Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 640 Battle Covenant and Social Investigation! 3k

Soon after, a horde of autonomous servo-droids re-released from the mothership.

And more mutant fighters with strict military discipline began to enter the ruins of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

This joint team worked hard to search for possible survivors, and also collected many mutilated corpses by the way.

Although there is no hope.

As the leader of the legion, Rorschach still asked the Astartes to join the search operation, even if Natasha's body was recovered.

The next moment, two magnetic boots slammed on the ground.

Rorschach, who immediately drove the propulsion device with his whole body, quickly rose into the air and flew towards the direction of the Helicarrier at extreme speed.

A few minutes later, inside the brightly lit bridge.

Rorschach, who was wearing vibrating gold power armor, stepped into this place slowly.

He first removed the skull helmet covering his head, raised his hand and patted Captain Bucky on the shoulder as a sign of encouragement.

Immediately afterwards, Rorschach hugged the always enthusiastic Thor Thor with a helpless expression.

And after Rorschach quickly finished seeing his own people.

He slowly turned his sharp gaze.

Driving the light golden power armor forward, he made the first contact with the quietly waiting Magneto King Max and the middle-aged woman who looked like Mystique.

Next, the two sides first conducted some official speeches on the scene in accordance with the usual practice.

Then Magneto Max changed the subject.

Looking up at the tall figure standing in front of him, he slightly smiled and said:

"I never thought that the leader of Terra's star corps would be such a young man. He is indeed a fearsome young man. Even mutants have to obey their old age."

And Rorschach, who had no expression on his bronze face, shook his head slightly.

Subconsciously squinting his eyes, he looked down at Magneto sitting in the metal cockpit, and said lightly:

"Mr. Marx, you don't need to say these compliments. If you have anything to say, you can just say it. How about we communicate more openly with each other?"

"Very good! Talk to me quickly, I just like your non-sloppy style of doing things, with the drive I had when I was young!"

At this moment, Magneto, whose expression gradually became serious, nodded his gray-haired head.

He took a deep breath, and continued to Rorschach:

"The real cause of the Chernobyl disaster, we will conduct a more detailed investigation of the accident, and then report the content to you Terra Starfield Corps and the Tribunal of Vengeance."

"This time, tens of thousands of innocent people have suffered such a huge loss. All the responsibilities are on the side of us mutants. It is also because when we chose the address to detain criminals and built the underground prison, we could not predict in advance what is happening today. of this situation."

"But the occurrence of this disaster has also made us old guys in the old era gradually understand that even if we mutants have the super power to change the world and change the world, we are just a group of losers who survived by luck."

"We call ourselves mutants, but no matter how we cover it up, mutants can't change the fact that we are just a branch of human evolution, because later we found through various researches that all humans have more or less mutant genes, but Our genes are just activated."

"Perhaps Mr. Rorschach, who is the leader of the Terra Starfield Legion, actually has the possibility of obtaining mutant superpowers."

"Speaking of which, when I was young, my behavior style was actually very extreme, and I could even be said to be a cynical murderer. At that time, the only fun I could feel was the continuous battle with an old friend of mine, saying It’s fighting for the survival of mutants, in fact, only in this way can I feel the meaning of my existence as a mutant.”

"But later, a series of huge changes brought the relationship between mutants and humans to the brink of a life-and-death war. Each party paid a very heavy price. In the most desperate time, I even tried to change the entire planet. The two poles of the magnetic field, the crazy idea of ​​letting the whole world and the mutants die together."

"In the end, it was my old friend who gave us mutants a new future at the cost of himself. His sacrifice completely changed many of my extreme ideas and made me successfully embark on the difficult journey of becoming a guardian of mutants." The road... Because of this, we have worked hard to gradually have the current powerful country that can live in peace with the mutants, and even has great support."

"In fact, when you first announced your existence to the world, we thought that the heresy you mentioned referred to our mutant race. For this reason, we even wanted to assassinate you, the leader. action."

"However, some things that happened later, for example, the complete destruction of the Hydra organization, also made us gradually change our concept of the Terra star corps you led, especially the alien invasion in the Battle of New York, Let us mutants understand that simply avoiding the world can no longer allow mutants to maintain their current stable life, because the entire era is changing."

