I played the world alone

Chapter 443 Traitor (2 in 1)

Chapter 443 Traitor (two in one)

A fat owl flapped its wings and pecked at the window twice. After the person next to him opened the window, it flew in with difficulty.

After circling in a circle above his head, he loosened his claws and dropped a letter, which slowly fell on the hand of the old man who was the leader.

"Oh! This is the news from the gentlemen who are responsible for keeping an eye on the movements of those dark wizards on the front line."

The old man opened the letter, and what was described inside was the latest trends of the dark wizards.

"They will be here soon. There are already more than fifty in total. It will be difficult for us people to fight against it now. They may have discovered the abnormality of the train, and now they are coming to capture it with all their strength!"

"Damn bastards!" The wizards at the scene suddenly roared.

A tall and strong man slapped the table, causing several cracks in the wooden table. People couldn't help but suspect that he could tear people apart even without magic.

The people next to them looked sad, and some were very angry.

"We fought with him! How could our precious home be destroyed by them so casually!"

But the old man shook his head: "But now is definitely not the time for a head-on confrontation. If we all die, then the fighting power against the dark wizards will drop a lot, and the entire magical world will continue to fall at an accelerated pace."

He turned and raised his hand to signal: "There is a magic school nearby. There should be some teachers and students there, and the defense there will be stronger. We can go there to take shelter for a while."

"Won't dark wizards attack schools?" someone asked.

"Of course it will, but the school is larger and more defensive than ours. If they don't want to die, they will definitely be more cautious and won't attack forcefully for the time being."

"We can take a rest first and then gather our strength to counterattack..."

This proposal was quickly approved by everyone.

After all, many people here escaped because they were afraid of the dark wizards. If it wasn't necessary, they really didn't want to confront them head-on.

Now that the decision has been made, everyone is ready to set off.

The name of this school is Bordeaux College. Many well-known wizards in the magical world graduated from this school, so they are quite famous in terms of reputation and strength. It is no wonder that the dark wizards have not taken action here.

But what can be expected is that if the stalemate continues, it will be a matter of time before this side falls.

There is a lake surrounding the college. To enter, you need to cross a long pontoon bridge.

When everyone walked along the pontoon, they looked around and saw a circle of dark lake water. The bottom of the lake water was bottomless, as if something terrible was hiding.

Occasionally, if someone accidentally steps into the lake water, a circle of bubbles will appear, and then several piranhas over one meter long will emerge from it crazily, seeming to devour them.

Fortunately, there should be some kind of special seal on the pontoon. Although the piranhas were of sufficient size and strength, they did not rush up. Instead, they immediately lurked under the water again after taking a bite, quietly waiting for the next one. The prey comes in.

"It's really scary here..."

Some people who were not familiar with this place patted their chests and felt frightened after seeing this scene.

"But it is indeed well defended against the invasion of foreign enemies."

"If you have the chance, you can also go and see the back mountain. There is a forbidden forest there, where many magical creatures live. Of course, it is also very dangerous, and there are even many evil spirits..."

Someone who is familiar with this place said that it is indeed a bit curious, but more of it is scary.

After passing the pontoon, the front school gate had appeared in front of them.

This is an old school in the shape of a medieval castle, covering a wide area. You can almost imagine how long its history is.

When they arrived, there were already five wizard teachers waiting to greet them at the door.

The old man first stepped forward to negotiate with them. Fortunately, the other party's attitude was also very friendly.

"We already know the news that the dark wizard is about to attack, please don't worry, you can stay here with peace of mind."

A lady who looked to be in her forties, with her hair tied on the back of her head and wearing a classical palace dress, said with a serious face.

Then she looked at the others: "Hello everyone, although you are not our students, I still need to introduce myself to you."

"You can call me Ms. Jane. I am the dean of students at Bordeaux College. I am also responsible for coordinating and arranging all campus affairs. I will arrange your accommodation and other issues."

"I also hope that you can abide by our school rules after entering the school, and please help us fight against the dark wizards."

There was naturally no problem with these requests. Under the leadership of the old man, everyone agreed immediately.

Next, Ms. Jian led everyone in while introducing the main school rules.

It’s not too complicated. The main thing is that entry is not allowed in certain places, there are also some things that cannot be touched casually, and destructive magic cannot be cast without reason on campus, etc...

After they entered the dormitory area, some students who had not yet fallen asleep came out to watch the fun.

However, when they saw the stern-faced Ms. Jian next to them, their expressions changed with fright, and they immediately hid back, not daring to poke their heads out.

Fortunately, there are still some empty dormitories here. Although it is a bit crowded to accommodate them, it is enough.

The two Garden brothers and another shorter man shared a room with Lu Chen. When they saw him, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief, so much of their nervousness about this unfamiliar area dissipated.

"By the way, have you noticed that the man following Ms. Jian to the right always seems a little strange..."

Garden suddenly whispered, and at the same time he checked the surroundings vigilantly, a little worried whether there might be ears through the wall.

"The man who didn't speak and just stared at us?" Meg immediately remembered, "It does feel like there is something wrong. Could he be an undercover agent of the dark wizard here?"

Probably influenced by the movie, I can't help but feel a little worried when I think of the plot.

"Can a dark wizard stay undercover here?" The short man who lived with him shook his head. "He will definitely be discovered immediately. This possibility is too low."

Garden scratched his head: "That's right, Ms. Jane seems to be very powerful, and the principal is here, so there is no need for us to worry..."

