Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 1075 The final plot of the gods!


When a heavy magnetic boot belonging to Sefrosha stepped heavily on the desolate surface of Griffin IV.

He was very attentive and immediately discovered that the forge world that had successfully resisted the invasion of Tyranids and even Chaos had turned into an irredeemable ruin. It seemed that the extremely brutal defensive wars had completely exhausted the forge. The last drop of blood in the world.

Looking around, everywhere you look is a crystallized crust formed by the extremely terrifying high-temperature flames. The countless radioactive rays visible to the naked eye are enough to kill any mortal or alien race that dares to approach this place easily!

What is even more shocking is that millions of Skitarii, Tech-Priests and a larger number of cybernetic legions seem to be melted and integrated with the entire surface.

Sefroscha could even clearly see the mutilated body of each technical priest after being melted, as well as the vague remaining painful gestures.

Further away in the desolate land, God's machines with extremely broken limbs and even shells, as well as densely packed knight armors, gradually extended toward the horizon like huge mountains made of scrap metal.

But judging from the thick dust and large and small meteorite craters that continue to accumulate on these horrific wreckage, the number and duration of wars that have occurred here may far exceed Sefrosia's imagination!
Just a few minutes later, Sefolosha, who was becoming increasingly vigilant, unexpectedly found some alien creatures with mutilated appearances that looked like super vanguards from inside the wreckage of some divine machines!

And after he drove the vibranium power armor and leaned back and forth to complete a careful inspection.

Sefolosha, whose face showed a hint of gloom, murmured to himself.

"Just judging from the internal structures of these Titan wrecks and even the Tech-Priests, they have been dried and exposed to the sun for at least hundreds of years. Moreover, these alien creatures also have some characteristics of the Super Vanguard, but they are more like early experimental subjects..."

"Hiss, could I have mistakenly entered the testing ground where the Creation Gods created the Super Vanguard? The countless combat forces on Griffin [-] have also become the products of the experiment? So in this case, Griffin [-] Is his disappearance the result of the creation gods’ tactics and has nothing to do with the chaos gods?”

At this moment, the power of the fairy, whose flat head was swinging back and forth, also shouted casually:

"Hmph, let me tell you there is a problem here. Not only has all the matter on this planet been drained of its vitality, but even the time and space here have been in a special state of extreme chaos. Oh, no wonder I feel this way. I don’t have much appetite!”

The words coming from the power of the goblin undoubtedly caused the frowning Sefrosia to fall completely into silence.

He didn't even say anything to the other party, and immediately drove his burly body to float into the air.

The whole person figured out the direction for a while, and then quickly rushed towards the direction where the signal from the Wild Wolf Rorschach bracelet was transmitted without looking back!
At this moment, Sef Rorschach, who looked extremely solemn, planned to immediately launch a retreat after finding the wild wolf Rorschach.

Because he vaguely realized that he seemed to have mistakenly entered the slaughterhouse of the creation gods, and even accidentally learned some secrets that were very detrimental to him!

Before this, Sefrosia always thought that there was some kind of confrontation and balance between the Chaos Gods and the Creation Gods, with both sides winning and losing.

But now, he thinks that he is still too naive. I am afraid that the appetite of the Creation Gods is far beyond the imagination of the Chaos Gods!

At this moment, Sefrosia's cold field of vision was within.

A huge figure that was several meters tall, and every inch of its purple body seemed to contain a perfect concept, unexpectedly appeared quietly in the air!
And just as the opponent raised a huge palm in the direction, a hypercube maze that was constantly emitting faint green light was slowly rotating!


In an instant, Sefrosia took a deep breath and suddenly stopped the burly body that was flying at full speed.His eyes were fixed on the countless familiar terrifying existences not far away, and he couldn't help but squeeze out a name that was famous throughout the universe from the depths of his clenched teeth!

"Ha ha……"

However, at this time, Thanos, who seemed to have no emotional fluctuations towards Sefrosia who already had the power of the goblin, just let out a low laugh, and at the same time shook the hypercube maze suspended on the huge palm towards him.

"Are you looking for that friend of yours?"


In the flash of lightning, streaks of pink energy exuding the power to devour all things quickly surrounded Sefrosia's burly body.

The power of the goblin, which was originally only over a foot long, quickly expanded to a terrifying length of several kilometers.

The opponent couldn't help but open his bloody mouth, staring in the direction of Thanos like an extremely ferocious snake-like monster!
"Thanos, what did you do to my brother!"

At this moment, Sefolosha, who had countless pink energy flowing rapidly deep in his eyes, roared in a deep voice.

But Thanos, who shook his head slightly, casually dropped the hypercube maze.

It slowly said to Sefolosha, whose anger was rising:
"I didn't kill him on the spot. To be precise, he entered this man-made space to avoid me... On the contrary, it was me who didn't completely kill him in order to attract you."

The voice of Thanos just fell.

The hypercube maze that had not yet completely landed suddenly burst out with a burst of bright green light.

The next second, the wild wolf Rorschach, whose appearance was broken and the power of the infinite gems was blooming from the Infinity Gauntlet, also instantly revealed his tall figure!
"Seph! Don't get into any fight with it! We can't defeat it!"

"The goal of the operation is to return to the native Terra! Gather all the power of the two universes to deal with the upcoming cosmic collision!"

The wild wolf Rorschach, who grinned and roared, suddenly poured out a colorful energy bombardment of infinite gems towards Thanos suspended in mid-air.

And Sefrosha, who immediately cooperated with the wild wolf Rorschach to control the power of the all-devouring goblin to launch an attack, also stared at the opponent with an unbelievable look.

"Wild wolf cub, what the hell did you just say?!"

"Your Majesty Russ and the Emperor, you heard me right! The local universe and the Warhammer universe are about to have an irreversible violent collision! The Chaos Gods thought that they had found the secret coordinates to invade the new universe through the original body itself. But the damn creation gods have also completely set their sights on the supreme heaven and the real universe belonging to the chaos gods!"

"When the two single universes are fully destroyed and merged, a new multiverse will be completely born! And I'm afraid there will be no place for you, me or even any mortal person in it!"

"The end is coming...the end is coming!"

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