The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 880 Simplification (Part )

Chapter 880 Simplification (Part )
As the market gradually prospered, Li Shengli's steps became more and more chaotic. It was not that he messed up the rhythm himself, but deliberately.

Sometimes, taking it one step at a time is not a good thing.

If you fight randomly, others won't understand the routine, right?
Next, not only the steel rolling mills will not follow the routine, but also the domestic companies such as Langyue, Qunxing, Changlu, and Xiao Hu's subsequent industries will also start to squander the land and fight for it.

As for routines, there are no routines. For Li Shengli, there are too many profitable transactions.

No matter how you fight, you will fight. As for buying and selling, it is for small investments. When it comes to large investments, he points out the way forward, and foreign economic experts will do the evaluation and planning in the future.

"Shengli, you said you want to import good cars, why can't we do it here?"

When it comes to the future of the steel rolling mill, Li Huaide will definitely listen to Li Shengli's advice, but he still needs to understand the reasons.

“Didn’t I just say that it is a tool that can make money?
This is the car the market needs.

The demand for cars you see is mostly the demand for public vehicles. Although there is no upper limit to this, there will be bottlenecks, bottlenecks for our own development.

Compared with foreign cars of the same level, rolling mill cars ultimately have shortcomings in configuration.

Taking shortcuts will affect the accuracy of the machine tool.

Just like the three cars in the steel rolling mill, the competition is in areas where others are not good at, so naturally you can dominate.

It’s just that I can’t buy it in the factory…”

Your supporting industries need time to develop, and this time is also measured in ten years.

When the technology and supporting equipment of our cars are improved, it will not be too late to compete with them.

The cars on the Qionghai side resisted them. I guess something is going to happen over there. The market still has to follow laws and regulations. There are so many no rules. How can the market be in chaos? "

In the past ten years, you have maintained the few cars I drew for you, which is almost enough.

I reported to the factory director that a floor boring machine costs between one and two million depending on the country.

When Zheng Peilan mentioned floor boring, Li Huaide also smiled awkwardly.

After giving Li Huaide an explanation, Li Shengli waited for Feng Qian and Zheng Peilan to ask questions.

Li Shengli hasn't come up with the technology for medical devices yet, but it's almost time now.

If there is such a thing, it exists. If it doesn’t exist, you really can’t make it in a short period of time.

Imported accessories, this kind of business cannot be brought to the table.

Seeing that both of them had something to say, Li Shengli didn't hide anything. He ignored Feng Qian who spoke first, but extended his hand to Zheng Peilan to signal her to speak first.

In public factories, there is always a retirement period. When the time comes to transfer to the academy, the technical influence of these two companies will continue to exist for a long time.

Overtaking on curves does not exist, but there are shortcuts and nodes on this road. Only by inferring from the process and results and abandoning some unnecessary roads can we truly overtake on curves.

When Zheng Peilan talked about five-axis linkage machine tools such as floor boring, he mentioned the specific reasons why overtaking on curves cannot be achieved.

Seeing Li Shengli press down on Feng Qian to speak first, Zheng Peilan smiled reservedly and then said:
“Shengli, the current production line in the factory does not have enough floor boring machines, and the accuracy cannot be maintained.



The new floor-type boring machine that Li Shengli had imported from abroad through connections was taken away by the First Machinery Department.

If you don’t have enough skills, you will naturally not be able to do what others can do.

Isn’t it a bit unthinkable to give up your absolute advantage and compete in a market where others have an absolute advantage?

Our prices and raw material supply have absolute advantages in micro-noodles and light goods.

When it comes to configuration, even if there is technical support, it will take decades to implement.

After ten years, you may still be able to discover new markets!
After all, the steel rolling mill is also a public factory, so the responsibility still needs to be shouldered.

Floor boring is also called a five-axis machine tool.

Li Huaide was asked to build an automotive engineering college with the help of three cars from the steel rolling mill. Li Shengli was also helping the two to continue their technical life.

In the field of pure technology and industrial equipment, there is no such thing as overtaking in corners.

The technology at this time can be used to create obstacles for the island and Europe and the United States in the field of technology and patents. Some small and different technologies may be the nodes in the future. These are also the capital for future games.

If you don’t have enough equipment, even if you can make something that others can make, you still lack a level of accuracy!

