Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 482 The first step to becoming the captain of the empire!

Chapter 482 The first step to becoming the captain of the empire!
Da da da--

The loyal Silver Sable led her security team to drag the seriously injured Punisher away from Rorschach.

Punisher is not the real murderer who killed Madam Gao.

He was nothing more than a failed assassin who was duped by Hydra's lies.

But because of his stubborn character, Rorschach planned to brainwash the Punisher for other purposes.

Not long after, Rogers, who got rid of the control of the enchantment and witchcraft by virtue of willpower, just wanted to get angry at Rorschach and others.

He was attracted by the surveillance data and many clues presented by Iron Man David one by one.

"Damn it! Sitwell and Crossbones Rumlow are from Hydra!"

"Before my mother came here, I explained some follow-up work procedures to Rumlow... I didn't expect that they are the real culprits who want me to die the most!"

At this moment, Rogers, who was somewhat out of control, kicked over a seat beside him.

He frowned and cursed in a low voice.

"Pay attention to the quality of language, Rogers."

Rorschach, who was wearing the vibrating gold power armor, said without raising his head:

"Now we have our mission goal, no matter what you personally think, Rogers, I plan to send a cordial greeting to these guys, just use my bolt gun!"

"Dum, you go and order the Wailing Company to get ready for battle, David, let Reditus mobilize a batch of whirlwind missile launchers!"

"Wait! Rorschach!"

At this moment, Rogers with a serious expression turned his head to look at Rorschach who was issuing orders.

"Are you planning to destroy the entire S.H.I.E.L.D.? My ears are not deaf yet. What is the whirlwind missile launcher? A large missile launcher?"

"That's just some more powerful rockets, and the more powerful big guys won't appear on the stage now...Why, as a battle-tested super soldier, haven't you made up your mind yet?"

The expressionless Rorschach waved Doom and Iron Man David to prepare for the battle.

And Rogers hesitated a little.

He also asked Dugan and Killer Monkey to follow him, rubbing some Rorschach's weapons and equipment by the way.

"Rorschach, to be honest, I never thought that after waking up from the ice, I would face the current corrupt situation. I thought that we had won the war and would usher in a more open and prosperous free world... ..."

"However, since the day I woke up, large and small conflicts and wars have been happening in every corner of the world every day. Some people are for profit, and some are for survival. It's not that I can't understand or don't understand. But no one has ever come to tell me what's going on in this world!"

Rogers, who raised his hand and kneaded the center of his brow, suddenly let out a sigh, and murmured in a heavy tone.

And Luo Xia, who turned his eyes, was silent for a moment, and he still said to the other party:

"Rodgers, although you and I had fierce conflicts because of our different positions, since we have known each other for so long, we should be considered friends, right?"

"I can't say that my understanding is the correct answer, so you can listen to it, and maybe it can bring you a different perspective."

"Everything that troubles you is actually human nature and instinct, but it is this competitive nature that brought the human race from countless primitive people to the present world, and it is this nature that makes human beings face many disasters. When it is time, it can condense and burst out quite strong resilience, of course, without a real leader, human beings are just a mess."

"It may be that the long-term peaceful life has made you forget one thing, that is, survival is a difficult thing. If you zoom in and look at the entire universe, you will find that many alien races are dying or dying every day. born."

"The vast majority of human beings are still huddled on the earth, and some of the means to enter the universe are firmly blocked by us big forces, but one day, human beings need to look up at the starry sky, or face the world from beyond the starry sky." enemy……"

"This is the fate that native humans cannot get rid of. As one of the heroes among humans, even if you, Rogers, are unwilling to take on this heavy responsibility, the development of things will often push people forward."

"I have a friend, or brother...don't look at me like that, it's really just a brother!"

"He fell into a dormant state many years ago because of his serious injuries. Before he went dormant, he also thought that the people of the empire would be stronger and more prosperous after countless years. However, when he woke up, he found that his homeland was far more Still dilapidated and corrupted countless ages ago."

"He was desperate, complained, and even wanted to go back to dormant state for a while, but he still chose to grit his teeth and shoulder the responsibility and continue to lead the people of the empire to move forward. Why? Because if human beings stop, the cold The universe will not bring the slightest warmth to the failed race, only ruthless destruction..."

"Tsk, maybe you don't understand the weight and meaning of my words, but one day, you will understand."

At this moment, Rorschach, who shook his head slightly, drove the vibrating gold power armor to slowly get up.

He walked to Rogers' side, raised his hand and patted the other party who was in a state of contemplation.

"Come on, Rogers, let's kill people together and relieve our depression!"

"Rorschach, I have a question. Your brother shouldn't be from Earth, right?"

"Well, to a certain extent, he is indeed a human being, but it is not the same as the human being you imagined..."

"To what extent are whites and blacks similar?"

"If it is a little more rigorous, it may be the difference between Tyrannosaurus rex and mice. However, my scientific foundation is relatively poor. If you really want to know the reason behind it, I can ask Dum to explain it to you alone."

"Rorschach, I think you should read more books."

"Shut up, Rogers!"


boom boom-

Accompanied by the vector engines of the Thunderhawk transport planes, there was a huge roar.

A company of fully armed Wailers quickly entered the cabin.

Armed with bolters and carrying chainswords, the Astartes are ready for battle.

And Rogers and others, who had rubbed off a carapace from Iron Man David, also held shields and laser guns, and followed Rorschach into the cabin.

Rogers finally made up his mind.

He intends to use Rorschach's Astartes to clean up the last HYDRA remnants in S.H.I.E.L.D.

As for how to distinguish the enemies mixed in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Simply put, anyone who dares to shoot Captain America is a villain and bad guy who needs to be wiped out!

Of course, everyone's mission goals are also different.

Rorschach's purpose was to bring Bomb Heaven's punishment and revenge to Crossbones and others who assassinated Mrs. Gao.

Rogers took as much morality as possible to regain and keep S.H.I.E.L.D. from Nick Fury.

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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