I played the world alone

Chapter 442 What about the big guy? (2 in 1)

Chapter 442 What about the big guy? (-in-)

If it was not certain before, the three of them are almost certain now.

The deaths of these three dark wizards must have been caused by this magical man!

It's just that they haven't figured out how.

But it didn't stop them from feeling a little at ease and having more confidence in the upcoming journey.

Soon, the ticket inspector came to their carriage anxiously, looked around, and finally his eyes fell on the four of them.

"Do you know where the gentleman who got on the bus just now went?"

Garden quietly glanced at Lu Chen and saw that he didn't make any move, so he immediately shook his head: "I don't know."

"But I just noticed that he came to your carriage..." The ticket inspector glanced at them suspiciously.

"Perhaps he flew away on a broomstick?" Meg put in.

Liu Huili seemed to have no intention of explaining, and just snorted: "We are just the most ordinary little wizards. How can we care where the dark wizard has gone?"

"And instead of questioning us here in the same tone as questioning a suspect, it's better to go find that person quickly before he gets angry because he can't be served by you."

These words made the ticket inspector's face turn white and red, but in the end he didn't choose to waste time here. He said "Excuse me" and hurriedly turned around and left to continue searching.

The two brothers looked at his leaving figure and made faces.

"Look for it, there will be ghosts only if you can find them."

These guys are working together in collusion, and they have long been displeased!

However, although several people were in a good mood now, as new passengers got on the bus, they had to be cautious again.

"Why is this train coming a little later than usual today..."

"I guess those who were impatient were already killing each other on the train. The poor little guys didn't even know that the train they got on was bound for hell..."

"Huh? Where are the people? Why are there just these few little wizards and even a Muggle?"

"Go over and ask them, and use them to kill some time..."

This conversation happened no less than three times during this not-so-long journey.

But when it got dark and the train finally slowly stopped at the terminal, there were still only four people in the car, Lu Chen, when they got off.

Garden and the other three were also completely numb, with expressionless expressions on their faces.

The ticket inspector looked like he had seen a ghost. He opened his mouth in shock and watched the four people passing by him one by one. Finally, he couldn't help but rub his eyes and turned around to take a closer look at the empty carriage. .

There wasn't even a single human figure.

There were no signs of a fight or blood.

A big question mark suddenly appeared in his mind: "Where are the people?!"

Where did he see such a big person getting into the car with his own eyes?

If it hadn't happened repeatedly, he would have thought he was hallucinating.

Are all those dark wizards having a trance today or something? They all like to get off the bus halfway and don't take the main entrance?

The only good thing is that at least those weird-tempered and murderous guys didn't cause any trouble today, and I was less in trouble.

On the other side, after Lu Chen and others got off the bus, they saw this magic station that was very different from modern society.

Judging from the surrounding buildings, this should be a small village dedicated to the residence of wizards. There are also many shops selling magic materials, wands and other items.

The railway of this train runs across this village and town. Whenever a train is about to pass, there will be special railings to block the passage of pedestrians or vehicles on both sides.

A closer look reveals that this is not a completely closed ancient world, there are also traces of modern technology.

Such as electric lights, phone booths, and cars, etc.

But without exception, almost no pedestrians can be seen here, and the street lights flicker due to poor contact and no maintenance. Some of them are even broken and dim, making it look very desolate.

The houses in the distance have also closed their doors, and there are almost no shops that are still open. The lights in the villages and towns are frighteningly sparse, and the dark night hangs over the sky, creating a dead silence.

There were even a few howls that seemed to be wild wolves heard in the distance, which made people feel uneasy.

"It wasn't like this before..." Liu Huili said sadly.

"There used to be a lot of people coming and going here, and the shops were very busy..."

The two brothers probably didn't come here much, so they looked around out of curiosity.

And as the train rumbled and slowly set off again, it also caused some subtle changes here.

Figures slowly came out of some dark corners.

There are those who are as tall as little giants, and there are those who are as short as children, there are women with long hair, and there are bald men.

These people with their own characteristics slowly gathered from all directions like pests crawling in dark corners, looking at them with strange eyes.

"Hey, here are some more little guys..."

Someone spoke in a weird accent.

"But what about the other dark wizards?"

"It's over! There are also dark wizards here, and we are surrounded!"

Garden suddenly trembled when he saw this terrible scene.

"We shouldn't be able to deal with so many people, so we should find a way to escape quickly..."

As he spoke, he glanced at the doctor subconsciously.

He still didn't see any special emotions on the opponent's face, as if it made no difference to him whether there was one opponent or so many.

Although everything went smoothly along the way, he still didn't understand what was going on.

Those dark wizards all jumped out of cars and died, which seemed very inexplicable.

So it's hard to believe in the opponent's strength now.

At least for now, it seems that with so many people, one punch can kill them all, let alone a magic attack.

"But even if you want to run away, where can you run in this situation?" Liu Huili also cried.

Unexpectedly, the situation in the magical world has become so serious now, and there are even ambushes here.

They've been surrounded!

"Fight them!" Meg was nervous and excited, taking out her wand and preparing to cast magic.

However, at this moment, an old man with a white beard walked out from the group of people, raised his hand and shouted.

"Wait a minute, we are not dark wizards." Several people were stunned and looked at them suspiciously.

These people don't look like good people!

"We are the resistance forces who fled everywhere after being harmed by the dark wizards. Finally, we couldn't bear it anymore, so we gathered here!"

The old man turned around and motioned for the others to move back so as not to frighten the newcomers too much.

