The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 852: Avoid the important and take the easy (Part )

Chapter 852: Avoid the important and take the easy (Part )

The reason for Li Shengli's luck is simple. He was able to obtain a large amount of explosives and old steel cables used to repair the bridge.

These gadgets are not rare in plain areas, but they are very scarce items in medicinal material producing areas, which are mainly mountainous areas.

Those who can squat in desolate mountainous areas are probably not important figures. There is no so-called gilding in later generations.

Today's gilding is done at the grassroots level where relationships exist, and gilding is practiced deep in the mountains and ravines. There is no need to pull off such gimmicks now.

Furthermore, many people have just returned from going to the countryside, and they do not like to see such remote places with mountains of medicine.

Unlike the current camps in the city, many people below are still relatively pragmatic.

This allowed Li Shengli's relationships to move from the township level to the county and city level, but most of them were still at the county level.

Explosives and steel cables were used to build bridges and roads, and in the name of the Correspondence College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a medicinal mountain was leased to plant medicinal materials.

Although this is still difficult to accept in some places, it cannot bear the strong brand name of the Chinese Medicine Correspondence School.

Having a unit also solved a lot of troubles for Li Shengli, allowing him to contract large areas of mountain forests on a county basis.

Moreover, the contract fee given by Li Shengli was not low. For a fifty-year lease, at least 500,000 yuan in rent should be paid in one lump sum. This means that Li Shengli, who represents the Chinese Medicine Correspondence School, is also very wealthy.

According to what the people at the gate say, the rental fee does not need to be eliminated, and there is serious theoretical support.

Let’s look at Du Lao’s people who promote small craftsmanship and German technology. Li Shengli’s contracting of mountains and forests is basically a large area.

With the correspondence school as the main body, Li Shengli's fund transfer has become very simple.

When I came down before, I thought it would be a bit unsafe to transport money to places one by one.

Now that there is an additional remittance process for the Chinese Medicine Correspondence School, Li Shengli's fifty-year contract can be regarded as an additional procedural guarantee.

The remittance has a stub and is well-documented. If there is a lawsuit in the future, this will be equivalent to evidence.

The correspondence school's account is connected to Hong Kong City, so it doesn't matter whether Li Shengli spends more or less money.

Nowadays, attracting and finding investment has become one of the following tasks.

Being wealthy doesn't just bring good luck. Some places also want to get Li Shengli to invest and build factories locally.

For this kind of people, Li Shengli would rather not cooperate with Yaoshan than invest in building a factory locally.

Nowadays, the cold spring weather is still here, and he has lost his mind, so he gave up planting and light industry and invested in heavy industry and industrial processing enterprises.

This kind of avoidance of the important and the trivial is also necessary. Nowadays, private enterprises and private enterprises that have energy efficiency needs should not talk about the above problems.

Just the price increase of raw materials and the abandonment of orders are enough for them to drink a pot in this cold spring.

In addition to the problem of explanation, if it is not serious, it is not that the factory has gone bankrupt or that it can no longer work, but the issue of whether to serve in prison or not.

The current problem lies in resources and raw materials. As the cold spring weather approaches, doing business will be a problem in the future.

The collective light industry workshops are not affected by the late spring cold, because they still have the task of earning foreign exchange.

The agriculture and planting industries will also not be affected because they are basic security industries.

Although the opinions vary from place to place, Li Shengli is not without roots. The small craftsmanship team at Father Du's side is currently his strongest backing.

If he really wanted to offend him, his response would be very simple. He would simply stop the export of small handicraft products back then.

In this regard, there is no need for Li Shengli to speak, just let Xin Yihe speak directly.

It's just that the local products are not up to standard. When will they be replaced, when will they become qualified?

After renting dozens of pills, Li Shengli also briefly visited the local barefoot doctors.

In terms of survival, there is nothing wrong with being a barefoot doctor, but in terms of income and supporting a family, there is a big difference.

Dealing with the income issue couldn't be easier for Li Shengli.

The villages near Yaoshan, just like the original villages in Wali and Shanshan, asked barefoot doctors to set up training courses on medicinal cultivation on the spot, and save seeds while harvesting from the mountains.

Just let Xin Yihe and the medicinal material company provide another salary.

Places not close to the medicine mountain are simple, nothing more than small handicrafts and breeding.

Next, in the 1990s, the breeding industry was also an industry that gave birth to many households worth ten thousand yuan.

