The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 823: Born at the right time (Part )

Chapter 823: Born at the right time (Part )
"Victory, relying solely on Li Huaide's assessment rules, will the following factories and companies be able to stand firm in the face of the upcoming competition?"

If there is a market, there will be competition, but it is much more serious than the market and price mentioned before.

Because the sea has opened and the boat is sailing, the outcome is completely different whether the boat is sailing in the wind or capsized in the wind and waves.

During the implementation of Li Huaide's assessment rules, many problems in the following factories and enterprises were also discovered.

There are too many people, too many redundant personnel, too many leaders, unsaleable products, and serious inventory backlogs.

These issues cannot be avoided.

The person in charge of the factory is evaluated according to the detailed rules. This is the plan. The early evaluation personnel just want to turn a blind eye.

However, the assessment committee arranged by Mr. Du later is not a freeloader, and the personnel are not fixed.

Which kind of unit is being assessed, there will be professionals in certain fields to assist.

Whether the problem lies with the plan or with the middle and senior management of the factory, this issue must be made clear.

If the family has no source of livelihood, should they steal or rob?

If the factory really puts the blame on the plan, it will be a problem between the First Machinery Department and the Second Lighting Bureau.

What Li Shengli said was irresponsible to Mr. Du.

Of course, some products do not meet the market, which is also one of the reasons why they are unsaleable.

After such a result came out, those who obstructed the assessment before were speechless.

When these types of problems are grouped together, it is not that there are many kinds of problems, but that each kind of problem has its own direction.

Assets, liabilities, and burdens cannot be mixed together.

"Victory, what are these words?

After a public factory goes bankrupt, it still needs to be clear how the factory equipment should be sold and where the workers belong.

Management problems are also diverse. Whether it is a factory in charge of experts or a factory in charge of laymen, many problems also appear repeatedly.

If they get mixed up, whose assets are lost?

After the introduction of the market and the introduction of competition, it is difficult to say whether such products can still stand.

Dad, this problem will be a problem for a long time to come.

Re-employment, for many families, is a pain point for two or even three or four generations.

Once there are too many yellow factories, it will become a big problem.

Not to mention the collapse of a factory, even the collapse of a store will affect the lives of several families.

When Li Huaide was asked to work out the details of the assessment, Li Shengli was also thinking about this issue.

The real solution is ridiculous, and competing with the market is obviously a waste of effort.

We can only take one step at a time.

Once capital is introduced, this capital will include both foreign capital affiliated with capital and the slowly rising private sector.

Apart from being rigid, most of the plans are okay. As a result, the factory will have more problems.

This problem is not only serious, but also urgent.

Among the members of the assessment committee, there were people from the Machinery Department and the Second Lighting Bureau, who would not easily let the factory director blame the problem on the plan.

The most intuitive problem is that some factories do not even have a thorough understanding of basic technologies.

There are too many corrupt factories, and once those factories employing thousands or tens of thousands of people are corrupted, the problem will become serious.

The proportion of unqualified products is too high, which is not only the reason for slow sales, but also the reason for inventory.

"Dad, some factories are not invincible."

What’s the future for workers?

I don't have any good suggestions on how to solve it.

Nowadays, factories all over the country employ hundreds of people. Once they fail, there will be hundreds of families without income.

But some issues still need to be made clear.

Build another factory, and don’t talk about money. What if the management still can’t keep up?
Does the re-employment you mentioned include this situation? "

This is obviously not a casual problem. Once it is pointed out, he can make some suggestions on how to solve such a problem.

During the current assessment, we found not only attitude problems, but also various product problems.

In general, the failure rate of products produced by many factories below has reached a staggering level.

Father Du's question also pointed directly at the pain point. Thinking of being laid off, it was difficult for Li Shengli to guess how he dared to do it in the first place.

If the factory collapses, where will the workers go?
Should we build another factory or ignore it?

Laziness is undoubtedly the biggest problem. It is the same whether you do a good job or not.

Slow-moving goods and inventory may seem to be the same thing, but there is a big difference inside.

It is truly irresponsible to package and sell workers with the factory in the form of dumping the burden.

If someone wants to shirk the blame, but the opponent refuses to take the blame, they have to put their horses and horses on the line to investigate.

