Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 840 Terra Civil War Omnic Crisis!

Chapter 840 Terra Civil War Omnic Crisis!

Home Terra above low-Earth orbit.

A void naval battle that most humans have never seen is fiercely unfolding.

In the cold space, there are space torpedoes and laser arrays from Cobra-class destroyers.

Like dense raindrops, they bombarded continuously between the void shields of the hero tower, continuously bursting out extremely bright energy flames.

However, under the long-term resource inclination of Twin Islands and the dual blessing of a large number of imperial technology and local technology.

Today's Hero Tower has indeed become a giant war fortress that will never fall.

Even if it is not as good as the Shanzhen number produced in the golden age, it still has some basic prototypes.


With the Hero Tower, which is under endless firepower, the huge diamond-shaped building structure is stretched out from the middle.

Round after round of extremely dense light spear attacks were quickly launched by countless weapon arrays.

In an instant, the void shields of several Cobra-class cruisers were overloaded on the spot, and the huge metal hulls were gradually torn into a large number of metal wreckage by the terrifying light spears!

However, the remaining Cobra-class destroyers located inside the Void Battlefield quickly reorganized a more flexible offensive array under the command of each young human captain, completely cutting off the movement route of the Hero Tower that wanted to temporarily leave the low-Earth orbit.

Not long after, another fleet of destroyers from Lunar Skyport joined the Void Battlefield.

This undoubtedly greatly enhanced the firepower output of one's own side, and also made the void shield of the hero tower gradually approaching overload!

However, just as one Cobra-class destroyer after another quickly turned around their huge hulls.

When a Thunderhawk transport plane full of Astartes and a gauntlet assault boat were continuously sent into the void, and the gang jumping operation was launched in the direction of the hero tower.

The Hero Tower, which was being baptized by a lot of firepower, took the initiative to disperse the void shield that was on the verge of collapse, trying to use its extremely large and heavy metal structure to resist damage!
At the same time, this giant war fortress carefully built by Stark also produced some structural changes that even Rorschach didn't know about!
One piece after another, unknown structures that were about several hundred meters in size and shaped like metal cubes quickly broke away from the lower part of the Hero Tower.

And like a large meteorite, it crashed towards the surface of the local Terra.

And the nearest location on the surface is Gotham City where the scuffle is still taking place!
"David, what is that? An orbital attack on Terra by the Tower of Heroes?"

At this moment, Rorschach, who was inside a Thunderhawk transport plane, immediately saw the latest movement of the Hero Tower through the porthole.

He quickly asked Iron Man David in the communication channel.

"My lord, wait for me to check...Damn it, this is a secret cooperation between Reditus and Stark not long ago. These metal cubes can carry a large number of intelligent control legions. It will quickly form a super-large Knight Titan experimental machine!"

"However, please rest assured that Reditus, who learned that Stark was corrupted by chaos, has led a knight armor formation he just formed to teleport to Gotham City, and with the command of Lord Fulgrim, There will be absolutely no surprises in the ground battlefield, you can just concentrate on dealing with the Tiaobang operation!"

The reply from Iron Man David made Rorschach slowly let out a breath.

Squinting his eyes, he turned his cold gaze slightly.

He stared carefully at the infinite power glove on a vibrating gold palm.

And in the center of the metal back of the hand covered with countless precise lines and a large number of runes, a soul gem is slightly brewing bright yellow energy light!

Even if the current battle situation is not a fatal crisis for the Legion and even Terra, the intensity is not as intense as the scale and loss of the last blessing of Khorne.

But when Rorschach thought of Stark, an old friend who had fought side by side with him for many years, he was finally reduced to a miserable end of being corrupted by chaos.

He couldn't help getting really angry even though it made his humanity more indifferent.

Therefore, Rorschach intends to directly use the infinite gems that can be used freely in the local world to deal with Tzeentch.

Of course, except that Rorschach wants to see how much the Infinity Gem can restrain the Chaos Demon.

He also wants to see if he can use the power of the Infinity Stone to save Stark's mind and even part of his soul!

Not long after, one gauntlet assault boat after another faced the strafing fire of countless laser turrets.

Relying on the melting impact of the hot melt beam, it easily penetrated into the thick shell of the Hero Tower.

And Rorschach, who was wearing vibrating power armor on his huge body, also held the blood sickle and the infinite power gauntlet, and quickly jumped off the Thunderhawk transport plane that had not yet stopped, and landed heavily on a maintenance entrance above the hero tower. above!
In the next second, members of the Primarch Guard wearing Terminator armor one after another also fell around him.

The quick-responsive people quickly blasted open the maintenance entrance of the War Fortress with the hot melt weapon in their palms under Rorschach's signal, and rushed in with heavy steps.

"The Primarch Guards follow me, and the rest quickly clean up every corner of the Hero Tower. Remember, the enemies this time have artificial intelligence polluted by chaos, so all intelligence-controlled legions and machine servants are untrustworthy. Be sure to Shoot first and check later!"

Rorschach, wearing a skull helmet, neatly gave battle orders to the Astartes recruits who were surrounding them.

Afterwards, he activated the vibranium power armor, and led dozens of members of the Primarch Guard into a rapid assault deeper into the Tower of Heroes.

dong dong dong-

However, it didn't take long for the heavily armed crowd to advance several hundred meters.

In the depths of a corridor of flickering lights.

Surprisingly, a large number of completely controlled Ao monster machine guards sprang out quickly, as well as many Ultron robots that had just been produced from the production line!
Dozens of members of the Primarch Guard who reacted quickly opened up the vibrating energy shield, and also pulled the bolt gun in their palms!
"My name is Ultron, and by the order of the supreme being, the most holy Tzeentch, I come to destroy you and other low-level races!"

At this moment, one after another Ultron robots whose bodies were smashed by the bombs made mechanical sounds without emotion.

And a large number of Ao monster machine guards wielding chainsaw swords started a melee fight with the Primarch Guard standing in front of Rorschach with their strong defensive capabilities!

"Hehe, a mere artificial intelligence dares to call humans a low-level race? Tzeentch is not so loud when he comes!"

Rorschach, who subconsciously clenched the blood sickle in his palm, couldn't help but sneered.

He then said to the communication channel:

"David, you old iron man, don't you plan to teach the other party a lesson?"

"My lord, please rest assured to launch an attack. With me here, artificial intelligence like Ultron can't turn the tide!"

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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