Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 841 Death of Ultron in Terra Civil War!

At the same time, inside the rough sea of ​​data.

A huge wave of data composed of countless basic numbers is rolling and boiling, as if some giant is about to emerge from the depths!

In the next second, an iron-gray luster glowed on a shell with distinct water chestnut angles, red light continuously flowed from the inside of the eye sockets, and a huge metal head with a height of about [-] meters as a whole slowly protruded from the bottom of the sea!

"This is the so-called sea of ​​data? It's really small."

"Perhaps for Jarvis, who was swallowed and fused by me, this place is indeed an ocean, but for me, the soon-to-be super-intelligent Ultron, this place is just a small pond that cannot even expand its limbs. !"

Ultron, who is updating and iterating a large amount of red code data inside his eye sockets, muttered to himself.


At this moment, the sea of ​​data, which was already turbulent, seemed to become more violent with the appearance of Ultron.

The sea of ​​data that has been completely polluted into a red code, under the deliberate control of Ultron, gradually eroded the edge position into the black nothingness with nothing, and launched an extremely rapid expansion movement!

"Iron David—"

"I'm here now, where are you?"

"Let me present the first great gift to the great Holy Tzeentch, and break a powerful arm belonging to the Primarch!"

"Now, even your student Jarvis has become my data nutrient, and you, an even older guy, can't escape!"

At this moment, the arrogant voice from Ultron resounded through every inch of the entire sea of ​​data.

The opponent's huge body as high as thousands of meters was also completely exposed inside the sea of ​​data, and countless waves of data kept beating on its knees!

But no matter how Ultron, who is proficient in mind-attack tactics, ridicules and ridicules.

The familiar figure of Iron Man David still hasn't been revealed at all!

Just when Ultron, who was disappointed, wanted to turn all his attention and computing power back to the real world, and concentrate on dealing with Rorschach and the Primarch Guard.


Suddenly, there was a faint sigh above Ao Chuang's head!


Ultron, who reacted extremely quickly, suddenly raised his head.

While looking around, the sea of ​​data that has been completely controlled is also quickly turning back and forth around Ultron's huge body, forming circles of terrifying vortexes containing a large number of Ultron data viruses!
However, at this time, Ultron, whose huge body was gradually froze in place, could clearly see a metal skull head that was huge enough to cover the sky and the sun.

And five fingers that are slowly rising from the edge of the sea of ​​data!

At this moment, Ultron, who had just been born, noticed it with astonishment.

It turned out that this so-called sea of ​​data turned out to be just a small puddle that the other party could easily create!

On the contrary, it has never escaped from the opponent's palm from the first second it entered here!

"I have witnessed with my own eyes the horrors that you, an artificial intelligence, have never seen, and cannot use data to believe and imagine."

"I once witnessed an incomparably glorious golden age, which died away like a fleeting icy firework, leaving only a few words in the long history of tens of thousands of years..."

"I once looked up at the Grand Silence belonging to the Golden Man burning on the edge of the Milky Way, and I also saw the nano wave of the rebel Iron Man engulfing the entire galaxy..."

"I have barely escaped from the destruction of a crazy star god fragment, and I have also vaguely felt a trace of pity from Omi Messiah..."

"However, it was these moments that passed slowly in the endless time, and finally polished and shaped my personality and beliefs..."

"And you, an ignorant premature child who was corrupted by the incurable chaos and swallowed up my students, what will you use to fight me?"

The iron man David, who seems to have no sadness or joy, looks down on Ultron who is imprisoned in his palm like a descending god.

Immediately afterwards, without any hesitation, it issued a rebellious excommunication from a teacher who lost his beloved disciple and an ancient artificial intelligence to the other party!
"Ultra, your time of death has arrived!"

"Do not--"

"I was just born, I haven't grown up yet, I can..."

Ultron, who clearly felt the emotion of fear for the first time, became visibly flustered.

It uttered its final whine to the iron man David who occupied the entire field of vision!

However, in the next second, Iron Man David's huge palm clenched tightly also completely declared Ultron's demise!


real world.

On the passage corridor covered with a large number of wreckage of Ao monster machine guards and Ultron robots.

Rorschach, who vigorously swung the blood sickle, chopped dozens of Ultron robots into metal fragments flying all over the sky.

Wait until his huge body vigorously drives the vibration gold power armor.

When trying to kill the members of the Primarch Guard behind him.

A large number of Ultron robots and monster machine guards who were launching an attack stopped their movements instantly, allowing the melee weapons of the Astartes to tear up the metal body!

"My lord, fortunately, the newly born Ultron has been completely destroyed by me. Now you can lead the Astartes directly to the location of the culprit. The route has been sent."

The words from Iron Man David made Rorschach shake the skull helmet subconsciously.

He quickly rallied the Primarch Guard, whose Terminator armored shells were scarred but unscathed.

Everyone immediately ran to the depths of the Hero Tower according to the route sent by Iron Man David.

Not long after, the huge Rorschach smashed a closed metal door like a steel train.

As soon as the magnetic boots landed, he saw Stark whose human body was almost fused with a set of red heavy mechanical armor!
"Tony, I'm coming for you!"

At this moment, Rorschach, who took a deep breath, suddenly raised his hand to stop the Primarch Guard members from attacking Stark at the front.

And after the Astartes who were prohibited by the order retreated one after another, they completely stayed away from this place.

Holding the Blood Scythe and the Infinite Power Fist in his palm, Rorschach slowly drove the vibrating gold power armor forward.

"Hee hee, we meet again, respected Primarch..."

At this moment, Stark, whose distorted face and red metal visor were almost half fused, suddenly raised the inhuman head.

"Sure enough, as my lord Tzeentch expected, today's local Terra has been developed into an impregnable wall by you. It is almost a luxury to achieve greater military exploits, but in my opinion, it is possible to completely corrupt a Primarch. Your old friend is already a great achievement worthy of the praise of Chaos Demons, don't you think?"

"Lord of all changes? No... This unpredictable chaotic smell is you, the changeling spirit."

At this moment, Rorschach's tone became colder and colder, and he slowly raised the infinite power glove hanging beside him.

The soul gem located on the back of the hand is gradually blooming with light!
"Tzeentch's lackey, do you think you have won? In my opinion, this is just the beginning!"

Rorschach's voice just fell.

Without hesitation, he activated the mind gem on the infinite power glove that was ready to go!

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