I played the world alone

Chapter 404 Church (2 in 1)

Chapter 404 Church (two in one)

Although strictly speaking, Lu Chen did not officially accept Tian Fangrou as his disciple, but only taught her cultivation techniques and some spells.

However, for Tian Fangrou, substance is more important than form, and she has already identified the other party's identity.

"Master, you are a noble heavenly master. Since you appear here, is this the legendary fairy world?"

From her perspective, she can naturally see that the environment here is special and rich in spiritual energy, and it is obviously not on earth.

Lu Chen shook his head: "If this was the fairy world, when you tried to possess yourself and came in, you would have been killed by the thunder and your soul would be gone. How could you stand here well?"

"This is just a sect station for my juniors, so I still have some weight here to prevent you from being punished."

Tian Fangrou stuck out her tongue playfully and said coquettishly: "Then I just want to see you. I will never dare to do it next time!"

Over the years of living in the mortal world, she has gradually become familiar with how to deal with others, and is not as reserved as she was back then.

"You are not cowardly. I have already heard about the good things you did in the mortal world." Lu Chen glanced at her.

She was immediately startled and tried to recall what she had done to see if there was anything unclean.

"You don't need to be afraid. It was the ghosts and gods in the underworld who told me about you. They also said that you are currently working for a country in the room. It can be regarded as a serious crime for the people. It is not a fault."

Tian Fangrou suddenly showed joy, thinking that next time she must burn more paper money for those Black and White Wuchang people, and thank them for their kind words to her.

"By the way, where's the weasel?"

"This disciple left the Tian family's old house in order to find traces of you, but that house cannot remain empty after all." Tian Fangrou answered honestly, "It will stay there temporarily to prevent some lonely ghosts from entering while we are away." Occupy the magpie’s nest.”

After all, the Tian family's old house was also the place where these two hundred-year-old ghosts with profound spiritual knowledge lived. The rich yin energy in it was very suitable for ghost cultivation.

Maybe there will be some ghosts and monsters who have eaten the courage of a bear and a leopard and dare to go in and touch it.

If any male ghost thought her coffin was nice and slept in it, Tian Fangrou would probably be sick to death.

As she spoke, she seemed to have endless words to say. After finally meeting her master, she wanted to tell him her entire life over the past hundred years in one breath.

From the day he left for the funeral...

After talking for a long time, Tian Fangrou still had some unfinished thoughts, and finally looked at him pitifully: "Master, can you let the apprentice serve you from now on? I promise not to cause any trouble, whether it is as a foot washer or a bed warmer. Any girl can do it..."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense." Lu Chen interrupted angrily and amusingly, "My duty is to slay demons. How would you behave if you stayed by my side?"

"You might as well practice hard. Maybe one day you can ascend to the immortal world, and then you don't need to ask me to take you in."

Tian Fangrou knew that her request was unreliable, so she didn't have high hopes and could only nod her head honestly.

At least I managed to see it this time, and I felt somewhat comforted, instead of feeling as empty and worried as before.

"In addition, I specially let you in this time because there is another thing for you to do." Lu Chen suddenly added.


Zhu Qianqian was frightened all night.

She was afraid that Miss Tian would disappear out of thin air, and her good days where she could eat and be lazy without any scruples would come to an end!
After all, if you think about it carefully, it seems that you don't have to do anything now, but not only is your salary several times what it was before, Miss Tian doesn't have to spend money, all the money is given to herself, and even if her position is revealed, she is a civil servant with an iron rice bowl!

Even sometimes when she returned to her hometown, the leaders in the county would personally come to accompany her after receiving the news, just like some important person, which made her feel flattered!
Everyone in her family is proud of her and thinks that she has become a successful person and has a bright future!
However, if this kind of good life is gone, won't we have to go back to the bad life of the past where we often worked overtime and received pitifully low wages?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but shudder and had a headache. She kept praying for Miss Tian to come back quickly!
And at noon on the second day, she was anxious and hesitant whether to report to Xu Xun.