"Our home has been destroyed by dark wizards. We must take revenge on them and restore peace to the magical world!"

"Revenge..." The three of them looked at this group of people.

Although it may be a little impolite, from the current appearance, this group of people looks more like a mob. They look scary but are actually far less powerful than the dark wizards they met before.

But they also knew that the words were too hurtful, so they didn't say it directly.

"But why are you hiding in a place like this? Do you want to ambush the dark wizard here?"

"Yes, and we also got some other information..." They looked at each other and confirmed that there should be no problem before continuing, "They probably want to control these channels between the magical world and the Muggle world and completely block them. We might even attack the Muggle world!"

As soon as these words came out, the three of them couldn't help but be shocked.

The currently recognized rule in the wizarding world is that magic cannot be used in front of Muggles, and it is better not to leak the existence of wizards.

This can be regarded as a tradition since ancient times.

But now this group of dark wizards want to break the rules? !

Thinking of the cruelty of this group of people, they couldn't help but feel chills running down their spines, and they felt even more frightened and uneasy.

Now at least they can hide in the Muggle world to escape, but if even the Muggle world falls, they will really have no way out.

Maybe even their relatives and friends will suffer. I don’t know how many people will die by then!

"It's over...then what should we do?" They were a little confused for a moment.

"Join our organization! Although you should only be students, you have already mastered some basic magic and can help us with some simple assistance." The old man extended his hand to invite.

Although this was not a mandatory requirement, the three of them had no room to refuse now, so they agreed after thinking about it.

However, during the welcome, the group of people quickly noticed Lu Chen, who looked a little awkward behind them.

"Is this...an ordinary person? How did he get in?"

The three of them didn't know how to answer this question.

It stands to reason that the doctor is indeed an ordinary person, but judging from his experiences along the way, this guy is definitely not normal, whether it is his brain or his strength...

"Forget it, when the train takes him back at this time tomorrow, a memory-erasing spell will have to be applied. Now we can only let him stay here for one day."

Although some people are a little dissatisfied with the addition of another burden, they can't just ignore it.

Next, under the leadership of this group of people, they walked through a secret passage and arrived at an ancient medieval-style building deep in the forest.

It doesn't look very impressive from the outside, even a little shabby, like a long-abandoned house that might collapse in a storm at some point.

But when the door was opened, a bright light shone out from inside.

After stepping in, the space inside suddenly opened up. It was obviously several times larger than the outside. There were even stairs winding upward, with several more floors.

There were several oil lamps hanging on the walls, and there was a strong flame burning in the fireplace. The light on several oil paintings of figures in the flames flowed like liquid.

And if you look carefully, you can see that the characters in the painting are also doing their actions, as if they are playing a seamless loop of dynamic pictures.

But if you really think they are just a loop of pictures, once you get closer and observe them, the people inside may suddenly make some strange movements that will shock you.

These are already familiar in the academy, so the three of them are not a surprise.

At this time, a dinner was being prepared in the bright and spacious hall, and the dishes were quite sumptuous, such as a golden and crispy roasted turkey.

The crowd was eating and drinking happily below, while a few owls were flapping their wings overhead, or standing quietly on a wooden stick to observe the surroundings.

The return of several people also attracted their attention, and many people immediately put down their things and came forward to greet them and help them brush the snow off their bodies.

The three of them blended in very naturally, and also inquired about the latest news. For example, Liu Huili was inquiring about her parents.

It's a pity that the people here are not very familiar with it, so she can't provide specific information, which makes her a little disappointed.

Lu Chen was not the only ordinary person here. There were also some relatives of the wizard himself, who were brought with him to avoid the black wizard's revenge.

Therefore, his sudden arrival was not too sudden, and he was considered to be another unlucky person who also came to seek refuge.

"Hey, try this, it tastes good!" The speaker was a man about the same age as he looked now, and he took the initiative to hand him a piece of pie.

It's still stuffed with meat, and it tastes really good.

The two parties briefly introduced each other, and the other party immediately felt respectful after learning that he was a doctor, and also said that he used to be just an ordinary salesman.

If it hadn't been for the recent incident with the dark wizard, he might not have known that the wife he slept with every day turned out to be a magical wizard.

"Dark wizards are really scary. I've seen them kill people with my own eyes..."

"I don't know when we can get rid of them all and let us resume normal life. If I stay here any longer, I will suspect that there is something wrong with my brain."

While listening to his chat, Lu Chen was still paying attention to the conversation of the group of wizards on the other side.

They were having a heated discussion on how to deal with the dark wizard's next attack.

He ate the pie and listened carefully.

Only then did we roughly understand the current plight of these resistance organizations.

There are too many dark wizards!

No one knows what is going on. As long as many wizards choose to surrender, they can transform into a new dark wizard in a short period of time, and their temperament will change drastically!

A person who may have been timid and cowardly in the past will suddenly become cruel and bloodthirsty, and he is proficient in all kinds of powerful black magic, and his strength will more than double!

Under the ebb and flow of one another, the magical world soon began to fall. No matter how powerful the wizard was, he was no match in a wheel battle.

Now, almost half of the magical world has been destroyed, and the war situation here is still tense because of their presence.

According to the news, many dark wizards are coming here, such as the ones on the train before, who are the advance army.

I guess I was a little impatient after not being able to win the battle with the rebels before. I will definitely win it this time!

"The dark wizards are coming to attack?!"

When the man next to him heard the news, he no longer cared about eating, and his face suddenly became sad and worried.

"You may not know that no place has been able to survive an attack of their scale so far. We are probably all going to die here..."

(End of this chapter)

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