Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 785 Tianlin Divine Beast vs Hive Fleet!

Chapter 785 Tianlin Divine Beast vs Hive Fleet!

The simulation just ended.

Rorschach quickly opened his eyes.

He didn't immediately check the many rewards on the simulator page.

Instead, he focused his gaze on Fulgrim and Doom who also opened their eyes.

"Where did you go this time? Was the battle difficult?"

Rorschach who blinked a few times asked curiously to the two people who were thinking about it.

"Brother, maybe it means the Emperor, I didn't even encounter any difficult battles, because I almost completely experienced the life process on Chemos planet, I grew from an ordinary worker to Chemos Recognized ruling leader from above."

Fulgrim, whose demeanor and temperament have changed to some extent, said lightly in Rorschach's direction.

"For a clone of me, that memory at the beginning was just a memory, but now it has truly become a part of my life, and the process and means of dealing with some things are completely different. Maybe this is what the Emperor wants. See a result."

Rorschach, who heard Fulgrim's words, nodded his head.

He took a deep breath and said:

"Brother, this is actually a good thing. When you can re-experience the past, you can make up for many regrets and mistakes in your life, so as to improve yourself."

"Dom, what about you? Was thrown into a battle group? Or did you go through a more difficult battle alone?"

For Rorschach's inquiry.

Dum, who frowned slightly, pondered for a moment, and he still said to Rorschach:

"Lord Rorschach, I was thrown into the Gray Knights battle group by the emperor. I grew from a dying rookie to a qualified Gray Knight recruit, and finally died in a battle against Nurgle."

"Grey Knights? I only know one of their great mentors, and the other companies really haven't seen much..."

Rorschach nodded his head.

He muttered to himself.

Rorschach wasn't surprised by Dum's simulation experience.

It would be too much of a waste if such a remarkable psychic talent was only used as a mortal psychic.

Next, Rorschach was finally able to turn his attention back to the rewards after the simulation was completed.

For the first reward, he gave it up after only a few glances.

This is completely a thing that does more harm than good, and perhaps miraculous effects will appear on certain battlefields.

But for side effects such as corruption and even flesh and blood mutation, it is not very useful at all.

And the second reward, that is, the existence of a warrior-level titan.

Although it is of no use to the Primarch fleet for the time being.

But for Reditus and even the local world, it is a rare and important tool.

Of course, Rorschach did not intend to train Captain Titans.

One is that the training process is too cumbersome and difficult, and the other is that the chance of success is lower than that of making an Astartes.

He intends to let Reditus and Tony study a fully controllable artificial intelligence to replace the role of Captain Titan.

And for the last opportunity to obtain the Queen of Glory class battleship.

But Luo Xia couldn't help shaking his head, and sighed slowly.

If he didn't guess wrong.

This is probably the same as the previous emperor-class battleships, which will have attention and ambushes from the evil god of chaos.

"Let's talk about it later. If I were to choose which ship to serve as the flagship, I would choose the Queen of Glory class battleship. At least there is no twists and turns on Khorne's side, as long as the killing is done, Tzeentch's There must be a huge conspiracy waiting for me."

Rorschach, who did not choose any reward immediately, slowly closed the emulator's page.

He casually complained to Doom and Fulgrim beside him.


chi chi chi-

Primarch fleets maintaining a defensive formation continuously fired bright light spears and continuous laser beams from a large number of weapon arrays.

Countless space torpedoes also streaked across the icy void like celestial maidens scattered flowers, blooming loudly on the huge bodies of narwhals.

A short period of time has passed since Luo Xia and others completed the simulation experience.

And after Rorschach led Fulgrim and the Terminator Guards, they prayed for support five more times.

A Primarch fleet that has just completed a warp blind jump.

In the end, there was a head-on encounter with a large Leviathan hive fleet on the void route on the dark side of the empire.


At this moment, more than a dozen Sword-class frigates and Cobra destroyers were forcibly sunk by a large number of Tyranid void units, and extremely terrifying explosions and disintegrations continued to occur.

Several strike cruisers were also separated from the huge formation of the Primarch Fleet by the will of the hive, and the Astartes company on board was engaged in fierce resistance battles with great difficulty.

Even Rorschach, who reacted quickly, had ordered Doom to use the teleportation technology from the native land to rescue most of the mortal crew in advance.

But at least a million mortal crew and mortal servants were completely buried in the cold void.

And this was only the first stage of the encounter.

The tougher gang-jumping battle hasn't even begun yet.

"These are the spaceships I have accumulated with great difficulty! My mortal crew can die for the empire, but they shouldn't die so easily at the hands of these goddamn Tyranids!"

With an indifferent expression, Rorschach slammed a vibrating iron fist on the round metal table in front of him.

He gritted his teeth and let out a dull, angry growl.

Among them, there is not only regret for the huge loss suffered by the Primarch fleet, but also the helplessness that mortals have to choose to sacrifice.

Even if the Astartes under his legion are superior in combat effectiveness.

But in the face of such a huge Tyrannian fleet, there is no good way, only to fight hard.

"Brother, this is the fate of countless mortals in the empire, and it is also the duty of the Astartes. Even as Primarchs, you and I cannot change this..."

Fulgrim, who was standing aside, exchanged glances with Doom, Iron Man David and the others.

As the elder brother, he had no choice but to step forward to appease Rorschach.

"Brother, you still don't understand how I feel now. Can you imagine that your beloved is being torn apart by a group of bad-tempered bear children, and then eaten?"

"No! I still can't help it anymore, I want to teach this Hive Fleet a lesson that I will never forget!"

At this moment, Rorschach, who was gnashing his teeth, slowly raised a vibrating gold palm.

Wisps of colorful Tianlin divine power are flowing out from his huge body!


The next second, just above the icy void of the entire Primarch fleet.

With an incomparably huge beam of colorful light bursting out.

An illusory faucet the size of a planet slowly protruded from the interior of the colorful beam of light.

And that even bigger illusory body quickly condensed above the original body fleet!
"Damn Hive Will, pay for my ship and crew—"

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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