The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 851: Avoid the important and take the easy (Part )

Chapter 851: Avoid the important and take the easy (Part )

"Third brother, what are you going to do?
You are not allowed to be rough with my man. If you touch him, I will go to my parents for comment! "

Before Li Shengli could say anything, Ding Lan, with eyes wide open, stretched out his arms to block the little old man.

The menacing look made Ding Yong, who came with anger, feel depressed. This sister was also a little wolf cub who was raising money for nothing.

However, seeing his sister falling in love with his promiscuous brother-in-law in front of him, Ding Yong was somewhat comforted. As long as their relationship was good, chaos would be chaos. Living well, what's better than that?
"go away!

This is a conversation between us brothers, no woman has the right to interrupt!
Grandson, even though half of my brothers in the camp were harmed by listening to you, they should also be grateful to you.

If it weren't for you, they wouldn't have stayed behind. Although your tactics are a bit vicious, you're still pretty comprehensive.

I know that you are a wealthy and wealthy person, and I will let you take care of these people’s families from now on.

This is the list address of the fallen, this is the list address of the disabled, don’t lose it, this is the life of my brothers!
Half of my brothers were killed outside the city. After the city was broken, my father said that the enemy's chieftains should not be sacrificed, so I used three swords to comfort my brothers' souls in heaven.

When it comes to being old-fashioned, you are still not as good as our dad, otherwise I will die or not this time! "

Listening to Ding Yong's pain and the cruelty of his father-in-law, Old Dingtou, Li Shengli was unconvinced.

The matter of beheading had been explained clearly to my father-in-law before, but I couldn't explain it too clearly to Ding Yong, my third uncle. In addition to affecting the morale of the army, the impact would also be too bad.

It's just that the father-in-law misunderstood the meaning of beheading and actually cut off the head. Otherwise, if he was just beaten to death, Ding Yong might not be blamed.

But what was done was done. Looking at Ding Yongque's fingers, looking at the scars on Xiao Long's face, and looking at the half-numbed face of Ding Kai, the fifth eldest son of the Ding family and his second brother-in-law, we knew how tragic it was at that time.

When the front-line officers went into battle, they basically reached a desperate situation.

"Don't worry, that's what I'm here for this time.

Are your contacts ready?
For those who are disabled and unable to live, I care about two generations of them, this generation and the next generation. The treatment of the public is the treatment of the public. What I do here has nothing to do with the public.

I will also take care of those who are disabled and have the ability to live. If they are dissatisfied with their job changes, you can help them adjust if they can. If they cannot, I will still take care of them.

I also care about retired personnel. "

After hearing his brother-in-law's statement, Ding Yong's face became a little better. Looking at his brother-in-law who had planned the battle for the Southwest ten years ago, Ding Laosan could only let out a long sigh.

If Li Shengli had not suggested it, he would not have allowed all personnel in the secret service camp to get married and have children.

This was considered a violation of discipline, but Ding Yong at least did it before breaking camp.

Among those killed in battle, there was not a single person without an heir, not a single young man. I really have to thank my brother-in-law for this.

Although the family's pain is unavoidable, according to his old man, leading the troops in this way is already his best effort.

"Let's go!
Let’s not talk about these sad things.

You still give them merit after all, right?

We didn’t have a celebratory drink last time, so this time we went home and drank it ourselves.

Wang Fenyong, the boss of the Wang family, was seriously injured this time and is still recovering.

Thanks to you having the Chinese medicine doctors come over, the recovery of the wounded is much better than before.

Anyway, I still want to thank you.

Lan Lan, the worst thing is you, girl. Didn't you see that your third brother lost two fingers, and your fifth brother was blown into pockmarks?

Because of this, my mother blamed me.

Just stay in the trenches with cats like the boss and the second best? "

After thanking his brother-in-law Li Shengli, Ding Yong turned his unkind eyes towards his own sister whose elbows were turned outward.

This time in the war, the eldest and second sons of the Ding family were the commanders. Ding Yong and his two brothers were on the front line.

The fourth child didn't lose a hair, but the fifth child in the family was almost killed by a bomb.

If Xiao Long hadn't pulled him hard, if Lao Wu was gone, Ding Yong wouldn't know how to explain to his brother-in-law!

Ren Lao Wu is also Li Shengli’s brother-in-law now. If he is gone, that’s the real fuck!
“Don’t be cheap and be good!

You just feel unconvinced!
Mom called me and told me, didn’t she not promote you? "

Ding Lan is still clear about family affairs. Except for the old man at home, the Ding family's five tigers are just five domestic cats to Miss Ding.

