Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 1074: The finale invites you to enter the urn!

Native universe.

The nearly endless depths of the icy void.

A single-person spaceship with an extremely smooth shuttle shape on the outside and a large amount of top-notch technology from the Human Alliance and even a lot of alien technology inside is constantly speeding at super-light speed.

Looking around, it's right above the cockpit.

Sefolosha, who has turned on the automatic driving assistance function, is keeping his eyes closed and concentrating. Occasionally, bright lights from countless stars will travel hundreds of light-years and scatter between his determined face.

chi chi chi-

At this moment, there were some faint noises coming from behind the power backpack of Sefrosia's power armor.

Immediately afterwards, a pink illusory creature with a flat head and a pair of small broken horns that looked like a snake but not a snake slowly climbed on the thick shoulder armor.

"Hey, Cypher, have you completely slept to death? I'm hungry, I want to eat!"

In an extremely innocent childish voice, the pink illusory creature spoke old-fashioned words to Sefrosya, who had his eyes closed.

Sefrosia seemed unmoved. He was silent for a moment and then said:

"About a void day ago, you have successfully swallowed the aging stars in an unmanned galaxy... I don't believe that you have consumed the terrifying energy that is being transformed. You must not forget that you and I are one body now. All your changes cannot escape my control!"

Sevrosha's voice just fell.

The pink illusory creature suddenly shook its flat head with great anger.

There also seemed to be some spatial ripples between a pair of small broken corners.

"Damn monkey! If I didn't want to completely get rid of the ancient trap set by those ancient animal gods for me, why should I reach a symbiotic agreement with you? Your existence is not even worth my opening to eat for you!"

"I don't care. I'm going to starve to death. I want to eat everything in my field of vision! I want to eat, eat, eat..."

The pink illusory creature cursed and swam back and forth on Sefrosia's burly body.

But Sefrosia, who slowly opened his eyes, did not agree.

Then the two parties who reached a symbiotic agreement by accident are in the stage of equal status and have no intention of completely falling out.

"Goblin, stop making trouble. After we encounter a formidable enemy, you can devour whatever you want, but before that, stay calm!"

At this moment, Sefrosia, who frowned slightly, issued an ultimatum to the pink illusory creature.

In fact, this is the power of the ancient fairies that Sefrosha found in order to pursue the terrifying power of the local universe.

But the only thing he didn't expect was.

After countless years of wear and tear, only a few foundations of ancient fairy power's sanity are left.

But it was precisely because of this that Sefolosha was able to find a way to trick the other party into signing a completely equal symbiosis agreement with him.

And perhaps with the permission of the host, the cursing demon power suddenly became quiet.

The other party slowly settled on the thick shoulder armor like a cute little animal.

Unfortunately, Sefrosha, who had witnessed his opponent completely swallowing a burning star alive, had already learned this.He would not simply think that these terrifying powers far beyond ordinary people's imagination would really become a pet.

boom boom-

Soon after, the one-man spacecraft maintaining faster-than-light navigation entered dozens of space jump points, and finally arrived at a strange galaxy that even Sefrosia had never been to.

And the real purpose of his coming here is because the black bracelet signal belonging to the wild wolf Rorschach is here.

Ka Ka Ka!
The one-man spaceship docked randomly in the cold void slowly opened a thick hatch.

Sefrosia, who did not wear a metal helmet between his heads, strolled into the void like a spring outing.

A layer of pink energy exuding strange fluctuations vaguely surrounded his burly body.

To a certain extent, Sefrosha, who has reached a symbiotic agreement with the power of the faeries, is no longer an ordinary Astartes.

But a super strong man who can soar through the vast universe and even devour stars for food at will!
At this moment, the fairy power entrenched on Sefrosia's thick shoulder armor saw that the other party was putting away the one-man spaceship and putting it into the time and space crystal, and couldn't help but complain:

"You said it would be great if you could just rely on your body to cross the void? I can also get some snacks like meteorites to relieve my boredom, so why bother?"

And after hearing the other party's words, Sefolosha said without any concealment:

"Because you have too many enemies in the past, I'm afraid it's just too ostentatious. And as far as I know from many ancient murals in Wakanda, not only is the Phoenix Force not good enough to deal with you, but even the ancient gods are eager to Shall I seal you again?"

"Ah, this is a huge misunderstanding of me by all things in the world... I am not so popular, am I?"

This time, Sefolosha's sarcasm undoubtedly had a very effective effect.

The stammering Fairy Power shook his flat head back and forth but said nothing more.

It was at this moment that Sefolosha, whose cold gaze was turning back and forth, immediately found the incongruous place in the entire galaxy.

If he saw it correctly, there seemed to be an extra planet in the strange galaxy in front of him!
So, Sefrosia turned around without any hesitation and flew towards the position of the planet.

And as the distance between the two parties continues to get closer.

In addition to the planetary landscapes that are extremely familiar due to atmospheric pollution, there are also star port facilities in low-Earth orbit that only the human empire has, which also reminded Sefrosia of something that was flying rapidly!
The Primarch Rorschach once accidentally mentioned it to him and Wolf Rorschach.

The forge world Griffin IV that the three of them saved together was completely missing, as if it had evaporated out of thin air.

But now, this long-lost forging world is undoubtedly within Sefrosia's sight!

"Why is Griffin [-] in the home universe? Is it a grand gesture of the Emperor or the Chaos Gods? And why is the Wild Wolf Rorschach on this long-missing forging world?"

At this moment, Sefolosha, who frowned, hesitated for a moment, and countless thoughts burst out of his mind.

But he still drove his burly body wrapped in pink energy and quickly descended towards the surface of the planet.

The originally bored goblin power seemed to notice something unusual, and quickly whispered to Sefrosia:

"Hey, Seve, cheer me up, I feel like something is wrong with this ghost place, because I don't have the slightest desire to devour it. This is not a good thing!"

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