She even had a bad idea in her mind, which was to pretend that Miss Tian was still in her body, so that others wouldn't be able to tell.

It's a day's work to be able to hang out like this.

Just when she was trembling with her fingers and debating whether to make the call, she suddenly felt a strange wind blowing by. She couldn't help but shiver subconsciously, and goosebumps stood up all over her body.

This familiar feeling of being possessed by a ghost...

She was already familiar with it and was not surprised but overjoyed!

"Miss Tian?"

She tried calling.


A clear and sweet female voice suddenly sounded in my ears.

Miss Tian sounded pretty good, which made her relieved, at least it wasn't as bad as she imagined.

It happened that Xu Xun also called at this time.

She felt much more confident when she answered the phone this time, and she was very confident when answering. This is the difference between having a backer and not having a backer.

But after chatting on the phone for a while, her expression became a little embarrassed again.

After hanging up the phone, she whispered to Tian Fangrou: "Minister Xu asked you to come over and said he wanted to ask you something."

He was probably interrogating what happened yesterday.

Tian Fangrou was not surprised and nodded in agreement.

When he arrived at Xu Xun's office, his first words were as expected: "Ms. Tian, ​​since you are a member of our department, in this special era, I feel it is necessary for me to understand that you did not have any notification yesterday. But it suddenly disappeared.”

"Of course. Yesterday I also walked through the crack to meet my master."

Tian Fangrou was prepared and had no intention of hiding anything, so she answered readily.

"Your master..."

Xu Xun was startled, and his expression suddenly became serious.

He did not forget that the other party's master should be a heavenly master.

But so far, there are no effective clues to verify his true identity in history. We only know that his status is extremely high even in the fairy world, and the ghosts and messengers in the underworld have to give him face.

I just didn't expect that the other party would be related to this Xian Xuanmen.

Tian Fangrou briefly told the story of her meeting with her master, omitting a lot of dialogue that did not need to be known to outsiders.

Finally, she did not forget the important thing that Master told her.

"Master said that although the spiritual energy has been revived, our Taoist sect is still in decline, and there are not many Taoist talents rising. It is expected that the skills practiced back then were lost." "So I entrusted my apprentice to teach the skills and some training aids on my behalf. The elixir may be able to change the current embarrassing situation."

"Kung Fu and elixirs?!"

Xu Xun's eyes suddenly lit up.

This is the most scarce thing for them now.

In the future, if we want to establish a college and vigorously recruit students to start cultivating immortals, these will be indispensable.

"Not bad!" Tian Fangrou was quite proud. He was her master. He could take out something at will and let others regard it as a treasure.

"This is because Master understands your difficulties. I hope that I can continue to work hard and strive to have a true god appear on this land one day!"


Empire on which the sun never sets.

"Get ready to start construction! It's time to say goodbye to this old place."

A priest in black with a cross hanging in front of his body stopped reciting, slowly closed the Bible in his hand, and spoke slowly to the people next to him.

"Oh, don't worry, Father Bruce."

The man had half-bald thin blond hair on his head, a gold chain hanging on his chest, a big belly, a cigar in his mouth, and half-baked English. He patted the priest on the shoulder cheerfully.

"I will build you a new church, which will be several times more spacious and brighter than this one! It will definitely attract more believers to worship here!"

"Of course the address will be better than here, not as remote as here!"

Father Bruce, a middle-aged man with a big beard, glanced at the environment where he grew up.

Apart from anything else, this place is indeed very desolate. The surrounding weeds are so overgrown that it is almost impossible to see the second building besides the church. There is only a railway spreading into the distance not far away.

There isn't even a stop here.

In addition, the church has been in disrepair for a long time, and the annual maintenance cost is a large sum of money. Now that the stubborn father has passed away, there is indeed no value for it to continue.

