The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 822: Sailing Against the Current (Part )

Chapter 822: Sailing Against the Current (Part )

Li Shengli was thinking about how busy Father Du was, while Wang Qianjin was busy drinking water and eating.

Along the way, Wang Qianjin not only had the pleasure of sailing with the wind, but also had the difficulty of sailing against the current.

Not to mention anything else, just going back and cooperating with those who had their weapons disarmed by him, there were a lot more scenes of swords and swords.

Some people did exactly what Li Shengli said, and the money they spent was really scrapped together.

At the beginning of the transaction, the person did not plan to give money to get the goods, but planned to receive both money and goods.

After Wang Qianjin's men disarmed, just as Li Shengli thought, one or two weapons were lost, so they could cover up.

If a platoon of weapons is thrown away, someone will really squat on the fence.

Fortunately, Wang Qian returned in time, and most of the people were able to shake hands with him and make peace.

But there are also those who cannot afford it, and once again have the idea of ​​​​taking advantage of others.

This guy is also speculating and doing too much business, completely forgetting the role of food stamps in normal travel.

"Damn it!
It really echoes the old saying, people have thousands of faces and their hearts are ever-changing.

Private companies cannot appear in the first position. This is also the current consensus.

When going out, everyone has to put dozens of dollars in their vests and pants, plus 180 kilograms of national food stamps.

This can be regarded as a relationship in the storm. Through the greetings from Du Lao, Li Shengli also wanted Wang Qianjin and Madianji's construction cooperative to become famous in the south.

Wang Qianjin is also a person who has never seriously suffered from hunger. In the recent period, no matter what he has eaten down there, he has gained some weight.

“It’s good to know!
Since you have taken over Huo Sheng's business, I will give you at most two years to complete it.

When he got off the train, Wang Qianjin was still thinking about having a good meal before going out, but his brother-in-law Li Shengli kept asking questions, and he was starving.

As soon as Wang Qianjin said this, he had an aftertaste of it. Their uncle had seen a lot of this kind of thing during the storm.

What happened to the public construction company? This time I asked them to do small jobs for me, grandpa..."

But if he sets up a company by himself, he won't be able to go anywhere, because since the establishment of public-private partnerships, there are no such rules.

Although there are some previous examples of public-private partnerships, until the first person to take advantage of them appears, this matter can only be left alone.

Only then can it be considered that the construction company over there was given a real slap in the face!
When you get back, don't talk about it anymore. We are in the south, and our main focus is high speed and efficiency..."

Food stamps are small, so you can bring more. If you don't have money, you can, but without food stamps, people can really starve to death. "

Wang Qianjin was talking about the high spirits after sailing against the current, but Li Shengli focused on the cold wind that followed.

Two years is still a long time, so let's work in three shifts. It's best to complete the project in one year, and half a year is the limit. If you can't finish the rest, let's leave it to the construction company.

After eating and drinking enough, Wang Qianjin left in a hurry this time. He only brought money but no food stamps.

If you finish the work in two years, it will still be three years' wages; if you finish it in one year, it will still be three years' wages.

This is the same problem Wang Qianjin faces now. In the name of Madianji Construction Cooperative, he can go all the way to the south.

There are countless people who are boasting on the stage one moment, and then being pinned down on the stage the next.

As for losing the gun, whether they die or live has nothing to do with Wang Qianjin.

The real ownership of the first private company can only be the commercial consortium in Shanghai, and the meaning of this is also different.

After becoming famous in one battle, it was a matter of sailing with the wind.

Neither Li Shengli nor Wang Qianjin has such qualifications now.

Wang Qianqian felt ashamed of complaining to the waiter on the train, or using money to buy food stamps, so he went to Beijing hungry all the way.

If this type of person really wants to return their firearms, they might even get worse.

"Grandson, doesn't it feel good to be hungry?
After returning home, tell Xiao Hu that each of our men must prepare a military shoulder bag containing thousands of dollars and hundreds of kilograms of food stamps.

This shit, some people shouldn't give them face.

"Grandson, the situation is very good now..."

When it came time to eat people, the sharp teeth of Li Shengli and his uncle Li Shengli were shining with blood just like in the wind and rain.

You create a high-efficiency, high-quality, and high-tech model there.

