The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 879 Persistence (Part )

Chapter 879 Persistence (Part )

The newly built community here in Taipingzhuang does not require any serious planning. It is a six-story brick-concrete building with floor slabs.

The purpose of building buildings is also simple, to solve the housing problem of various factories in the city.

Although the replacement of the bungalows owned by the factory with the new buildings in Taipingzhuang may not be fair in the long run, the current replacement is also based on high standards.

Both the factories in the city and the workers in each factory are in favor of this.

Team Ma, who had handled the village affairs well, also found Li Shengli with guilt and apology.


Victory, I can't say anything else.

It’s an old saying, what Madianji was like when the old party secretary was there is what it is now. "

The contradiction between the big surnames and the small surnames in the village has also existed for a long time.

Wali, Shanshan and Madianji are destined to be merged.

When he has learned enough, he still has to go south to follow Wang Qianjin to experience it.

Please contact the township and district in advance.

When winter came, the migration of Madianji Village began in advance under Li Shengli's instruction.

In the future, Li Shengli will eat up the mountain villages step by step and use them as the front end of the mountain back traditional Chinese medicine base.

The reason is simpler. The original area of ​​the village was too small to accommodate the population of Madianji.

After following Wang Qianjin in the south for several years, Ma Brigade did not exist as a foreman, but as Wang Qianjin's deputy.

During this period, Li Shengli also made rough plans. The mountain village will also be relocated in the future.

Not to mention Wang Qingping or his old horse, even if the old party secretary is here, he won't be able to suppress it for a few years.

The first thing to move was not the people, but the old houses in the village.

What the city lacks now is good examples like Madianji who are willing to relocate the entire village.

The Ma Brigade has basically figured out some of the connections in the market, and Wang Qianjin's team of workers has also expanded to the limit of more than 200,000.

The whole village is preparing to move to Wali. The first step is to Wali, and the second step is to the mountains.

Regarding the separation of families in the village, Ma Brigade had expected it when they were in the south, because several people with small surnames in the village returned to the village one after another after making money.

During this period, the manpower in Wali, Shanshan, and Madianji had to move mountains to fill ditches and dig deep air-raid shelters in the barren mountainous areas.

The cost of building the foundation now is also the lowest. Otherwise, if we wait until later, the input-output ratio will be unbalanced.

Captain Ma clearly saw the back and forth between these people and didn't say much.

For many things, the outcome may not be certain, and it is not easy for him to be too pushy. If he shaves his head and picks a hot head, he is destined to be manipulated.

Let Lao Deng take people down the mountain, some of them became health doctors, and some of them went down to prepare to open schools, and then they made the move to separate their families and live in separate lives.

When he first worked as a resident doctor in Wali, Li Shengli set his sights on Huyu Mountain Forest.

The destination is not Wali Village, but the mountain village.

But taking advantage of Huyu Mountain Forest will be a blessing for several generations.

He was unable to take care of the Mentougou area, so he could only retain the medicine mountain through leasing.

Nowadays, asking for a house in the countryside, district, or city is only a good thing for one or two generations.

For many things, the result of cold treatment is acceptable to both parties.

During this period of time, Li Shengli was not doing his job properly. He was mainly waiting for a reply from Father Du.

But the mountains and forests in Wali were far from enough, and they expanded northward until they reached the mountains and forests of Huyu.

Most people will just stay.

When he comes back this time, he also plans to replace Wang Qingping. During this period, he will also take the son of the old party secretary with him.

“It’s going to rain and my mother is going to get married, it’s inevitable.

When it comes to investments and other matters, Li Shengli only focuses on planning and planning.

The development of the market will inevitably lead to the development of cities. The separation of families, villages and relocation has almost been planned.

As for the village in the future, we found a barren mountainous area behind Wali Village that did not produce much medicinal materials. The approximate location had already been selected.

The counterfeit medicine case with the Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine has yielded no results, so his investment is still pending.

While Mr. Liu from Madianji was still there, Li Shengli also took him to see the terrain and mountains. This place should also be built according to the ancient village, but the time was delayed to more than ten years.

In addition to the backbone left for Wang Qianjin, the Ma Brigade did not bring back many people this time. Most of them stayed in the south to work hard.

In the construction of the new village, Li Shengli wanted to accommodate the people of the four villages and build it into a fortress-like ancient town. Like flag villages such as Taipingzhuang, it has been passed down for hundreds of years, so the foundation must be built from now on.

