The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 861 Sun International (Part )

Chapter 861 Sun International (Part )

Listening to the mean thoughts coming from the dog man's mouth, Du Jiaoyang gave Li Shengli a big roll of his eyes.

“You people are also true grandchildren.

What kind of nonsense is filling your mind?

That's it, if you really want to play like this, if the matter is exposed, where will the faces of Lao Wang and Lao Du go?

Your current father-in-law is Old Dingtou!
Forget about him, maybe that old stubborn guy also wants to try this?

Your words gave me a reminder.

The people we brought out have become wild in the past few years.

It seems that internal self-cleaning and self-examination cannot be relaxed.

According to what you said, the rules at home and abroad are different. If anyone brings foreign rules into the country, we should still have family laws..."

Although she is still an ordinary woman at heart, after seven or eight years of decisive killing, Du Jiaoyang also has a bit of murderous intent.

Thinking about her Lao Du's face, her face also turned cold.

Ninety-nine percent of the direct staff outside are military professionals, and there are also quite a few close line personnel.

Du Jiaoyang is also very clear about controlling the current situation of personnel, thinking about some bad signs.

It may arouse the resentment of the doggy man in front of you, so it is better to self-examine and self-examine.

When this bitch man opens his mouth, not only one person will be affected...

“There should be rules for this matter from the beginning.

Since there is a problem, it’s simple, just eliminate it!

The higher-ups have recently considered laying off staff, and this is already underway.

Nowadays, there is a shortage of jobs in the country, and some people who cannot meet our requirements should be classified as immigrants.

For some people who are in a dilemma, if you ask them to go north to hone their skills, they are really not good at it, so just stay there..."

In terms of discipline, Du Jiaoyang and others did poorly, and there was nothing Li Shengli could do.

After all, this is the initial stage of capital, and many primitive accumulations are accompanied by blood.

It's not that you can't be cleaner, but that time waits for no one. Instead of looking inside, it's cheaper to look outside.

As for the bad reputation?

It may still be bad after ten years, but what about twenty years from now?
As long as the money is spent enough, demons can also dress up as angels. In fact, in legends, the appearances of demons and angels are reversed.

In the future, as long as there are enough vested interests, Blood will also be said to be compassionate.

After talking about the business with Du Jiaoyang, Li Shengli became reclusive. Even when he went out, it was just for a walk near the bungalow.

Except for a trip to the night market on his first day in Hong Kong, he almost never left home for more than half a year in the port city.

Regarding the visit from the port city boss, he only met Huo Sheng with Du Jiaoyang. After briefly finalizing the cooperation, the subsequent affairs were between Du Jiaoyang, Niu Bijian, Locke, and Lou Xiao'e.

The most half a year in Hong Kong City was also Li Shengli's most comfortable time. He didn't have to worry about anything except reading some news.

Daily life is similar to that in Madianji Village. In addition to practicing boxing and reading, it is just eating, drinking and having fun.

He didn't take what Guangdong said for half a year seriously. It wasn't until the end of 1983 when he received a telegram from Xie Fei that his comfortable life ended.

During this period, Du Jiaoyang came frequently, and Xie Chan also came. Guan Qingyue, like Xiao Feng, chose two other bungalows nearby to live and work in.

These two places were Li Shengli's daily walking destinations. After staying there for about half a year, Xiao Hu also returned home.

"Old Li, there is still a message from Director Du.

He said: 'You are young, don't be a courageous gangster'.

The Guangdong side has also said that if you are still not at ease, go back as a Hong Kong businessman. "

Looking at the cheap brother-in-law who was still capable in front of him, Xie Fei was convinced.

Director Du didn't ask for the words. As for who asked for it, Lao Du would naturally tell the difference.

As for the Guangdong side, because of Li Shengli's unprovoked departure, he suffered the persecution from above.

Even the Barefoot Doctors benefited from Li Shengli's departure. Some people wanted to take advantage of his departure to take back the correspondence school.

As a result, the attitude above was also resolute. Anyone who mentioned this matter would be replaced directly, and it was also straightforward and tight.

"Lao Xie, you are good.

This time I’m here. How about spending a few days in Hong Kong City before leaving? "

Whether Li Shengli got the message from Father Du or not, he knew that what happened next had nothing to do with him.

When you go back, you must go back immediately. Eating, drinking and having fun all day long is not interesting after a long time.