If these two problems are not resolved, it is better to let the factory remain abandoned than to sell it at will.

Because after the market develops, our income level will inevitably increase, and prices will also increase.

The factory land may also increase in value accordingly.

This is the dividend of the times. If it doesn’t work, we have to wait until the land price rises and then sell the land to protect the workers..."

Listening to the wise son-in-law's answer, Father Du frowned.

This is also a series of problems, and this problem is somewhat far-reaching.

Real estate is also very popular abroad, especially on the island. There are many, many lands that have increased hundreds of times. This is also an issue that people do not shy away from during the investigation.

This also involves future urban development. The problems here are not as simple as market and price issues.

"It seems that we have considered the problem too simply...

The burden of such a change is far greater than expected..."

After sighing twice, Father Du began to sit down at his desk and write something.

Seeing Du Lao slowly sinking into it, Li Shengli stood up and exited the living room.

"Shengli, your dad won't cause any trouble recently, right?

Why did I hear people in the courtyard say that he has offended a lot of people recently? "

As soon as he went out, Li Shengli was stopped by his mother-in-law, Sister Fu, who was waiting in the courtyard.

Ever since I saw Ping An and his five wild monkeys, Sister Fu's spirit has become much stronger than before.

"Mom, don't worry about these things.

I can't control it.

There will definitely be mistakes and there will definitely be troubles, but now that the wind and rain have stopped, there will be no dangers.

Dad also has his own ideas. Now is the time to realize his ideas, right? "

Listening to her son-in-law's comfort, Sister Fu also frowned like Father Du in the room.

Although the Du family and his wife have not experienced serious wind and rain, they have really seen what it is like. At this time, Sister Fu obviously didn't believe it if she said there was trouble or no danger.

"Sheng Li, your dad told me something about you.

If something goes wrong, don't listen to your dad. You will be responsible for safety. "

The Du family and his wife are also aware of the bad reputation of son-in-law Li Shengli in the industry, not to mention the bad things like three wives and four concubines.

The reputation of a son-in-law is higher than that of a sponsor or a sponsor. Although two years is not a long time, it is not a short time either.

The reputation of specializing in trauma treatment has gradually become a legend on the lips of many people.

After being confirmed by Lao Du in the family, Sister Fu also knew that her son-in-law's expertise in treating trauma was not a legend.

When it comes to danger, in Sister Fu's opinion, her son-in-law is more reliable than Lao Du in the house.

“Mom, just do what you want.

If there is a problem, we will move it as soon as possible.

Mom, I don’t want to stay here too long, I’m going to leave now…”

After agreeing to his mother-in-law, Sister Fu, Li Shengli stayed at Du's house for a while before leaving as usual.

In many things, just like the old saying in martial arts, the sword is hidden. Uncle Li Shengli has offended many people along the way.

The reason why Li Shengli is so stable today is that he still doesn't show up to others.

With him here, as long as it's not a fight in the official career, 99% of the problems can be solved by Jianghu means. The rest is just because there are too many people and they don't dare to do it.

On the bright side, Father Du and the men in Haizi are struggling as if they were sailing against the current.

Only pushers like Li Shengli, who are hiding in the dark, can sail with the wind.

Many things have a driving force behind the scenes, some are the same as before, and some have changed.

At the end of March, a special transport train from the southwest delivered almost a full truckload of rails to the steel rolling mill.

The only difference was the wood and stone that Li Shengli and Ding Laosan wanted.

The wood is called Yuehuang, the stone is called jade stone, and many of the woods are also the beams and columns of serious buildings.

Although it was just a part of the special transport train, it took the transport teams in Madianji, Wali and Shanshan a full five days to transport these materials one by one to the large yard being built behind Shanshan Village.

And this is just the first train. There will be at least a few more in the future. It is uncertain whether it will be a few or more than a dozen.

Nowadays, many people in the southwest just know that they will return with a great victory, but they don't know that Ding Laosan's real trophy is three heads.

Many things can only be described as a complete victory to the outside world. As for the loss of the losing party, it is really impossible to say. To say so would be a crime.

Because of the beheading, Ding Laosan is currently in solitary confinement in the southwest!