Don't even lay a finger on her, even if you curse, the mother at home won't let them off easily.

"Xiao Ding, please stop talking.

When you get home, remember to be nice and don't make the old man unhappy.

It's best not to talk about things at school, the old man might like to hear it. "

After giving Ding Lan a reminder, the rest of the group didn't say much.

Ding Yong and the others really escaped from the line of life and death this time. Wang Fenyong, the boss of the Wang family, is Ding Yong's deputy.

He is still recovering in a military hospital, which reflects the intensity of the war situation at that time.

The chief officer had a broken finger, the deputy was seriously injured, and the secret service battalion, which was almost entirely armed with light weapons, was lucky to be able to withstand all the pressure not far outside the city and suffer more than half of the casualties.

The group of people walked to the Ding family in the guest house. Looking at her mother who kept wandering outside the door, Ding Lan swooped over.

Li Shengli, Ding Yong and others waited for the couple to finish their parting talk before entering the house one by one.

In the room, there was only a pair of single sofas facing each other across the coffee table. Seeing his son-in-law Li Shengli arrive, the old Ding who was sitting pointed with his head, and it became a scene where the other people were standing and the father-in-law and his son-in-law were sitting.

“The strategy is good, but the planning is a little ruthless.

I will also mislead you and let the third child beheaded.

This time I fought too decisively, causing the opponent to suffer too many casualties.

I will bear the punishment as much as I can, and most of them will have a bright future.

Okay, as long as you have listened, please go out, we still have something to say. "

He simply made a summary and let the people standing listen. Old Dingtou was not polite and kicked them out of the room.

Looking at his son-in-law, who was not very familiar to him but was planning ahead, Old Dingtou sighed before saying:

"Annan started provoking provocations in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and he was a wolf in nature. From then on, any provocation on the border would start from the southwest.

You planned this battle well, and your subsequent measures from the sea were also decisive.

I am a soldier, and I have three concerns: one is to stir up trouble in the Southwest.

The second is the obstruction on the island, and the third is the enemy in the north.

Now that the southwest has been leveled and the north is weak, the island has blocked our way out. Do you have anything to say? "

Li Shengli originally thought that when he arrived at Old Dingtou, the first thing he would receive would be a scolding.

I never thought that my father-in-law was also a hawk, and the military officer named several major external enemies.

For development, the other side of the ocean is never an enemy, just a rival.

A confrontation between the two powers would be impossible in less than ten minutes. Among the three places, the southwest, the island, and the north, the north previously had the greatest hidden dangers. Now that the north has been put into the Imperial Cemetery, it means the beginning of the end.

The battle in the southwest was basically the result of annihilation. Du Jiaoyang's capital will still be there in the follow-up. The future southwest will not be decided by Zhuqiao in the early stage.

Instead, there will be an immigration group that has the final say, and the actual control is in the hands of Du Jiaoyang's capital. This is also the goal that Du Jiaoyang must achieve.

As for the island, it is definitely not possible to fight. If you can fight it economically, it is already very good.

“Dad, the north has ended and the southwest has been leveled, so everything is settled.

As for the island?

He is too young. If we really want to fight him, it will only take dozens of missiles.

If we don't attack the island, it's enough. If we do, it will be wiped out all at once. This is called settling old and new grudges together.

I guess they don't dare to blow up the thorns either.

This time we went to the southwest, and the follow-up arrangements that Du Jiaoyang and I had discussed were already underway. For at least twenty years, there would only be women in the southwest, not men.

The campaign to conquer the remnants of the Southwest and destroy Java has also begun. I still remember the debt I incurred in 1965!
It’s just that if they kill us, we will be destroyed by them.

After driving away the tiger and devouring the wolf this time, chaos will remain in Java.

The strait is in our hands, and it is the Javanese rebels who have the final say on who we let pass.

With these two enclaves, the island poses no threat to us. Instead, we will strangle their oil lifeline.

Using Java as a battlefield would not only strangle their national destiny, but also force them to fight mercenary wars.

As long as the fighting starts, hundreds of thousands of them will be killed no matter what..."

Hearing Li Shengli's plan, Lao Ding nodded, but he didn't expect this.

Thinking of the war-torn Java in the future, a sneer appeared on Lao Ding's lips.

We laugh at the arrogance of Java back then, but also laugh at the bad luck of the people on the island. As long as Java can lock in the oil from the desert, the island's national destiny will slowly go downhill.

This is exactly like the oil embargo of the United States back then. Lao Ding and the others have also conducted deductions before. Everything on the island can be lacking, but the only thing that is indispensable is oil.

