The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 857 Pattern (Part )

Chapter 857 Pattern (Part )

Seeing the dissatisfied look on Li Shengli's face, Locke scrawled the words "Contact cousin Niu Bijian" on his notebook, and then he curled his lips and smiled, which was regarded as recognition of this ghost guy's cleverness.

This is the killing of asking for things from outside. It is not enough for you to give me what I want. I have to turn you into my serfs and tenants, and you will be given and asked for throughout your life, including generations to come.

Thinking of the blood that was about to roll to the island from Southeast Asia, Li Shengli showed another cold smile.

The debt of thirty-five million military and civilian casualties cannot be recouped at all.

If we really get it back, I'm afraid we'll really have to fight a big battle.

Thinking about the various pregnancy taboos recorded in traditional Chinese medicine classics, Li Shengli turned and looked in the direction of the island, showing a more ferocious smile. He wondered if Du Jiaoyang's capital could change the island's dietary structure.

Yusheng is a very good traditional food...

The island also had half of the responsibility for the boycott and ban on traditional Chinese medicine. Prince Yao probably wouldn't have any objections to using some traditional Chinese medicine methods to help them control the population.

In Li Shengli's opinion, Lou's enterprise's pole-like cooperation method is actually an opportunistic model.

Despite the current appearance, Lou's enterprise is on the top of its game, and the gains outweigh the losses.

But in terms of market prospects, Lou just borrowed Du Jiaoyang's funds to fix the era dividend in advance.

Although Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian's capital scale is huge, the living money they can actually use is not much.

Those who can legally flow into Hong Kong City have only saved two to three billion over the years, and a large part of it was intercepted with the help of HSBC.

Without HSBC, it would be difficult for Du Jiaoyang, who has endless wealth in the United States, to get hundreds of millions or billions of dollars through formal channels.

Because of Du Jiaoyang's capital, he had to make plans for the future now.

Large investments are not impossible, but they will be sanctioned after ten years.

Once you are targeted, it will be difficult to participate in the gluttonous feast in the north of the harvest.

When harvesting the north, the old and American side could only get unusable book funds, but Du Jiaoyang's capital was different, and he could use it as soon as he got it.

Once used, it will also have an impact on the financial market in the United States. This is also a series of conspiracies after harvesting the north.

The United States will also have a crisis because it eats too much and has limited domestic capital capacity.

At this time, Du Jiaoyang's capital turned into a fish bone that went down his throat. It hurt his mouth and required surgery if it stuck in his esophagus.

Once it enters the blood vessels, it will be fatal.

Li Shengli didn't know how to operate it. He was just chasing profits with capital.

After Du Jiaoyang's capital harvested the north, it was time for her to turn around.

The funds from the north will be harvested to buy property for Niu Bijian on the other side of the ocean, after Niu Bijian's political and business tycoon is established.

The disadvantages caused by massive harvesting will be left to Wall Street. Based on the economic trends he grasps, Li Shengli can only infer the substantial depreciation of the U.S. dollar.

How we will respond at that time depends on Wall Street experts coming up with a comprehensive plan.

Using the son's spear to attack the son's shield is also the experience passed down by the ancestors.

Many people today cannot understand the Bureau of Capital. Lou Xiaoe has proposed a large-scale old city reconstruction plan, and this side naturally agrees and supports it.

Lianxiang Tower is located in Xiajiufu, Shibafu in the old town of Yangcheng. It is indeed facing the dilemma of old buildings and overcrowding.

Based on the ratio of one square meter of old houses to two square meters of new houses, it is roughly calculated and the infrastructure construction of the new and old urban areas is added.

Without counting the costs of vacating and acquiring the land, as well as the costs of three connections and one leveling, and basic materials, the investment by Lou's company is over 100 million US dollars.

In addition to the benefits of urban expansion, the other party also reaped huge benefits in foreign exchange exchange.

In this way, with the different exchange rates at home and abroad, Baoan's side had a lot more start-up capital.

Such a favorable investment can naturally be exchanged for Li Shengli's unrecorded clearance.

After finishing the light meal at noon, Li Shengli still didn't show any respect, leaving Wang Qianjin and Lou Xiao'e behind.

He walked out of Lianxiang Tower with Locke, walked around Shibafu, and took a look at the legendary Xiguan House.

The two returned to the guest house. On the way, they briefly explained some details about Southeast Asia and the island. After confirming that Locke could fully convey his intentions to Niu Bijian, Li Shengli let Locke pass the test on his own.