According to the price of foreign trucks, the price is almost 50,000 to 60,000, which is a price that the market cannot accept.

Zou Jin's position in the academic world also needs some capital support, and Li Shengli also wants to leave a number of industries for Xie Chan.

Li Huaide did not dare to tell Li Shengli about the replacement of a Toshiba floor-standing boring machine from the 1970s, and the relationship in the department was complicated and difficult to explain clearly.


From industrial machine to five-axis linkage, there are basically no shortcuts on this road.

The ones in the factory were taken away by the Third Machinery Department and the Sixth Machinery Department?
This kind of stuff is a controlled product and is difficult to handle.

And our CNC bed may not be as precise as the original bed? "

Thinking of Feng Qian and Zheng Peilan, Li Shengli also thought of Zou Jin who was far away near the pass. After this period of exploration, the way there was decided.

Even if it is manufactured, accuracy is still an issue.

First dominate the light goods and micro-carton markets, and then open up the heavy-duty truck market.

Although the export channel for machine tools has been opened on the other side of the ocean, there are still controls. Some people are concerned about this type of machine tools, even if they are second-hand.

Different categories also have different levels of attention.

This is especially true on the island. Beds like floor-standing boring machines are most used in the military industry.

The island has always been wary of this side, and many things will take time to operate.

Before and after the Plaza Accord, there was a good opportunity.

Du Jiaoyang's resources are currently searching for machinery on a large scale on the island.

From high-precision machine tools to ordinary machine tools, to various commodities, and even land in port warehouses, Du Jiaoyang's capital search is all included.

After the products arrive in the warehouse, the mortgage loan and the exchange of U.S. dollar and Japanese yen capital will be accelerated.

There are many ways to make a living on the island, and it's not as simple as taking a wad of dollars to the bank and exchanging them for Japanese yen.

Even if many capital market operations are explained to Li Shengli bit by bit, he may not be able to understand them.

For him, this kind of operation is very simple. He just said that in the Plaza Accord, the U.S. dollar will depreciate and the Japanese yen will appreciate, allowing Du Jiaoyang to mobilize capital on the island to make profits by changing hands.

But when it comes to the specific implementation stage, it takes a long time.

For example, for a floor boring machine, from order placement to delivery to payment settlement, Du Jiaoyang's capital must be on time, neither early nor late.

The exchange rate trap must be ignored by the island before placing an order.

It involves tens or tens of billions of funds changing hands, and it takes a long time.

When it comes to the accuracy of machine tools, it must be mentioned. This is why Li Shengli said that the equipment on the island is more suitable for China, including German heavy industry, American military industry, and precision engineering on the island.

The equipment in the steel rolling mill uses American-style civilian machine tools. In terms of accuracy, it is not even a little worse than the civilian machine tools on the island.

It's not that there aren't better machine tools in the United States, but that kind of stuff is really out of bounds.

Exports must go through layers of authorization, and the imported equipment is not much more precise than the civilian goods on the island.

Compared with the restrictions of the American military industry, the equipment on the island is indeed strong and durable.

The ordinary American CNC five-axis in the steel rolling mill was replaced by the island's sophisticated old machine tools from the First Machinery Department. Xie Fei also said hello to Li Shengli.

It’s just that machine tools like five-axis linkage are really restricted areas for import and export.

It's not that you can't import and export, but if you do such a transaction, you will be on a list.

Li Shengli also has a clear understanding of the needs of military industry. What is lacking now is not just one or two precision machine tools, but all the technologies and precision requirements.

Rather than taking the risk of importing these prohibited gadgets, it is really better to wait. The next year will be a node.

When the harvest on the island begins in a few years, these factories manufacturing precision machine tools will all be owned by Du Jiaoyang. How many of them will be needed?

Sometimes you need to take shortcuts and wait patiently.

This problem raised by Zheng Peilan cannot be solved by Li Shengli now. It is only a year and a half away. There is really no need to attract attention.

"Director, is it possible for Sister Zheng and the others to buy technology from the public?

Volkswagen's engine technology is still remarkable.

It is also in the same vein as the technology we have thoroughly understood before.

Taking advantage of this price increase, we might as well sit down and talk with them.

We don’t want high-end engine technology, just popular ones.

In this regard, we are not afraid of spending money, but technology patents must be bought out at once, and we should not engage in a dull knife-cutting business.