This is not the same as in the early years. There was also talk of beheading generals and dedicating their heads. Ding Laosan's charlatanism also made a group of veterans in the southwest fall into disgrace. This is something that no one would have thought of, right?
In addition to the rails, there are also a large number of sleepers there. This was also obtained by Li Huaide of the steel rolling mill through the relationship with the Second Machinery Department, using imported old equipment.

Now Li Huaide has also withdrawn from the list of implementing assessment rules. The reason can only be for protection.

As the assessment progresses, and as the assessment committee becomes more and more angry, the implementation of the assessment details has really begun.

The assessment committee is very angry, and the reason is very simple. Most of the factories that have problems just push the problems to the planning with a wave of their hands.

One person is like this, and so is a group of people. The final assessment results are not without planning factors, but the slackness of most people is also obvious.

This angered the First Machinery Department and the Second Lighting Bureau who participated in the assessment committee. Even the ministries and commissions could not bear some of the blame.

Many people also saw the opening of Haier, the first visit, the introduction of investment, and the rise of the wind, plus the debates and discussions between Mr. Du and the above.

The discerning people in the ministries and commissions did not intend to take the blame for the times. The implementation of detailed assessment rules and the adjustment of product structure had to be put on the agenda of the First Machinery Department and the Second Light Industry Bureau as necessary things.

Most of today's discerning people are elite athletes who have experienced various sports events.

Actions such as knowing the autumn with a leaf and moving when the wind blows are also performed skillfully.

Many things are blocked by mountains and rivers from bottom to top.

From top to bottom, it's almost like lifting a weight with ease.

Because of the frequent blame-shifting, the assessment targets set by ministries and commissions also focus on the middle and senior management of factories and enterprises.

After changing the management team and conducting corresponding employee assessments, the workload will be minimal for the First Machinery Department and the Second Lighting Bureau.

Southwest is busy with transportation, companies are busy with assessments, and the market below has also become active.

The emergence of the first private enterprise organization, the self-employed, is undoubtedly a manifestation of this activity.

The products circulating in the market, as Li Shengli said before, are unsalable and overstocked by various business units.

Because under the current supply, the commodities and materials available are indeed limited.

Grain and the like can only be regarded as niche products, but national food stamps have become hard currency among commodities.

Different from before, some simple rules and regulations also entered the trial stage with the initial activity.

Although this type of rules and regulations have not been rigorously demonstrated, the actual results achieved are very good.

Paying taxes, which is a distant word for many people, is also slowly becoming popular among people.

When the market moves, problems will arise. Some elites who escaped from the market in the early years of the Republic of China also put forward their opinions.

Although market and management are complementary to each other, they are also contradictory to each other.

These people don't care about speculation, but they don't agree with the trial rules and laws.

According to them, it was too much intervention.

Now, business issues can also be addressed directly.

After receiving the feedback, Li Shengli naturally had to go to the Du family's small building again.

After hearing the feedback relayed by Father Du, Li Shengli curled his lips and smiled, directly letting Old Du see clearly the attitude of the virtuous son-in-law.

"Sheng Li, if you have something to say, say it. Smiling is not your attitude."

The good son-in-law's gaze was precise, and Father Du also found the source. The Hong Kong City side was almost the source of this precise gaze.

There is no way, people like Father Du, even if they are persuaded, still have to find the source of the theory.

As for the strict management of the market or the strict management of Chinese businessmen, there is no one in Hong Kong City that can match it.

The title of raw herbal medicine seller that had previously caused resentment to the virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli has disappeared in the port city, and has been replaced by drug dealers, or drug raw material suppliers, similar to those in foreign countries.

The journey of carrying him out of the herbal medicine store in Hong Kong City alone was difficult, and the origin of many things became clear to Mr. Du.

“Dad, I have said before that our market is different from foreign markets.

Our market has never been a self-owned market.

This point must also be said on the table.

Because this is related to our physical constitution. To put it bluntly, our market must not only have a bottom line, but also require moral quality.

It is possible without prohibition by law, but it cannot exist for a long time in our market.

In the early stage, it is possible, but in the middle stage, public order and good customs are also restrictions.

Whoever breaks through this point will not be exempted from punishment, and it is impossible to escape unscathed.

You can't just throw shit into our market and run away with the market dividends.

Such objects are secondary targets outside the law..."

(End of this chapter)

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