Eating, drinking and having fun mixed in life is the most memorable thing. If you really want to eat, drink and have fun every day, people will become tired and their psychology will gradually become gloomy.

Now I work at the pass.

People in Hong Kong City can be considered familiar, but it would be bad if they were seen.

Shall we go back together?

If you go back with me this time, it will be a great achievement for me. "

From top to bottom, not long after Li Shengli left, Xie Fei was transferred near the pass.

There were many things going on in the place, and with his mother Zou Jin providing guidance, Xie Fei's progress was also rapid.

Only now did he see clearly the difference between himself and his cheap brother-in-law, such as their origins. When it came to Xie Fei, he was a little helpless.

According to my mother Zou Jin, apart from means, what really determines status is vision and planning.

He Xie Fei was lucky to have a widowed sister who followed the cheap brother-in-law in front of him.

The cheap brother-in-law in front of him helped him open his eyes, make plans, and increase his methods.

Among the crowd of disciples now, his position is relatively high.

Even Du Peng, who is currently in school, is half a grade behind him.

According to what his mother said, his future has also improved in the process of coming down. He will still have a position that is not inferior to Lao Du in the future. Now all that is left is a cautious transition.

The transition will take a long time. According to what my mother said, if Li Shengli is invited to pass the test this time, he may have a special opportunity.

“That’s pretty good.

Let me introduce you to an overseas Chinese who has returned to China.

You may or may not know Guan Qingyue.

But starting today, she is your new friend.

Ms. Guan Qingyue, there is a group company called Langyue here in Hong Kong City, which has plenty of funds.

How to cooperate depends on your needs.

Of course, some requirements must be reasonable and cannot be excessive.

This Ms. Guan Qingyue lives in the bungalow opposite me. Please come back and contact me in two days..."

Like Xie Fei, who had finalized the Longyue Group with Guan Qingyue, Li Shengli set off immediately just like when he arrived.

Only this time we didn’t cross the border on foot, but with a whole convoy. In addition to his minibus, there are also ten brand-new Mercedes-Benz and DaLao vehicles in the fleet. These are the reception vehicles that are to be sent back to Sijiu City. They are all specially customized bulletproof vehicles.

Li Shengli is also very helpless about this. The three vehicles in the steel rolling mill really do not have such bulletproof and chemical protection technology.

It's not that it can't exist, but it's not necessary. Doing this kind of stuff is neither market-friendly nor profitable.

After crossing the border, Li Shengli just went to the guesthouse to see Mr. Pu who was in good health, and took advantage of the convenience to transport his China-Pakistan train back to the city.

Sitting in the exclusive carriage, Li Shengli breathed a long sigh of relief and could finally start his normal life.

All the way back to the city, Li Shengli's first stop was the Du family's small building.

Father Du is not at home, and Ping An and the others have also gone to school. Seeing their son-in-law and mother-in-law, Sister Fu, who ran away from Hong Kong City without a single word, they have nothing nice to say.

"You and Du Juan are quite happy outside, one on the left and one on the right.

Where is Lan Lan?
She has only given birth to three children in total, and Du Juan has seven children.

You should also exercise some restraint and don't just pamper the cuckoo. "

Regarding her daughter and son-in-law, Sister Fu was also a little helpless.

He said that he would not let Li Shengli spoil his daughter, but in fact, he said that he would not let his daughter Du Juan pamper his son-in-law.

Having so many children is not a good thing for a woman.

It takes three years for good land to grow hemp, and it takes three years for a good girl to have a baby. Sister Fu is familiar with these folk proverbs.

"Mom, Jiaoyang's body is very good. I am a good Chinese medicine practitioner and know how to measure."

Li Shengli understood clearly the implication of Sister Fu's words. For him, this situation was really no problem.

Whether a woman will have fewer children and live longer, or have more children and live longer, also depends on the actual conditions. If nutrition and care cannot keep up, it is best not to have children.

Once the conditions are met, it doesn't matter.

"You guys!

I don’t know what you are afraid of?
Your dad is not a small person, why don’t you go home..."

The confidence of his mother-in-law, Sister Fu, made Li Shengli smile helplessly. Now, fearing the inside but not the outside was the situation he and Du Jiaoyang were in.

Now Lou's Enterprise, Wang Qianjin's construction company, Xiao Hu and the students in the economics class.

There are still people in the port city. Longyue International, whose manpower has passed the customs, and Qunxing Group and Changlu Group on the other side of the ocean, have joined forces to blow a clean wind in the south.

