The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 786 Taking Advantage of the Situation (Part )

Chapter 786 Taking Advantage of the Situation (Part )
When they arrived at the Madianji Canteen, Li Shengli went to the chef Xu Laoqi to make arrangements. After Wang Qian came in, no one was watching him.

Today, the Madianji Canteen has become a catering and accommodation complex covering an area of ​​​​50 acres.

In addition to meals and accommodation, there are also bathhouses owned by the village.

In addition to washing, scissors, shaving, and massaging and bathing, I don’t dare to have any other projects these days. This is really terrible now.

Li Shengli came early, so he took Xiao Hu to the bathhouse to wash and shave first.

After a while, Wang Qian arrived. Li Shengli left Xiao Hu at the bathhouse and took his brother-in-law to the small courtyard arranged in advance.

"I said, grandson, your bad moves have suppressed me.

I asked Zhang Song from the self-training class to touch it, and he stared at me at least three times.

There are still one or two groups, Zhang Song is not sure, but he is obviously a master.

Why the hell am I just going to see someone, do you think someone with a special streak is staring at me?

Go home and ask Lao Wang to sort out the following relationships for you, and say hello to Lao Du.

There will definitely be some action over the pass in the next two years. Ma Fengxia's father is in charge of the construction cooperative in Madianji Village.

I’ll tell you the things to note in two days. Today I just want to talk to you.

After the meeting, the situation changed slightly, which was why Li Shengli wanted to meet in secret.

Disciples are not allowed to engage in business, which is a matter of immediate concern. Many disciples do not have such a long-term vision.

Belonging to the large dining hall, there are Chinese-style courtyards, Western-style two-story buildings, and buildings that combine Chinese and Western styles.

If you eat well, your body shape will naturally be better. In these years of hanging out in the city, your food is not bad, and you are gradually becoming plump.

When he recognized his godmother and became Wang Xie's talisman, Wang Qianjin also took risks.

From the time he visited his godmother to the end of the meeting, Wang Qianjin was being stared at.

With people majoring in architecture on hand to guide and teach, the Madianji Construction Cooperative is still somewhat advanced.

Make some preparations during this time and follow Xiao Hu down to do some business and make some money.

There are rules in the self-training class, and there is no way Li Shengli would let Wang Er fool around in the self-training class.

For the younger generation, getting rich by doing business is a sign of downfall. Only those who are serious about their official career can inherit the family legacy.

With Ma Brigade as her father and Ma Laosan as the master butcher in the family, Ma Fengxia had a good meal as the other members of Bimadianji.

Ma Fengxia, if you really think this guy is disgusting, you must tell me.

Looking at Wang Er, who was still stunned, Li Shengli shook his head and laughed.

If you are not satisfied with this person, I will find a home for you, so don’t harm him..."

You may also know Ma Fengxia, the health worker in Madianji, who has gone to college.

When he opened the door and saw Ma Fengxia, who was dressed up, Wang Er stared straight at Wang Qinjin, who was thinking about something, and Li Shengli felt that he didn't owe him anything.

White gloves and agents, in Li Shengli’s opinion, women are better.

The construction company belongs to Madianji Village, and the real estate company belongs to you.

"Grandson, you still understand me, let alone a woman. Even if you give me a molted old sow, I won't mind it."

In Li Shengli's opinion, Ma Fengxia is not good-looking, but she is not ugly either. She is considered to be above average in appearance.

Although he was lucky enough to avoid it, his official career was considered to be over.

You can take this person to see my sister, and you can also entrust her with part of your family fortune in the future.

It’s done, you two are a couple, if it really doesn’t work, don’t force it together.

"Lao Li, you have your heart, but you still understand me."

Your grandson is really harmful! "

I have a business for you to do, and you have to choose this person even if you don’t choose. "

After the last visit, although you can stay in the city, you won't be able to do anything good.

Xiao Hu's business should be easy for you to do.

I plan to ask you to go south and set up a construction company and a real estate company.

As a man, if you see a lot and make a lot of money, you will inevitably have relapses that are difficult to control.

"Let's talk after entering the house. I have found a wife for you. Although she is not a perfect candidate, she is absolutely reliable.

Before entering the house, Li Shengli also informed his brother-in-law Wang Qian.

"Don't talk about these useless things.

Leaving the two of them to get acquainted in the small courtyard, Li Shengli also took the opportunity to visit the large canteen in Madianji.

He didn't know Wang Qianjin's aesthetics. Judging from his current appearance as a pig brother, Ma Fengxia should still be pleasing to the eye.

It's not that this grandson has never thought about it, it's just that after being dealt with by Li Shengli, he no longer dares to have such thoughts.

I asked you to come here just to see people, why, you still want to do it in front of me?

Some people will not give up so easily.

Because the house was built early, it is a brick and blue-tiled house with a few auditorium-style canteens.

The buildings here still have the flavor of a garden landscape. If they are not demolished and kept in the future, they can also be used as a landscape.

Before completing one lap, Li Shengli was blocked halfway by the master master Xu Laoqi. Looking at Xu Laoqi who was hesitant to speak, he said angrily:

"If you have something to say or something to say, just talk to Wang Qingping about placing people. As long as the person can be used, no one will stop you."

