super-standard terrifying firepower, that is to say, the forces of Nurgle are forcing us to engage in landing battles on the ground with them."

"Since they want to experience the power of power swords and bolt guns so much, then let them be satisfied!"

"Tiberus, immediately inform the Ultramarines and their large quantum regiment, as well as the Astartes veterans in our legion, that the next six Chaos planets, we will use the old method to gnaw bit by bit go down!"

The indifferent Rorschach only lowered his head in thought for a moment, then issued a cruel order to Tiberus below.

Although Rorschach, who is the Primarch, really feels sorry for the battle losses of the Astartes.

But in the face of today's reality, and the only chance to completely expel Nurgle's forces from Ultramar.

He also had to show the primarch's inhuman side to his many sons.

Even Rorschach, who has successfully liberated a subspace essence, vaguely sensed it from countless psychic powers.

If he wants to successfully seal or expel Rainfather Rotigues, he must take the risk of stepping into the dragon's den and tiger's lair that Nurgle has prepared for him.

A few seconds later, Tiberus, who bowed and saluted, quickly drove the Terminator armor out of the private hall.

A familiar figure wearing a holy shield terminator on a tall body brushed past him, and then quickly came in front of Rorschach.

"The Gray Knights, the think tank Kaduron, see the Regent of the Dark Side, Lord Rorschach!"

"Well, it's been a long time, Kaduron, how is the big demon seal plan that I asked you to prepare secretly?"

Rorschach, whose eyelids were slightly closed, moved his huge body, and asked in a low tone.

Facing inquiries from the Primarch.

The confident Kaduron nodded and said:

"Lord Primarch, the nearly fifty combat brothers of the Seventh Brotherhood of the Gray Knights have made all preparations to seal the Great Demon Nurgle."

"Whether it is a large number of exorcism runes that can be arbitrarily activated by psychic energy or sealing ritual utensils, they have been successfully completed."

"Even just to be on the safe side, I also deliberately contacted those untouchables under your command. Although I finally confirmed that the untouchables named Deadpool have serious mental problems, as long as the other party does not perform abnormally, then I will treat you. The Golem played a huge suppressive role."

"Very well, I trust your judgment."

"Kaduron, let your gray knight brothers be ready for battle at any time. In the next battles, I will call you to play according to the timing."

At this moment, Rorschach who slowly opened his eyes said to the think tank Kaduron.

His icy eyes stared at the other party's entire body after completely leaving the field of vision, and then closed it again.

And just under the skin of his face that even Rorschach himself couldn't detect.

Wisps of dark red fine lines flashed inside.


boom boom-

The interior of the turbid atmosphere filled with green poisonous fog everywhere.

A landing module with thick shells and wisps of flames is rapidly descending towards the surface of the planet Chaos.

Now this chaotic planet that has been occupied by Nurgle demons for the longest time is the source of the complete corruption of the Scourge stars.

In fact, Rorschach's expeditionary fleet was designed to get to this point today.

The price of war had cost millions of mortals and fifteen hundred Astartes dead on the first six Chaos planets of the third system.

Bang bang bang!
At this moment, countless huge demon engines constantly adjusted the shooting angles, and the vicious shells fired exploded around a large number of landing pods.

Even if some unlucky landing pods were completely torn into metal wreckage by the explosive power, they still couldn't stop more and more landing pods from falling heavily from the sky to the ground!

dong dong dong-

In an instant, the Astartes who were armed with bolt guns and melee weapons, and even more heavy firepower drove the power armor and rushed out of the opened landing cabin.

They used the combat squad as the basic unit, and coordinated with each other to launch continuous firepower coverage towards all the Nurgle demons within the range of the eyepiece.

At the same time, some combat teams also quickly pushed forward to the surrounding area, clearing a wide enough landing field for the subsequent arrival of vehicle troops!

Not long after, it was just below the battlefield where countless corrupt shells and whirlwind missiles intersected each other.

With the emergence of a blue teleportation barrier.

Thousands of Land Raiders and Leman Rustanks came to the surface of the planet full of rotten swamps in an instant.

And as soon as they appeared, they mobilized the turrets immediately, joined the ferocious attack on countless Nurgle demons, and continued to cover large areas of Chaos enemies with extremely terrifying firepower!
At the same time, in those countless demons of Nurgle that came like a green tide.

A large number of Chaos Astartes from the Death Guard also faintly revealed extremely striking figures.

Under the strong cover of the demons of Nurgle, these traitors launched fierce attacks again and again against the many Astartes who were maintaining the front line with extremely ancient offensive tactics!

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