I played the world alone

Chapter 474 Magical Portrait Painting (2 in 1)

Chapter 474 Magical Portrait Painting ( in )


Although Yu Hongyan didn't quite understand it, because the price was not high and the situation was urgent, he naturally agreed.

"no problem!"

"But please ask the gods to help us solve this crisis..."

The old beggar smiled and nodded, as if he didn't take this little thing to heart at all.

He originally planned to warmly invite the other party back to his house, but was rejected.

"I am used to living here, so there is no need to change."

Yu Hongyan had no choice but to give up.

If this god can be by his side, then he really doesn't have to worry about the danger of ghosts.

Mr. Shi next to him was smiling happily, but when he saw Mr. Yu's terrible expression, he quickly covered his mouth and did not dare to show it.

Fortunately, Hongyan only glanced at it and didn't pay too much attention.

He immediately ordered someone to find the best painter in the city, and he must do his best to perfectly paint the appearance of this old god.


Zhong Xiangyang is one of the well-known painters in the city. In the early years, one of his landscape paintings was particularly outstanding and was sought after by many people who rushed to buy it.

However, as he got older recently, he had already stopped writing. Even the few paintings he painted by chance in his spare time were not sold, but were only given away to others at will.

However, he has also accumulated a lot of more elegant reputations. In the minds of many people, he is the best local painter.

But even he had the misfortune to encounter a ghost last night and was severely frightened.

Fortunately, the ghost did not attack him directly. It seemed that it just scared him and left.

Although he was still frightened, he was inspired by it. This morning, he asked someone to sharpen ink, intending to draw what he saw last night.

Maybe it can also alert the world and let them know that ghost stories are not nonsense.

But just when he was immersed in painting, suddenly the voice of a servant came from the door.

Some officers and soldiers actually came to look for him in person!

"My lords, are you here to inquire about the haunting last night?"

He was about to complain, but suddenly he heard the other party say: "The governor has something to ask for help, sir. Please come with us."

Zhong Xiangyang was stunned for a moment, and calmed down his anxious family members. He wanted to inquire about the news, but was told with a serious face that he would just go and find out. Then he stopped inquiring further and politely followed these officers and soldiers. Go.

I thought I was going to the government or Lord Yu's house, but instead I took a detour and went to Shi's house.

When he arrived at the place, he was just about to respectfully pay homage to the governor, when he saw the other party eagerly pointed at the old beggar who was sitting in a pavilion not far away, eating and drinking.

"Hurry up and draw a portrait of him. You must use all your skills to paint him lifelikely and bring out all his celestial figures!"


Zhong Xiangyang suddenly widened his eyes in astonishment and looked at the old beggar whose face was so ugly that it would even scare a child. He almost thought he had heard wrongly.

I looked at the respectful look on the governor's face next to him, and he definitely didn't look like he was deliberately teasing, so I started to believe it a little bit.

But while he was waiting for others to prepare pens, inks, paper and inkstones, his expression still looked a bit strange.

From time to time, I took a closer look at the old beggar, trying to see what it was about him that made the governor pay so much attention to him that he even wanted to paint for him?

After just a moment, he shook his head helplessly.

"Could it be that I'm just too blind to see..."

No matter how you look at him, he looks like an ordinary disaster victim, or even worse.

As for the fairy appearance, he didn't see it at all.

"That's all, it's the governor's order anyway, so I'll just do it. There must be some deep meaning behind what you do."

Maybe you can take this opportunity to perform well in front of adults, so that your descendants can have more opportunities.

But after he actually started painting, a difficult problem was placed in front of him——

How should I draw to make the governor more satisfied?

I drew several pictures in a row but felt a little unsatisfied. I could only try several times in succession, but I just felt that the more I drew, the more I looked like a sloppy old beggar, which made his face not look good.

Could it be that my painting skills have deteriorated over the years? !

On the contrary, after the governor saw the painting he threw aside casually, he nodded with satisfaction: "Why did you throw this away? I think the painting is good. Just follow this painting!"

