The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 798 Dispute (Part )

Chapter 798 Dispute (Part )

The father-in-law and son-in-law were both calm. Seeing that their virtuous son-in-law just had a solemn face and said nothing, Father Du was really scratching his head.

Our virtuous son-in-law, Li Shengli, has always been eccentric in his actions. Today, he and his son-in-law are having trouble talking, and Father Du is not sure whether he will drag people away overnight.

Thinking about the previous conversation between the two about Chinese medicine, sweat slowly formed on Du's forehead.

Based on all the previous events, the good son-in-law Li Shengli said that he was a backup plan that could not be negotiated.

If he were to escape, the current economy would immediately become even worse.

To put it bluntly, the export of medicinal materials and small handicraft products now support most of the foreign exchange.

Once these two are interrupted, the external income of several billions will immediately turn into hundreds of millions. No one can afford such losses.

"Shengli, let's talk calmly. I was the one who got anxious just now."

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Father Du was also decisive and immediately lowered his stance, intending to stabilize the good son-in-law in front of him first.

After listening to Father Du's slow approach, Li Shengli still didn't let go, but insisted:

But before that, whoever blocks my steps, I will regard him as an enemy of orthodoxy and kill him! "

My opinion is that front-line Chinese medicine practitioners should not attend this conference, as they will be disqualified from practicing medicine.

When he met an opponent who was taking one side of the road and had no regard for the overall situation, Father Du knew that there was really no other option but to compromise.

Secondly, we use the TCM clinics in townships as a framework to continuously refine the TCM team.

"It's that simple?"

Listening to the virtuous son-in-law's description, Father Du's face once again showed an inexplicable look.

After listening to his virtuous son-in-law's explanation, Father Du could only sigh in despair. If serious means failed, he could only continue to compromise.

"What you said before about cutting off the lifeblood of hundreds of industries seems not to be a joke.

Nowadays, Niu Bijian cannot be restrained here. Once it is launched in three days as Li Shengli said, it will be a losing game.

"This is not simple. Just to clarify the medical theory, nearly a thousand famous old Chinese doctors from all over the world have been used, and more than a hundred seniors have died on this road.

I have said before that the only overall situation I care about is Chinese medicine, and other overall situations have nothing to do with me..."

It's just that many things shouldn't be rushed.

“Dad, if you must come to mediate and make peace.

In the early stage, barefoot doctors from all over the country were trained in a standardized manner, with Chinese medicine practitioners as their path to advancement.

Although I don't know whether the words of the wise son-in-law are true or false, Father Du really doesn't dare to take a gamble.

When advanced medical equipment from outside comes in, let Du Jiaoyang inject capital to build modern traditional Chinese medicine hospitals in cities across the country where there are no traditional Chinese medicine hospitals.

I have a lot of back-ups, but none of them are directed at myself.

It went without saying at the time, but it has to be said now.

"I understand, I will explain it to Lao Miao.

Although I have practiced some skills, ten or eight ordinary people are no match for me, but these are just the end points.

According to modern scientific deduction, it will definitely take more time, and I don’t see the end.

In the science conference, Dean Zhu from the self-training class still had to lead the team to participate, and he had to make some concessions when negotiating with the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. "

Many things, in the end, may be made clearer by distinguishing interests, right?

Most of the essence of traditional Chinese medicine in mountain villages is written down on paper and can be burned at any time.

Father Du didn't know how such a simple request from Li Shengli or the Chinese medicine doctor could force him to run away.

"Simple, after rectifying the name of traditional Chinese medicine, keep your head down and develop.

After that, it is based on industry, people-oriented, combined with modern chemistry, and an in-depth analysis of traditional Chinese medicine classics.

If you really move me, Niu Bijian from Hong Kong City is my back-up, and the people around Jiaoyang also have my back-up.

Tell me, what kind of situation does your Chinese medicine doctor want? "

At that time, Father Du nodded. Today, he has set such conditions, and Father Du will have to nod his head in the future.

How can there be a lot of unconditional support? It’s just necessary, otherwise, that’s it!
When he said he would support unconditionally, Li Shengli had such a back-up plan.

"Dad, some methods are useless to me.

Eventually, a huge system of Chinese medicine practitioners will be established, and the most complete database of Chinese medicine will be built, so that Chinese medicine can be used by the people.

Over time, Chinese medicine will surely gain new vitality..."

After hearing what Du Lao said was so simple, Li Shengli said that it is not simple to continue the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine.

Before coming here, I had someone notify Hong Kong City. If I don't call back within three days, they will start the operation directly.