Grandpa has grown so big that no one except Lao Wang in my family dares to throw anything in my face!
Grandchildren, this time Grandpa will make sure they don’t get off stage when he goes back.

It's just that this favorable wind can only be borrowed for about two years, and there will be a period of uncertainty after that.

Xiao Hu and the others are good players at this game. If they are prepared in advance, the opponent will not even have a chance to shoot.

This is especially true when boating against the current. Once the current is too strong, not only will the boat recede with the current, but it may also capsize in the blink of an eye.

After explaining everything to his brother-in-law Wang Qian, Li Shengli asked him to contact Feng Jin.

Without a name, a name, and no performance, Wang Qianjin and the Construction Cooperative had to swim against the current.

When sailing with the wind, wind is the key. When the wind changes, you have to stop the boat and lower the sails.

After I was so hungry, I forgot to eat...

You can talk to Huo Sheng about this. We can finish it for him in three years. It’s three years’ worth of money.

For such people, Wang Qianjin was also direct, giving them a lesson, disarming them again, and not caring about their life or death.

For many individuals, the road to a company is like sailing against the current to make a living. Fortunately, there is a relatively loose affiliation.

Without this kind of temporary loan relationship, many people who tested the water in advance would probably have floated on the water long ago...

When Wang Qianjin comes back this time, his business besides importing used clothes will also start.

Those are some usable items among the waste, old TVs, radios, and washing machines are just a few of them.

Apart from other things, after the import of scrap began, Li Huaide of the steel rolling mill became concerned that there was a shortage of materials for engines, tires, bearings, brake systems, and various electronic components on vehicles.

If the body of the car does not take up too much space, it is possible to get a second-hand complete car.

For the resale of such old items, Li Shengli also asked Lao Li to do follow-up replenishment like old TVs, which was regarded as a measure to compensate for taxes.

This is not because Li Shengli is not making money, this is an endorsement!
Without the second-hand equipment endorsement required by the Second Machinery Department, there may be a lawsuit from the Jinmen Port Materials Company in the future.

Although primitive accumulation is all bloody, Li Shengli will not keep it open if it is an obvious loophole that violates laws and regulations.

After the storm, being a law-abiding and good citizen is not just a lie.

Including Wang Qianjin who is engaged in construction in the south, he will still have to pay taxes after being affiliated.

These certificates or endorsements are the talisman for the king to move forward in the future. When sailing against the current, you must always bring a lifebuoy.

Here Li Shengli and uncle Wang Qinjin are busy working, but Father Du in the office feels like the tide has lifted all boats.

After negotiating to return home, we passed by the island and contacted again. The 30% of the income proposed by Father Du was mentioned as gossip.

But the wealthy people on the island agreed. Panasonic, as the first company on the island to eat crabs, also accepted the ticket with 30% of the revenue.

Over there, Yun Danfeng accepted the ticket lightly, but the people who contacted him were no longer calm. Although the profits of electronic products are high, there is no precedent for this in the world.

The gossip was just a test, but the people were sincere. Even Father Du, who was sitting in front of the telegraph machine, had never thought of such an ending.

Come back and continue the debate and discussion. There is a huge gap between industry and agriculture and a big market of one billion people. The island must rely on the dividends from the development of the market here to offset the risks of harvesting in the United States.

These were completely vague theories, and they were brought up again by Father Du. This time, the weight was completely different from before.

This means that the arrival of a new era will also bring different economic relationships, which is also an economic issue worthy of in-depth study.

The island's ticket to go against the current trend also forced a group of people who were really swimming against the current to look back and re-examine the billion-person market that Du Lao mentioned.

Without the support of appropriate economic theory, debates and discussions can only end in deadlock.

Whether the first ticket is an isolated case or a trap is also a question.

If the other party deliberately accepts to block the entry of subsequent foreign capital, it cannot be avoided.

Dad Du, who was blushing but failed to achieve his goal, naturally wanted to ask Li Shengli for clarification.

If someone really agreed to the ticket, it would be more trouble than if the matter was unresolved.

This is a question of whether you dare or not. If you continue to close it, will it block foreign investment?

If people accept it, is it too low to use 30% of the income as a ticket?
Who will ultimately pay for the 30% of income paid by others?
What if the price of domestic goods is higher than the price of foreign goods?
If the price of goods is still lower than the international market even after taking 30% of other people's shares, what economic theory is supporting it?