Li Shengli invested money, and the village, Barefoot Doctor, and three other parties took shares and opened small workshops and breeding farms, so his income could increase.

Of course, Li Shengli is not a fathead. Before the partnership, he also said ugly things.

If the business fails due to human reasons, the barefoot doctors in the village will be removed within two years at most.

Because of the barefoot doctor, just take away the barefoot doctor’s medical license.

This kind of business is not left unattended by Li Shengli, except for the after-sales service of the steel rolling mill, which can be borrowed from the supply and marketing cooperative.

The correspondence school that Mr. Lu is responsible for is also building a professional technical and accounting team.

Nowadays, the village also keeps serious accounts. At the beginning of the cooperation, Li Shengli's most basic requirement was that the accounts must be clear.

The messy accounts, falsified accounts, and ugly words are similar, but there is one more condition: they will never cooperate again in the future, and this condition also includes small handicrafts.

For Li Shengli, buying and selling is buying and selling, and he can put money into it purposefully.

However, if he is slaughtered as a fat sheep, the consequences will be serious.

He now not only has the authority to revoke the qualifications of barefoot doctors, but also has the authority to dispatch barefoot doctors.

As long as it doesn't matter to the village, it doesn't matter to him either.

Walking little by little, turning little by little, for Li Shengli, there is plenty of time.

Not only does he have to avoid the current late spring cold, but he also has to avoid the severe crackdowns that will follow. Two or three years are still plenty of time.

If things are not done well, he can still look back and slowly adjust the structure, plus the after-sales service of the steel rolling mill, and the local supply and marketing cooperative to do these transactions. Li Shengli is not completely helpless.

After a few beatings, if he really refused to repent after slaughtering his fat sheep, he would still do it.

The removal of barefoot doctors and the discontinuation of sales of small handicraft products also followed one after another.

After traveling through Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan for more than half a year, Li Shengli's luck is still good. There is no village that has withdrawn its barefoot doctors. This is a very good result.

As long as there is no problem with human nature, he really doesn't care much about the profit and loss in business now. It's just a transition. For the barefoot doctors below and the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine, if this little money is spread out, it will be regarded as a blessing.

After traveling around Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian and Jiangxi for more than half a year, Li Shengli, who was wandering among the countryside, did not feel the slightest threat of the late spring cold.

Xiao Hu's side began to lead people to die down. The idle manpower was just used by Li Shengli. The gathering of personnel also began in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

The group of people under Xiao Hu also became Li Shengli's first group of inspectors. Looking back at Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan, he also adopted a three-pronged approach.

The after-sales department of the steel rolling mill is on the same side as the supply and marketing cooperative; the one at Lu Lao Correspondence School is on the same side; and Xiao Hu’s people are on the third side.

This time, Li Shengli also relaxed the restrictions on them. They can cooperate with some villages to set up factories, but the industry cannot be separated from light industry and small handicrafts.

"Uncle, you see things accurately.

If you hadn't relented and I had suppressed you, at least half of our people would have gone in. "

Now the document on cracking down on speculation has been released, and a lot of people were dealt with at that time, which scared Xiao Hu and the others into a cold sweat.

If it weren't for Li Shengli's strict orders and if Xiao Hu hadn't been able to control the situation, there would have been more people involved this time.

Although the reminders and preparations were placed in front, more than a dozen people still went in.

Li Shengli and Xiao Hu were also sure whether these people would say something they shouldn't. Not to mention two or three years, even if it comes to direct target shooting, I personally would not go to Huqin.

The scale of clothing sales and trading is that big, not to mention those wholesalers, even two levels down, the value of the case is enough for shooting.

After the sentence was determined, Li Shengli ignored these people and said what he needed to say. What happened next was his fate.

But if any of these people are really being targeted, Li Shengli will not give in easily.

The business of selling estimated clothes goes through the material company in Jinmen. If it is not reasonable, Li Shengli will directly cut off the supply of the Second Machinery Department.

Li Shengli agrees that he is guilty of disrupting the market. This is the current rule.

If it is directly destroyed by others, the units that benefited from second-hand imports will have to come out and give an explanation.

If there is no such explanation as killing someone, then we can't talk about the second-hand equipment. We can just smash it and sell it for scrap.

It's just that, if you don't follow the rules, then Li Shengli will have no rules at all.

When people are gone, there are no rules. If you use the law to kill my people, then I will ask the unit to use the law to kill the people involved. This is the result of the lack of rules.

"Those who go in can take care of them later.

But there is no place for them here.

