I played the world alone

Chapter 473 That’s a dragon! (2 in 1)

Chapter 473 That’s a dragon! (-in-)

After the Hundred Ghosts Diagram was unfolded, the golden light gradually became stronger and quickly enveloped the ghost on the ground.

"call out!"

There was only a sound that sounded like wind, and then the light gradually retracted from the picture, and the ghosts on the ground had disappeared.

Anyone with a discerning eye will understand that that picture must be a magic weapon to put away the man-eating evil spirit!

"We are saved!"

Everyone shouted excitedly, but more importantly, they all knelt down and worshiped the old god in the sky, respectfully, and not daring to offend him at all.

This is a god with real abilities! It's much better than those swindlers.

No matter how majestic and majestic the golden Buddhas in the temple are, and no matter how much money they pay for incense, when a critical moment comes, and ghosts get close to them, don't you and others have to find a way to save themselves?

Therefore, we cannot have too much respect for this living god who can be seen with our own eyes!

At least with this god here, they can sleep well tonight!


The next morning.

Until the sun shines brightly outside, dispelling all the darkness and haze from last night.

Only then did the trembling Governor Yu crawl out of the toilet.

Although he felt disgusted by the smell of feces and urine all over his body, he knew that if he hadn't hid in here and barely escaped last night, he might have been caught by that terrible ghost!

As soon as they saw him coming out, the servants who were looking for someone were relieved.

If something happens to this gentleman, I'm afraid they won't end up well either.

Especially at this moment, they didn't care about the dirty and stinking appearance of the Lord. They all rushed up with shy faces, looking distressed and anxious, all wanting to be the first to make the Governor feel their loyalty.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they met, the governor kicked him over in anger.

The dog running at the front was kicked directly in the stomach. He screamed and fell on his back to the ground. He clutched his stomach and whined, unable to get up.

In other words, even if you have the strength to climb, you don't dare to climb, for fear that the adult will get out of breath and come again.

Several others also knelt down quickly when they saw something was not going well, with panic and anxiety on their faces.

"Sir, please calm down..."

"What's the point of raising you wastes?! You ran faster than me last night!" Yu Hongyan was so angry that he was almost speechless.

Several people suddenly felt guilty and did not dare to say anything. After a long while, they whispered: "Sir... Actually, we were attacked by ghosts. We wanted to rush to save you, but in the end we couldn't find you at all..."

Yu Hongyan was a little dubious, but he was thinking about things in his heart and was too lazy to care about such a trivial matter.

"Where are the others? Where's the butler? Tell him to come over here and see me! He's not doing his job well. The group he found yesterday are all trash!"

"I saw ghosts last night and I'm already bedridden..." The servant wiped away the cold sweat and replied cautiously, "The butler is the most serious. The doctor said that if it were later, he would probably die on the spot!"

"so serious?!"

Yu Hongyan's heart trembled, and he was secretly speechless. Suddenly, he was much less aggrieved that he was hiding in the toilet, and now he was a little happy.

At least I can still stand here properly now.

"Forget it, tell me to go down and arrest all those liars who applied yesterday! I want them to know the consequences of lying to me!"

The servant quickly agreed, and he quickly ordered someone to boil hot water and take a hot bath to remove the smell.

After finishing the processing, he hurriedly led people to the government office, where several subordinate officials had been waiting for a long time, reporting to him the situation last night with uneasy expressions.

Especially after hearing that almost half of the city saw ghosts last night, and many people were directly attacked by ghosts, his face became even more ugly and he slapped the table.

"Too much deception! Too much deception!"

"Do you really think that my Tang Dynasty has no one?"

"Come here, please invite the most proficient Buddhist monks around here. I don't believe I can't deal with them!"

Those damn things have even sat on his head and shit! It is unbearable!

And it has to be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise if the news gets out, he may not be able to sit too securely in his position.

However, at this moment, a subordinate suddenly hesitated and stepped forward to report in a low voice: "Sir, although it was indeed chaotic last night, there is one place in the city that is very peaceful."

Yu Hongyan immediately looked over curiously: "Where is it?"

"Shi Mansion."

