Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 1042 The Iron Horse Glacier Comes to Dream: Chagatai Khan (7)

[Your whole brain seems to be screaming. 】

[Countless ancient knowledge and secrets about psychic powers or the nature of witchcraft have been poured into the depths of your mind. 】

[Your huge body cannot help but kneel on the ground. 】

[Every inch of your flesh and blood wrapped inside the vibranium power armor is twitching and shaking, and even the color of your skin has a faint hint of red. 】

[You can clearly feel an unparalleled powerful force traveling around and flowing freely in your blood. 】

[Some vague and illusory scenes seem to appear in front of your eyes. 】

[Next to an unknown planet suspended in the depths of the cold void, there is a figure whose size cannot be calculated using data. There is a certain metallic luster between the extremely rough blood-red skin, and thick arms spanning the void emerge from behind the broad body. The one-eyed and hundred-armed giant that continues to extend is staring coldly below! 】

[Your vague consciousness reacted instantly. 】

[What you are receiving is part of the subspace essence that belongs to Magnus! 】

[You never thought that Magnus, who has always been difficult to deal with you, would be so generous. In other words, Magnus, who lacks a kind soul, is just a puppet of the evil god of chaos after all. 】

["This is my last gift, little brother, please make good use of it."]

["If possible, the next time you and I meet, let me go in a more dignified manner."]

[At this moment, the deep words from Magnus’s kind soul suddenly sounded from the depths of your hazy consciousness. 】

[You just wanted to say something to the other party. 】

[However, Magnus’s kind soul no longer made any sound, as if it had returned to the vast sea of ​​souls. 】

[The next second, you slowly opened your closed eyes. 】

[What is reflected in the scope of your eyepiece is Khan's face full of anxiety and sadness. 】

["Brother, what did Magnus do to you? Is anyone hurt?" Khan asked you in a low voice. 】

[You activated the vibranium power armor and stood up on the spot, shaking your head slightly towards Khan. 】

[You revealed to the Khan the gift of Magnus' kind soul to you. 】

[The Khan couldn't help but let out a sigh, and slowly put the metal helmet back on his head. 】

["This is what the Magnus I know would do, but from today on, my closest friend and brother died here!"]

[At this moment, Khan, who seemed unable to suppress his grief, slowly drove the Wildfire Armor to turn around. He sent out bursts of ancient humming with a sad tone towards the depths of the empty underground cave, as if he was constantly paying tribute to the passing of Magnus. . 】

[Not long after, you and Khan returned to the desolate surface full of smoldering wreckage and rising smoke. 】

[Wait until the twelve members of the Qixue Terminator Guard find your traces again. 】

[You and Khan also accidentally saw a Thousand Sons Astartes wearing golden-yellow painted power armor in the team! 】

[According to this person's self-introduction, the other party is Sergeant Avida of the Fourth Company of the Thousand Sons Legion. 】【He teleported here after Prospero was burned, otherwise he might not be able to survive the large-scale orbital bombing and brutal battle. 】

[You and Khan have completed your purpose of coming to Prospero, and you have decided to lead Sergeant Avida and everyone else to leave here. 】

[However, when the Terminator Guards began to send communication calls to the Glory Queen-class battleship 'Bladestorm' staying in low-Earth orbit, intending to evacuate, they found that they could not get any information from the fleet anyway. The response was great! 】

[Almost at the same time, you, who was using the power of countless dark shadows to wrap up a teleportation beacon, also instantly discovered the bad situation of teleportation failure. 】

["Khan, there may be something going on within the White Scars Fleet, either an attack from the outside, or a big problem within the legion!" You said with a solemn expression to Khan who looked up. 】

["I know, so we must get back up there as soon as possible, otherwise I'm afraid there will be big chaos within the fleet! And the White Scars Legion is the only powerful support I can bring to the Emperor and even the Empire, so there is no room for loss!"]

[Khan, whose expression gradually became solemn, said to you in a low voice. 】

[Now he is like a terrifying volcano about to erupt, with countless long-simmering anger gradually brewing deep in his chest. 】

[You took a deep breath and shook your skull helmet slightly. 】

[You cannot return to the bridge through the teleportation beacon for the time being. If you use heavy flying vehicles, it will be easily locked by the numerous turrets of the main ship and become a conspicuous target. 】

[All of you are assuming in your heart that there are a large number of traitors within the White Scars Legion, and you need to be more careful. 】

[At this moment, an extremely risky and absurd method is slowly emerging in your mind. 】

[You immediately flipped your huge palm, and local Terra hoverbikes with a metallic luster were instantly picked up in front of everyone. 】

[Khan asked you for the specific principle before he could make a vague sound of surprise. 】

[Your huge palm flips over again, and a powerful artifact from the Frost Giant, an ice treasure box the size of a human head slowly appears on your palm! 】

["Come on, Khan, let's experience what speed and passion are together!" You turned the skull helmet slightly and said to Khan standing aside. 】

[After Khan experienced the initial shock, a slightly low laughter and extremely heroic momentum seemed to return to the inside of his huge body! 】

["Haha, little brother, I like your method!" Khan shouted to you in a deep voice. 】

[The next second, he moved faster and faster, driving the Wildfire Armor and jumped onto a hover motorcycle, and the sound of the extremely powerful engine resounded throughout the surroundings! 】

[Members of the Qixue Terminator Guard also jumped on the hoverbike one after another, and skillfully checked the specific status of the motorcycle engine. 】

[Wait until Avida from the Thousand Sons Legion also carefully got into the driving position of a hover motorcycle. 】

[The power of countless dark shadows is rapidly rising between your huge body, and you instantly turn into an extremely huge shadow raven! 】

[And deep within one of your sharp bird claws, the local artifact Ice Treasure Box is also releasing a steady stream of frost breath into the surrounding turbid air! 】

[Looking around, countless streams of frost breath are quickly condensing into a frozen road leading to the sky! 】

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