I played the world alone

Chapter 403: New Year’s Reunion (2 in 1)

Chapter 403: Centenary Reunion (Two in One)

When Starlight ended just now, Zhu Qianqian always felt as if something was missing.

Looking back now, I suddenly realized that Miss Tian's voice was missing.

At this time, I suddenly realized that I felt a little uncomfortable.

At the same time, I was also a little worried, not knowing where Miss Tian had gone after leaving me.

Although the other party's current body should not be afraid of the sun, it will still be affected to some extent.

Not daring to delay, she reported the matter to Xu Xun.

"Tian Fangrou is missing?"

Xu Xun, who was still immersed in joy just now, couldn't help but wonder.

The identity of the other party is completely legal and compliant, and has even been recognized by the City God. He can walk openly and openly whether in the mortal world or the underworld. There is no need to escape.

"When did the other party disappear? Did he leave any message?"

"None of them." Zhu Qianqian shook her head, "I saw her flying out for a while when we were climbing the ladder, but she disappeared in the blink of an eye."

She immediately became a little nervous again: "Minister, may she have encountered any danger?"

"As far as I know there aren't many that can threaten her."

Xu Xun thought for a while but couldn't come up with an answer: "Maybe she just had some more private matters to deal with, so she didn't tell you in advance."

"If the other party still hasn't come back by this time tomorrow, I will ask someone to investigate."

After all, he is still a powerful ghost. If he is not under his supervision for a long time, he may cause unnecessary trouble.


And in the small world at this time.

"From now on, you can just call me Elder Yue De."


The children answered in somewhat jagged voices, but loudly.

Qian Weifeng listened to the majestic voice in his ears, lowered his head and carefully glanced at the soft and illusory cloud at his feet. He still feels a little unrealistic, like a scene in his childhood dreams.

He had watched too many mythological TV series in the past, and like other children of the same age, he had imagined that he could fly in the clouds, but no one expected that it would actually happen in reality.


It was obvious that the clouds were flying very fast, but he felt as if he were standing on flat ground and did not feel any shaking at all.

He even tried to bend down slightly and touch the clouds.

It felt softer than the softest cotton he had ever seen, and even felt like a ball of water vapor, but if you pinched it hard, it would become very strong and elastic.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get even a little bit off.

This magical thing made him even more amazed.

Compared with his caution and curiosity, other children were more excited to cheer.

They saw that the Yue De elder standing at the forefront of the cloud had his back to them. He didn't seem to have much intention to teach, but the children's playfulness reappeared and they jumped on this soft but very solid cloud. Jumping back and forth, curiously looking at the surrounding environment.

"Wow! Look there! It's such a high mountain!"

Several children screamed in unison and pointed excitedly into the distance.

Qian Weifeng also looked in the direction, and then his mouth opened wide with a look of shock.

On the horizon in the distance stands a huge mountain whose top is almost invisible, as if it connects the sky and the earth. The highest point is covered with dense clouds, completely covering it. You can almost imagine that there is a mountain peak above the clouds.

"It must be several kilometers away!"

"My parents took me to climb a mountain last time, but it was not as high as this. If I have the chance, I would like to try here!" A bolder boy immediately straightened his back and said proudly.

However, Yuexiong, who was in charge of escorting next to him, poured cold water on him in time.

"In the future, your cultivation will also be on this mountain. You may need your own legs to climb up and down. You can enjoy it slowly."

The faces of several children who were laughing just now suddenly froze.

It's okay to climb once, but if you climb every day, it won't be like a nightmare...

Fortunately, they were all children, so this sadness was quickly dissipated by the beautiful scenery around them.

This all-natural natural environment was completely different from the torrent of high-rise buildings and steel in the city. It was so beautiful that they were dazzled by it, and they heard shouts of surprise one after another.

Soon, they had penetrated the clouds and arrived at the foot of the highest mountain.

What surprised the children was that there was a small village here that had a bit of a fireworks atmosphere.

