Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 495 Minotaur in Holy Terra: Shadow of the Regency! (3)

Chapter 495 Minotaur in Holy Terra: Shadow of the Regency! (three)

[Accompanied by the roar of countless vector engines. 】

[Thunderhawk transport planes carrying Primal Astartes slowly left the hangar deck, quickly flew into the icy void, and galloped towards the air port of Holy Terra. 】

[About half of the veterans of the battle group are left by you on the flagship of Daedalus Force. Once your order is given, they will jump gangs or die airborne on the attack target you selected. 】

[Not long after, you inadvertently looked through the porthole of the transport plane, and saw the home world of the Imperial Fist, which is very majestic from the outside, the Shanzhen, which is as huge as a planetary fortress. 】

[Unfortunately, the current Mountain Array has not been fully repaired from the damage of the Cadian Battle. Most of the places are incomplete, and there are still a lot of horrible battle damage visible to the naked eye. 】

[Then, for the first time, you saw the holy Terra not far away, and the human spectacle that can be overlooked from space, the Imperial Palace, very clearly for the first time. 】

【Based on the Himalayas, this huge building complex covers the entire plateau, silently recording tens of thousands of years of difficult history of human beings struggling to survive and paying countless blood and tears, as well as the glorious achievements of human empires. 】

[This is the throne world and home world of mankind, and it is also the most sacred and respectable place among millions of imperial planets. 】

[If there are no accidents, there will be billions of pilgrims flocking to the holy Terra every moment. They hope to pay homage to the ancient statues of the emperor and the sons of God, kneel down to a large number of state religion temples, and enjoy the blessings from the astronomical torch. The close-up of the light shines. 】

[To some extent, this planet is simply a sacred place in the hearts of countless devout believers that cannot be defiled by any existence. 】

[At the same time, Holy Terra is also the hellish homeland of hundreds of billions of Hive City civilians. 】

[As the largest hive capital of the entire human empire, the living environment of mortals outside the Terra Palace and various bureaucratic and administrative institutions. 】

[With the continuous division of layers, the harsh conditions of the lowest civilians are estimated to be far beyond your imagination. 】

[At this moment, with the data flowing back and forth in your mind, you suddenly realized something. 】

[Guilliman, who has no time to care about the Holy Terra, needs to personally command the Indomitable Expedition in order to return most of the empire's territory that lost the light of the astronomical torch. 】

[And the Supreme Lord Council of Terra, which was supposed to shoulder many heavy responsibilities, is now treacherous, and everyone has their own little calculations. 】

[They would rather stand on the high ground and watch the fire from the other side, and they would not take action to rectify the current chaotic Terra. 】

[Because neither heretics nor cultists can really break into the palace walls, they can only continue to wreak havoc in the hive home of the people of Terra. 】

[But you will never stand idly by, whether it is the people of Terra who are suffering disasters or the high lords who have failed the emperor's trust and sacrifice. 】

[With your character and behavior, you will never watch something happen again! 】

[Perhaps the regent Guilliman has already made a clever plan and made all the preparations in secret. 】

[He can barely suppress the rebellion of the conservatives by relying on the reformist forces within the high lord, but this kind of power struggle from the top often ignores the people at the bottom. 】

[And this is the duty that you, the Primarch, will not forget, and it may be one of the reasons why you are here at this moment. 】

【"Tsk, should it be said that the old emperor will make the best use of everything, or is he omniscient and omnipotent?" You sighed slowly, and looked back at the holy Terra. 】

[As time went by, Thunderhawk transport planes successfully passed through the powerful defense network of Sacred Terra and arrived at the Lions Gate Airport. 】

【You drove the Terminator power armor blankly, just stepped out of the cabin, before the magnetic boots landed, a dozen scanning devices from different forces quickly passed your tall body. 】

[There are not only necessary preventive procedures prepared by the Forbidden Army and the Imperial Fist, but also temptations and precautions from more unknown forces. 】

[After all, the Minotaur battle group is notoriously lackeys of the high lord, and now you are all bad people in the eyes of any party, good or bad. 】

["I am the commander of the third company of the Imperial Fists, Thor Galadon! Dear Minotaur Chapter Master, why did your Chapter fleet break into the solar system without permission! Don't you know that the Astartes did not summon to prohibit entry Is it the solar system?"]

[At this moment, a Primordial Astarte with short thick gray hair and a tight face like a rock is walking towards you. 】

【He was wearing a specially modified set of yellow Mark [-] power armor, and a huge power glove named 'Hand of Resistance' was also put on the opponent's right hand. 】

[The other party is the captain of Thor Galadon, who has the longest service period in the history of the Imperial Fists and has even more legendary combat experience. 】

【"The Minotaur battle group has just suffered a raid by the Death Guard, and the combat brothers suffered heavy casualties. The purpose of our coming to Holy Terra is to replenish the necessary gene seeds. Also, if you have not received The order of the Supreme Council, then a few hours ago, the entire Sun Fleet and your Imperial Fist's Shanzheng have already launched interception and shooting on my fleet!"]

【You took a deep breath, and said in a calm tone to the other party who is close at hand. 】

【You casually picked up the brown-red metal helmet from your waist, ignoring the indifferent gaze of Captain Galadon, and slowly put it on your head. 】

【"Now, you can get out of the way, and let others bear the fall of the Imperial Fist. In the days to come, you will be in a state of desperation!"]

【You quickly raised your arms covered with thick ceramic steel, pulled out the thick and long black spear and the extremely solid Minotaur shield from the back of the power pack, and held them tightly in your hands. 】

[Your sudden movement vaguely aroused Captain Galadon's stressful behavior. 】

[Buzz buzz! 】

[The huge power glove on the opponent's right hand subconsciously made a subtle sound of mechanical friction. 】

[However, just as the Astartes combat teams behind both sides are about to enter combat readiness. 】

[Company Commander Galadon, with an indifferent expression, quickly suppressed the desire to fight in his heart by relying on his strong will that has been tempered for a long time and the heavy duty of being a guard of Terra. 】

【"Let go! Let the Minotaur battlegroup enter Terra!" Captain Galadon, who stared deeply at you, shouted loudly at the Imperial Fists behind him without looking back. 】

【"Thank you for your cooperation." You shook the metal helmet slightly, and said in a calm tone. 】

【Suddenly, with the Minotaur shield on your left arm, you stretched out a ceramic steel palm to Captain Garadon in front of you. 】

[The expressionless Captain Garadon first glanced at the solid and heavy shield, and then looked at the eyepiece of your helmet. 】

[The next moment, Captain Garadon, who was obviously reluctant, still held out the politeness between the battle groups and the friendship of the Astartes, and stretched out a left hand covered with ceramic steel to you. 】

[Accompanied by the extremely dull sound of metal clashing, the ceramic steel palms of the two of you tightly clenched together. 】


【At this moment, Captain Galadon couldn't help but twitch his brows which had not changed his emotions. 】

[He subconsciously looked at Tao Gang's palm that the two of you had just let go. 】

[At this moment, a neatly trimmed sheepskin roll, the size of a child's palm, faintly peeked out from between Captain Galadon's thick fingers. 】

【The person whose expression has changed just wanted to ask you the specific reason, but was abruptly blocked by your slightly shaking metal helmet. 】

【"We will meet again later, Captain Galadon."】

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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