"Maybe it's true." Lu Chen suddenly interjected.

Several other people immediately cast their gaze over.

But except for the two Garden brothers who had seen what he was capable of and were a little worried, the other one didn't take it seriously. He just felt that this ordinary person was probably too deeply affected by the movie.

"Go to bed early. Instead of thinking about this, it's better to think about how to deal with those dark wizards tomorrow."

In fact, just like that, no one would think that there is an undercover agent in the school.

Including Ms. Jane.

At this moment, she left the dormitory area after settling the group of people seeking help, and went to the principal's office to report on today's work.

The principal is a stooped old man who looks to be at least seventy or eighty years old, but he seems to be in good spirits.

At this moment, he was wearing a pair of reading glasses, holding a letter in his hand, and reading it carefully against the light. After listening to Ms. Jian's report, he slowly put down the letter and looked at her with bright eyes.

"Is this group of people arriving at a coincidence?"

His first question was a bit creepy.

"According to my intelligence, dark wizards are gathering in large numbers here, and only a small part of them are targeting the station."

"You know, they are like well-hidden poisonous snakes, hiding in the corners that we can't see. As long as we show a slight flaw, they may jump out and bite us at any time and inject venom."

"You have to be careful about this!"

But obviously Ms. Jian already knew about this, so there weren't many obvious changes in her expression.

"I still have the same opinion as before. I don't think there will be a traitor in the school. Even now, the traitor is given a very easy opportunity to kill."

The principal shook his head.

"Maybe, but Miss Jane, there might be some problems among this group of people. Dark wizards always like to play these little tricks."

"It's like...controlling someone's mind to do things for them. I believe they can definitely do such a thing."

Ms. Jian looked a little solemn.

"It is true that this possibility cannot be ruled out...then why did you let these people in?"

They could simply close the school gate and seal off all entrances and exits. Then the security would definitely be several times higher!

"Because if we don't catch the traitor among us, no one will be able to sleep." The principal picked up the letter again, "Okay, you can go back and rest. I will keep an eye on this."

Ms. Jian did not doubt the other party's strength, nodded and left first.

But at this moment, a scream came from the distance. Her expression changed instantly and she looked in the direction of the sound.


"Damn...she screamed! It must have attracted a lot of attention!"

"It doesn't matter, I'll definitely make it in time!"

In the shadows, two people kicked aside a woman's body on the ground and whispered.

The two of them were among the refugees who had just come in. In front of them, there was a door that was originally hung with heavy iron locks and chains, but now it had been opened.

There were sounds like the slow rotation of huge gears coming from inside, as if there was some kind of mechanism.

At the same time, there were bursts of roaring sounds.

But finally, soon everything calmed down.

Even the sound of gears has stopped, and the space has returned to calm.

Then, a person walked out of the dark room.


But when this man walked into the light outside, the face he revealed was that of the old man who had taken the initiative to lead them into this place!

Ms. Jian hurried over with her skirt in hand. When she saw them, her pupils shrank instantly, especially when she saw the open door at the back, and she couldn't help but scream.

"Oh my God! What on earth are you doing!"

The old man chuckled: "Ms. Jane, you are late. The defense mechanism here has been stopped by us! When the army of dark wizards arrives next, everyone in this school will die!"

"Or, you can choose to surrender to us now and become a new dark wizard. Maybe you can have a better future!"

Ms. Jian still couldn't believe the scene in front of her and stared at the other party.

"But weren't you a retired wizard policeman before? Or an honorary alumnus of this school! Even I heard of your reputation when I was a student! Why would you do such a thing?!"

If she didn't believe in the other party's identity, she would never take such a risk!

He never expected that instead of finding the traitor, he would be stabbed in the back by the person he trusted the most.

This feeling is really unpleasant.

The old man laughed loudly: "So what? Do I have to continue to endure the threat of dark wizards? Do you know? When I first saw the terrifying and powerful magic of the dark wizards, I suddenly Once I realize it, that is the strength I pursue!”

As soon as he finished speaking, black gas began to continuously emit from his body and quickly gathered around his body. It looked like an inflated balloon inflating rapidly, almost to the size of a mature man!

Even the clothes on his body were torn.

He glanced down with great satisfaction: "Look at the power in my body! I have regained my long life, and this huge magic power in my body!"

"This is what I want!"

"You are really a bunch of lunatics! I really shouldn't have let you in." Ms. Jane took a deep breath, took out her wand and pointed it at the other party.

However, the other party reacted faster and took out his wand in an instant.

"Except your weapons!"


Ms. Jane's wand flew out directly, and she herself was hit and fell to the ground.

"Don't worry, I will keep you alive to see what happens next. Watch this school be destroyed at the hands of the dark wizard."

The old man pointed the tip of his wand at her, as if he were a lamb sitting for the slaughter.

"Everyone here will be a sacrifice to our master..."

"By the way, there is also the principal..."

The old man turned his head and looked at the familiar figure walking towards this side from the depths of the corridor.

The other party is very old. When he was still studying here, he was already a teacher here.

It is estimated to be at least a hundred years old.

"Teacher Box, I'm very sorry that we have to meet again in this way." The old man raised his wand and pointed it at the principal, with a slight grin on his lips, showing an evil smile.

"But with all due respect, with my current strength, even you can't stop me."

Principal Box shrugged his shoulders and walked over slowly on crutches.

"I understand, my old bones don't have the strength to deal with you now. I just want to clarify a few questions..."

(End of this chapter)

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