Oil is the real blood of the economy. Although it is a pity that it cannot be tapped, the strategy of son-in-law Li Shengli is also heart-breaking and heart-breaking.

"Yes, then I'll see what you do.

We soldiers only care about merit.

As a family, we only talk about the future.

If you do these two things well, Lan Lan is doing well. I won’t argue with you about your affairs.

But for Lan Lan, you can't raise her like a pig. After graduating from college, don't continue going to school and let her come out and do something.

I know my daughter's temper best. With your ability, she dares to go to school all the time.

I've also told your mother that she won't say anything unpleasant in front of you.

Lan Lan's brothers want to thank you very much this time. Not only did they not suffer any casualties after the battle, they also laid a solid foundation for the future.

All I know is that no matter how much opposition there is, soldiers who dare to fight and can fight will definitely be popular.

Regardless of asking about your family affairs, there is also the factor that you have to deal with the recovered warriors. Once this is done, you must start well and end well.

Okay, the whole family is here today. Let’s have a happy meal, and you can go your separate ways! "

Most of what Old Dingtou said was something Li Shengli had never expected.

I thought that Old Ding, who had a square head, would give him a scolding like Father Du, but he never imagined that this would be the result.

"Why are you so stunned?

I said that military service is about merit.

Your flaws are not concealed, I won't argue with you, do you still want me to argue with you? "

Seeing that his son-in-law Li Shengli was a little stunned, Old Dingtou didn't explain much. He was optimistic about this young man when he first met him.

It's a pity that the Du family robbed Hu in the process. As a brave general on the battlefield, Lao Ding said that he was a reckless man who couldn't adapt to circumstances, so he was not far from being unlucky.

Old Dingtou's toughness is nothing more than seeing through many things and having his own persistence.

If he really turned out to be a reckless man who didn't understand the situation, the superiors wouldn't let him lead the army.

Next, there was nothing serious to talk about in the Ding family. After eating and chatting with each other, the family banquet dispersed.

Nowadays, Lao Dingtou is also involved in lawsuits, and the matter in the southwest is still unresolved and inconclusive.

There was also a working team at the guest house, so Ding Lan and his wife were left alone there.

This is also the reason why the five tigers of the Ding family did not let their daughter-in-law come over. There was no result in cooperating with each other. You and your family are chatting about family relationships here, while you are crying from house to house in the southwest, right?

For many things, you have to show your attitude to everyone.

As for Ding Yong and others, as Old Dingtou said, after he took on most of the responsibilities, he had nothing to do with them.

Whether it’s about merit or guilt, we can’t talk about it until the matter is finalized.

For this reason, Li Shengli did not stay in the southwest for long. He picked up the Guan brothers and sisters, took the contact person here, drove four Stypunk six-wheel drive vehicles reserved in the southwest, and left this right and wrong early. place.

The Stipunk six-wheel drive reserved in the southwest is also for Li Shengli's next trip.

When you get to the southwest, you have to walk through Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan.

Even with the Stypunk six-wheel drive, the only way it could go was on the main roads, into the mountains and villages. When Li Shengli left Beijing, he asked Li Huaide to contact him. A handcart was undoubtedly the best choice.

Next, it took Li Shengli more than half a year to travel around Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan.

Medicine mountains, or mountains and forests suitable for growing medicinal materials, or the origins of authentic medicinal materials, are mostly located in remote locations.

In many places, let alone tractors, people are a little disappointed when they walk in.

Thanks to the third front, which has come to an end, and to the smooth progress of the war in the southwest.

Whether it is engineering and technical personnel or the explosives needed to cut mountains and rocks, Li Shengli can easily get them.

If he wanted to get rich, building roads first became Li Shengli's first task during his trip.

The cost of digging mountains, breaking roads, and building bridges over water is now just food, explosives, and steel cables.

When it comes to building bridges seriously, Li Shengli doesn't have the capital or the power to build bridges. He only works at the village level, mostly at the township level.

Communicate with each other as much as possible, ask more voluntary workers in the village, let the township or county and city levels solve the problem of food supply, and Li Shengli will provide a little supplement, and things will be almost done.

There are no new steel cables, only those seized from Southwest China and second-hand ones from the steel rolling mill.

As for the explosives, it's much simpler. Because of the relationship between the father-in-law, Old Dingtou, it doesn't matter how much you need, it's almost the same.

Although there is an old saying that "repairing bridges and repairing roads leaves no corpses", Li Shengli, who repaired bridges and repaired roads, was still very lucky...

(End of this chapter)

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