The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 862 Going to the sea (Part )

Chapter 862 Going to the sea (Part )

Some people hooked up a lot of allies for Mr. Du, which also shot him in the foot.

The matter of the virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli was settled in a coffin in such a vague manner. The past events in the storm were wiped out, the debts were settled, and the kindness remained.

This was very inappropriate in Dad Du's opinion, but the people above him forced the matter to a final conclusion.

In addition to settling the debts and leaving the kindness, I didn't please any of those who made history.

It's nothing more than bringing up old things again and changing the conclusion at that time. Things that happened back then were implemented according to the current law, but the inheritance of several families was seriously interrupted.

This is when a cover that shouldn't be lifted is lifted during the official career, and everyone falls into trouble.

To restore some people's comments in the storm, such ridiculous things happened in front of Father Du.

There are so many interested parties that even Lao Du is disappointed.

After reading all these historical facts, Father Du also had a new evaluation of his virtuous son-in-law.

He slipped directly to Hong Kong City, not because his father-in-law Du Peng said he was a cowardless gangster, but because he didn't want to use the political power in his hands.

From Dad Du's point of view, this is either good or bad.

The good thing is that the wise son-in-law Li Shengli knows how to restrain himself.

As for the bad thing, this force is real.

Father Du also thought carefully about it later. He was powerless against this force even if he was unaware of it.

Jianghu people speak Jianghu language. As long as you and your family integrate into life, it will be difficult to escape the so-called Jianghu.

To put it simply, when you were shopping for groceries, your family encountered a thief. When the police came, they found a beautiful knife in your family’s basket.

As luck would have it, Du Peng was working on a batch of batches at this time, and he also found a beautiful knife at home.

If something like this happens at this time, it will never happen again...

Father Du can guarantee that he will have a strong style of work and will not be greedy or possessive, but he cannot guarantee that his family will not be stabbed by needles or splashed with water.

A snobbish wife, a dissolute child, nothing insignificant, and some people who don't know the truth or harbor evil intentions. If he, the deputy in the office, encounters such a thing, he will probably have to leave the job sadly.

One thing doesn't make two things, and two things doesn't make many things. Too many straws can break the camel's back.

These are not the fabrications of Du Lao. According to the analysis of those professionals, his son-in-law has already mastered such methods in the wind and rain.

One day, so-and-so and so-and-so met on the street. So-and-so spat at so-and-so, and then the two came to the venue.

So-and-so stirred up trouble again, so-and-so fought back, and then the venue became chaotic. So-and-so and so-and-so's friends caused a big commotion in the venue, causing numerous casualties. But so-and-so and so-and-so, who caused the trouble, drank wine together in the evening.

This kind of thing is an isolated case, and dozens or hundreds of them are the rule. And the good son-in-law Li Shengli has dealt with more than hundreds of past events that have been buried in history?

Stirring up troubles, intensifying conflicts, and causing a large number of casualties. This is what those people condemned Li Shengli, the virtuous son-in-law.

In many things, the same saying goes, if you don’t get checked, that’s fine. If you get checked, you will be found out.

In addition to the incident in the storm, those people also revealed the incident in Shanshan, Wali, Madianji, and even Taipingzhuang.

It was just this incident that made members of several villages very dissatisfied. They had extremely fierce quarrels with investigators, which almost resulted in death and injury.

These empirical evidences are on the table, and all that is waiting for is the above sentence, which is 'far-fetched'.

The office also took out some records. Just because of the words "far-fetched", these things sank into the sea of ​​​​history again, and they can no longer be sunk.

Because some people are very decisive in doing things, relevant records, after this incident, only an empty cover is left, and it is also difficult to hold accountable. There are too many people who have dealt with it, and it is impossible to find the specific person responsible.

These things not only allowed Father Du, but also many people above him to see the power that could truly coerce them.

This kind of power is usually invisible, but it was clearly revealed in what happened to the virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli.

Documents that can never disappear will disappear. This force is not only huge, but also intimidating.

"Sheng Li, you have built a good network.

Let us truly see what it means to influence the whole body by pulling one hair.

It also allows us to see what it means to be sold out. Your matter has become a thing of the past.