The next day, when he saw Wang Qianjin wearing a black Chinese tunic suit that was stained with sweat, Li Shengli said without waiting for Wang Er to show off:
“When it comes to clothing, we are still not as good as the ancients.

In summer, you shouldn’t wear pure black clothes.

Or the shirt underneath you is too thin.

Try changing to a thicker shirt. The whole body will be covered with urine alkali, and the image will disappear. "

Hearing the ridicule from his brother-in-law Li Shengli, Wang Qianjin said sadly:

"Your grandson sang a song about being superior, but it made me miserable.

As soon as you left, that guy from Guangdong Province just gave me the tiger bench and pepper water.

They kept interrogating me until late at night, and then they let me back.

You eat well and sleep soundly, but I am miserable in this outfit.

That old guy was also good at interrogating me, but he just wouldn't let me unbutton and take off my clothes.

It's just that you sold me first, and I sold you all the way.

Maybe they have already contacted Lao Du.

But people here think highly of you and Du Juan, saying they are red capital!
When your grandson is in trouble in the future, let me make preparations in advance.

This time I also got a benefit. Except for the one retained by the First Construction Company, five other public construction companies gave it to me, accounting for only 10% of my company.

You're in a good mood, and others are also in a bad mood. All the projects are started at once. This time, my construction company is probably going to break through the 50,000-person mark.

Lao Li, are we ready for this?

People think that one hundred thousand or eighty thousand is a lot of money. Let alone my revenue this year, according to the construction progress this year, the profit will probably exceed 100 million.

Calculated based on 50,000 people, maybe next year it will be 300 million or 500 million.

Don't hit me as a target just because you earn too much! "

After roughly talking about the gains from the meal at Lianxianglou, Wang Qianjin also expressed his worries.

Others are now kings and hegemons with one hundred thousand or eighty thousand people, but he doesn't care about those one hundred thousand or eighty thousand people in the midst of wind and rain.

Nowadays, more than 10,000 workers can earn millions in one day, which is a lot of money. For Wang Qianjin, it brings not much joy but a lot of panic.

Taking over the task of renovating the old city, his construction company either had 50,000 employees or expanded five times.

He doesn't know exactly what this multiple is, but one thing he knows very well is that this year's profit will be over 100 million.

The fastest and the best bring endless projects.

Moreover, his construction company and construction machinery still cost nothing.

If there is anything missing, just submit the order directly to Gangcheng, Lou's will provide it for free.

“Old Wang, making money is a road of no return.

The more you earn, the greater your responsibility, and this is the long-term path.

From now on, your grandson will have to get rid of vulgar tastes. Worrying about the country and the people is your heart.

Now that you have made money, spread it out.

Let’s hire more people! Fifty thousand people are not enough, let’s say 150,000 or 200,000 people!
Pay close attention to the technical training on the construction site, this is just the beginning for you.

I heard that the higher-ups are going to abolish some of the railway corps, so let’s take it as soon as possible.

As soon as they were deprived of their treatment, if they didn't have enough money, they asked Lou Xiao'e to make an advance payment.

If there is not enough life, we will start building roads from here.

When raw materials were not enough, cement plants and steel rolling mills were built from here.

If there is not enough money in the local area, land will be used in exchange.

One day, when your road construction reaches Forty-Nine City, you, Wang Qianjin, will become a popular figure.

Build along the way, help your old Wang make connections along the way, keep on building, and you will find that your grandson is out of vulgar taste..."

After pointing out an endless path of no return for Wang Qianjin, Li Shengli took him back to the house and found him a change of clothes.

"Old Li, don't be in a hurry to change your clothes.

This time, not only this time, we also offended many people in our business.

We are confident that we can make a lot of money with endless foreign exchange.

Others' status is too low, and our threshold is too high. Many people in the market regard us as a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh.

This was not said by me, but by the person from Guangdong.

He said, you should have a good rest when you go to Hong Kong City this time.

Half a year is the safest time..."

Looking at the brother-in-law in front of him with complicated eyes, this guy is also a troublemaker.

The threshold set by Lou's company at the pass has now affected the entire situation.

The concession profits that many people had planned before were smashed to pieces by Lou's high-end trading.

If they cannot transfer their profits, they will naturally be unable to introduce funds. Without financial support, they will not be able to develop in scale.

No scale means no funds. The team of Lou's Enterprise also pointed out the pros and cons of bank borrowing.

Therefore, banks set extremely strict control rules at the beginning of lending.