Zhong Xiangyang was so shocked that he subconsciously tugged at his beard, causing the corner of his mouth to twitch slightly in pain.

"Is this okay?"

But since the governor thought it was good, he just continued painting accordingly.

But I still felt a little dissatisfied and quietly revised it a few times, so I didn’t finish a painting until the sun went down.

As expected, when the transformation was completed, his face wrinkled up and he sighed helplessly.

In the past, the objects he chose were the most beautiful scenery, tigers, beasts and horses. This was the first time he painted such a sloppy beggar.

No matter how I paint, I feel that this painting is probably the worst one I have ever painted.

The only good news is that the governor actually thought it was good. After praising it, he expressed his dissatisfaction with the speed and asked him to continue working hard and try to draw more tomorrow.

Zhong Xiangyang couldn't help wiping cold sweat, feeling confused and thankful at the same time. When the officers and soldiers sent him home, he was still a little confused.

"Dad, what did the governor ask you to do?" His son was practicing calligraphy with a vat of water in the yard. When he looked up and saw him coming in, he greeted him excitedly. After the officers and soldiers walked away, he asked quietly.

"What else can you do if you ask me to come over? Of course, draw."

Zhong Xiangyang waved his hand and said impatiently.

Then he looked at the words he had written and frowned: "Look at 伱, your handwriting is so bad and you haven't practiced hard enough. You still have time to worry about such trivial matters..."

"Oh, Dad, this is nothing to do. I was thinking that you might be able to hear some news about the haunting last night from the adults this time." The eldest son said mysteriously, "You don't know last night?" The whole city almost saw a ghost and was so scared!"

Zhong Xiangyang frowned deeper, and after thinking for a long time, he sighed: "There is nothing we can do about these things, so we should do the things in front of us first."

Then he waved his hand to signal his son to leave. He returned to the study alone. After thinking for a while, he took out his pen, ink, paper and inkstone again.

I plan to stay up a little longer tonight and imitate some of the portraits I drew today.

He also brought back some discarded drafts during the day, but he was not worried about missing some details. Post one of the more complete drafts on the wall opposite the table as a comparison, and then start to concentrate on painting.

Gradually, I became immersed in it, as if I had returned to my youth.

But even in this state, I was still not satisfied with what I drew, so I just tore it up and drew another one.

I don't know how long passed like this, but suddenly a gust of cold wind blew and he couldn't help but shiver. Then he came back to his senses, raised his head and noticed that it was now completely dark.

A cold wind blew through the half-open window, and there were sounds like people crying.

"It's already so late..."

Just looking at the dark sky outside, I suddenly thought of the terrifying ghosts I saw last night, and I suddenly felt uneasy.

"Forget it...you can't scare yourself."

Trying to calm down, he shook his head secretly, walked to the window and closed it.

However, at the moment he closed the door, he suddenly saw a figure walking past the window. There was no sound of footsteps or voices. It was as if it was floating by. He was so frightened that he trembled and subconsciously took two steps back.

The terrible shadow of his last night suddenly came to mind.

It was also a dark and silent night. At that time, he was sleeping with his wife in the bedroom. The cold wind blew by and woke him up. When he looked up, he saw a strange, pale man's head peeking through the half-closed window.

The moment the two sides looked at each other, the man smiled at him.

The huge mouth grinned almost to the base of his ears, revealing sharp beast-like teeth and scarlet flesh, which scared him so much that he almost screamed on the spot.

However, when others arrived, the head disappeared in an instant and seemed to have shrunk under the corner.

But when I searched the surroundings, I didn't find any footprints at all.

He thought it might just be an illusion that he was asleep. Not long after he fell asleep, he heard screams coming from other rooms. When he asked, he found out that the head also appeared at the window of other people's rooms.

Even the locked windows were useless. The other party would always find some gaps to get in, which made the hair on the head stand on end and almost wet the bed!

