Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 520 Welcome to the team, Bruce Banner!

Chapter 520 Welcome to the team, Bruce Banner!

Inside the town surrounded by Nurgle's walking corpses.

Under the dark night sky, a large green hand gently placed a huge handmade kettle on top of a pile of fires that were constantly emitting scorching flames.

And the opponent's other big green hand was carefully crushing coffee beans with indistinguishable colors with their thick fingers.

At this moment, Rorschach, who had just taken off the vibrating gold helmet, let wisps of heat escape from his short gray hair and evaporate.

He drove the vibranium power armor against the side of a broken wall.

The indifferent gaze that could not see any emotional changes stared at the Hulk who called himself 'Professor' in front of him.

According to the self-introduction of the other party.

He's neither the Savage Hulk nor the real Dr. Bruce Banner himself.

It is one of the new personalities that were accidentally stimulated and fused in response to the coming of this chaotic invasion.

"Neither I, nor the Hulk who hates Banner, dare not let Banner reveal his true body easily. After all, the human body is still too fragile, especially in the current chaotic situation, we should be more cautious." Some would be better, don't you, Mister Rorschach... coffee?"

At this moment, Professor Hulk, whose body movements were almost full of elegance and easy-going, looked up at Rorschach, and said in a calm tone.

"I don't like the bitter taste of coffee very much, just give me clean fresh water."

Rorschach raised his brow slightly and turned his gaze to look at the Hulk's thick fingers crushing the coffee beans.

He couldn't help shaking his head.

Afterwards, Luo Xia drove the vibrating gold power armor forward, and sat directly beside the fire.

"So, did you teach you how to deal with this Chaos Plague, and taught ordinary people how to disinfect and prevent it? How many survivors are there in the entire town?"

"Mr. Rorschach, you should ask how many people are left in Uttar Pradesh."

Hearing Rorschach's question, Professor Hulk's eyes full of wisdom flashed a heavy haze and regret.

He whispered to Rorschach in a very heavy tone:

"When I wandered into this small town half a year ago, there were probably more than 30 people here. Now, although there are no statistics, there should be less than 5 people left... I saw the zombies outside the town ?"

"On the seventh day of this horrific disaster, about two-thirds of the population in the town where only some people started to get sick had turned into that kind of irrational horrible corpse, if Banner's emotional changes were not too violent , so that I also appeared, then I am afraid that there will be no living people left."

"But other towns and cities, or villages with a large number of civilians, may not be so lucky."

"What I can tell you is that what they are infected with is the plague of walking corpses, a horrible plague randomly spread by a chaotic evil god who is in charge of many concepts such as life and decay, and this is just the most insignificant of the countless plagues concocted by the other party. kind."

The next moment, Rorschach, whose thoughts turned for a while, revealed some secrets related to the battlefield situation to Professor Hulk.

And Professor Hulk, who heard Rorschach's words, nodded his head subconsciously.

He rummaged through the debris beside the fire and found a few dusty cups, sighed and said:
"It's no wonder that many of the medicines I temporarily prepared have no effect on zombified humans. Is this ancient thing that is far beyond imagination doing bad things?"

"In fact, at first I thought it was some evil company or organization that was good at biological weapons that caused all these disasters."

"I hope Mr. Rorschach doesn't mind one thing. I even doubted your Terra Star World Legion. After all, the massacre you caused was too cruel and shocking."

Professor Hulk gave Rorschach a slightly apologetic look.

Rorschach, who heard the other party's words, was unmoved.

He just said in a calm tone:

"It's not a big deal, I've been used to it for a long time."

"And we are indeed not a team of soft-hearted heroes. There is nothing we can do to create such a stereotype for outsiders."

"By the way, I have sent the coordinates of the town where we are now. My support team will arrive here soon. All the survivors are basically safe. I mean, if they can pass the isolation review...Professor What about you? Do you have any specific plans?"

At this moment, Professor Hulk, whose expression gradually became dignified, stopped the busy little movements at hand.

Countless rising mist made the opponent's huge body slightly hazy.

"If Savage Hulk answers your question, its answer must be very simple, that is to find the instigator of this disaster and smash the opponent's head completely!"

"Although the Savage Hulk is childish and irritable, he is indeed the most kind and just personality among us."

"And if it's Banner himself, he might think of a way to study potions or technological devices to eliminate many plagues, trying to heal the suffering of countless civilians without causing conflicts between all parties."

"Banner is a scientist after all, not a formidable warrior."

"However, as a 'professor', even if I have inherited Banner's scientific thinking and knowledge, I barely know how difficult it is to fight against a conceptual god."

"To be honest, I'm more curious about how you will quell this disaster, and how many people are willing to help you?"

Professor Hulk's almost watertight and meticulous words threw the question to Rorschach again.

Without the slightest hesitation, Rorschach patted the Seiko Bolt Gun hanging on his waist with a vibrating gold palm.

He continued in a low voice:

"Bombs and chainsaws have always been a good way to fight against chaos, and they are also the only way that countless human beings have explored with their lives. This war has mobilized nearly 60.00% of my combat team. These loyal fighters will use their all , or even life to face the enemies of Chaos!"

"As a team leader, my battle goal is to be the first to confront the advanced combat power created by Chaos... Then, whether you are the Savage Hulk or Professor Banner, are you interested in participating in this battle with me?" Is it war?"

"Whether it's for the sake of those dead humans, or for the sake of being able to continue wandering safely, Mr. Luo Xia, I don't think I can find a reason to refuse you."

At this moment, the huge green kettle with countless scalding steam constantly rising was firmly held in the palm of Professor Hulk's big green hand.

It quickly cleaned the water glass with hot water.

Then, with a solemn expression, he handed a cup of scalding fresh water to Rorschach who was sitting across from the fire.

And Luo Xia, who had a calm expression, took it without hesitation.

He squinted at Professor Hulk's huge flesh and blood body, and slowly squeezed out a fleeting smile from the corner of his mouth.

"Then, you are welcome to join my team temporarily, Bruce Banner!"

 thanks for your support!
The new universe plan of the director of DC is a pile of shit, a pile of shit!

(End of this chapter)

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