The investment in the compilation of Materia Medica is even greater, and the famous veteran Chinese medicine practitioners of this generation will no longer see the completion of the book.

In the midst of the storm, I thought, if anyone tries to mess with me, no one will be able to survive.

Fortunately, the predecessors have worked hard and the basic frameworks are already there. Later people only need to slowly fill in and study slowly.

I vaguely remember that when I told Father Du that I wanted to support him unconditionally, it was for the same reason.

If the ministry or department does not cancel it, someone will naturally ask them to cancel it on their own.

This matter is settled like this. It is difficult to negotiate conditions for many things.

From now on, people in the ministry should not negotiate terms with me.

Let’s talk about it with another group of people..."

Seeing that Li Shengli was not making any progress, nor picking up the pace slowly, but instead getting worse, Father Du also had a headache.

He also recalled his unconditional support, but many times, it is really necessary to put the overall situation first.

The science conference is a continuation of the breaking point of the college entrance examination. It is a step to change the concept. Traditional Chinese medicine is only a part. Compared with the whole situation, the unconditional becomes conditional.

At the same time, Father Du also knew that Miao Xianqiu was obviously a good son-in-law Li Shengli, and he already had the ability to do things across the ministry.

The Chinese medicine practitioners and the ministry have been in constant disagreement since they united the Chinese medicine practitioners in 1958.

Now that there is such a tough person like his own son-in-law, things will be difficult to handle in the future.

"Sheng Li, what do you want me to say about you?

Du Juan and Niu Bijian, let them hand it over, right? "

In desperation, Father Du wanted to use the method of removing the firewood from under the cauldron. This was also a test for the family. If things didn't work out, he could always come back to Huanhuan.

“Dad, this is why I won’t let Jiaoyang return home.

If you say that, then Niu Bijian will withdraw the shares of Xin Yihe.

Now that the power of Jiaoyang has extended to Southeast Asia, we are not short of manpower.

It's just that professional people in the army are more reliable and can also reduce some employment pressure here.

As a result, we will not continue to operate the immigration matter, and there will be one less way to earn foreign exchange.

According to Jiaoyang, the salary of the people working there in recent years has been US$3.5 billion.

After that, it’s a matter of keeping prices down for Chinese patent medicines and small handicraft products.

Although the gaming capital in my hand is only a little bit, this little bit can now allow me to go to the negotiating table to talk.

If you feel that what I said is not strong enough, just take a few years to change your mind.

Let’s try it in advance. What are the consequences of divestment? "

Seeing the virtuous and confident son-in-law in front of him, Du Lao could only sigh helplessly. Now it seems that my virtuous son-in-law has really put all his efforts into Chinese medicine and has reservations about everything he does.

“What’s the big picture in your opinion?”

Keeping an eye on his virtuous son-in-law, this is really a question of principle. If he can't answer it well, it's not that Father Du has no solution.

"Dad, there is no need to test me. If Wang Qianjin goes south, does it mean he is going south?
In my opinion, Chinese medicine is the big picture.

The export of Chinese medicinal materials promoted by traditional Chinese medicine and the export of Chinese patent medicines planned by us, the amount of foreign exchange earned every year is several times that of before, right?

Traditional Chinese medicine is also very effective in treating some difficult and complicated diseases in rural areas.

In addition to colds, fevers, and diarrhea, Western medicine is expensive to treat other illnesses.

Today's rural population, even if they have medical insurance, cannot afford such expenses.

Ever since the barefoot doctors went to the countryside, the savings in medical funds in various places have been increasing year by year.

This can be directly counted and will be reported below.

Before I asked you to calculate the average life expectancy in the following years.

In fact, there is no need to make statistics. If you just look at the civil affairs department, you will get very intuitive data on the number of deaths of elderly people over 60 years old in rural areas.

If Western medicine wants to build a medical system that benefits 800 million farmers, ten years may not be enough, right?
Without a group of barefoot doctors who mainly focus on traditional Chinese medicine, how will the transition be made in the next ten years?

The harvesting, planting and processing of Chinese medicinal materials can benefit more people.

Increasing income with small craftsmanship and maintaining medical care with barefoot doctors, isn't this the overall situation?

What do economy and technology have to do with today’s rural areas?

Didn’t the master’s department I mentioned earlier divide rural areas and cities into two completely different groups?

Our industrial and agricultural scissor gap needs to be balanced. Small handicraft industry, and the subsequent collective economy of towns and villages, is the means of balancing.

The interspersed period of Chinese medicine can also play a role in bonding.

Dad, isn't this enough?

Dad, there is one more thing I want to explain, just like what we said before.

