The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 856 Pattern (Part )

Chapter 856 Pattern (Part )

The problems that Lou Xiaoe can think of can also be thought of by Li Shengli. This is the reason why he talked about industrial layout before.

Many public factories use detailed assessment rules to adjust their work, but this is still not enough.

Joint ventures and mergers are also the only way to go.

This is about blocking roads again. The scale of Lou's enterprise is not large. According to the existing capital investment, more than one billion is the limit of Lou's management.

Lou's enterprise is not that important to Li Shengli, it is nothing more than a model.

As a model for investment, Lou's Enterprise has done well before, and now it will introduce a new model, which is the joint venture model.

Regardless of whether it is Lou's Enterprise, New Jardine, or the personnel in Du Jiaoyang's hands, they are still a drop in the bucket for the huge emerging market behind them.

Cultivating a good economic talent is no easier than cultivating a Chinese medicine practitioner.

Ten years is just a time to master basic knowledge. How much time does it take to practice?
Cultivating while working is also a helpless move for their group.

Compared with using outsiders, internal training is more realistic for Li Shengli.

Lou Xiao'e didn't need to speak, Li Shengli continued:

“I understand the plight of personnel without you having to tell me.

This is not easy to do, but it is not without a solution.

Rather than deploying all of them from Hong Kong cities, it is better to use ready-made talents.

In my opinion, most of the many public factories are unsustainable.

Especially factories related to our industry or industries in the industrial park.

Under the impact of the market, it is difficult for them to survive.

The quality of the factory's products and the level of the factory's technology are indifferent to us.

But for us, the people in the factory are the manpower currently available.

As before, we could hold a large share in this type of light industry.

The subsequent welfare benefits for workers should also be handled as before. We must have what public factories have. If public factories don’t have it, we must have it outside.

As for workers' subsequent retirement security, don't refer to factories and enterprises, just follow the corresponding benefits of local civil servants.

In this way, many things will follow the rules. "

Setting up Lou's enterprise as a joint venture benchmark is the key point Li Shengli wants to talk about, and it is also the reason why everyone from the port city came here.

As for the new billion-person market, there are countless Hong Kong businessmen who can see its potential.

However, Lou Xiao'e led Lou's Enterprises to get off to a very unfriendly start at the gateway, which was neither Hong Kong nor foreign capital.

The investment amount of more than one billion U.S. dollars is also greater than the combined total of Hong Kong capital and foreign capital.

Lou's Enterprise is responsive to requests and responds to a high standard.

This leaves other companies entering the market to struggle.

If you compare yourself to Lou's enterprise, your own profits will be affected.

According to my own standards, the attitude here is cold. Not only are there no benefits, but there are also various restrictions.

This approach of Lou's enterprise is also contrary to business principles.

But it does set a good benchmark for industry development.

I thought that there would be no threshold, and the market was all going downhill. Suddenly, Lou's company set up a threshold as high as one person.

Most of the Hong Kong city bosses here hate Lou Xiaoe to the core.

But Lou's company is now the only force that cannot be offended in the Hong Kong property market.

If you offend other real estate companies, your business will be frustrated and you will lose money.

The Lou's Enterprise, which is run by a woman, has offended many well-known Hong Kong businessmen, and they are vying for money in the property market.

Although the result of the bloodshed was a bit miserable, Lou Xiao'e of Lou's Enterprise still had her bottom line, and she only targeted those big bosses with dirty foundations.

As long as the business road remains straight and upright, even if it is against Lou's company, Lou Xiao'e's side will still have a glimmer of hope.

For example, in addition to the top ten industries near the pass, Lou's Enterprise has also built an industrial park similar to the North Kowloon Industrial Building.

This kind of industrial park not only has water, electricity and transportation, but also can help you with administrative procedures such as declaration.

In addition to complete facilities, the company will not charge rent if it loses money within three years, which is also a very attractive strategy for small and medium-sized businesses in Hong Kong City.

Of course, there are requirements for this. The supply of production raw materials by Lou's company is the condition for entry.

After Lou's company came over, it first set a high threshold for large-scale industries and then united small and medium-sized businesses in the port city.

Some big bosses in the port city who were neither good nor bad were isolated.

If you want to come in, you are hampered by the threshold set by Lou. If you don't come in, you can't resist the low-cost temptation of emerging markets.

Many big bosses who want to cooperate with local companies to develop projects are also suppressed by Lou's company.