His expression suddenly changed slightly: "Is it possible that giving porridge and doing charity is really useful?! Then the ghost will spare them?"

There was a bit of weirdness in the subordinate's tone: "That's not true. I heard that their house was haunted like everyone else last night, but someone helped them solve it."

"I heard that man is a...god!"

A moment later, Yu Hongyan, who was in a hurry, had already rushed to Shi's house with his people.

Everyone in the house seemed to have been notified in advance and greeted him respectfully.

Although he was confused, he didn't pay much attention to it. He just thought that someone had informed him in advance. But he looked around, but he didn't find any special person among the people at the scene, and he couldn't help but feel suspicious.

"I heard that a living god appeared here? Is this true? Bring him to see me quickly!"

Although there are not many people who claim to be immortals, yesterday those experts claimed to be able to communicate with immortals, but they turned out to be liars, so naturally they have to be more careful.

The master of the Shi family was a little embarrassed, and he carefully saluted and said, "Sir, the old god had expected you to come a long time ago, so he ordered us to wait here."

"It's just that he also told us one thing. If you want to solve this ghost problem, you must go and invite him in person..."

"What?! I have to go there in person? Ridiculous!"

Yu Hongyan was immediately angry and almost wanted to roll up his sleeves and turn around and leave.

But as soon as I lifted my steps, my mind subconsciously recalled the terrifying appearance of the ghost last night, and I couldn't help but feel a little calmer.

After hesitating again and again, he still chose to turn around and said with a gloomy face: "Where is he? I want to go and see if this person has a good reputation and is really that powerful!"

Master Shi quickly led the way there in person, but as he walked, he carefully reminded him that the man was a real god, and told him about his great power to subdue ghosts last night.

I was afraid that this bad-tempered adult would anger the other party.

Yu Hongyan didn't quite believe it at first, but after hearing what he said was so convincing, he couldn't help but start to be dubious.

"There is such a thing... I will find out when I see him."

Mr. Shi quickly took him outside a pavilion by the lake. From a distance, he could see an old beggar with shabby clothes and an ugly and scary face sitting casually inside, accompanied by two boys who also looked like beggars. Beside. A stone table is filled with delicious food, including wine, meat and vegetables, which looks quite rich.

The boy was helping him pick up the food and pour the wine, while the beggar devoured the food and looked more like he was here to cheat.

Yu Hongyan looked back at Master Shi suspiciously.

Mr. Shi was also a little helpless, but he still nodded and whispered: "Sir, don't be surprised. These gods with real abilities are just testing our sincerity."

"Furthermore, in fact, this god has been eating for a long time. He has eaten ten chickens, five geese, and one pig! But he is still not full. This in itself is not a normal person."

Yu Hongyan found it unbelievable. When he took a closer look, the bones next to him were indeed eaten as high as a hill, and he couldn't help but believe it a little more.

He took two steps forward and greeted politely: "How do you call this god?"

The other party kept eating, but he did not delay speaking: "Your Majesty, the governor is really a noble man who forgets things. We saw something yesterday, but have we forgotten it today?"

Yu Hongyan was stunned for a moment, and after taking a closer look, his eyes widened in disbelief. He stretched out his finger and pointed "you, you, you" for a long time, but he couldn't hold back a complete sentence.

Aren't these three beggars the same ones I chased away yesterday? !

Are they really gods? !

He almost thought he was dazzled, but after rubbing his eyes, the three people were still standing there, which made him feel even more sweaty.

"You don't have to be polite, Lord Governor. The name is just a peripheral thing. Just call me Immortal Chief." The old beggar finished the last bottle of wine and burped.

When he looked back, there was an inexplicable sense of teasing in his eyes, which made his face turn blue and red.

Fortunately, he was thick-skinned enough and smiled: "I heard that the Immortal Master showed off his power to subdue ghosts yesterday. I wonder if you can let me see what I can do?"

"It's just a small trail that's not worth mentioning. But since it's a beautiful day today, why don't we invite you to enjoy a dance?"


The governor frowned.

He had seen so many beauties, singers or gorgeous dances. Even the most famous oirans who were up for sale had to perform for him at his request. He had never seen anything.