But many things have become barriers for us..."

Seeing that his virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli was silent and just drinking, Father Du gave him some reassurance.

To the above, Li Shengli's matter was nothing more than a trivial matter. It was only natural that he had to pay a certain price for protecting the person he should protect.

These protected people are now the backbone and backbone. As for those who are lost in the wind and rain, it really doesn't matter.

What now faces Du Lao and others is how to deal with the coercing force below.

In addition to coercion, the power of the market and the times is also pushing them to move hastily.

Many things simply have no rhythm.

At this time when there was no rhythm, in the pilot area over there, the drumbeat leading the rhythm sounded, one after another, clearly and clearly.

From Lou's enterprise to Wang Jiazi's construction company, they sacrificed their profits to help Du Lao and others beat the drumbeat that the era should have.

This is why Father Du said thank you. As for what happened in the storm, it is just the past, there is no need to say thank you.

A new generation replaces an old one, and many things are nothing more than the passing of time.

“Dad, the pilot project over the border is good, and several companies there want to come out and give it a try.

There are still many problems in various places.

Buying and selling is neither an economy nor a market.

Although this is a step that has to be taken, it is good to start, but it will not be good if it continues like this.

Some people cannot hold on to their iron rice bowl and at the same time try to get money for their own families.

Either go into business, or concentrate on management and research. As the old saying goes, you can't have your cake and eat it too, right? "

Unable to talk about the stormy past, I imitated Father Du and pinched a few soybeans from the can.

While chewing it, he posed another problem to the old man in front of him.

"You are still speaking as before, unpleasantly!
We have been exploring since the wind stopped and the rain stopped, and it has been more than six years now.

It has been nearly five years since I seriously proposed to establish a market.

It's hard to say anything about many things. People have to wait and see. "

After hearing that Xian's son-in-law came back and opened his mouth to touch on the overstaffing problem outside the company, Father Du was also worried.

The good son-in-law's slippery feet have something to do with redundancy. Now it seems that this boy is still not broad-minded. When he comes back, he will focus on the root cause.

“Dad, the future of an enterprise lies not in the tertiary industry, nor in joint ventures.

And on top of one's own vision and the vitality of the factory. Just like our army, it is not enough to rely solely on the commander's ability to fight.

Only when regulations can keep up with the pace of development can the vitality of an enterprise be truly demonstrated.

Many factories suffer from overstaffing, but this is not always the case.

The redundant staff in the unit may be equivalent to three or five workers.

With a salary of nearly 100 yuan, making a living as a gentleman drinking tea and reading newspapers, many people can't stand it.

I feel that Li Huaide’s assessment rules should be implemented in the unit next.

Instead of letting them sit around drinking tea and reading newspapers, it is better to add some vitality to the market.

Compared with those who really have no choice but to choose to go into business, they still have considerable advantages.

Whether in terms of vision, knowledge, or understanding of the provisions, they have great advantages over ordinary people.

Now is the time when the situation is changing. If we don’t take advantage of the present to solve future problems, we will not be able to solve them if we encounter such problems in the future. "

After listening to Xian Xian's explanation, Father Du raised his eyebrows and took advantage of the changing situation to solve future problems. This hit the point.

After the wind and rain stopped, too many redundant staff and overstaffing were also a problem.

Many idle people are indeed part of the coercive force. Streamlining is not unexpected, but involves more problems.

Hearing that a good son-in-law said that long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, Father Du's thoughts became firm.

Behind redundant staff comes redundant costs. Nowadays, many places cannot afford to build roads. This is not a lie.

As for what Xian Xian said, the path for enterprises does not lie in the tertiary industry. This is exactly the problem Du Lao and others are facing.

Many problems are the same for Li Shengli and Du Lao. They are unavoidable and they just need to find a more reasonable solution.

The road must be walked, and there is no experience to draw from on how to solve the problem.

As for Li Shengli, there is a deduction from the result to the process. Many things are nothing more than Zhuge Liang's foresight after the fact.

It is no lie that the authorities are confused and the beholder knows the truth. Here, Li Shengli’s experience plays a considerable role.

Just like the pilot project of Lou's Enterprise in the south, it is now carried out near the pass with layers of protection.