"So, taking advantage of this opportunity, I would like to invite you to our capital city in the name of the elders of the mutant people, to learn more about us mutants, and under the guidance of our firm beliefs, we will carefully maintain it. of everything."

At this moment, the words of Magneto King Marx just fell.

Rorschach, who couldn't help raising his eyebrows, stared deeply at the other party.

He was silent for a moment, and asked in a playful tone:

"Mr. Marx, if I'm not mistaken, do you want to become allies fighting with our Terra star corps?"

Hear Rorschach's inquiry.

Magneto seemed to let out a sigh, and he said in a deep voice:
"According to our intelligence information, you have established a very good cooperative relationship with the eastern powers in the Asian region. Judging from the technological creations and a series of social developments that they gradually put on the table, this is undoubtedly a benefit. Qianqiu's important matter."

"As for Europe, if I'm not wrong in my judgment, they are already in the pocket of your Terra Star Realm Legion, right?"

"So, although I am the great elder of the mutant race, I am also one of the leaders of the entire country. The reason why mutants can gain a firm foothold in this country is that they have even won the enthusiastic support of a large number of people. Faced with any choice At the same time, putting the collective interest above the individual interest is the only magic weapon for us mutants other than dedication and sacrifice."

"Of course, if we really establish a more in-depth cooperative relationship in the future, then the interests of all human beings will also become the lifelong goal that all mutants strive for."

At this moment, Magneto's words made Rorschach, who had already intended to do so, nod slowly.

But he did not immediately make such an important decision involving many interests.

Instead, they intend to follow the other party to the capital city.

Learn more about the existence of mutants in more detail.

When necessary, the iron man David, who also needs to shoulder the responsibility of the chief steward, also joined the inspection activities and made important suggestions.


For the first time, a Helicarrier has arrived over the capital city of the mutant nation.

And with the appearance of a square teleportation barrier.

The Iron Man David with blue lights shining in his eyes also came near Rorschach.

Then, including Bucky and Saul.

At the personal invitation of Magneto, people with different expressions set off for the Winter Palace, the power center of mutants.

However, before the whole team reached the Winter Palace.

In order to prevent some superficial engineering that obscures the ears.

The thoughtful Rorschach first asked Iron Man David to handle everything on his behalf.

Then, Rorschach activated his special talent of transparent man in front of everyone, and drove the power armor towards the depths of the city.

He wanted to use a more objective external perspective to judge why Magneto wanted to be an ally fighting side by side with them so much.

And slowly over time.

Except for a very small number of powerful mutants with exceptionally keen perception who have vaguely noticed Rorschach's existence.

Rorschach, who has visited almost every corner and class in the entire capital city, also has a general understanding of the mutant country.

In this country, people seem to generally think that superpowers are just a most common tool, rather than a special gift unique to mutants.

In fact, the super power level of most mutants is not high, and they are basically not lethal.

But if you change your point of view.

Then many seemingly useless superpowers will become a very important part of industrial production and even social development.

For example, Rorschach saw with his own eyes a female mutant warrior surrounded by many mutant fighters arriving at the Capital Airport.

And from the few words of everyone.

Rorschach immediately knew that it was the other party who completely dyed the blue giant's gamma radiation into a very eye-catching light pink.

However, it was this young-looking female mutant warrior.

In fact, from the beginning of the birth of the ability, he was the technical backbone of mutants in a large state-owned textile factory responsible for using superpowers to adjust the color of textile fabrics.

As for her superpower, it can simply give any substance a specific refraction angle from the atomic level, and the maintenance time is also divided into two different states: permanent and temporary.

"So, in order to survive, they actually chose to integrate the superpowers of mutants into every aspect of ordinary people's lives. A mutant who can make this important decision can definitely be said to be a great man..."

At this moment, Rorschach, who was thinking, accidentally saw a mutant who was using his psychic power to carry the cargo in the cabin, as well as the crew members who seemed to be accustomed to it.

He subconsciously let out an exclamation from his mouth.

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