I'm afraid that Zhao Mankui in Wali won't be able to do well this time, so you can do it..."

But the Huyu area is different. It will also be a primitive mountain forest in the future.

Looking at the mountain villages in the distance, Li Shengli knew that if the Ma Brigade took the initiative to retreat with Madianji, the mountains and forests they could capture would be considerable.

Some businesses are suitable here in Taipingzhuang, but not necessarily in Madianji.

After negotiating with Captain Mada, Li Shengli continued to return to the Wang family's old house in Madianji.

Now the Wang family's old house is not yet on the list of relocations. This is the last batch of houses to be moved after the matter is settled.

But over on the mountain, people are still preparing to vacate the homestead.

With the Wang family's treasure at hand, the relocation of the old house in Madianji Village is bound to involve digging three feet into the ground.

It looks good now. Recently, he has harvested a lot of Tibetan silver and a whole jar of silver coins. Li Shengli also paid for these things.

In early winter, the underground heating in the Wang family's old house was lit. Li Shengli was just wanting to spend the winter in peace, but Li Huaide brought Du Peng, Feng Qian and Zheng Peilan to Madianji.

Some time ago, Du Peng, who was in school, also took a period of leave. He followed Qunxing and Longlu people to do an inspection and made a bunch of friends.

This period of time can be regarded as the spring for many disciples. After Du Peng and the others, the value of their disciples will also decline rapidly.

By then, the first echelon will be Li Huaide and secretaries, while relatives and friends can only be in the second or third echelon. The value of the season will really drop sharply at that time.

"Shengli, the price management department came to my place again and wanted to raise the price.

Now our Iron Fist car has been priced at 45,000.

I took a closer look and saw that the cost was gradually rising, and it was already over 10,000 yuan.

During this interview, I wanted to raise the price to between 65,000 and 80,000.

The joint venture Santana will also see a substantial price increase.

My answer to them was that the factory was going to conduct a price survey, but the meaning above was very clear, and a price increase was definitely required.

If we continue to act like this, other families will not be able to survive.

Now there are at least 10,000 imported cars in Qionghai. If they can't get through, it's really a big deal. Many people are afraid that they will go bankrupt. "

Listening to Li Huaide's words, Li Shengli also shook his head.

Similar models of Santana are sold for about US$15,000 abroad.

It was originally priced at 80,000 yuan for sale, but it was almost beaten to death by an iron fist worth more than 20,000 yuan.

Later, it was adjusted to 45,000, which opened up some sales. The joint venture car manufacturers on the island now only dare to make new cars with small displacement.

Of the car factories I invested in before, none of them have really made money so far.

The routines of the steel rolling mill are nested layer by layer. These tasks are all routines that Li Guishou is familiar with.

When comparing quality, newness and oldness, I will rub you on the ground with the price.

When the time comes to compare prices, I will continue to rub you with the configurations.

Today, the scale of the steel rolling mill has expanded to about 50,000 people.

Products are still in short supply.

For cars, there is also a price limit.

When it comes to the four-wheel drive segment and the minibus segment, no joint venture car manufacturer dares to enter the game.

Today, it is completely impossible to build a new car with a price of more than 10,000 yuan.

Today, there are only 20,000 to 30,000 private cars, and most of the rest are public cars.

In some places, money is a handicap. Even if you want to choose Santana or 212, you often have to bow to the three cars in the steel rolling mill in terms of money.

If you buy one, there will be at least several at the steel rolling mill.

What Yang Yulian from Shanshan Village said about "risking money" is also very intuitively reflected in the price of the car.

Nowadays, the general price of civilian cars abroad is around 10,000 to 20,000 yuan. According to the price of 1:3, the price of a car is about 60,000 to 70,000 yuan.

But as the market liberalized, Great Unity also began to gradually depreciate.

Next, Santana's salary is not 80,000, 90,000 or 100,000, but starts at 200,000, which is the result of 'risking money'.

As for the imported cars on the island, as well as imported cars from abroad, their configurations may be higher than the Iron Fist of the steel rolling mill, but in terms of appearance, how can they compare with the popular Tiger Head Bench?

As for Qionghai Automobile that Li Huaide mentioned, Li Shengli couldn't say much.

It's nothing more than tariff-free imports, but many people are violating laws and regulations and buying and selling.

For these people, Li Shengli would have to pay them to death!

"Feng Qian, bring me your notebook, and I'll give you some new models.