"Sir, do you think the so-called magic amusement park built here will really attract many tourists?"

"Of course, Father Bruce, you must believe in my vision. When I built the first hotel, others said it would definitely lose money. All the money I borrowed from the bank was not left as compensation. Become a pauper!"

The rich man took a heavy drag on his cigar and blew out a beautiful smoke ring.

"Then I got rich and made my first £1000 million, and to this day she's still spitting out new notes to me every day, like a money printing machine."

"And those who laughed at me now want to crawl over and lick my boots and have my soles kick them in the face."

"Oh, a very powerful business acumen, sir, please believe my praise, and I believe God will bless you even more." After hearing the amount, Father Bruce subconsciously grabbed the book in his hand, and finally showed a more enthusiastic smile.
"Of course, that's why I've taken a fancy to this place of yours, Father Bruce. I believe you will be as rich as me."

The rich man had no special reaction to these compliments that he was accustomed to and continued to talk about his business blueprint.

"The hottest thing recently is those damn wizards and their magic. The related stocks have already risen by an unknown amount, and the related movies and books have become even more popular. Which child doesn't want to become an omnipotent person? Where is the wizard?"

"The paradise I will build will fulfill their hopes!"

"But I heard that the copyright of Harry Potter seems to be..." The priest was confused.

"No, no, no, Father, you misunderstood," the rich man smiled, "I'm just talking about magic and it has nothing to do with Harry Potter. How can this involve copyright?"

"At that time, I only need to spend a lot of money to hire a few real wizards to shoot a few commercials here to attract customers. Who will care about those small details that are not important at all?"

Although Father Bruce felt that this was not a good thing, after all, he couldn't control that much.

To be honest, the recent popularity of wizards has also affected his normal life.

Young people all worship wizards and believe in some weird weedy sects that appear out of nowhere, so no one cares about him here.

Now the only thing he can hope for is to get this huge amount of money from selling the land to ensure that his normal life will not be affected in the future.

Demolition work began in earnest soon.

This kind of dangerous building that is already crumbling does not even need explosives to blast it. If you just push a bulldozer on it, it will quickly collapse on its own.

This is indeed the case. An old church that was more than a hundred years old collapsed suddenly, and the smoke and dust spread exaggeratedly in all directions, leaving only ruins on the ground, as well as the wreckage that had not completely collapsed and needed to be further demolished.

Father Bruce stood in the distance wearing a safety helmet and holding a Bible in his hand. He watched this familiar "home" disappear and silently closed his eyes.

"In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit..."

He tapped on his forehead, chest and shoulders, silently praying to God to forgive his mistakes.

But at this moment, the workers who walked into the ruins to carry out further demolition work suddenly shouted strangely.

"Wait, why is there a basement here? I didn't say that before..."


Father Bruce was stunned for a moment and opened his eyes in surprise. He saw the rich man next to him looking over with confusion and dissatisfaction. After all, this meant that there was more work to be done.

He quickly waved his hand: "No, I don't know either."

"In all the years I've been here, I've never heard of a basement here."

The two of them walked over together and saw the surrounding workers marveling at the entrance to the basement. At this time, no one dared to approach but stayed far away.

"Boss, come and take a look! Is there something unusual about this place?"

"What's going on?" The rich man was not very happy and asked the workers to make way for him.

After a few workers stepped aside, the scene that appeared in front of them made the rich man freeze on the spot and even took a step back subconsciously, his face suddenly changed.

Even Father Bruce shrank his pupils and subconsciously held the Bible tightly in his arms.

A large iron door about one meter long and wide was exposed under the floor that was cracked by the falling bricks, which was the entrance to the basement.

What is really scary is the various strange patterns engraved on it.

Demons with hideous faces, angels with broken wings, and various skulls...

It was even smeared with a lot of red paint, making it look like it was covered in blood. It was so weird and oozing that everyone present was afraid to get close!
(End of this chapter)

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