To put it bluntly, although the economy there will be large in the future, now, with only a few billion dollars, it has almost reached a capacity bottleneck.

In addition to the ten major industries of Lou's enterprise, the other industries are almost all short-term and fast processing industries, or light industries.

While products are sold overseas, a considerable part of the products will also be sold domestically.

Nowadays, there are foreign and Hong Kong investments in more than just checkpoints, but the actual situation is restricted.

Just like Panasonic and other island companies, excessive product power has had too high an impact on public manufacturers. After the cold spring began, sales outside the province have been restricted.

This current situation is not a bad thing in Li Shengli's view. Public units must always be given a chance to breathe.

Not to mention anything else, from the original three major items such as watches, radios, sewing machines, and bicycles, to the new three major items such as televisions, refrigerators, and washing machines.

The market demand is huge. Within one or two years, the imported production lines will be operating at full capacity, allowing the island's enterprises to see the potential of the billion-person market.

The transformation of public institutions is also in progress, and the introduction of foreign production lines has just been put on the agenda.

Jiaoyang International, run by Xiao Feng, has packaged hundreds of old production lines for TVs, refrigerators, and washing machines abroad.

This also makes many people's attempts come to nothing, because the operation of Jiaoyang International is driven by capital.

The actual controllers of many production lines are, to put it bluntly, the capital that Du Jiaoyang controls on the other side of the ocean.

In addition to the production line, Jiaoyang International also packed some industrial workers, and each production line looked similar.

Others cannot see such darkness under the lights, and it is impossible for Li Shengli, who is accustomed to making a living under the lights, not to see it.

These hundreds of pieces, which have arrived, are being transported, or are being packed on the production line, are what he did during his leisurely days in the port city.

"Is this also related to the production lines you are hoarding at Jinmen Port?
Specifically speaking about the role of those production lines, the First Machinery Department and the Second Lighting Bureau have opinions.

Almost all of your hundreds of production lines have been booked.

How do you think you came back? Without those hundreds of production lines, Mr. Du Peng would not have given you a reassurance first.

Putting this type of production line into operation requires many professionals.

I probably understand what you mean. Redundant employees come to the company first, and those who can't adapt to the company go to the market. It's a good hierarchy.

By pushing it down step by step in this way, the pressure on us will be much less. "

After experiencing suspension, Mr. Du's macro vision has also expanded rapidly.

As the saying goes, the authorities are blind to the beholder.

Many times, it is difficult to see your own path if you keep your head down and move forward quickly.

Under heavy pressure, he was forced to stop, which also gave Mr. Du plenty of time to look back.

While looking back, Father Du also sorted out his suggestions for a good son-in-law. As with his previous evaluation, his own good son-in-law was not only a good son-in-law, but also a good master.

The plans people gave me before were all about the overall situation. I couldn't see it before because Mr. Du was focused on the immediate matter.

Looking back afterwards, Mr. Du's macro vision also soared as he paused.

Before his suspension, Mr. Du still had ambitions in his heart, but now his in-laws have really taught him a lesson.

Sometimes you have the final say and don't need to sit in the corresponding position. Like a good son-in-law, it is the most labor-saving way for a small person to do big things.

"Dad, the production line at Jinmen Port is the same as the previous materials, and it can be regarded as a meeting gift for you.

But there is also part of the shares of Hong Kong-owned Longyue International.

In this way, the introduction and installation of the production line will not require foreign exchange.

As for who should be given it or not, it all depends on which factory's report is beautifully written? "

Listening to what the wise son-in-law said, Father Du's eyes brightened up. He drank a cup of rice wine and ate a few soybeans. He didn't praise them, but just tasted the faint medicinal fragrance in his mouth.

Letting companies poach employees from the unit is obviously much gentler than directly clearing them out.

In this way, the ownership of the production line needs to be carefully considered.

The joint venture is already quite complete at the pass.

The wise son-in-law Li Shengli, together with a group of Hong Kong investors, also set a high threshold for joint ventures and sole proprietorships.

Although these enterprises cannot compare with public institutions in terms of profits and taxes, they still have considerable advantages in terms of their impact on the market...

(End of this chapter)

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