Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 637 'Big scene' and allies!


In an instant, the entire Chernobyl area, which was heavily wrapped in a huge energy barrier, fell into an earthquake state.

Even the pale pink air filled with countless gamma radiations continuously erupted with terrifying sounds like thunder.

And when it was above the ground, everything shook violently involuntarily.

Moreover, most of the masonry buildings were completely collapsed and damaged, and a large amount of dust was raised.


Accompanied by another magnetic field friction hum that almost resounded over Chernobyl.

That house occupies a vast land of several square kilometers.

The chassis under the foundation seems to be a huge nuclear power plant completely filled with a layer of metal casting.

As if being grabbed by an invisible giant hand, it was slowly lifted into the air!

In an instant, the amount of sand and gravel earthworks enough to completely bury a city continued to crazily scattered from under the huge foundation of the nuclear power plant.

And under the sweeping of the terrifying sandstorm formed by the continuous accumulation of a large amount of sand and stone.

Bang bang bang!
Accompanied by bursts of roaring noises from metal collisions.

An overall shape looks like an upside-down pyramid.

The huge metal creation comparable in size to a high-rise building was also forcibly pulled out from the depths of the ground by the ubiquitous and terrifying magnetic field!

Only tens of seconds later.

The wet soil was scattered all over the ground like pouring rain.

The inverted pyramid creation that was completely separated from the depths of the ground was immediately thrown to the ground not far away by the instigator located at a height of a thousand meters.

And the huge shock wave generated by the crash almost destroyed the only city buildings that survived the earthquake just now.

Immediately afterwards, the nuclear power plant, which slowly floated to an altitude of hundreds of meters, once again carried an astonishingly terrifying momentum, and fell heavily to the ground again, completely filling the underground cavity that had not been treated in any way!
At this moment, everything seemed so simple and rude, but it left people speechless.

It can only be said that even after changing beliefs and camps, Magneto is still a man of the scene!



almost the same time.

In front of the bridge porthole of the Helicarrier.

The grey-haired, skinny old man Max gasped violently with a pale face.

And the old palm with bulging veins on the back of the opponent's hand also trembled slightly and fell to the edge of the metal cockpit.

At this time, the face of the middle-aged woman standing not far away changed slightly.

The strange-looking opponent immediately ran towards Magneto King Max.

"Oh, I'm still old. I remember that when I buried the underground prison under the nuclear power plant, it wasn't so difficult. Time doesn't spare people."

"How is it? This stunned little comrade, are you satisfied with my old fellow's methods?"

"Right now, you can inform the leader of your Terra star corps. I have helped him pull the culprit of this disaster out of the ground, so they don't have to waste any more energy exploring the underground prison. "

At this moment, the skinny old man, whose pale face gradually returned to a tinge of blood, manipulated the metal cockpit to turn the direction.

He waved his old hand very weakly, stopping the middle-aged woman's concern.

Then, with a smile on his mouth, Magneto looked at Captain Bucky, whose expression has been changing back and forth, from shock at the beginning to now ashen.

As for Thor standing next to Bucky.

If it weren't for him holding Thor's Hammer tightly, he would know that the situation is not right now.

I am afraid that I will immediately raise my hand to applaud this extremely exciting big scene 'performance'.

You know, the Magneto King Marx in front of you is the oldest elder in the mutant group.

Even one of the controllers behind a United Nations five permanent countries.

The reason why the other party would rather take many risks and personally come to the helicarrier of a strange organization.

In addition to complete trust in one's own beliefs and abilities.

More is also to Saul and Bucky and others.

Or the Tribunal of Vengeance and the Tera Astral Legion standing behind them showed the country's background and the attitude of mutants.

Even if the current opponent looks old and looks like he is dying.

But no one can be sure.

If an Omega-level mutant powerhouse falls into a situation where he must die, what kind of terrifying destructive power will he unleash on his enemies.

"I'm just a mere mortal captain. I've done some biomechanical transformation at most. Naturally, I'm not as strong as a mutant like you who can shake the world."

"However, I think those of us have shown enough goodwill to you, otherwise the Terra Star Wars Legion and the Tribunal of Vengeance would not have had to work so hard. After all, this accident is a huge disaster that happened on your own land. If we don’t care about it, I’m afraid you will have to pay far more costs and losses than now!”

At this moment, Bucky took a deep breath and gradually cleared his mind.

He straightened his back slowly, before Sol, who was out of tune, spoke.

Said in the direction of Magneto in a neither humble nor overbearing tone.

Magneto King Max stared at the fearless Bucky with a gratified expression.

He nodded his gray-haired head, chuckled and said:

"Little comrade, you are right, so in order to show basic respect, I came to your site in person."

"And the mutant race and all ordinary people will recognize your contribution and remember your help to the entire country."

"However, I don't think it's a good time for you and me to discuss this matter. Why don't you wait until everything is settled and I, as the representative of the mutants, meet with your leader Rorschach?"

Magneto King Max's voice just fell.

Captain Bucky subconsciously nodded his head with a calm expression.

He rolled his eyes and said:

"I think Lord Rorschach is looking forward to meeting you."

"It's not too late now, all robot crew members pay attention, listen to my order, and start releasing the intelligent control army downward!"



Accompanied by the humming of servos and electronic muscle bundles.

The tall figure covered with sand and dust on the pale golden vibrating gold power armor slowly climbed up from a hole in the ground full of cracks.

And it was around the slightly embarrassed Rorschach.

The think tank Storm Prophet from White Scars, several Astartes, and the Raven Guard champions also propped up the wreckage of the buildings that fell on them, slowly revealing their tall bodies.

Boom boom boom!
Not far away, the roar of the engines of the two Juggernaut Knights, which were almost buried by the wreckage of the building, also broke out again.

The knight captain inside them quickly checked the signs of damage on the huge metal body through various systems.

Then he moved slowly with heavy steps, passed through the pale pink gamma radiation, and approached Rorschach.

"You don't need to fucking guess!"

"Except for 'Magneto' among the mutants, not many people can control such a large-scale magnetic field change!"

"And even if the other party likes the big scene, at least they should give warning to the people below, right?"

At this moment, Rorschach shook his skull helmet vigorously and stared at the shadowy Helicarrier a thousand meters away.

He was very angry and cursed a few words.

A few minutes ago, the people who had no time to run far were completely trapped in the ground around the nuclear power plant by the sudden strong magnetic field and the collapsed buildings.

Luo Xia can also be regarded as personally experiencing the strong mutants in the local world.

Completely polish your own superpowers to the state of terror at the peak.

Facing mutant powerhouses of this level.

Unless the Emperor himself is possessed by spirits, or relying on the legion-level Astartes to carry out a suicide attack of the nature of an extermination order.

Otherwise, Rorschach, who is the Primarch, wants to conquer the entire mutant country purely by force, which is wishful thinking.

Even if he transferred the entire shark fleet to the home world.

It's not much use for Magneto, who can control the planet's magnetic field.

After all, the opponent's super power is actually inherently restraining all technological creations made of metal.

"For the mutants, it is better to adopt a diplomatic alliance attitude. Even the former emperor's unification war against Terra was not completely pushed through by force... Fortunately, I did not choose to use force to conquer the local world. Otherwise, now I will face a bunch of tough mutant enemies."

At this moment, Rorschach, who was driving the power armor and carrying the Dawnbringer's hammer, thought silently.

However, at this time, as a large amount of dust continued to fall.

In the distance is the depths of the huge prison that looks like an inverted pyramid.

There were also bursts of terrifying sounds of metal twisting and tearing gradually!
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