Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 636 Come, Magneto, give him the whole job!

Chapter 636 Come, Magneto, give him the whole job!
boom boom-

Almost at the same time, there were several wide roads and the surrounding flat land fifty kilometers away from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

An armored personnel carrier carrying a large number of mutant fighters.

And hundreds of tanks and armored formations drove quickly towards the edge of the invisible gamma radiation.

Soon after, as the distance continued to approach.

Hundreds of mutant fighters with different physical shapes, but full of capable spirits jumped out of the interior compartment of the armored personnel carrier.

They were wearing green military uniforms and after a brief roll call.

Immediately under the personal leadership of a mutant political commissar.

With a dignified expression, they headed upstream towards a large number of retreating crowds ahead.

And every citizen who successfully escaped from gamma radiation didn't show too sad negative emotions on their faces.

"Ah, our troops are here!"

"We are saved! Everyone is saved!"

At this moment, they gradually calmed down, just stared at the mutant fighters passing by with expectant eyes, and at the same time silently prayed for them from the bottom of their hearts.

After about ten minutes.

The mutant political commissar, who was leading the mutant warriors on a hasty march, suddenly raised a palm.

"All teammates, stop advancing—"

And the position of the other party's eyes also emitted a series of white detection rays visible to the naked eye like searchlights.

Chi Chi Chi!
At this moment, the mutant fighters, whose actions could be said to be prohibited by orders, had already stopped in order, waiting for the next order from the mutant political commissar.

At this moment, a female mutant warrior with a tense expression ran all the way and rushed directly behind the mutant political commissar.

However, she hadn't had time to say anything.

The loud and clear voice from the mutant political commissar resounded all around!

"Comrades, both General Logan and the elders of the Winter Palace have repeatedly told you about the specific situation, so I won't repeat it again."

"This time, it is a horrible disaster and a huge crisis that our entire country has encountered in a century! And according to the careful speculation of a prophet and elder who is proficient in prophecy, there are already [-] to [-] people and mutant compatriots because of Gaga. The spread of Ma radiation unfortunately lost lives!"

"As mutants, we with all kinds of superpowers are the only existence that ordinary people can rely on!"

"We must do everything in our power to stop the spread of gamma rays. One is to buy more time for those new friends who are in the center of the battlefield and are willing to stand up to help us, and the other is to protect those who support us and treat us well. the masses of the people, and the only homeland of us all!"

"Comrades, the time has come for the elders and the people to test us!"

At this moment, the mutant political commissar, whose eyes repeatedly emitted white light, shouted hoarsely at the thousands of mutant fighters in front of him.

And after the blood and faith in the hearts of everyone with tense expressions was gradually mobilized.

The mutant political commissar took a deep breath and immediately turned to look at the female mutant soldier next to him whose expression was gradually resolute.

"Comrade Nova, are you ready? According to the country's regulations and mutant regulations, you shouldn't have set foot on the battlefield with us, because your super power has no lethality and is only suitable for production tasks, but At present, the special mechanism of your superpower may bring great convenience to our follow-up actions, so the elders have no choice but to let you follow."

The words of the mutant political commissar just fell.

The female mutant warrior Nova, who seemed to have just grown up, nodded her head vigorously.

She opened her bright eyes slightly, and shouted to the mutant political commissar in front of her without fear:

"Comrade Commissar, for the bright future of the mutants and the people, and for the entire country, please give me orders!"

For the passion shown by Comrade Nova.

The mutant political commissar with a more serious expression immediately nodded and said:

"Very well, Comrade Nova, I believe in your faith and faith!"

"Please immediately use your superpowers to fully reveal those invisible gamma radiation! Remember, the whole operation is not over for a moment, even if it consumes your vitality, you must maintain the continuous release state of superpowers for me, understand ?"

At this moment, Nova, the female mutant warrior who nodded vigorously again, took a deep breath.

She slowly stretched out her two arms facing the invisible gamma radiation not far away.

In the next second, the color of the opponent's skin exposed outside the green military uniform has completely turned into a very attractive pink!

At the same time, the invisible gamma rays whose radiation range almost reached tens of kilometers in diameter were gradually completely blurred from the edge to a clearly visible light pink!

Immediately afterwards, the mutant political commissar who raised one palm again also released wisps of wriggling white light from the inside of his eyes, quickly linking up to every mutant fighter!

"Comrades, listen to my order, activate your energy barrier together, let us work together to completely push back the manifested gamma radiation! Remember, the structure and quality of the energy barrier must be controlled to the smallest extent, These extremely harmful gamma radiation cannot be allowed to leak out!"

At this moment, the somewhat strenuous words of the mutant political commissar gradually echoed around.


Along with a multicolored energy beam that soared into the sky.

A layer of overlapping energies of different natures gradually gathered together, and the rapidly formed huge energy barrier gradually buckled on the gamma radiation that was already clearly visible, and completely enveloped the entire Chernobyl area. !

"Get ready, get up!"

"Just when pear blossoms are blooming all over the world...Katyusha is standing on the pretty shore..."

At this moment, accompanied by melodious military songs that gradually sounded to inspire everyone's morale.

This incomparably huge energy barrier is gradually compressing its own mass, slowly but firmly controlling the spread of a large amount of gamma radiation! ——

Inside the bridge of the Helicarrier.

Frowning, Bucky is questioning the fact that Thor led the mutants into the ship without any distinction between friend and foe.

And when Bucky learned that the matter had been temporarily approved by Iron Man David and the great mentor Tony.

As the captain, he let out a sigh of relief with a slightly helpless expression.

Then, Bucky turned his head to look at the skinny old man who was manipulating the metal cockpit to inspect the interior of the bridge back and forth.

"Mr. Marx, although you are the great elder of the mutants, and we welcome you to come here as a guest of the Terra Star Wars Corps, but let us do the things on the battlefield? It is said that gamma rays are harmful to mutants and even carbon-based creatures. The lethality far exceeds expectations, and our leader Rorschach is also taking great risks to fight on the ground, so you don't have to come and make trouble for us, right?"

Bucky, with an indifferent expression, squinted his eyes, stared at the other party and said.

But in the face of Bucky's slightly eccentric words.

The thin old man with gray hair did not show any signs of anger.

With a smile on his lips, he just slowly manipulated the metal cockpit and moved towards the large porthole in front of the bridge.

"Hehe, little comrade, don't be angry."

"My old thing just looks older, not useless, and when I was young, I personally participated in the construction of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the large-scale project of the underground prison. It can be said that no one is more familiar with it than me. The structures there are…”

"Look, the energy barrier to stop the spread of gamma rays has been raised, and our manpower has also started to move. Then, it's time for me, the Great Elder, to help those mutant children."


At this moment, there was a burst of metal buzzing or the sound of magnetic field friction that suddenly resounded throughout the sky.

The huge Helicarrier that has successfully arrived directly above Chernobyl actually stayed firmly above a thousand meters in an extremely strange hovering posture!
In the next second, under the gaze of Sol's slightly curious gaze and Bucky's gradually widening eyes.

Slowly closing his eyes, the skinny old man suddenly stretched out an old hand with intertwined muscles and bones!
"Give me a—"

 thanks for your support!
People of the scene, of course there must be some big scenes.

I just heard that Fengyi Tianya, the boss of Qidian Wanding, is going to continue to write a work for a friend of the author who died unfortunately, and all the proceeds will be given to the family without receiving a penny. I have to admire the chivalry of others. If any of us readers like " The realistic writing style of "Police Road Order" can be tried by police-type writing. I have kept it in my collection but haven't read it. I also took the time to subscribe to express my support.

(End of this chapter)

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