Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 1041 The Iron Horse Glacier Comes to Dream: Chagatai Khan (6)

[The Khan who heard your conversation with Magnus’s kind soul didn’t seem to make any move. Even the sound of the breathing valve turning was obscured by the subtle buzzing from within the Wildfire Armor. 】

["You are not Magnus at all!" Khan, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said. 】

["Perhaps not entirely, but one thing that cannot be denied is that it and I seem to share a soul, Khan. This is the key point, the soul."]

[Magnus’ kind soul slowly placed an extremely illusory palm in front of him and looked at it repeatedly, and he said with a slightly sad tone. 】

["I can even see your soul from your body. It's still the same as before, so impatient and angry...Brother, I didn't think I could see you again."]

[Khan seemed to fall silent once again after hearing the other party's words. 】

["Magnus, what is going on here?" You took a deep breath and asked Magnus's kind soul. 】

["Haha, brother, are you asking knowingly? Oh, I understand, you are not who you were in the past... The Space Wolves are coming, bringing with them the wrath of our father, countless nuns, and the commander of the Custodes, Val Of course, our other Primarch brother, Wolf King Leman Russ, is also indispensable. To be honest, although his fighting style is different from usual, his finishing methods are still clean and neat. At least I have experienced this personally. .”]

[This kind soul of Magnus, who is completely different from the red one-eyed Ogryn in your impression, said lightly in a slightly humorous and sarcastic tone. 】

["Ah, and you, my brother, you are like a headless fly trying to get around among everyone. You lead a large number of fanatical nuns to have continuous conflicts with my descendants and the Space Wolves. You even joined forces with Valdor to launch a duel between brothers against the Wolf King Leman Russ."]

["You seem to want to save me and my descendants, but you failed to do so... But this is not your fault, my brother, even the original body cannot resist the torrent of fate."]

[At this moment, Magnus's kind soul suddenly focused on Khan's huge body, and he slowly said to him like a calm brother. 】

["Khan, you are right, you have always been right. I unintentionally made an irreparable mistake against my father and even the human empire. This is also the real reason for the arrival of the wild wolves. Remember that I set out to Did you warn me about those things on Ullanor before Nikaea? I should have followed your advice at first, but my arrogance and arrogance made me never listen to the words of any brother. On the contrary, I was more willing to let It is undoubtedly a pity that others listen to my words."]

["Magnus, you must make it clear." Khan, with a deep and hoarse voice, asked again. 】

[This time, it seems that even you can clearly sense the rich sadness that is gradually emanating from the other person. 】

["Khan, as you said, I should control my descendants, but I failed... You have never done the dirty deals I did, so your legion does not need to deal with any There were compromises, but all the dealings were superficial, and the truth is that we were completely deceived! All of us were kept in the dark!”]

["The Supreme Heaven, which is like an abyss, has never been merciful to any existence. Those terrifying existences called Chaos Evil Gods conspire against us. You, me, our descendants, and countless mortals are on their chessboard!" 】

["The more powerful the soul of anything, the more powerful the danger that comes with it! Our eldest brother, Horus, has the most powerful soul among all the original bodies, so the speed and intensity of his fall are also the most ruthless! ”]

["Khan, if you haven't understood it yet, let me tell you more clearly! Horus has been completely swallowed by the subspace! His body is filled with the terrifying power from the Chaos Evil God. These powers Corroding his will from the depths of his soul, eating everything about him from the inside! He is no longer the Horus we know!"]

["And he is not the only case, there are more depraved people, such as the most damned Erebus, and one of our primarch brothers, Lorgar!"] ["However, the most tragic Do you know what it is? Although Horus was greatly corrupted by the Chaos Gods, everything in the end was his own choice! He cannot use the corruption of others as a shield! Because others cannot compete with Horus at all. Compare it with the brilliance of Sri Lanka!"]

[At this moment, even if what is standing in front of you is just a trace of Magnus's remaining kind soul, the other party still can't help but reveal a kind of excitement and regret that cannot be concealed. 】

[You had no intention of speaking, because you seemed to be deeply hurt by Magnus’s words. 】

[Even if you are mentally prepared to ascend to the gods due to the difficult situation and various factors in the future. 】

[But that is not so much ascending to the gods as it is actively choosing to fall and compromise on the side of Chaos... Is there really much difference between you today and the Horus of the past? 】

【dong dong dong-】

[At this moment, when you are deep in thought, Khan, who seems to be entangled with rich sadness in his huge body, subconsciously drives the Wildfire Armor to move forward. 】

[He stared at the kind soul of Magnus not far away through the helmet's eyepiece, and said in an extremely low tone. 】

["Magnus, my can I save you?"]

[However, Khan did not wait for the words to be completely finished. 】

[Magnus, who had a gentle smile on his illusory red face, slowly shook his head. 】

["It's too late, brother, everything is too late... However, because of your arrival, I still want to use my last strength to struggle before death." Magnus's kind soul first moved towards the butcher Han said in a deep voice, and then the smiling person suddenly turned his extremely unreal sight and stared in your direction! 】


[In an instant, Magnus's kind soul suddenly transformed into a large piece of crimson energy squirming back and forth, and quickly attacked your huge body! 】

[Khan, who reacted extremely quickly, immediately waved the white tiger sword held deep in his palm, trying to block the ubiquitous red energy, but found that his attack was completely powerless! 】

[At this moment, you, who are rapidly stimulating the power of the dark shadow, are heavily wrapped in a large amount of red energy from Magnus! 】

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