Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 784 Warlord Titan and Queen of Glory Battleship!

Chapter 784 Warlord Titan and Queen of Glory Battleship!
【"Recruit, the Codex Astartes is just a set of rules. My brother Guilliman wrote it just for your Astartes to use as a reference, not for you to treat it as an unchangeable pedantic dogma!"]

【You look down indifferently at the Ultramarine recruits who fell on the ground. 】

【You have to forcefully suppress the killing urge to blow the opponent's head off completely, and said lightly. 】

【"Recruit, you have not learned to trust the veterans beside you, your combat brothers, and you have not chosen to trust your superiors, Captain Titus, and you will not trust your company commander and think tank even more, now you even the Primarch Don’t you trust me too? As an Astartes, you have completely failed, and as an Ultramarine, you are definitely not qualified either!”]

[At this moment, the Ultramarines veteran standing aside made a fierce judgment against the recruit who fell on the ground. 】

【The next moment, Captain Titus, holding the Thunder Hammer tightly in his palm, slowly drove the broken power armor up from the ground. 】

【He glanced at your emotionless bronze face first, and then at the recruit whose expression was changing back and forth. 】

【However, just when Captain Titus secretly gritted his teeth and planned to lift the Thunder Hammer in his palm. 】

【But you suddenly stopped the opponent's movement, and spoke to the people in front of you. 】

["Although the words and behavior of the recruit are very problematic, he is indeed right about some things... My body has been polluted and corrupted by chaos, and it must not be left behind. It must be destroyed as soon as possible." 】

[Your voice just fell. 】

[Captain Titus and the Ultramarines veteran turned around quickly with increasingly frightened expressions, driving the power armor towards you and knelt on one knee. 】

【"It's absolutely impossible! Master Primarch—"】

【"You worry too much, my current way of descending is more like a subspace demon, my real body is not here, this is just a useless body."】

【You shook your head at the two of them and said calmly. 】

【You slightly lower your head and stare at the blood sickle in your palm. 】

【You raised a vibrating gold palm again, and smeared the pale golden emperor's blood on the sharp edge. 】

[Then, wisps of slow-burning psionic flames swayed in the thin air again. 】

【"Captain Titus, next time we meet, are you interested in becoming a company commander in my legion? Don't worry, I will tell Guilliman, your genetic father."】

【You stare at Captain Titus with a heavy expression and said slowly. 】

[Your voice just fell. 】

【Captain Titus opened his eyes suddenly, he asked with an expression of disbelief. 】

【"Master Primarch, do you mean..."】

【"Yes, in the distant future, Primarch Guilliman has successfully returned."】

【You clenched the blood scythe in your palm, and said to Captain Titus and the others in an affirmative tone. 】

【"It's almost time, the broken thoughts from chaos are getting worse, I should go too."】

【"By the way, if I left any power armor or weapons in place after I cut myself off, you don't have to report it to the battle group, just keep it for yourself."】

【You once again instructed the trio of Ultramarines kneeling on the ground. 】

【You suddenly swung the blood sickle burning with psychic flames in your palm, and the sharp edge cut across your thick neck without any hesitation! 】

【Your head seems to be spinning back and forth in mid-air, and even the remaining huge body is completely enveloped by the blazing psychic flames! 】

【Your disappearing dim vision noticed Captain Titus getting up from the ground with a sad expression, trying to reach out to catch your falling head. 】

[Your residual consciousness has completely broken free from the shackles of your body, and quickly rose to a higher place. 】

[You quickly left the foundry world Galia, and even the icy void of the universe. 】

【You seem to have entered the legendary sea of ​​souls. 】

[And just before your consciousness completely fell into darkness. 】

[You also seem to see the consciousness belonging to Doom and Fulgrim slowly drifting over from other timelines. 】

【you are dead. 】

[This simulation is over, and the time spent is unknown. 】

[The reserved options for this simulation are as follows. 】

[[-]. Psionic Calamity·Energy Source (Chaos)] (Please choose carefully)

[Note: "This is a by-product of Judge Drogan's unintentional research in the process of weaponizing psychic energy after being corrupted by Chaos."]

[Note: "This energy source will spontaneously produce extremely pure chaotic psionic energy. A powerful existence proficient in psionic witchcraft can use it to do many things, such as summoning a portal, or a more Powerful subspace demon."]

[Note: "However, long-term exposure of the flesh and blood body to pure subspace energy is more likely to cause flesh and blood mutation, and it will also be invaded and harassed by subspace demons. Most importantly, the initial birth of the energy source may also have the Lord of Changes." secretly guided."]

[Mark: "'Damn the Primarch of Humanity, the hatred between you and me is not over yet! I will definitely come back—" Carlos the Life Weaver, with two bird heads shaking back and forth, squatted in the Tzeentch Labyrinth and shouted to the sky .”]

[[-]. Warlord-level Titan 'Invincible' (Normal)]

[Note: "Warlord-level Titans are the most widely deployed, largest in number, and even the most diverse in use among the Imperial Titans of the Order of Titans, and their combat power is second only to Warmaster-level Titans."]

[Note: "It is said that the ancient history of the existing warrior-level Titans can be traced back to the early days of the Great Expedition, and even the Dark Age of Technology, which is even older than the human empire itself."]

[Note: "Warrior Titan has more than six sets of void shield generators, and a huge metal structure cast from fine gold, which is enough to resist the salvo of fifty heavy vehicles or artillery platforms, and the Gatling Burst Macro Cannon And the existence of powerful firepower such as volcanic cannons is enough to make a warrior-level Titan walking on the battlefield unstoppable."]

[Note: "'Hey, the Emperor, I haven't gotten into the car yet!' The noble captain of the Titan and his auxiliary pilots watched the warrior-level Titan disappear from their sight."]

[[-]. One chance to get the Queen of Glory class battleship "Iron Fist" (the only one)] (Please choose carefully)

[Mark: "The Queen of Glory class battleship is one of the most powerful spaceships ever built by the human empire. It is said that the earliest source of design can be traced back to the ancient times when humans have not yet stepped out of the solar system. During the Great Crusade, the glory of different legions The Queen-class battleships are completely different in terms of size, volume and appearance, so each Glorious Queen-class battleship is unique and orphaned, and also represents the noble status and supreme glory of each Primarch."]

[Note: "Unfortunately, today's human empire has completely lost the basic ability to rebuild the Queen of Glory-class battleship. Even if someone issues an order in the name of the Primarch, it will be difficult to have a Queen of Glory-class battleship again."】

[Note: "This seems to be the Emperor's reward for you for completing an extremely difficult battle and for recovering the Digit Primarch."]

[Note: "Whether you successfully obtain the ownership of the Queen of Glory class battleship or not, you will be re-transmitted back within a certain period of time. Please be cautious about all the actions you do to obtain the ship. With the help of all the members of the hand battle group, the operation of recovering this Queen of Glory class battleship was completed."]

[Note: "'Bloody stage, come if you have the guts!' A huge figure sitting on a brass throne with broken skulls and rivers of blood at its feet murmured to you in a low voice."]

[The number of throne coins consumed in this simulation is three. 】

[Currently holding throne coins: fifteen. 】

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(End of this chapter)

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