Li Shengli can do whatever he wants with unlimited overseas funds.

This kind of behavior also kills the chickens that others want to borrow to lay eggs.

Today’s capital introduction also has a scale limit.

Lou's large amount of funds really led to the entry of large amounts of Hong Kong capital after the Lianxianglou dinner.

Lou Xiao'e's conditions were made clear, and the big guys in Hong Kong City suppressed their extravagant hopes of taking advantage of the market.

Invest early and make profits early. During the dinner at Lianxiang Tower, the big guys from Hong Kong City also came up with a package of investment plans.

The entry of this capital has almost filled the current franchise market.

Other places can only make small fuss now. The chill brought by the late spring cold has not gone away, and other places can only watch the south prosper alone.

The instigator, Lou Xiao'e, or Li Shengli, who has now emerged, will definitely become a real thorn in the eyes and flesh of many people after the Lianxianglou dinner.

"Listen to others and eat enough.

Then I will go to Hong Kong City to stay for half a year.

Ordinarily I don’t want to go abroad, but Hong Kong City doesn’t count as going abroad, so I’ll just make do with it.

Tell that person, the rules in Hong Kong City are different from those here, and some people should not let this period of time pass.

I have a bad temper. If I really get upset and let someone go out and not come back, he will have to deal with it even more! "

Li Shengli's face became gloomy as he heard the rewards for his kindness.

Hiding and hiding, but still can't escape.

I originally wanted to wait at the pass until the crackdown was over, but now it seems I have to leave.

Those people are very good at using the methods of making money by talking and destroying bones.

Li Shengli, who felt a little angry, glanced around the room fiercely, but in the end he didn't dare to insist on anything.

Destroying someone's wealth is like killing one's parents. Some people's relationships are also intricate.

He proposed it for half a year, and someone was obviously paying attention to him.

The country is not a battlefield, and Li Shengli does not want to fight an asymmetric war.

If you win this kind of competition, you will not be able to avoid being severely punished by the superiors. If you lose, you will lose all your wealth.

The result of being forced to retreat is really disappointing.

The reward for this is very simple for Li Shengli. It doesn't matter who is who. It's just a matter of using economic and legal means to wipe out everyone after he comes back.

If you want to reap the dividends of the times, you still have to rely on your ability, not speculation, and Li Shengli, who is unhappy, will not let some people succeed.

After Wang Qianjin had changed his clothes, Li Shengli didn't complain at the guest house. He simply cleaned up and took Xiao Hu, Zhang Ying, Wang Zhi, Fu Yiqing and others all the way to the pass.

"I say Sun Tzu, the greater your power, the less capable you are.

People just talk about it, maybe because there is no trace of it, they scare you so much that you leave on the same day? "

When leaving the guest house, Li Shengli only said to go out for a walk, but did not say that he would go directly to Hong Kong City through customs.

This caught Wang Qianjin off guard and looked at his brother-in-law with a gloomy expression.

Wang Qian didn't mind Li Shengli's timidity, but he was afraid that after this guy got out, he would pull some tricks and trap him to death at the pass.

"This is none of your business.

As I said, just stay near the pass.

The guy from Guangdong will protect you.

If he really can't protect you, he will notify you in advance.

When someone tells you to go out, you can't hesitate. Don't worry about the matters at hand, just pass the test.

I said before, the rules in today’s port city are different from those in China. After passing the threshold, no one can play with us..."

After leaving such a sentence, Li Shengli passed the test without looking back.

With the greeting from above, Li Shengli asked Xiao Hu to go up and tell the number of people, leaving Wang Qianjin and the vehicle behind, and just passed the pass.

Looking at his brother-in-law who didn't look back, Wang Qianjin sighed softly, knowing that this was another dead end, but it was also destined that who would win and who would lose.

As long as brother-in-law Li Shengli comes back, those people will be completely defeated.

When he arrived at the port city, Li Shengli didn't need to say anything. Xin Yi and the staff staying at the pass arranged a vehicle for him and went to the bungalow that Niu Bijian left on Old Peak Road.

Nowadays, all the houses on the hilltop are the property of Xin Yihe. Except for a few houses around the bungalow, they are almost all dormitories.

As long as Li Shengli entered the bungalow, no one in the port city could deal with him without air strikes or shelling.

Even the garrison is the same, because each dormitory has its own weapons depot. Each weapons depot has Tao type and stinger from Southeast Asia, and seatless rifles are also always available...

(End of this chapter)

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