However, those buildings also don't have any traces of modernity. They are all thatched houses or simple wooden houses, with a few stones piled up as walls or steps, very simple.

After Elder Yue De put them down, he immediately flew away in the clouds and disappeared, leaving Yue Xiong as his follow-up guide.

Without the elder, the children relaxed a little and stood at the entrance of the village, looking curiously at the village.

"Brother, are we going to live here in the future?"

"I seem to smell something. Is it time for dinner already?" The greedy child wiped his saliva, "How about we eat first."

Although they have also received the baptism of starlight, it stands to reason that their bodies no longer need additional energy supplements, but the greedy people's demand for delicious food will still not be reduced.

"No." Yuexiong was still concise and indifferent to the children's coquettishness. He just said lightly, "This is your supply point. If you need any help, you can ask the villagers here for help."

And just when they were wondering, they suddenly glanced and saw walking on the road a man with the head of a wolf and the body of a wolf!

Several timid little guys were frightened and cried instantly, hugging themselves into a ball and shivering.

Their screams also attracted the attention of other city residents. Some villagers who were still cooking or working came out to see who had happened.

As a result, in the eyes of the children, a large group of strange-looking monsters and monsters poked their heads out and stared at them, as if they wanted to eat them!
"Monster! This is a monster! So scary!"

Their bodies trembled even more violently and they ran desperately behind their senior brother.

Qian Weifeng was relatively calm, because he noticed that Senior Brother Yuexiong, who was responsible for protecting them, did not have any extreme reaction. On the contrary, the monsters were in awe of them and did not even dare to approach and only dared to watch from a distance.

Sure enough, the next second Senior Brother Yuexiong said: "Don't be afraid, these are the local villagers, they can also be regarded as the demon clan that our Xianxuan Sect has conquered outside, and they are your trustworthy companions." "The same will happen to them in the future. They will also be your teachers on the path of practice. If I am not here, you can ask them questions if you don’t understand anything.”

Although the children heard what he said, they still did not dare to approach easily after seeing the scary looks of those monsters.

In the end, it was the cutest and most affectionate rabbit sister who first won the children's trust.

They curiously touched her long soft ears and exclaimed that they felt better than the toys on sale.

There were also some other cubs from the demon tribe that were very popular. They were furry, cute and humane. They quickly made several girls fall in love with them and wanted to hold them in their arms every day.

Several demon clans were happy to see the result. Instead of rejecting it, they strongly supported it. They felt that the closer they were, the better.

After all, in the long run, these children will be the cornerstone of the Xianxuan Sect in the future. Although both parties are equal in name, in fact they are different in race, so there will inevitably be some barriers.

It would be even better if the two parties could cultivate their relationship from an early age and become closer!

This small world is simply like their ideal paradise. Not only is there plenty of food and no threats from external enemies, it even has a high concentration of spiritual energy!
They all want to live here for generations without having to work hard outside.

However, Qian Weifeng, one of the children, was a little confused, because he also saw the image of the big rabbit he saw in the car on the rabbit sister in front of him.

Subconsciously, he couldn't help but rub his eyes and wonder if he was hallucinating.

At this time, Yuexiong suddenly patted him on the shoulder.

"Come with me. I have something to ask you."

Qian Weifeng's heart skipped a beat and he didn't dare to refuse. He lowered his head and followed the other party honestly.

After Yujian flew for a while, the two stopped on a small mountain peak.

"Can you feel something strange about your eyes?"

Yuexiong got straight to the point and asked directly.

Qian Weifeng was startled, hesitated for a moment and nodded.

"I've been seeing some weird things with my eyes lately. I wonder if I'm sick..."

He looked at the other party with some worry, quickly lowered his head, and nervously clenched the corners of his clothes.

I am afraid that I will be eliminated because I may have some strange disease, and my parents' beautiful life may disappear because of this.

Fortunately, the situation was not as bad as he thought.