Sister Zheng, you should also follow up on the technology of aluminum-cased engines. This is also the trend of the future. "

At the steel rolling mill, although Li Shengli had little to gain, he spared no effort in giving guidance.

Not for anything else, just because Li Huaide took care of the three cars in the steel rolling mill, and now Lao Li is Du Lao's man.

Next, the steel rolling mill is almost the place where personnel are arranged. It is one of the resource areas. Li Shengli's suggestion naturally spared no effort.

After delaying Zheng Peilan's request, Li Shengli signaled Feng Qian to speak.

"Brother-in-law, although our car looks good, it is far inferior to Santana in terms of configuration.

I'm afraid that Volkswagen and Japanese companies will use configuration as our weakness.

We should pay close attention to the configuration of Iron Fist Auto. "

Speaking of the three cars in the steel rolling mill, and the current main model of the Iron Fist car, Feng Qian had to admire the cheap brother-in-law in front of her.

Li Shengli's accurate grasp of the market seemed to Feng Qian to be like a prophecy. What he said was what he said.

If it weren't for the fact that Li Shengli was sitting in front of her, Feng Qian would have wanted to study whether this brother-in-law had any special powers.

Qigong fever is slowly rising now, and Feng Qian's parents have also recovered from this.

As far as Feng Qian knew, the wild man Du Peng said that her cheap brother-in-law was a kung fu master.

“The road must be walked step by step, and the food must be eaten bite by bite.

There are no shortcuts when it comes to car configuration.

In the previous three cars, you have taken all the shortcuts you should take. Next, it is time to put your head down and dig deeper.

Sometimes, working hard and plowing deeply is the best shortcut and the best way to simplify problems.

Are there any specific configurations that need to be improved on these models today?
It’s nothing more than electrical appliances, weight reduction, and silence.

Electrical appliances need to be developed step by step.

Weight reduction depends on the aluminum-cased engine.

The only place where I can use my strength is to silence myself, but this job is, to put it bluntly, a job of cheating people and getting into trouble.

If you are really committed to mute, you have taken another detour.

Didn’t I tell the factory director before?
I want to build a car museum. With foreign luxury cars, this will be easy.

Take Rolls-Royce for example. People say that the loudest sound in the car is the ticking of the on-board clock.

We should use whatever others use.

Furthermore, glued bulletproof glass may be a way to do it.

How much is a few pieces of self-produced car glass worth?

Double-layer glass, coupled with double inner and outer rubber strips, solves half of the sound insulation problem.

The only thing left is your hard work..."

Li Shengli’s experience is actually a shortcut.

As Feng Qian said, domestic car companies have taken a detour in improving configurations.

Today's market and today's road environment don't need any fine chaff.

This is a market where wild boars are rampant. If you get a sports car, it will only be used for wandering around the city, but it will not be able to support the appearance.

It can go anywhere, makes less noise, has bright paint, shiny chrome parts, and is tall and stylish. These are all the market's requirements for a car.

Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Santana, Nissan, Toyota, and Lexa are half a head shorter and half a leg shorter than a full-size Hutouben.

Just sit on the leather seat alone and stretch your legs. The Iron Fist costing RMB 70,000 to RMB 80,000 is a few blocks ahead of Santana, which costs RMB 200,000.

Comparing those cars that cost hundreds of thousands or more than a million can only further highlight the extraordinary features of Iron Fist cars.

Next, there is the big A6 with a round head and a round head. It only looks like an iron fist that is copied from later models. It will be able to wreak havoc in the market for at least twenty or thirty years.

If foreign car companies or imported cars want to compete in emerging markets, they really need to ask Li Huaide for his opinion.

"Brother-in-law, I understand."

Feng Qian is also convinced by Li Shengli. The reason is very simple. Everything they say is correct. What is there to be unconvinced about?
"Director, please have a chat and ask if you have any questions.

Du Peng, come out with me..."

The three cars in the steel rolling mill have now entered the deep cultivation area and the screening area. As the market becomes more formal, the business of collecting second-hand cars will gradually withdraw from the market.

The next step is to do it with real swords and guns. Without technology or equipment, no matter how good the words are, it will be in vain.

Now it’s time for Li Huaide to summarize again...

(End of this chapter)

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