Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 481 Lies and Truth!

Chapter 481 Lies and Truth!
A person's most stubborn moment.

That's when he thinks he has done nothing wrong.

In the eyes of Frank the Punisher, all the people present are the remnants of Hydra that everyone can punish.

However, when the other party kept claiming that Rogers was the captain of Hydra.

Rogers, who has always acted calmly, took a deep breath instantly.

He stepped forward with all his might and snatched the badly wounded Punisher from Doom's metal palm.

Later, Rogers, who opened his eyes wide, questioned almost word for word:
"Tell me, Punisher, who gave you the information?"

"Someone must have given you this ridiculous statement! Otherwise, you wouldn't even be able to make up such a thing!"

It's a pity that Rogers who gritted his teeth got nothing but a mouthful of bloody spittle and a low-pitched sneer from the bruised and bruised Punisher.

"Hehe, since I became the Punisher, I, Frank, dare to do anything, dare to kill anyone... But I will not betray my friends, you gang of Hydra remnants should die!"

At this moment, Rogers, whose face was as cold as ice, suddenly let go of the palm that was holding the punisher.

He let the seriously injured opponent fall heavily on the marble floor, and then said in a deep voice:
"Perhaps most people only remember that I am Captain America, but they forget that I am still a soldier with countless lives on my hands... On the battlefield, there is no taboo for our group to obtain information!"

But just when Rogers was about to greet the eager killer monkey to come forward for interrogation.

Dum, who was standing aside watching the play, suddenly got a hint from Rorschach's eyes.

In the next second, the dark green cloak covering the silver power armor was windless and automatic.

Dum suddenly raised his two palms, and quickly cast the charm witchcraft he controlled!
Chi Chi Chi!
In an instant, neither the Punisher collapsed to the ground.

It was Rogers and his two teammates who were forced to control their minds by Doom's enchantment witchcraft!
"Lord Rorschach, Rogers, Punisher and others have very tenacious will resistance, and my enchantment and witchcraft may not last long."

Dum, who kept his hands in front of him, said to Rorschach who slowly got up from the seat without hesitation.

"It's okay, David, draw a tube of blood for everyone, Doom, you try to use charm and witchcraft to match their words... Let's do a two-pronged approach, not only to verify Rogers' true identity, but also to learn from the Punisher. Find the real culprit behind the spread of rumors!"

At this moment, Rorschach, who was driving the Zhenjin power armor, said quickly to the other people present with a blank expression.

Rorschach didn't believe what the Punisher said about Rogers being the captain of Hydra.

But the gang dog rebellion that happened just now made him more cautious.

Moreover, he thinks that even after Rogers wakes up, he can understand his behavior.

Not long after, Iron Man David came before Rorschach holding four tubes of blood from Rogers and others with two metal palms.

Rorschach looked down with an indifferent expression.

He raised his hand and picked up the blood that belonged to Rogers and poured it into his mouth.

Then, Rorschach slightly closed his eyes, and began to activate the genetic detection nerves in his body.

In an instant, part of Rogers' childhood experience quickly flashed through his mind.

Because of his short stature, he was ridiculed by countless children and protected by his only childhood friend Bucky.

The pride and contentment of becoming a super soldier and fighting side by side with friends on the battlefield, and the sadness and sadness of losing a friend.

And, in the first half of Rogers' short life, the most regrettable, and also the most memorable... That date that was late, that dance that could no longer fulfill the promise.

After the memory fragments dissipated, Rorschach slowly opened his eyes.

He subconsciously looked at Rogers, who was being talked to by Doom using charm and witchcraft, and then shook his gray-haired head slightly.

"I'm still too suspicious, it makes me look like a bad person..."

Rorschach muttered self-deprecatingly.

Immediately afterwards, he took the blood belonging to Dugan and the Killer Monkey to conduct memory verification respectively, and found nothing too surprising.

It's just that the life experience of the Killer Monkey is so complicated that Luo Xia inadvertently looked at him a few more times.

Finally, Rorschach raised his head and tasted the blood from the Punisher.

After the tide-like memory fragments completely subsided, Luo Xia, who slowly opened his eyes, couldn't help showing a cold smile.

"Tsk, I finally found you..."


According to the Punisher's memory fragments.

When he was playing a killing game with a large group of gangsters on the Mexican border.

Accidentally met a SHIELD agent who came to persuade him.

The other party's name is Sitwell.

If Rorschach's memory is correct.

This guy is one of the top HYDRA agents who infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D.

In the following period of time, the slum incident occurred.

Let the vengeful Punisher want to seek out the Astral Legion of Terra for assassination.

And the American Hydra, who also wanted to know something, took advantage of the opportunity and made Agent Sitwell the Punisher's liaison.

Of course, in the eyes of the punisher, this is the support and help provided to him by SHIELD.

And it was during this period that the two parties became good friends.

Additionally, Agent Sitwell introduced Crossbones Rumlow to the Punisher.

And Crossbones is the Hydra leader under Alexander Pierce, the leader of the American Hydra.

And after Tony, who also belonged to the 'Trial Chamber', asked Rorschach and others to kill Alexander Pierce with his own hands.

Agent Sitwell and Crossbones Rumlow chose not to disappear.

They tried to use some conspiracy and means.

Let SHIELD completely enter a state of division or war, and pay a heavy price for Pierce's death.

And because Imperial Heavy Industries will appear at the scene of the Terra Star Wars Legion every time, it will carry out a lot of finishing work.

Crossbones and the others immediately judged that Imperial Heavy Industries must be an auxiliary organization of the Terra Star Legion, because most of the organizational forces also did the same.

As a result, Mrs. Gao, who was the true leader of Imperial Heavy Industries, was smoothly scheduled to die.

Because they believe that the Terra Star Legion, whose behavior and fighting methods are extremely cruel, will not tolerate the slightest violation, and will definitely have a fierce war conflict with SHIELD.

Even the use of lies and false information to arrange the Punisher's assassination of Rogers was to further divide S.H.I.E.L.D.

And the above information.

It was actually after Rorschach shared memories of the Punisher with Iron David and Doom.

The result of intelligence analysis conducted by Iron David through comprehensive data.

Perhaps some of the contents are discrepant and deviated from the real situation.

But Rorschach and Dum thought it shouldn't be much different.

However, if Iron Man David's judgment is not wrong.

What made Rorschach speechless the most was that if he really wanted to get to the bottom of it.

Although Madam Gao's death was caused by Crossbones and others, the original source came from himself.

After all, Tony had voted in favor of the Inquisition's move to assassinate Pierce.

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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