Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 830 Revenge of the 3 giants!

Under the constant prompting of Jarvis.

Stark, with a slightly excited expression, rushed out of the laboratory.

Go to meet Magneto King Max who came to the Tower of Heroes in the name of inspection.

Now inside this giant war fortress.

Except that part of the Astartes Company, which is a global mobile force, is permanently stationed.

More maintainers are mutants with special resistances or similar mutant abilities.

They stay in an environment full of cosmic radiation or a vacuum for a long time without casualties. This is one of the reasons why the Inquisition represented by Stark finally cooperated with the Nation of Mutants.

Da da da--

The interior of the wide passageway with deserted light.

Short of breath, Stark trotted all the way, after he passed some new heroes who came to visit the Hero Tower.

Finally arrived at the memorial site called the Hall of Heroes.

And Stark, who calmed down his breathing rhythm a little, quickly crossed a huge statue of Thor, and came to the middle-aged man sitting in the suspended wheelchair.

"Haha, respected Great Elder Marx, what brought you here? How did I remember that according to the schedule, you will come for inspection next month?"

"Long time no see, Mr. Stark. I'm idle on Terra anyway. Why don't you go to space to take a look in advance? Sorry, I didn't inform you again."

The gentle Magneto said to Stark in a calm tone.

And at this moment, without waiting for Stark to speak.

Suddenly, Jarvis's mechanical voice came from the tiny earphones hidden in his ears.

"Sir, my teacher David is gradually shutting down the global basic network, and even I have just been confined inside the Tower of Heroes. In addition, a group of mutants who followed Magneto King Max have had conflicts with other mutants. Contact, they are moving towards an important node inside the giant war fortress, but the patrolling Astartes company did not stop the opponent, I think the purpose of these people coming here is impure!"


At this moment, no matter how slow Stark was, he could sense something was wrong.

He took a few steps back abruptly.

A palm quickly tapped the ark reactor on his chest that was emitting a faint light.

In the next second, a series of teleportation barriers suddenly appeared.

A new set of silver-white mechanical armor that is still in the experimental state quickly gathered on Stark's body!
However, at this time, Magneto King Max, who had a smile on his face, did not make any threatening moves.

He just looked at Stark who had just finished wearing the silver-white armor in front of him, and made a sound of amazement in his mouth.

"Elder Marx, I have always respected you mutants, but your reckless behavior can easily cause some misunderstandings... My suggestion is, it is better to call all your mutants back. Between us You can sit down and talk!"

With a dignified expression, Stark quickly raised two palms wrapped in armor, and the shock beam in the palms was ready to go!

"Sorry, Mr. Stark, this is an order from above. Of course, I am not allowed to hurt anyone. Please don't overreact."

Magneto King Max is still sitting on the suspended wheelchair.

The opponent didn't even have any intention of dodging.

"Orders from the Twin Islands? What do David and the others want to do? Or... wait, is Rorschach back?"

At this moment, the facial expression of Stark, who was extremely keen, quickly changed from doubt to gloomy.

He took a deep breath, but the shock beam in his palm fell into silence.

"I guessed that there would be such a day. After all, when the other continental plates are completely in the hands of the Legion, who can resist the temptation of global unification?"

"Personally, I could probably see more realistic conditions and allow this to happen, but there are a lot of superheroes who won't compromise so easily... a lot of people will die."

Stark, who slowly lowered his arms, said in a heavy tone to Magneto King Max.

"Only after experiencing a short period of pain, Terra will usher in a more brilliant light and future."

Magneto King Max drove the levitating wheelchair to Stark's side.

He scanned the huge statues of superheroes around him, and said lightly.


Almost at the same time, in the heart of Europe.

Thor is accompanying his girlfriend Jane on an investigation of a natural space-time distortion field.

But at this moment, with the appearance of a teleportation barrier.

An automatic servo robot personally delivered the invitation from Rorschach, and Thor had to temporarily leave his girlfriend Jane's side.

Wait until Thor, the god of thunder, waved Mjolnir and left the place.

Jane, who was somewhat angry, did not stop the investigation.

She embarked on the long journey to the destination alone.

Not long after, Thor, who was surrounded by wisps of thunder, landed heavily on the twin islands.

He first laughed heartily and hugged Rorschach whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Then, the other party met with Fulgrim under Rorschach's recommendation.

However, after Thor, the god of thunder, entered the hall of the base, he was also vaguely aware of the extremely dignified and strange atmosphere inside.

Rorschach didn't hide anything, he told Sol about the army's plan to unify the world.

And Sol was able to come here, in addition to the fact that Rorschach really regarded the other party as his own on the one hand, it was also to prevent Sol, an Asgardian, from getting involved in some internal affairs of the local Terra.

In this regard, Sol, who frowned, thought for a moment, but chose to believe Rorschach's judgment.

But he also asked to avoid causing irreparable heavy casualties as much as possible.

At the same time, inside North America, the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Rogers and Bucky hugged each other with expressions full of joy.

Afterwards, he asked Bucky, who had become the vice admiral of the Astral Legion, why the other party had time to visit his old friend.

And Bucky, with a somewhat unnatural expression, was vague about this, and barely dealt with Rogers' question.

However, it didn't take long for Rogers, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., to stand up abruptly due to a large number of alarm messages from all over the country!
However, Rogers didn't wait for Rogers to call his Roaring Commando and SHIELD agents to gather.

Bucky, who was sitting on the side, suddenly let out a sigh, and he got up and stopped in front of the other party.

"I'm sorry, old buddy, for the safety of you and your men, you'd better not act rashly, otherwise, you should know the behavior style of the Astartes!"

"Bucky, although it is said that everyone is their own master, I never thought that you and I would get to where we are today..."

Rogers, who casually picked up the vibrating gold shield from the side, said to Bucky in front of him with a solemn expression.

"Is the power of your Star Realm Legion finally overwhelmed? Or is it that Rorschach wants to become the master of the planet and the master of mankind above countless people?"

"Bucky, for the sake of old friends, I can tell you that as long as I am alive, I will not allow this to happen!"

In the next second, the vibrating gold shield that Rogers swung suddenly collided with Bucky's vibrating gold mechanical arm!

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