Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 760 Silver Skull: Heart Like Steel, Skull Offering Gold Seat (2)!

Chapter 760 Silver Skull: Heart Like Steel, Skull Offering Gold Seat ([-])!

When a Thunderhawk transport plane with a roaring engine and a huge silver fuselage continued to crush the surrounding rainforest trees and landed forcefully.

Several tall bodies were wearing steel primary-color power armor, silver helmets were silver-white, and several silver skulls were hanging from their waists. The Astartes quickly stepped out of the hatch and stepped on the soft magnetic boots. Deep in the wet rainforest land.

At the same time, Rorschach, who could hardly distinguish traitors with the naked eye, immediately activated the vibrating power armor, and slowly walked out of the hiding place made of rocks and vines.

It also completely exposed his huge body, which was far beyond the size of an ordinary Astartes, in the field of vision of the opponent's eyepiece that was patrolling back and forth.

Of course, dozens of Terminator guards who had long been hidden behind the dense rainforest and tropical plants did not show up.

They subconsciously raised the storm bolters in their palms, ready to fire at any time to surprise this group of Astartes whose enemies were unknown.

"Huh? You are... the Primarch?!"

"Ultramar, the Chief Prophet of the Silver Skulls, the think tank Vahiro, see the Primarch!"

At this moment, a quick-response Astarte was slightly taken aback, and then he quickly took off the silver helmet.

The other party's determined face covered with tribal-style tattoos clearly showed great surprise.

In the next second, the think tank Shivaro, with several silver skulls colliding back and forth at his waist, stepped forward quickly.

Without any hesitation, he knelt on one knee in the direction of the Primarch's arrival!
"Silver skull? So this is your home world?"

"Get up, brothers."

After hearing the other party's words.

Rorschach raised his eyebrows a little and reacted immediately.

He had met the Argent Skulls long ago during a prayer aid.

When Rorschach led people to save the Wailers.

A company of the Argent Skulls also participated in the Kothrin Crusade, commanded by Chapter Master Calgar of the Ultramarines.

Although there was no formal communication between the two parties.

But the existence and identity of Rorschach, the lost Primarch, must be fully known to the silver skull of the Ultramarines subgroup.

dong dong dong-

Tens of seconds later, as everyone's vigilance weakened.

And Rorschach's vibration-gold palms quickly waved towards the surrounding rainforest.

The members of the Terminator Guard who were ambushing around the landing site of the Thunderhawk transport plane quickly revealed their tall and mighty figures.

After getting up from the ground, the think tank Vahiro glanced at several silver-skull combat brothers beside him.

They also commanded several Thunderhawk transport planes that were circling in the sky vigilantly, looking for a wider rainforest ground to land.

However, at this time, when everything is proceeding step by step.

Inadvertently, the think tank Shivaro stepped forward, but at a glance, he saw the overlord of the Necron hiding in the depths of the Primarch's Terminator guard!


At this moment, with the strange cry suddenly erupted from the depths of the throat of Think Tank Shivaro.

The original joyful expression of the silver skull Astartes present changed instantly.

They drew out the melee weapons and bolt guns they carried with them one after another, wanting to completely eliminate the necromancer in front of them!

However, the more responsive Terminator guards and the scolding from Rorschach also prevented the silver skull, which had almost lost its mind, from attacking immediately.

Seeing that the atmosphere between the two parties is gradually becoming stiff.

The frowning think tank Shivaro had no choice but to stand up and make some explanations to the indifferent Primarch.

A long time ago, the Argent Skulls were suddenly attacked by a Necromancer named Aurican the Astrologer.

The other party claimed that in order to ensure the correctness of its own prophecy, the Silver Skulls, which was trying to save the human planet, had to suffer irreparable and heavy losses.

Since then, the Silver Skulls have not had any good feelings for the alien race of the Necrons, and even if they pay several times the price of casualties, they must completely destroy these skeletons!

That's why they reacted so excitedly after seeing a space necromancer just now.

Right now, they can look at the Primarch's face and not deal with Trasim for the time being.

But the think tank Vashiro also said unabashedly.

He hoped that the other party could be more careful.

After all, even the Lord Primarch is sometimes negligent, and the home world full of terrifying rainforests is very suitable for burying a necromancer overlord.

At this moment, under the verbal exchange between the think tank Vahiro and the Primarch Rorschach, the people who almost broke out in a conflict gradually calmed down.

And Traasin, who shook the head of the silver metal skull slightly, did not show the slightest fear.

It may be to assuage the Silver Skull's prejudice and hatred of the Necrons.

When everyone was walking in the direction of the Thunderhawk transport plane, they told about an interesting incident it experienced.

About thousands of years ago.

It personally led a large group of undead warriors to meet the green-skinned orcs raging everywhere on the Serenade star.

And after that short war ended.

The local human populace mistook it for an Astartes Librarian from the Argent Skulls.

A symbolic memorial statue was even erected to the Necrons.

Of course, the overall shape of the Astartes Memorial Statue, which is too thin and slender, really makes people laugh, and it is more likely to attract the scrutiny and thunderous methods of the court.

So after learning about this, Traasin once again tricked him into taking away the memorial statue, which saved the local human people from an unwarranted disaster.

"So, Traasin, what are you trying to express? The hopeless ignorance of the human population? Or the ruthless warlord style of the Inquisition?"

At this moment, Rorschach, who was sitting inside the cabin of the Thunderhawk transport plane, stared at Trassin opposite and asked indifferently.

"Dear Primarch, I didn't sarcasm anything, on the contrary, I always think this is one of the best things in the collection I have acquired... After all, what culture can make itself as the patron saint of the soul or A living saint or something is always something to show off."

Traasin, who heard the Primarch's words, turned the empathy annihilation scepter in his palm.

Even the depths of the silver skull's head faintly let out an extremely deep laugh.

"Perhaps, this is the difference between me and other necrons. I respect life to a certain extent. Even if the other party is a completely different alien race from me, speaking of it, there are different human beings who serve me. At least, their standard of living is far higher than that of ordinary people in the human empire, at least they can live until the end of their lives..."

"Tarassin, you can shut up for me. The whole galaxy has become what it is today. You Necrons have put in a lot of effort. Don't let me uncover your scars in person!"

At this moment, Rorschach who slowly closed his eyes said in a low tone.

After the somewhat self-defeating Traasin glanced back and forth at the Terminator guards around him, it also temporarily fell silent.

Only occasionally in the gap between the roar of the vector engine.

The dimly lit interior of the cabin is filled with the faint humming of songs from the serenade stars.

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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