If you don’t listen, I can’t lead such a person, and neither can you!

Just because these two bad money guys won't listen to the propaganda, will they kill us when they see big money in the future? "

After listening to what his brother-in-law Li Shengli said, Xiao Hu simply gave him a mouthful and said:

"Uncle, I didn't take care of them, and I won't do it anymore.

Uncle, Luo Yun's father, my father-in-law, worked as a deputy in Zhejiang Province.

You want me to help you get some investment, you see..."

After admitting his mistake, Xiao Hu glanced at Zhang Ying, who was sitting cross-legged in the convenience store, with some timidity, and then nervously stared at his uncle Li Shengli, who was sitting on the single leather sofa.

According to Li Shengli's request, the convenient minibus was also changed into a simple version of a RV, or an office car.

In the car, in addition to the sofa and coffee table, and the two single beds, there are metal filing cabinets that are connected together.

Of course, the electric kettle, which is now popular at home and abroad, is also indispensable.

Du Lao also owns this kind of office trailer, and the steel rolling mill in Haizi also gave away dozens of them.

It is very different from Li Shengli's model. It is made from imported Chevrolet machines and chassis. It can also be regarded as a test model.

Does it want your money, or Hong Kong or foreign capital?
Now that people have opened their mouths, you, the son-in-law, must show your due value.

Your money can only be used for light work at best.

There should be no restrictions on Hong Kong investment now.

There are industrial restrictions on foreign investment. Your father-in-law knows this.

Your money is only a few million, and people should look down upon it.

Although I don’t have any limits on Hong Kong investment and foreign investment, it must always reflect a close relationship.

I’ll give you a quota of one billion, let’s unite!

Don't bother asking for a knife on your nose or face.

Let’s test the waters with 100 million first.

If your father-in-law increases your salary, he will give you another 300 million.

I treat you as my own son, and I can use the remaining 600 million.

Of course, more than 350 million or 100.8 billion are also possible.

Who the hell told you to call me uncle?

If other people have connections in this area, you can also pull some strings.

One hundred million per person is the limit.

You only have 5 billion at most. If you do too much and get too much limelight, it may not be a good thing.

These five billion cannot be used within one year. You must also learn the principle of slow water flowing over time. "

As Li Shengli has shown all the way, he doesn't care about money.

Likewise, he doesn't care whether Du Jiaoyang, Niu Bijian or Parker from Hong Kong City have financial problems.

Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian's current assets cannot be calculated in detail. They are only 5 billion or 10 billion, which is not a huge amount of money for them.

The harvest on the island is about to begin. The revenue target there starts with tens of billions of dollars as the unit, and the revenue can reach tens of billions. Li Shengli can see it, and the same is true for Du Jiaoyang. .

With so much money, it is impossible for her to claim to be circulating abroad. The best way to launder money is to invest it in China through her relationship with the island.

"Uncle, are you looking up to me too much?"

Hearing that it was one billion or five billion, Xiao Hu bared his teeth and gave himself another mouthful, and came up with a slanderous face.

“Get out!
Ship after ship is being unloaded at Jinmen Port. Didn’t you count it?
Your aunt, outside now, is extremely wealthy no matter what.

Remember, when people come back in the future, you should be more intimate with them.

Tell me about this.

Also, I gave you the list from Southwest, so you can’t do anything wrong. This matter also has something to do with your aunt. If you do it well, there will be no harm to you at all..."

After driving Xiao Hu out of the car, Li Shengli stretched out on the sofa. Spending money was also a hard task for him.

If it weren't for avoiding the subsequent severe crackdown, he wouldn't be running around taking money and wasting it!

“Sheng Li, you don’t need to coddle them like this because of your debt.

Xiao Long, you have found a good father-in-law, will you spend so much money there?
The little leopard is still in school, so you give him money, and he is not old or young.

What are you doing?
I chose my own path here, and they dare not and cannot bear grudges against me.

Without my support, where would they be? "

Seeing her son Xiao Hu get out of the car, Zhang Ying expressed her dissatisfaction.

To Xiao Changgong and to his children, this martial arts eldest lady felt that she had done her best and Li Shengli should not compensate them anymore.

“Miss, your accounts are your accounts.

My accounts are my accounts.

Furthermore, our two families have broken bones and connected tendons.

I think Xiao Xiao and Ping An are getting along well.

How wonderful is it that the friendship between generations can continue?

The money is just a bastard, it’s not earned by me. If you leave it alone, it will grow..."

(End of this chapter)

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