I must use Jiaoyang’s capital first. If I can’t use it, other industries won’t use it at all.

Forcibly intervening will block the speed of collecting technology from Jiaoyang. "

After the dispute and showdown, Li Shengli's words left Du Lao somewhat speechless.

Only then did he deeply feel what it felt like to have his capital and resources held by others.

In the past, it was said with the mouth and listened with the ears, but the feeling was not profound. Now the wise son-in-law put this profoundness clearly in front of his eyes.

This feeling is really depressing.

"What you said makes sense, but many things must be done step by step and cannot be accomplished overnight.

Since you have a certain say in the Chinese medicine community, why can't you be more tolerant? "

Although my virtuous son-in-law holds the truth, now is also the time for Du Lao and others to realize their claims.

Again, traditional Chinese medicine is only a part of the overall situation. No matter how much Li Shengli is involved in it, it will not become the overall situation.

"Dad, the tolerance of Chinese medicine started in 2008 and ended in 1958.

Thirty years of tolerance only resulted in unity among Chinese medicine practitioners, which shows that tolerance is useless.

Situations are fought out, not given up.

You know this better than I do. Since there are five million barefoot doctors down there, it doesn't matter to us whether there are Chinese medicine doctors in the city or not.

Five million people, with half a percent of the talent, would be more useful than the current front-line Chinese medicine practitioners.

Traditional Chinese medicine has reached the point of no return, so I believe that there is no way to retreat even one step.

In the future, Chinese medicine practitioners will not only refuse to diagnose, but we will also fight back when someone forces us to do so.

Those who really need attention are protected by barefoot doctors.

It’s just Dad, what I am facing now may be something you will face soon too.

City or countryside, you have to choose one.

I have countermeasures, that is, Chinese medicine has countermeasures.

Do you have one?
Do you have a small craft business? "

Listening to what the wise son-in-law said, Father Du's hands couldn't help but tremble.

After thinking about it as a good son-in-law, Father Du's face became particularly ugly.

In this time of year, without the help of his virtuous son-in-law and daughter, he really has no countermeasures.

Wang Xie, Du Ding, still has some influence in the official career, and he is really in line with the overall situation, but it is nothing more than a pebble shaking a tree.


What a victory!
How should I break the situation if faced with it? "

When it came to his own opinions, Father Du put Lao Miao and Lao Lu aside.

He doesn’t want to work hard for several years and just fetch water from a bamboo basket.

Looking at the stern-faced master and wise son-in-law, a helpless smile appeared on Father Du's face.

Pushing in all directions is ultimately not as good as taking the wrong side of the sword.

Thinking back to the time when the boss in the office said he didn't like his son-in-law, I'm afraid the boss at that time had already understood the methods of the son-in-law and didn't point them out. It was just that the son-in-law was dedicated to serving the public good.

It's just that it's really scary for such a person to stop serving the public and turn to selfish interests.

“Of course it’s the same old saying, make friends and defeat your enemies.

Someone can control it but no one can control it, but things cannot be decided with just one word.

Niu Bijian's technical outline will also be handed over.

At science conferences, it will inevitably be pointed out that technology is the key to breaking the situation.

This is what many people want to see. Even if no one can control it, it still has to be coerced.

After pointing out technology, it is nothing more than looking at the world with open eyes. But as Lin Gong said in the late Qing Dynasty, sometimes things are so similar?
Whether to introduce it, buy it, or get it yourself. Once you have the outline, go out and see the world, and you will have the result.

You don't have to ask for help or spend money. As for those with ulterior motives, they have no way out because of the outline.

By taking history as a mirror, we can know not only the gains and losses, but also the people's hearts.

Since ancient times, people's hearts are the most unpredictable. "

Looking at the virtuous son-in-law who was obviously criticizing him, what else could Father Du do?
He could only smile helplessly.

Thinking of being a good son-in-law who would use his trump cards little by little to teach himself how to deal with future situations in the face of his own pressure.

Father Du also hates Miao Xian a little. If he doesn't like Li Shengli's clothes, Old Du won't worry about it.

A wise son-in-law said that people's hearts are the most unpredictable since ancient times. I am afraid that what he meant was Lao Miao's advice to his blind father-in-law.

After the dispute, Father Du also understood that a good son-in-law is a good son-in-law, and as for other people, they are all people with ulterior motives.

It seemed like the wise son-in-law should do as he said, not go to the science conference and let the old seedlings hang in the air.

Thinking of the word coercion in the words of the wise son-in-law, Father Du couldn't help but become curious, wanting to see who was trying to coerce his in-laws...

(End of this chapter)

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