Factory director, think about it, how should we fight the next price war? "

With that said, Li Shengli was about to pick up Feng Qian's notebook. After finishing the work, the old round-headed A6 was next, which is also a classic model of public vehicles.

As for the 100 model, it’s not grand enough!
Next, along with the A6 and the appearance and structure diagrams of several good hatchbacks and sedans bought by later generations, Li Shengli drew them.

Too high-end configuration, the steel rolling mill does not have such production capacity now.

Now is not the time to compete for high-end products. Their high-end models are popular all over the world.

This kind of gap in technology and details makes it difficult for the steel rolling mill to catch up, and there is no need to catch up.

It’s similar to Chinese medicine. If it’s too high or too low, it’s useless.

What is really useful is the backbone. If the cost of public vehicles is smaller, more money can be spent to maintain the market.

The failure of this joint venture has been determined. Even without the use of second-hand engines, the steel rolling mill has enough technology and cost to produce new cars.

As for saying that it looks good but is not easy to use, that is nonsense. The Iron Fist of the Steel Rolling Plant is not only good-looking, but also easy to use, but its configuration is relatively low.

Today, steel rolling mills have begun to imitate car air conditioners, electrical appliances, and circuits themselves.

Under the premise that the market does not care about oil prices, the steel rolling mill mainly focuses on the same configuration but different designs and body shells.

Of course, the steel rolling mill has always attached great importance to the design and manufacturing of engines and the advancement of technology.

Nowadays, the only difference is the time difference and price difference.

"Just keep fooling me!

If you think the Iron Fist is too high, let's make a tailless one like this and bring the price down.

This round car looks good to me. Let's increase the configuration and make a high-priced car.

Victory, after the previous price increase, the factory saved a lot of money.

This time I plan to do something big.

The complex car models are split and assembled in the rolling mill.

Several new production lines will be installed, the annual output of all vehicles will be increased five times, and a large factory with 500,000 vehicles will be built.

This time I plan to build a new factory in the suburbs and at the same time expand the number of employees in the steel rolling mill to more than 100,000 people. "

Listening to Li Huaide's deception and grandeur, Li Shengli shook his head again.

This grandson is also dazzled by money. If private cars want to become popular, they still won't be able to do it in 1990, and they won't be able to do it in another ten years.

A large car factory can be built in one year with intensive training. If it remains idle for nine years, no matter how good the production line is, the investment will be in vain.

“The price war idea is a good one.

But the idea of ​​the model is wrong.

A car worth 100,000 or 200,000 yuan is enough for seven or eight years.

Automation and sophistication of production lines are also development trends.

What is lacking in the market now is not cars and the like, but our light goods and minivans, which are utility vehicles that can make money.

In addition to light trucks and micro-vehicles, heavy-duty trucks are also urgently needed in the market.

I heard that a car manufacturer has introduced Steyr's technology. You can go to the ministry and try it out. Get Steyr's technology and we can combine it with Japanese cars on the market to make a heavy-duty truck.

Half a million units of light goods, minivans and heavy trucks are your goals. For sedans, just hang them like this for now, don't be in a hurry.

Training of technicians is key today.

How do you solve the subsequent education issues?

You can't always let me design the appearance of your car for you, right?

Since the Ministry of Price and Economic Affairs asked you to raise prices, then you should honestly raise prices.

I've been risking a lot of money during this period. If I have money in hand, I can buy a few more nice yards and I won't lose money.

Accept the ministry's pricing and you mention the establishment of an automotive engineering college.

The college that belongs to the steel rolling mill is jointly run with the city's universities.

Recently, the money in my hands has been a bit risky. Recently, I have asked people to get another batch of serious high-end foreign cars to build a car museum, which can be used as your teaching base. "

Speaking of the road ahead for the three cars in the steel rolling mill, Li Shengli also nodded at Li Huaide.

If the money in his hand is not used, it will no longer be considered too much. After buying a few properties, there will be no need for him to embezzle anymore.

As for himself, Li Shengli also plans to bring back a batch of luxury cars and classic cars and build a car museum in the city.

Once this thing is built, not only can you get a lot of good cars for free, but you can also collect admission fees.

With a little accommodation from above, a large number of new and classic cars could be equipped with license plates and be retained for the future.

Li Shengli was not very interested in cars or luxury cars, so he just did it casually to solve the problem of "risking money"...

(End of this chapter)

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