Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 521 Sol arrives!

Chapter 521 Sol arrives!

When the first rays of the morning sun shone on the rotting flesh and blood of a large number of Nurgle walking corpses.

On the distant horizon, blurred figures of Taurus assault vehicles gradually appeared.

More than 100 aboard the Astartes Taurus assault vehicle.

Loaded with a heavy flamethrower and two whirlwind missile launchers, they charged into the edge of the battlefield.

chi chi chi-

In an instant, countless whirlwind missiles were launched by the Wailers.

These extremely magnificent steel creations quickly rose into the air with a shrill scream, and then crashed into the depths of Nurgle's corpse tide.

Immediately afterwards, terrifying high-temperature flames sprayed out from above the Taurus assault vehicle that gradually formed a spearhead assault formation, completely igniting the wave of Nurgle corpses that were about to come into contact.

And the Astartes from the Lamenters, they either raised their bolters with one hand, or set up their power swords and chainswords.

Like a tireless killing machine, it launched a continuous vehicle charge towards the tide of Nurgle's corpses!

At this moment, Rorschach, who was standing on the simple city wall driving the vibration gold power armor, raised his hand to stop Professor Hulk who was about to enter.

Wearing a vibrating gold helmet, he expressed to the other party in a very short language.

The swarm of Nurgle corpses besieging the entire town is just a warm-up exercise for the Astartes.

If it wasn't for worrying about chaos pollution.

Even a well-trained mortal army is enough to stand against the walking corpses of Nurgle.

And as time goes on.

The hordes of Nurgle corpses, whose numbers were almost uncountable, gradually fell into an endless sea of ​​terrifying flames.

Moreover, the extremely fragile and rotting body of Nurgle's walking corpse was also crushed into countless sticky flesh by the powerful wheels of the Taurus assault vehicles.

Even those plague bearers hiding in the tide of Nurgle's corpses were quickly terminated by explosive bombs or melee weapons.

About an hour later, the tide of Nurgle corpses that surrounded the entire survivor town was completely cleaned up.

The two company commanders of the Wailers [-]st Company and [-]nd Company drove the Taurus assault vehicle to the bottom of the simple city wall.

They drove the Terminator power armor and jumped off the light vehicle, and without hesitation performed the sky eagle salute in the direction where Rorschach was.

Rorschach, who shook the vibrating gold helmet slightly, waved his palm.

He first introduced Professor Hulk as a friendly army to the Astartes company commanders.

Then, Rorschach carefully asked them about the situation along the way before arriving.

And when I learned that more waves of Nurgle corpses were continuing to move towards Lucknow, the capital city of Uttar Pradesh.

After careful consideration, Rorschach immediately decided to use this survivor town as a base for launching a follow-up attack.

According to many situations that everyone has seen with their own eyes.

Rorschach vaguely sensed that the group blessings from Nurgle might have some upper limit.

The presence of the Chaos Astartes is perhaps the ultimate limit to the blessings of mass.

Not as he had feared before.

With the passage of time, horrors like the Chaos Demon have proliferated.

After all, there is no real warp in the home world.

The power of chaos is regarded as rootless water, without any source to replenish.

Even if the Chaos Demon wants to open the Chaos Portal through a large-scale sacrificial ceremony, the location of the opening may not be specified.

Even if something is really summoned, who to help is another matter worth discussing.


Wait until the large amount of gunpowder smoke on the outskirts of the town gradually dissipates.

The Astartes of the Wailers Company have completed a brief repair and are ready to launch an offensive again under the leadership of Rorschach.

Today, the countless survivors in the town are not seriously polluted by chaos.

Maybe wait until the Wehrmacht guards enter the field.

Many mortals can be saved by using the statue of the emperor and the holy water made by melting the panacea.

At this moment, Professor Hulk, who had just explained some precautions to some civilians, completed his final entrustment.

He swayed his huge green body and came in front of Rorschach.

"All civilians have formed a certain degree of defense consensus, we can leave with confidence, Mr. Rorschach, are you sure your other troops will take over here?"

Professor Hulk asked Rorschach in a solemn tone.

Hear what the other person has to say.

Rorschach, who was wearing a vibrating gold helmet, nodded without hesitation and said:

"The Defense Force Guards and Stormtrooper Company are no more than [-] kilometers away from here. They will arrive here when we leave. Moreover, the development of the battlefield situation is changing rapidly. We really can't stay any longer."

"I understand that this is also the first time I have seen the fighting power of these Astartes. If your judgment is correct and there are many Chaos Astartes in the enemy team, this is indeed not a good thing. It has to be done quickly.”

Professor Hulk nodded solemnly.

However, at this time, just when Luo Xia wanted to speak again.


Accompanied by the violent whistling that resounded over the town and the sound of thunder that sounded out of thin air.

A huge metal body wearing a six-armed Terminator and wrapped in a striking thunder light suddenly landed in front of Professor Hulk and Rorschach!

"Haha, did you miss me? Brother Rorschach!"

At this moment, the cheerful laughter from Thor Thor quickly echoed around from the inside of the metal helmet.

The Astartes standing around were unmoved by this.

They have long been accustomed to the carefree style of this friend of the Primarch.

However, more civilians in the town regarded Thor, the god of thunder, as a descended god because of the dazzling light of thunder and lightning, and continued to kneel down and worship.

"Sol, where's Tony?"

A thick arm of Rorschach, who drove the vibrating gold power armor forward, collided heavily with Sol's arm.

He asked Sol in front of him in a low voice.

Even the voice seems to have a fleeting mood swing mixed in.

"According to the information obtained by David through satellites and a large number of automatic bees, the command center judged that Lucknow, the capital city, may become the final battlefield. Tony just led his Iron Legion to conduct reconnaissance activities there. According to Du The final agreement negotiated between Mu and the local official department, after we provide the specific coordinates, they will provide continuous long-range fire support, which can be regarded as a contribution.”

Thor, who shook the metal helmet slightly, said to Rorschach in a relaxed tone.

"That's fine, as long as those mortals obey the command and don't make trouble for us."

Rorschach did not continue to tap the vibrating gold helmet.

He drove the vibration gold power armor and turned around slowly, raised his finger to Professor Hulk and introduced to Thor:
"This is the Hulk, you can call him 'Professor' now, Professor, this is Thor, a human ally from the myths and legends of Asgard, and it can also be said to be an alien."

After hearing Rorschach's words.

Both Thor and Professor Hulk have set their sights on each other.

They took a quick look at each other.

Two equally huge palms slowly clenched together.

"Welcome to the fight, big green friend!"

"Hello, Mr. Saul, I used to think that the myths and legends were all false, but now it seems that those archetypal characters really exist."

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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