"Your eyes are indeed special, but you can rest assured that it is not a disease. On the contrary, your talent and physique are very good. Even if your aura is higher, your body can automatically produce certain reactions..."

Yuexiong gave two simple explanations.

With the opponent's talent, if there is no "revival of spiritual energy", at most it will be that if the brain is smarter, he can get into a good university and have a better future. But now that he has been exposed to all kinds of monsters, there will naturally be some changes.

"I will notify you of your teaching schedule separately. But don't think that this will put you off. On the contrary, your requirements will be more stringent than others. If you don't have that perseverance and perseverance, it will just be a waste of your precious talent. .”

Qian Weifeng immediately knelt on the ground: "Senior brother, please rest assured! I will definitely work hard to practice!"

Although he is still young, he has experienced a lot, and he can realize that this is a test for him and a precious opportunity.

"Okay, your problem has been solved, let's take a look at the one hidden in your body."

Yuexiong suddenly changed his tone and his voice became a little harsh.

"Bold ghost, come out and show yourself quickly?!"

The boy was a little confused and didn't know what the other party meant, but the next second he suddenly saw an illusory white shadow flying out from between his eyebrows, and then gathered in mid-air to form the figure of a pretty woman!


He was so frightened that his body almost trembled and he almost fell to the ground.

Look carefully, isn't this the female ghost he saw in the square in front of the stadium before?

When did the other party actually possess me?
He was suddenly covered in cold sweat.

I actually brought this ghost in unintentionally!Moreover, if he was discovered by his senior brother, wouldn't he be given a major demerit? !
Tian Fangrou was also free and easy: "I thought that his pair of yin and yang eyes met the conditions for hiding me, so I possessed him. He didn't know it. If there is any punishment, I will be punished."

In order to be able to see Master, even if I can only meet him once, it is still worth it!

She had been waiting for hundreds of years to finally see such an opportunity, how could she bear to watch it fly past her fingertips.

Yuexiong glanced at her: "Do you really think that you can escape the eyes of our elders and come here through the door with your own ability?"

"If Elder Yue De is serious, you will be driven out of your mind with just one look, and even that evil token on your body won't be able to save you!"

Tian Fangrou was startled and a little confused: "You mean... you let me in on purpose?"

"That's right." Yuexiong nodded, "Another elder has long guessed that you would do this, so please turn a blind eye and let you come in to reminisce."

Tian Fangrou's heartbeat quickened instantly and she was a little excited: "Can you let me see that elder?"

Yue Xiong nodded slightly, then waved and took Qian Weifeng away.

After waiting for a while, Tian Fangrou suddenly felt a familiar breath. She instantly became energetic and looked up happily.

She saw a figure with bright light descending from the sky. Although she still couldn't see his appearance clearly, with her intuition, she could clearly feel that the person in front of her was definitely the master from a hundred years ago!


Finally seeing each other again after a hundred years, she had not shed tears for many years, but now her eyes were filled with tears subconsciously, and she could not wipe them away no matter how hard she tried.

Although he tried hard to maintain the best posture in front of the master and show a smile, he still couldn't help but cry. The tears fell on the corners of his raised mouth, but he tasted a bit of sweetness.

She was so excited that she almost immediately wanted to pounce on him, but fortunately, her last bit of reason suppressed this somewhat over-the-top behavior.

Then he respectfully saluted on the spot: "Apprentice Tian Fangrou has met Master..."

"We haven't seen each other for a hundred years. You have grown a lot...and your strength has also improved now. It's worthy of my careful cultivation of you back then."

The master's voice at this time was almost completely different from that of the thin little Taoist boy at that time.

At this moment, his voice was full of supreme majesty and maturity, and at the same time, it also revealed a bit of joy as if he saw the seedlings he planted growing up.

Of course, no matter what, it sounded equally charming to her ears.

 I have a cold and feel dizzy.Dear readers, please also keep warm...

(End of this chapter)

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