Other people's cooperative development requires profit sharing, but the basic investment from Lou's company is unconditional.

It's just that because of Lou's corporate enthusiasm, he didn't charge the newly named land transfer fee.

From the local perspective, the amount of land transfer fee is far less than the Lou family's basic investment.

With Lou's Enterprise led by Lou Xiao'e, the local people not only got rid of the financial pressure, but also the cost of initial exploration, by investing vigorously.

Lou's Enterprise's investment is not only in infrastructure. Along with Lou's Enterprise, there is also a team of several hundred professional lawyers, accountants, and economists who serve local and Hong Kong businessmen for free.

This behavior of Lou's enterprise also made some local monks confused at first.

But after some exploration, the foundation of Lou's enterprise became clear. In addition to the original relationship between the Lou family, Director Du in the office was the architect of Lou's behavior.

With Lou's unconditional support and an almost terrifying amount of funds, Guankou, Bao'an, and Yangcheng have all become beneficiaries.

Therefore, the attitude towards Hong Kong and foreign investment here is much colder than before.

Many business routines are also invisible to the professional team of Lou's Enterprise.

In addition, there are no serious economics classes, and they are also taught for free. Lou only gives the authority to approve personnel to the local government.

The attitude of Lou's Enterprise is the investment attitude here. This is the consensus between Hong Kong and foreign investors.

If Wang Qianjin didn't know many foreign investors, there would have been even more people here today.

The big boss in Hong Kong who knew Li Shengli's background realized that he was the one who made the decision.

Although it has been six or seven years since the Hong Kong epidemic was cured, the changes in the Hong Kong government's attitude towards traditional Chinese medicine are clearly visible to all the big shots.

Although Li Shengli didn't say anything harsh in Hong Kong during the epidemic control, the name of the flu in Hong Kong and the millions of casualties outside Hong Kong clearly showed his attitude.

Being ruthless and doing things without regard for casualties is what the big guys in Hong Kong think of Li Shengli.

During the influenza epidemic that year, because the Chinese Medicine Act in Hong Kong City was repeatedly failed to pass, Xin Yihe still did not distribute special medicinal materials even after Guilao suffered hundreds of thousands of casualties.

The same is true in European and American countries. New Jardine just holds the special medicinal materials for treating influenza. As long as the bill is not passed, no matter how many people die, they will not be shipped in large quantities.

At that time, only traditional Chinese medicine had a specific cure for the influenza in Hong Kong, and it became the focus of research in various countries. However, so far, they have not found the therapeutic principle of plaster.

The people here in the port city relied on the free gypsum tea in the pass to survive the disaster with only a few thousand casualties.

Now six or seven years have passed, and Java, which has suffered the most, is still raging with the Hong Kong Flu.

Thinking about the evil things done in Java in 1965, it is not difficult for the big guys in Hong Kong to guess that the driving force behind these things was Li Shengli, who was sitting opposite Lou Xiao'e and talking eloquently. Lou Xiaoe, the big guys in Hong Kong City are not very afraid.

But the big bosses who knew Li Chenggong well and knew his background were extremely wary of him.

People who are indifferent to the life and death of millions of people are never easy to deal with.

From the fact that he sat down immediately after entering the room, it can be seen that this person is not very enthusiastic about his fellow Hong Kong residents.

Looking at Lou Xiao'e, who can only listen, and Xin Yihe Daban Locke, who is sitting upright, we can see who is in charge of many things.

"Li Sheng, how should I cooperate with the local area?"

It was a little difficult to understand Li Shengli's purpose, but Lou Xiao'e also had no clue about the next joint venture.

Joint venture is just a simple word, but when it comes to choosing an industry to start with and how to manage local factories and enterprises, the issues are very complicated.

"Lockner has an industry report.

As long as you find them locally, you can just come up with cooperation intentions one by one according to the evaluation in the industry report.

It would be best to let the local area conduct a preliminary survey of their factories and enterprises.

In addition, industries such as silk fabrics are a good focus.

After all, the port city's external processing of supplied materials, processing of supplied samples, and raw materials are very profitable.

To streamline the silk weaving industry from raw materials to textile printing and dyeing, only a large amount of capital like ours has the ability to integrate it.

If silk weaving is done well, it may be more profitable than your real estate business in Hong Kong City.

This business can be used as the property of your Lou family, and I will provide funds to support it.