These are just some of the questions in the debate. Father Du put them in front of Li Shengli. How to answer them is also head-scratching.

“Dad, if we start from the beginning, we still have to talk about the scissors difference between industry and agriculture.

In our market, we are the leader.

Foreign prices are only our reference. We need to establish our own price system.

Because our constitutions are different from those of the United States and Japan, our economic models will also be different.

If you copy it directly, everyone in the country will be fighting for it.

The establishment of this price system is the real key.

For products with the same purpose and similar craftsmanship, if we buy one piece and they sell it for a hundred yuan, we need to come up with a basis for pricing.

The price of an item is not determined by what the factory says. The factory has the power to set the price, but our power of supervision does not allow for any laxity.

The price system in today's market does need to be adjusted.

But how to adjust is the real problem..."

Hearing that Li Shengli, the virtuous son-in-law, did not answer a question, but instead offered a more profound explanation of pricing power, Father Du frowned deeply.

"Sheng Li, you mean to let the market set the price?"

Father Du understood the meaning of the wise son-in-law's words.

It's just the market that sets the price, that's where the real problem lies.

If nothing else, a single grain cannot be priced casually.

If you set a price of one piece, I'm afraid most people will not be able to afford a meal.

Today's price system is indeed unfair to grain growers.

The price is not good, the feedback is too little, and the existence of the scissor gap is also supported by clear theories in the north.

The development of industry needs to be supported by agricultural profits. Although the profits of agriculture are not obvious, it is the hidden profit point of agriculture that allows most people to eat.

“That’s pretty much what it means, but food, clothing, housing and transportation, which are related to people’s livelihood, cannot be priced by the market.

It’s not that we can’t let the market set the price, but that we need a certain economic foundation.

Without this economic foundation, once the grain market is liberalized, it will probably be a disaster.

Similarly, resources and some important industries cannot be priced by the market.

In addition to the need to designate a group of these industries, some industries still need to be looked at in the market.

This road is also the real road of sailing against the current. If you don't do it a little bit, many problems will break out directly.

Dad, these questions are actually professional economic questions. It is still a bit inappropriate to ask me directly. "

Listening to the wise son-in-law slowly explaining the problem from simple to deep, Father Du's brows furrowed even more tightly.

In this scene, neither progress nor retreat is possible. Just as the wise son-in-law said, it is like sailing against the current, taking three steps and taking two steps back. The real difficulty is between advancing and retreating.

"Then who to ask?"

As soon as Father Du asked with concern, he patted his forehead.

My son-in-law has an economics class, and the office also has an economics class. Since the establishment of the economics class, many scholars from various countries have come to take classes.

Later, because the lectures were too complicated, the economics class in the office began to focus on the economic models of Japan and the United States.

Now the guest in the economics class is a doctor of economics from a university on the other side of the ocean. These questions are indeed a bit difficult to ask my son-in-law.

“Dad, the analysis of the economics class can only be suggestions to us.

How to do it specifically still needs to be tested and confirmed by the market.

Others cannot guide us on our path. We can only learn from other people’s experiences to explore our own path.

If you apply things mechanically, there will definitely be problems in the future.

As we have said before, our big market has never been a self-owned market! "

Hearing that his son-in-law did not give a definite answer this time, Du Lao sighed softly. There would be too much uncertainty, and the next journey would be like sailing against the current.

"Wang Jiazi went to the office to see me and told me about joining a construction company.

Is this also an attempt? "

Nowadays, affiliation is not that simple. Although it is a way, it also depends on the intention of the affiliated unit.

Hearing Dad Du change the topic, Li Shengli knew that Wang Qianjin's request was not accepted by Lao Du.

"So be it!

It is an attempt at technology and efficiency.

It is also an attempt at wage distribution.

There is bound to be competition in the market, and high technology, high efficiency, and high wages must be highly competitive.

The reason for not starting from factories is because construction companies will not lose too completely when faced with competition. They will just not be able to get jobs.

But if this kind of competition comes to factories that actually live by their products, I am afraid that if the factory cannot withstand the impact of competition, it will become a yellow stall..."

The good son-in-law just said that he was sailing against the current, but now the storm is coming again. Thinking about the market and price issues that are difficult to solve, Father Du is also having headaches...

(End of this chapter)

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