As for now, there are only a few people present. Could it be that the two skinny and stiff little boys are dancing?

Then he really didn't know whether to laugh or feel it hurt his eyes.

Or is it that the other party actually has no real talent and knowledge and just wants to find an excuse to fool himself?

He narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling that it was very possible.

If this is the case, then he will definitely punish this daring guy today.

But just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly felt a strong wind blowing, making his clothes flutter and rustle.

The leaves of the trees next to the artificial lake were constantly shaking, falling down and floating on the water, creating ripples.

Suddenly, the ripples trembled slightly, quickly deepened and expanded, until they spread to the entire lake!

Yu Hongyan caught a glimpse of something from the corner of his eye, and turned his head suddenly to look. The next second, a huge water column rushed up on the entire lake.

No, that's not a water column, that's a water dragon!

The overall length is at least ten meters, and it is hovering and flying over the lake. Pieces of tangible silver scales cover the transparent body, and there are even beards and dragon horns. They are all real and can be seen at a glance. They are definitely not illusions. Able to persuade.

Water splashed continuously, and even the clothes on his body were wetted by the falling water. He was as embarrassed as a drowned rat. However, Yu Hongyan was completely sluggish and his face was full of shock.

"Dragon...that's a dragon!"

Mr. Shi next to him was so frightened that he almost collapsed to the ground. Fortunately, there was someone helping him.

At this time, not to mention them, even Qingfeng Mingyue had never seen such a battle before, and they were so shocked that they almost couldn't speak.

After all, no matter how scary other ghosts are, the dragon, as a long-standing mythical beast and a symbol of auspiciousness and even imperial power, will definitely have a stronger impact!


A deafening roar like thunder resounded in the air, frightening other people in the Shi Mansion who were not at the scene to the point where they almost squatted down with their heads in their hands, their whole bodies feeling weak.

The dance the old beggar mentioned was performed by this dragon.

I saw that huge body slowly dancing in the air. Although it was certainly not as graceful and attractive as those beautiful women twisting, it still made Master Yu's heart surge with excitement, and he almost fainted with excitement!

Beautiful girls are nowhere to be found, and you can find them wherever you want to dance.

But who would be honored to have a dragon dance for him?

There may not be a second one in the whole world!

Really die without regrets...

He even couldn't help but start to panic, fearing that the emperor would blame him if he found out!

Thinking of this, he quickly asked the other party to stop as if begging for mercy.

He was afraid that if he jumped again, he would not die at the hands of ghosts but would be beheaded by the angry emperor's order.

The old beggar didn't make things difficult for him. He smiled and waved his hand.

The next second, the huge water dragon shattered and turned into ordinary water again and fell into the lake.


The huge impact caused waves, and the governor once again enjoyed the feeling of standing in the shower with his clothes on.

But at this time, he didn't dare to complain, and he was even a little excited.

"This is dragon water! Maybe there is some magical energy in it. Maybe drinking it can extend your life?"

Apart from anything else, I don't know if it was a psychological effect, but after a few licks, he really felt a lot more energetic, and the negative effects of lack of sleep last night were much lessened.

Immediately, he looked at the old beggar with admiration and awe.

This time he really believed it!

Whoever dares to say that the other party is not a god, he dares to fight to the death!

"Chief Immortal, please save our Yongzhou City!"

The old beggar smiled and nodded, but he did not deliberately continue to embarrass him.

"I came down to earth specifically this time to slay demons. If you hadn't kicked me out yesterday, maybe it would have been solved by now."

"Now that it has been delayed for some time, the ghost has become more mature, so it will take more effort."

Yu Hongyan was even more embarrassed. He lowered his head and did not dare to defend himself. He felt even more nervous than when he faced the emperor.

"Whatever the Immortal has to ask for, just ask. Whether it's gold, silver, treasures, delicacies, or even boys and girls, I will definitely cooperate with you!"

The old beggar shook his head slightly and said amusedly: "I'm not some kind of monster, so what do you want those for?"

He smiled and said: "The request is not difficult, just spread my portrait throughout the city..."

(End of this chapter)

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