In addition to taxes, these company groups also pay additional profits to support the progress of local infrastructure construction.

Clear employment contracts, generous wages, strict rules and regulations, and supervision of additional profits not only raise the bar for subsequent companies to enter the market.

Concessions are concessions, and restrictions are restrictions. Whether it is a joint venture or a sole proprietorship, these group companies are not only raising the threshold for market entry, but also putting forward relatively stringent requirements for local governments.

The new order and system are taking shape, which makes many people who think about using capital or the market mechanism of the previous Republic of China to become a market mechanism have failed.

These group companies in the south, as well as the residents in Lou's Enterprise Industrial Park, are almost of the same mind.

With this kind of artificial promotion, the higher authorities will have factual basis and support when formulating some provisions.

He did something that ruined people's financial prospects, so Li Shengli would pass the test as soon as possible.

Now the embryonic form of order has been established, and the crackdown is coming to an end. Although the crime of hooliganism still frightens Li Shengli.

But now, he will not be called a gangster casually.

First, they waited until Ping An and the other six were out of school and took a test on Ping An's knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine. Li Shengli also had strict requirements for Ping An and other children.

Seeing that Ping'an had only mastered the basic rhymes, he lost his temper at the children regardless of the cold face of his mother-in-law, Sister Fu.

As Du Jiaoyang said, Li Shengli also knew that the children wanted to get close to him, but he also knew his own temperament.

When children follow him, pampering is inevitable. Although Li Shengli doesn't usually have much contact with Ping An and the others, he still likes children and considers his bottom line to be extremely low.

If the child follows him, he will have to learn to eat, drink and have fun early.

The frightened children were all silent. Fortunately, Father Du came back in time, otherwise the younger ones would have cried on the spot.

"Peace, take your brothers and have a good meal.

After dinner, let grandma take you to a movie. "

Seeing that the expressions on Ping An's and others' faces were not very happy, Father Du's words made a group of children cheer and go to eat.

You've made your mother angry.

Come on, let's go upstairs and have a few drinks. "

The two went up to the second floor. Father Du boiled a pot of rice wine as the base wine, and opened a can containing salt and pepper soybeans.

Eating old wine was also an experience that Du Lao had when he was young. The old wine with a medicinal aroma is not as amazing as when he was young.

But it was also his companion when he was suspended from work some time ago. During the suspension period, with old wine, soybeans, pens, and manuscript paper, Father Du was also in the small room on the second floor, systematically writing out his ideas.

Looking at the extremely alert son-in-law across from him, Father Du forced Li Shengli to pour him a glass of wine amidst his panic.

"Sheng Li, don't refuse, I want to thank you, and many people also want to thank you.

Although some people want to target you, Xie Jiazi’s words were brought to you by Du Pengzhang, the father-in-law of Du Peng.

When we evaluate a person, we should look at his sins as well as his merits.

Many things in the storm can no longer be mentioned.

So now you are not someone to be punished, but you are contributing to development.

With father-in-law Du Peng as your guarantee, your safety is guaranteed..."

A sip of old wine and a few soybeans. After finishing speaking, Mr. Du started chewing the full-flavored soybeans.

Father Du really doesn't know how to evaluate his virtuous son-in-law.

Before, many things that Li Shengli experienced in the storm were mentioned one by one by caring people.

But the results are also surprisingly consistent. There is neither a victim nor a benefactor. The victim does not cry out for injustice, and the beneficiary also remains silent.

This is equivalent to the fact that the past events in which those people fell from the sea of ​​history do not exist.

Such a result not only surprised those people, but also Father Du.

At first, he only knew that his good husband had done many things he shouldn't have done in the storm.

But I never knew that the chaos experienced by many people at the conference was all orchestrated by the wise son-in-law.

There was a lot of blood here, but the person involved, whether friend or foe, denied all these things, which still surprised Father Du.

But after thinking about it later, I understood that the person who admitted the murder must be responsible. According to the current rules, admitting what happened back then would be a target.

The way we deal with it now is different from when the wind stopped and the rain stopped.

As for the denial of the other parties, it was to protect their virtuous son-in-law.

Furthermore, the harm they suffered was no worse than this one.

But without the original chaos, it might have been difficult for them to leave the venue alive.

Many people even realized at this time that the person who saved them back then was their virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli...

(End of this chapter)

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