Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 641 Welcome to the Human Empire!

Chapter 641 Welcome to the Human Empire!

Rorschach, relying on the unimpeded talent of the transparent man, conducted more field trips throughout the capital city.

And as night fell gradually.

Another side of this mutant society was also clearly revealed in front of Rorschach.

Wait until a large number of factories and shops are closed.

Inside countless dimly lit underground air defense fortifications.

A new world completely different from the day is becoming more and more active.

Accompanied by the continuous flashing of neon lights and deafening rock music.

A large number of young men and women with excited expressions entered the territory of these mutant gangs led by mutants.

And judging from the various secret things that Rorschach, who sneaked everywhere, heard from these places openly.

These mutant gangs, which may be spread across the country, are a group of resistance to Magneto's suppression.

And it is a non-governmental organization formed by opposition people who oppose mutants and want to give everything for ordinary people.

Although these guys have not yet developed to practice the brutal methods of terrorists.

However, the existence of various crimes and the ethos of resistance spread by young mutants.

It can also prove that Magneto, the great elder who firmly controlled the entire mutant society, died for some reason, or there were other problems.

The existence of these mutant gangs is one of the huge hidden dangers that can tear the consensus of the entire country.

In addition, Rorschach also discovered.

Although the whole country can be said to basically have no worries about food and clothing.

But the level of science and technology is only in line with the development level of a normal country, and there is nothing far ahead of the times.

Moreover, the operation of a society dominated by mutants relies too much on the empiricism brought about by superpowers.

Many technological manufacturing steps that originally required complete industrialization and proceduralization were shelved because of the addition of mutants.

Once there is a generation gap in an important link.

So unless the mutants can re-train a mutant with similar or the same super power to take the top position.

Otherwise, the level of technology they have now mastered will inevitably lead to large-scale production reduction or gradual extinction.

Faced with this situation, Rorschach is very familiar with it.

Because this is actually the operating mode of the Mechanic Order in the Human Empire.

It's just that the mutants aren't as crazy as the oil guys.

Wait until the time comes after midnight.

Public security policemen in black and yellow uniforms began to appear on a large number of city streets.

These official personnel, known as the 'X-Men', are one of the means Magneto uses to suppress mutant gangs.

They are often lenient towards ordinary humans and young mutants, and only use normal law enforcement methods such as fines or arrests to stabilize order.

But once there are mutants in the mutant gang who want to resist.

The behavior style of these public security policemen will be very aggressive, and can even be called cruel.

But even so.

Rorschach, who drove the power armor and wandered in the city streets, still saw more than one vile crime committed by mutants.

After crushing several mutant criminals with his own hands.

Rorschach with a calm expression quickly manipulated the propulsion device behind the power armor.

The whole tall body suddenly rose from the ground, avoiding the X-Men who heard the news.

A few minutes later, Rorschach, who had returned to the entrance of the Winter Palace, landed heavily from the dark night sky.

And he immediately received warm hospitality from the official mutants.

So, Rorschach, who was driving the power armor, had a second conversation with Magneto King Max, who had not yet fallen asleep.

"Did Mr. Rorschach gain a deeper understanding of the social status of our mutants during this investigation?"

At this moment, Magneto, who is using the magnetic field to control the metal wine bottle and wine glass, asked Rorschach.

"I personally think that you shouldn't have kept those mutant gangs. Their existence will only bring more disasters to your entire social system. The best choice is to kill the grass."

Rorschach took a deep breath.

He casually took a metal wine glass floating in front of him, and said in the direction of Magneto without any hesitation.

"Hey, after all, I am an old man who has experienced many battles, so I will inevitably soften my heart towards those disobedient mutant children..."

The white-haired Magneto subconsciously smiled.

He raised the metal wine glass and congratulated Rorschach, and continued:

"Of course, if I have to deal with them, I won't be merciless. After all, the future of the mutant race is far more important than them."

Magneto's voice just fell.

Rorschach, who also raised the metal wine glass, didn't drink it.

With squinted eyes, he stared at Magneto's slightly skinny face, and said lightly:

"Marx, do you think you mutants are ready for everything? If you want to truly become an ally of Terra Starfield Legion, the price you need to pay is more than what you imagined. Even the Asian side is just our strategic cooperation. It’s just a partner, the technology and resource support they get from me is just a drop in the bucket.”

Magneto, who heard Rorschach's words, took a sip of his drink.

He hesitated for a moment before saying solemnly:
"Mr. Rorschach, I think we can open the skylight and talk brightly."

"In my opinion, the Terra Star Legion is not a powerful force born on Earth, right? When we mutants and humans are still trying to research various scientific research directions, you can come up with very mature technological creations , not to mention those space battleships that can be used to fight aliens..."

"There is also the double-headed eagle flag symbol, and those giant-like Astartes wearing power armor, or the existence of the 'Emperor' belief... Sorry, Mr. Rorschach, an intelligence of our mutants Personnel accidentally became one of your 'Storm Angel' followers."

"Although the other party's beliefs are very firm and they haven't revealed anything to the outside world, we still managed to pass back some top-secret information through the passive insurance device designed with superpowers."

"It is precisely because of these intelligence information far beyond imagination that I, an old guy who is dying, want to take this opportunity to form an alliance with your Terra Star Realm Legion, and fight for the future of the entire mutant race! "

At this moment, Magneto King Max finally fully expressed to Rorschach all the things he had hidden.

And the aura exuded by Luo Xia who took a deep breath became more and more profound.

One of his vibrating gold palms subconsciously moved a few times, and the soul gem had already entered the depths of his palm.

"Mutant Max, are you sure you want to know the truth of everything and fully join my camp?"

"I think now that the words have come to this point, I have nothing to regret, I'm sure!"

"Very well, then the one standing in front of you now is not the team leader from the Terra Star Wars Legion."

"As the No.20 Primarch of the Human Empire, and in the name of the Emperor of Humanity, I will accept your native mutants as subhuman members of the human race!"

"In addition, I can tell you one more thing... that is, the emperor is not just a belief, because he is still a real god in the world!"

 thanks for your support!
During the Qingming Festival, there is a lot of rain, and pedestrians on the road want to die. Be careful of candles and pay attention to driving safety.

(End of this chapter)

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