Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 494 Minotaur in Holy Terra: Shadow of the Regency! (2)

Chapter 494 Minotaur in Holy Terra: Shadow of the Regency! (two)

【You slowly shuttle through the dimly lit corridor of the ship. 】

[You have met a Terminator bodyguard that belongs to you head-on. 】

[Minotaur Chapter Leader Moloch doesn't like to carry Terminator personal guards. The reason is that in many cases, the presence of personal guards will affect his attack speed. 】

[In terms of combat power alone, you think that Moloch of the Minotaur Chapter may be able to compete with Tiberus of the Shark Shark Chapter, because both of them belong to the kind that far exceeds the Astartes specification special individual. 】

【After you thought about it for a while, you suddenly raised a palm and greeted the Terminator guards. 】

[Those Terminator guards who have obtained the order permission immediately followed behind you. 】

【This is not your own body. Perhaps you have obtained Moloch's consent for your arrival, but it is better to cherish it more. 】

【You all walk towards the bridge together. 】

[Not long after, you met the captain of the Daedalus Force heavy assault aircraft carrier, a middle-aged man with a serious expression. 】

[You order the other party to call up the overlooking map of Holy Terra and the location of the imperial palace, and at the same time order the captain to notify the ship deck to prepare a Thunderhawk transport plane that can carry the entire battle group Astartes. 】

[The middle-aged captain asked the servitor to call out the overhead map without any hesitation, and then the other party quickly turned around and contacted the ship deck. 】

【You stare at the Terra Palace, which can be called a human miracle, and take a deep breath. 】

【You suddenly raised a palm covered with ceramic steel, pointed to a large black area outside the palace and asked. 】

【"What's the situation here? Is it the remains of the battlefield of the Battle of Lions Gate?"】

【"Master Chapter Leader, according to the information we have received, the joint forces of the Imperial Fist and the Imperial Army have been secretly carrying out various counter-insurgency operations to eradicate the cult, but the effect is not good, and many civilians in the hive city have been killed. Trapped inside, I think they will end their suffering short of food and fresh water, and their souls will return to the throne."]

[The middle-aged captain, who is coordinating the preparations of the mortal crew, hesitated a little, but he still raised his head and said in your direction. 】

【"Although the Forbidden Army suffered heavy casualties in the Battle of Lions Gate, this is not an excuse for them to fail one after another even in the face of mortal heresy. As for the Imperial Fist, I will not comment. You go and call the original casters who just came in to recruit Starter and the veterans in the battle group, they should also move!"]

[You drive the Terminator armor and turn slightly, looking at a Terminator guard beside you and commanding. 】

【The silent opponent immediately ran towards the outside of the bridge without looking back, and the sound of heavy footsteps echoed around. 】

【"Captain, inform the Imperial Fist's Mountain Array and the Lion's Gate Airport, and by the way, bring along the Tower of Hegemony of the Forbidden Army... It means that the Minotaur battle group will give Holy Terra a certain amount of combat power support , to completely quell the unfinished chaos within Terra.”]

【You clearly issued new orders to the middle-aged captain. 】

[The other party first stared at you in surprise, and then immediately plunged into the complicated communication. 】

【You listened for a while, then turned around and led the Terminator guards out of the bridge. 】

[You quickly headed to the flight deck located in the middle of the flagship. 】

[Just stepped inside the hangar, within your field of vision, the Minotaur Astartes numbering nearly a thousand people are neatly arranged on the metal floor like metal statues. 】

[You can tell at a glance which are the original recruits and which are the veterans of the battle group through the style and wear of the power armor. 】

[And after your continuous scanning, you found that the number of Primordial Astartes is almost half of the entire battle group. Except for the first company wearing some Hades-type Terminator and unyielding-type Terminator, the entire battle group is intact. There are far fewer veterans in the regiment than you might expect. 】

【"It seems that the Minotaur battle group lost a lot of people in the previous battle with the Death Guard..." You thought to yourself with a slight frown. 】

[At this moment, I didn't wait for you to come forward and give a lecture to the Astartes of the entire battle group. 】

【Hermit Ivanus with a hurried expression ran to the hangar deck with two parchment scrolls in hand, and quickly continued running towards you. 】

【"Master Moloch! Calgar of the Ultramarines replied immediately! At the same time, there is an order from the High Lord Council of Terra!" The other party quickly described to you in a nervous voice. 】

【You stopped your progress, and casually took a parchment handed over by the other party respectfully. 】

[You looked down and there was no corresponding code that Calgar had to answer, which means that the person who replied might not be Calgar. 】

[And in the entire parchment, there is only a short message that others may not be able to understand, but you can definitely understand. 】

【"22! Don't act rashly! I have already made arrangements for everything that happens on the Holy Terra!"】

【You stare carefully at the endless sentence on the parchment, but you can't help showing a fleeting smile at the corner of your mouth. 】

[It seems that you have met Guilliman himself in the past, and have had a detailed discussion. 】

【"Unfortunately, our real backers may not think so, otherwise, I may not be able to come here, Lord Regent..." You muttered to yourself. 】

[At this moment, the Terminator guards standing behind you seem to be deaf to this. 】

[On the contrary, Ivanus Yin smiled helplessly with a long and slender expression. He shook his head slightly and couldn't help but let out a sigh. 】

【You casually took another parchment handed over by the other party. 】

[After you gradually unfold it, it shows that it is an official order from the Supreme Council of Terra in name, but it is actually a private order from a former minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. 】

["It's really a bunch of mortals who don't know how to live or die..." You sneered and read the profane content above. 】

[The other party's words both inside and out hinted at the Minotaur battle group's next action goals and the ultimate goal that needs to be achieved. 】

[These guys want to use various means to make Guilliman give up the Indomitable Expedition, and even return to Terra immediately to report on his duties. 】

[If Guilliman admits his mistakes sincerely, the conservative faction in the Supreme Council of Terra can retain the title of Regent of the Primarch as appropriate. 】

【In front of Ivanus Yin's slender face expressionless, you slowly tore the second parchment. 】

【You drove the Terminator armor and turned around and walked to the front of the entire battle group. 】

["From now on, all the Minotaur wargroups are in a state of combat readiness. Without my order, the veterans in the wargroup cannot carry out any actions, but once my order is issued, even if you want to attack the Terra Palace, you must also give it to me. superior!"】

【You took a deep breath, and said to everyone in a low and restrained voice. 】

【"In addition, all original cast Astartes are listed! Starting today, there are only two objects of your allegiance! One is the Emperor himself! The other is me! Do you hear me clearly?!"】

【"Listen clearly! Fight for the Emperor! Fight for the Chapter Master!"】

【As soon as your voice fell, all the Primordial Astartes broke out with deafening roars without hesitation! 】

[And those veterans of the Minotaur battle group are like metal statues, standing in place one after another, waiting for your order. 】

[Rather than saying that they are Astartes with life, they feel more like a group of "intelligent control legions" made of flesh and blood. 】

[And this is the Minotaur battle group, a slaughter knife that belongs to you now! 】

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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