Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 829 Goal: Unify 1!

Chapter 829 Goal: Unification!

Until this moment, Fulgrim, who was sitting quietly listening, raised his hand and interrupted Iron Man David's words.

He frowned slightly, and stared at Rorschach next to him with an unbelievable look.

"Little brother, I thought you had successfully unified Terra. Your power territory has expanded to the solar system. Why is it not unified internally?"

And facing the question of Fulgrim, the brother of the Primarch.

The somewhat embarrassed Rorschach also had to explain:

"On the one hand, I don't want to cause unnecessary troubles due to excessive bloody killings, because there are too many individuals in the local world whose combat power is comparable to that of the Great Chaos Demon, and even far surpasses the Great Chaos Demon. Most of the mind is in the fleet, and there is not much time to deal with domestic problems in the long run."

"However, we really can't continue to procrastinate. Whether it is the development of the legion fleet or the local world, we need a unified and stable rear."

"David, if we launch a war of unification now, what are the chances that the Tribunal of Vengeance will choose to rise up and help the local people against us?"

At this moment, for Rorschach's inquiry.

Iron Man David, with blue lights flashing in his eyes, didn't choose to answer immediately.

It quickly analyzed and calculated a large amount of data and top-secret information, and then said to Rorschach:

"The personnel structure inside the Tribunal of Vengeance is extremely complicated. Superheroes who cannot understand the political situation occupy the majority. They basically maintain a very simple concept of good and evil. If we do it now, there is about a 60.00% chance that it will form. A rebel force."

"Is it only 60.00%?"

Rorschach, who subconsciously narrowed his eyes, took a deep breath.

He bowed his head in thought for a moment, then finally made up his mind.

"David, then prepare to start the unification war. I think we can afford this price now. I mean, even if the entire American continent is cultivated by orbital bombing, Terra must complete the unification plan!"

"Follow your orders, my lord!"

Iron Man David, who shook his metal head slightly, quickly bowed to Rorschach in front of him.

A fleeting sigh was also faintly emitted from his mouth.


A huge rhombus-shaped war fortress is slowly floating above the low-earth orbit of the native Terra.

This is the headquarters of the Vengeful Inquisition.

A superhero tower built by Stark and a host of tech-savvy superheroes.

That's right, even Stark, who is extremely narcissistic, had to change the name of this giant war fortress.

On the one hand, it is to commemorate the superheroes who died on various battlefields.

On the other hand, it is also to allow all superheroes to unite into one force to resist the invasion from the depths of the universe.

Da da da--

With a burst of crisper footsteps.

Both appearance and behavior look more mature.

With strands of white hair emerging from the temples on both sides of his head, Stark squeezed a large cup of high-strength coffee into his own laboratory.

"Good morning, Jarvis."

Stark, who took a sip of coffee, yelled at the artificial intelligence Jarvis who was trying to do some kind of large-scale experiment.

"Sir, it's eight o'clock in the evening on earth time, your work and rest time has been completely reversed day and night, and Ms. Pepper called you two hundred and one times, and I have rejected all communications from the outside world according to your request information, and according to Ms. Pepper's life detection data, I suggest that you do not return to Earth within a week."

Jarvis, who was constantly adjusting a large amount of complex data, said lightly to the stunned Stark.

In the next second, Stark, who was thirsty, sipped high-strength coffee while cursing at Jarvis:
"Damn Jarvis, I clearly said that except for Ms. Pepper's phone, other people's communications do not need to be accessed at all. Why did you refuse them all? You are playing me!"

"Of course, this is also beneficial. Now I don't have to go home for another week...Jarvis, how is our 'Ultron' plan going?"

Stark, whose expression returned to calm, quickly came to the front of the large screens.

He stared intently at the countless complex data that passed his sight, and asked Jarvis.

"Sir, we have tried about nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight times so far, and the birth of super artificial intelligence has not been successful every time. I think your idea of ​​using some of the ancient data of my teacher Mr. David as a model is too radical , You should have heard the story of Iron Man’s rebellion from Mr. David, right? That actually happened in another universe.”

"Jarvis, our science needs to take risks! We can't just do something within safe boundaries, even if David is a true Iron Man, but isn't he the loyalist in the story? What are we worried about?"

"And I have fully taken the isolation measures. The original purpose of the superhero tower was built for this moment. I don't think a freshman artificial intelligence can break through the defenses here. Even if you can't stop the opponent, isn't your teacher still there? ?"

At this moment, Stark with a dignified expression said to Jarvis who was everywhere.

"According to our current development situation, it is only a matter of time before human beings truly step into the cosmic age. Without the strong assistance of artificial intelligence, the difficulty of many things will increase countless times! Only the calculation of the star map route is limited. Out of our scope of exploration!"

"The ancient ships Rorschach and the others developed were trade-offs that had to be made due to the deformed existence of the subspace, but we don't have to do this at all, because there is no subspace here!"

"As long as we can successfully complete the Ultron Project, then the golden age in those stories will not be far away from us!"

"Jarvis, imagine a human world with a more prosperous civilization, a human world where everyone is Iron Man or even a superhuman, a human world that can resist the invasion of foreign enemies... Well, I think that by then we will be [-]% It is the invaders, but this is not important, what is important is that we have created an extremely beautiful future for mankind!"

Stark, who seemed to be consuming too much caffeine, gradually became excited.

He danced and shouted at Jarvis.

At this moment, the mechanical voice from Jarvis suddenly interrupted the other party's words.

"Sir, please wait a while before you go crazy, the superhero tower has just ushered in a heavyweight big shot."

"The great elder of the mutant race, Mr. Magneto King Marx is here."

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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