Even after he had locked all the doors and windows, he couldn't sleep at all for the rest of the night. From time to time he would wake up and subconsciously glance at the window, for fear that it would be opened again and a terrifying head would appear.

This went on until dawn.

Come to think of it, maybe I am still not satisfied with my painting skills today and it has something to do with my poor sleep last night.

His attention returned to the present, but the sound of retreating footsteps seemed to alarm the other party. The figure who was about to leave suddenly paused, and finally approached quickly as if he wanted to open the window and look inside.

Zhong Xiangyang was so frightened that he quickly stretched out his hand to hold down the window. He could clearly feel that there was an amazing force outside trying to push it open.

He resisted desperately and was able to barely hold on.

But the other party seemed to have realized that there was someone inside.

"Bang bang bang!"

Under his horrified gaze, he began to blow at the window crazily, making a violent noise, which seemed particularly harsh in the middle of the night.

It stands to reason that someone should have noticed such a loud noise a long time ago, but until now, no one has come to take a look.

This weird situation made his heart sink, and he cursed secretly: "It must be a deception caused by ghosts!"

But there is no solution at all...

In folklore, there are many rumors about cockscomb blood, black donkey hooves, or black dog blood, boy's urine, etc., but all of them were not prepared in time because of things during the day.

I couldn't help but become more and more frightened.

In addition, he was old and frail, and his strength was getting weaker and weaker. After persisting for a while, he finally couldn't bear it.

A huge force came from behind against the window, and he staggered and fell to the ground with a thud.

But he didn't have time to cry out in pain and looked back in horror. Sure enough, he saw that the window had been pushed open and a nightmare-like face appeared at the edge of the window, looking at him with a weird smile.

The moment they looked at each other, he almost stopped breathing, as if something invisible was holding his neck and making him unable to breathe!

Then, under his fearful gaze, the human head slowly tried to crawl in from the outside like a snake.

If he really lets him in, I'm afraid he will die!

Of course, at this moment, he suddenly saw that the portrait he had casually posted on the wall burst out with a dazzling red light!

The next second, the red light condensed a slightly illusory figure in a mighty red robe in mid-air. Although the face was slightly blurred and could not be seen clearly, it inexplicably made Zhong Xiangyang, who was very panicked just now, suddenly feel at ease. point.

It's like a drowning man grasping at straws to save his life.

And the head that was about to get in also seemed to have seen something terrifying. The face that was still smiling just now suddenly changed to one of extreme fear, and turned around to run away.

But the red-robed figure had no intention of letting him go. He snorted coldly and waved his sleeves, and a red chain flew out of his sleeves and tied him tightly.

The ghost that was very scary just now was trembling as if it had seen a natural enemy. It was carried back by the chains without any resistance. After screaming, it was put into the sleeve robe without making any sound.

Immediately, the red figure turned into red light again, and quickly returned to the portrait painting.

After all the light dissipated, the portrait painting returned to calmness, still looking so ugly, as if everything was just an illusion.

Zhong Xiangyang was completely dumbfounded.

He swallowed, and was very sure that he had read it correctly.

"That portrait painting actually saved me?!"

He suddenly understood why the governor asked him to paint, just for that sloppy-looking beggar!

His eyes lit up.

"Could it be that that person is actually a god?!"

Real gods, not those clay statues!

The next morning.

Zhong Xiangyang, who was so excited that he couldn't even sleep all night, rushed to Shi Mansion excitedly.

At his age, everyone else was afraid that he would fall if he ran too fast, but he didn't care at all. On the contrary, he didn't care at all about other people's dissuasion.

"That's a fairy! If you arrive a little late and miss this fairy fate, it will be too late to regret it!"

Sure enough, when he arrived, the governor with a high-spirited look was already waiting here, holding the portrait painting from yesterday carefully in his hand, not even willing to let others help him!

You have to hold it yourself.

Zhong Xiangyang understood it as soon as he saw this appearance. It seemed that the governor had seen a similar scene with his own eyes yesterday!

(End of this chapter)

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