However, in the silk weaving industry, you are only allowed to use joint ventures, not sole proprietorships. The proportion of public funds should preferably be more than 40%.

Some very large silk weaving factories must also have controlling shares in public hands.

You have to think clearly about this and do it clearly. Don't make things difficult for me.

Okay, you and Mr. Wang go to negotiate with the local government about the renovation of the old city outside.

Since I came here and people gave me face, I always want to give something back.

In addition to urban transformation, we might as well build several industrial parks outside the new communities. The nature of the land is as mentioned before, and it can be used directly for civilian use.

When we need to expand the community, we move to the park.

Step by step, we will retreat and expand, and draw another example of urban expansion for everyone.

This idea should be explained to others in advance, so we can make progress together..."

After listening to what Li Shengli said, Lou Xiao'e suppressed the questions in her heart and glanced at the Hong Kong city bosses who were eyeing him in the restaurant.

Lou Xiao'e also knew that this was not the place for in-depth talks. She glanced at Wang Qianjin, who was smiling sarcastically to the left of Li Shengli, and she realized that this dinner might just be a misunderstanding.

"I said your grandson...

Li Sheng, you must ask for something when you are polite, so I have made your request as well.

Otherwise, people would think we have ulterior motives!
But what you just said is really out of control, and I am responsible for this..."

After receiving the key to China-Pakistan, Wang Jinjin casually wanted to tease Li Shengli a few words, but thought the situation was not right.

I could only hold my nose and call out "Li Sheng" and ask Li Shengli what his purpose was.

"Du Jiaoyang will fly to Hong Kong City in the past few days, and I will also go there for a while.

When entering and exiting the border crossing, I don’t want to leave a record, so let’s say hello to the other side of the border crossing. "

After listening to Li Shengli's request, Wang Qianjin nodded and took Lou Xiao'e to find the man who just scolded him.

After saying a few words, another table opened in the room.

Seeing whether Wang Qianjin and Lou Xiao'e would be back soon, Li Shengli said to Locke:
"To support a sum of money for Huo Sheng, many things still need to be controlled.

Although Lou Xiao'e is mine, she still needs to be restrained.

Huo Sheng, please give me more support.

There are several people who are close friends with Huo Sheng, or they are the big guys in the port city who are suppressed by the Hong Kong government.

Please support me here.

For the funds to be used, you should put them up here first, and then let the US side make up for you according to the quoted price of the loaned funds.

In recent years, we have started to attack the island.

You must slowly tighten the oil roads in Southeast Asia and the desert.

Before taking action on the island, I want to make the Southeast Asian waters a real sea of ​​oil.

Not a single oil tanker related to the island is allowed to pass through the strait.

As for the origin, let’s find it from Java.

As long as several oil tankers are sunk in a row, the island will definitely not give up.

As long as mercenary methods are used on the island, you must clearly record the ins and outs of the incident.

With tangible evidence, there is no need to keep the people in Java.

According to Sanguang, the 300,000 back then are counted as much as they are now, and no one is left behind.

Later, during the harvesting process on the island, the matter was exposed to the International Court of Justice.

If you want to kill, you must kill thoroughly.

My target is several major car companies and several major chaebols on the island.

After the harvest, I don’t want to see the bloodline of these chaebols continue.

Prepare a group of refugees in Java to go to the island. Once the Javanese mercenary incident breaks out, there will inevitably be a hypocritical side and take in Javanese refugees.

Since it is a harvest, how can there be less blood?
For me, the deeper the blood curtain, the better..."

Locke could understand Li Shengli's words, but he obviously lacked understanding of the feud.

He just mechanically recorded the plan mentioned by Li Shengli and looked at the Chinese and English spellings on Locke's notebook.

Li Shengli shook his head helplessly. Words like 'chaos' and 'profit' obviously could not fully explain his intention.

If Niu Bijian were here, the word "massacre" would definitely be marked.

This is the generation gap caused by cultural barriers.

All Locke can focus on is harvesting profits from the island.

While Niu Bijian is here, he will definitely focus on other than profits.

Harvesting the island is already a fixed step. How to expand profits, chaos is naturally a good method.

But in the eyes of Li Shengli and the real pirate Niu Bijian, chaos is not enough.

Only after destruction can we have better control. Compared with 'chaos' and 'massacre', complete destruction is the method of complete harvest.

The old American Wall Street regards the island as crops, but for Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian, the crops are not as sweet as private land...

(End of this chapter)

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