Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 761 Silver Skull: Heart Like Steel, Skull Offering Gold Seat (3)!

Chapter 761 Silver Skull: Heart Like Steel, Skull Offering Gold Seat ([-])!
The home world of the Argent Skulls is called Savia.

It is a rainforest planet shrouded in a tropical high temperature climate all year round.

And there are also a large number of barbarian tribes living in the depths of the large rainforest here.

It can be said that almost every silver skull comes from a local primitive tribe.

Even in order to maintain the fighting ability and survival instinct of all barbarian tribes.

The Argent Skulls will not appear before the Horde leader unless they are recruiting new recruits or when necessary.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have much contact with any barbarian tribes.


With the low-pitched roar of its engines, the Thunderhawk transport plane quickly passed through the lush rainforest of more than half of the planet.

A large amount of warm rainwater from the heavy rain season repeatedly washed over the shiny silver metal body, making more and more dense and subtle sounds.

Not long after, everyone looked out through the portholes of the Thunderhawk transport plane.

A large fortress monastery that stands completely inside the rainforest valley is faintly revealed under the cover of countless vines and rainforest trees.

After all the Thunderhawk transport planes slowly landed on the parking platform.

The crowd headed by Rorschach also came to this fortress monastery belonging to the Silver Skulls for the first time.

And according to the accompanying think tank Shivaro said.

At present, the vast majority of the entire warband is supporting an imperial world, Aragornvi, which has been attacked by unknown demon warbands.

So besides a large number of mortal servants and machine servants left in the monastery, there are only dozens of Astartes left as the last defense force.

It was even more unexpected by Rorschach and others.

Although the Silver Skulls like to collect the enemy's skulls after the battle, they choose to use them for collection after silver plating.

But just judging from the way they get along with mortal servants.

The relationship between each other has maintained a great equality, which can even be said to be very rare in the Ultramarines sub-group.

And Rorschach and the others, who were silently observing everything, also guessed.

This may be related to the fact that the Astartes of the silver skulls are basically from the barbarian tribe.

Accordingly, the young barbarian who awoke from his coma was also thrown by Doom to the mortal servants.

Not long after, all the remaining Astartes came to pay their respects to the Primarch.

After everyone experienced a baptism of local original food.

Rorschach also ordered everyone to temporarily enter a state of rest.

No sign of danger has been found on the entire planet.

The combat style is better at siege warfare and the silver skull of the prophet also fully utilized their specialties.

Completely build the entire home world into a steel fortress hidden under the rainforest.

Numerous weapon platforms and metal bunkers are hidden in every hidden area of ​​the rainforest.

It can be remotely controlled at any time through the sleeping servitors or the cogitator array inside.

If need be, even countless barbarian tribes will respond to the call of the silver skull to launch a sneak attack and counterattack against the invading enemy.

Of course, if there is something that makes Rorschach, who is the Primarch, uncomfortable.

That is the stormy season that can last for half a year or even eight months on Savia.

It was really hard for him to imagine how a large number of barbarian tribes survived in this extremely terrifying and special environment.

As for the chief think tank of Silver Skull, Vashiro, the answer to this is never to underestimate the resilience of the human race, and any life has its own way out.


According to Rorschach's idea.

A part of the silver-skulled Astartes needs to be taken away by him.

After all, it's all here, and you can't go back empty-handed.

Moreover, the Primarch Fleet, which has not yet completed its replenishment plan, needs more manpower, and the silver skulls also expressed their willingness to fight with Lord Primarch.

However, even if the think tank Vashiro has notified Argentius, the head of the Silver Skull, about the arrival of the Primarch on the home world.

But the opponent's entire fleet has yet to show signs of returning.

Not long after, the think tank Vahiro, who had just carried out several times of emperor's Tarot divination and prophecy, found Primarch Rorschach with a solemn expression.

"Master Primarch, if there is no error in my prophecy, our home world may be attacked by a demon gang!"

At this moment, Rorschach, who was somewhat helpless tormented by the continuous warm rain in the local sky, seemed to have found motivation in an instant.

He violently drove the Zhenjin power armor to get up from the edge of the window of the fortress monastery, fixed his eyes on the other side and said in a deep voice:

"Where are the traitors? How many people have come? Have they landed yet? If the other party's fleet is close to the orbit of the planet, I will take people to the gang!"

"Uh... Lord Primarch, I mean I only predicted the movements of the traitors, and they haven't arrived here yet."

On the resolute face covered with tribal tattoos, the think tank Vahiro with a vague expression of embarrassment quickly said:
"I suspect a demonic warband called Soulmaw, because we Silver Skulls beheaded their warband's champion hundreds of years ago in a cleansing operation, and they've held a grudge against us ever since... ..."

At this moment, Rorschach, who had listened to the words of the think tank Vahiro, took a deep breath.

He slightly calmed down the inexplicable restless desire to kill deep in his heart, and said:
"Although the psychic prophecy may not be completely accurate, there will definitely be an accident where I descend, Vashiro, mobilize all your manpower, and let the defense platform on the orbit increase the search range of the auspicious reconnaissance array and density, always pay attention to the movement of the entrance and exit of the entire galaxy's ria space!"

"In addition, you should also inform the local barbarian tribe. If they accidentally find some unusual traces, or encounter major casualties, let them notify us as soon as possible!"

Rorschach's sonorous and forceful voice echoed in the ears of Think Tank Shivaro.

After the other party nodded his head with a solemn expression.

The whole person immediately drove the power armor and turned around to leave the room.

And Rorschach, who stood still and pondered for a moment, also activated the vibrating power armor, and went to find the Terminator guards, Dum and others.

As for Traasin, who was performing miracles with some barbarian tribe leaders on the planet Savia, after learning the news that the demon war gang was about to invade.

It casually released a complete Necron troop from a hypercube maze, ready to lead its men to capture more Chaos Astartes as collections.

After all, the Alien, which has been installed next to the Primarch for so long, needs to satisfy its little desires.

And as time goes on.

The invasion prophecy of the think tank Vashiro has gradually been verified.

First, there were violent fluctuations from the entrance and exit of the subspace in the galaxy where the planet Savia was located.

Subsequently, a small barbarian tribe far away from the pole of the planet was completely slaughtered by several metal giants who were said to be wearing blood-red power armor.

When Dum and the others arrived at the scene on the Thunderhawk transport plane as the vanguard, they found that almost every corpse of the local barbarians had lost their heads!

And according to what the Silver Skulls knew about the Soulmaw Gang, the other party had never had a similar headhunting custom.

In other words, either they have had some bad habits over the years, or there are more than one Chaos Warbands invading this place!
 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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