After hearing Li Shengli's displeasure, Xu Laoqi sneered and said:
"Shengli, have you accepted the little girl in your courtyard?

This girl is just a little girl. She is good at studying, but my third son is not good at studying. I want her to take the college entrance examination for my third son, if he can get into college.

We are all members of the same family, and I will not treat her badly. "

After hearing Xu Laoqi's cunning ideas, Li Shengli also laughed angrily.

“Get out!
Xu Xiaoya is a member of our courtyard. Your bullshit third son is uneducated and has no skills, so he will just stay in the village and eat dirt.

To take the exam, you have to squat on a fence.

If you keep teasing this matter, I will let Ma Laosan capture your son.

Go back and give me a message. Who in your family is trying to make bad ideas about Xu Xiaoya again?

I will let your whole family starve to death in Madianji Village.

You bastard, if you have nothing to do to piss me off, get the hell out of here..."

In other words, Li Shengli didn't have Xu Laoqi as one of his own, otherwise he would have to give him a flying kick.

After driving away the whimsical Xu Laoqi, Li Shengli also sighed.

Women really don't have much status in the village, especially Ma Fengxia and Xu Xiaoya.

But having said that, these things are understandable. They are just for food and a better life.

Young women who go to the countryside marry and earn a living in the village, and young women in the village almost have the same fate.

It is not easy to support oneself in the village. Women earn 70% of their work points or less, so it is difficult to save any money.

The substitute examination that Xu Laoqi mentioned is not a rare thing. Substitute examination, impersonation, etc. are not something that exists now.

We are people of the new era, but our survival experience has been passed down for thousands of years. There are naturally many smart people and living Pan-humans in various places.

If nothing else, such private companies affiliated with Zhejiang Wanxiang already exist, and have existed for many years, and people like performance pay have been implemented.

This is talking about now, this is also a scene that Du Lao has seen. If you really want to talk about it, in this day and age, such an agricultural machinery factory alone is enough to recruit several people and managers to go shooting. Doing business and working alone is not an isolated phenomenon. Omi Shishi will be a town named Xiaogang City in the future.

During the meeting, an information film called "Iron-Evidence" was made, and Li Shengli was not qualified to watch the film.

But I know what I'm talking about. There are more than 900 stalls in this town, as well as black factories and workshops with shops in the front and factories in the back.

The market covers everything from food and clothing to pesticides and fertilizers.

In Li Shengli's opinion, this is a good thing, but in the opinion of some people, it should be cut off ruthlessly.

This was a market that survived the storm and was called Minnan Warm Wind at that time.

Therefore, sometimes there is no distinction between right and wrong.

Being annoyed by Xu Laoqi, Li Shengli didn't even bother to look at the cafeteria.

There was nothing he could do about the substitute exams in the college entrance examination, there was always someone willing.

But in a market like Minnan Nuanfeng, Li Shengli is willing to get involved.

If it doesn’t happen this year, it won’t happen next year, and it will happen the year after that.

Many things are not that complicated to do, they are just forced by the situation.

After returning to campus, he coughed a few times and pushed open the door. Looking at Ma Fengxia, who was blushing and adjusting her clothes, and Wang Qianjin, who looked unsatisfied, Li Shengli shook his head. He was also young.

"That's almost it. Look how anxious you are.

You, Ma Fengxia, are the same. Are you no longer reserved?
Only when you hold it up can a man respect you and take whatever you ask for. As time goes by, he will get tired of it...

Lao Wang, what do you think? "

After approving the two of them, Li Shengli got back to the topic. Many things really depended on Wang Qianjin's choice.

"Just do what you say!
Lao Wang at home said that you have no idea what your vision is.

Lao Li, take 10,000 yuan from my share and send it to Fengxia's home. This will be my betrothal gift. "

Ten thousand yuan is not a small amount of money now. Seeing Wang Qianjin's arrogance, Li Shengli waved his hand and asked Ma Fengxia to leave the room. Some things still need to be discussed between the husband and the uncle.

"Old Wang, Ma Fengxia shouldn't be too spoiled, she should be careful.

Don’t sell it to anyone then!
On this trip, Lao Wang is just covering up, don't use those connections.

Xiao Hu has a relationship with Lao Du through his office, so he can use this for safety.

I have a capital of one hundred and eighty thousand, which will be enough when the time comes.

When we get to the checkpoint, I'll ask the people in Hong Kong City to lend you money, and you'll have to keep the accounts clear.

During this time, I'm looking for a few old finance and accountants in the city, the kind who will never find a job in the future.

Although some transactions cannot be recorded now, once you get to the south, you still need to record them clearly.

Paying taxes is a problem and a contradiction.

You are a son, so when doing business, you should also take your own background into consideration.


When you go south, every penny you make must be accounted for.

Tax collection must also be implemented by the above.

Having too much money is not of much use to us, but Du Jiaoyang has plenty of it.

When we get to the south, we can't let those in the city worry. Then I'll teach you how to apply eye drops to those grandsons.

When doing business, we also have to make something unique! "

What Li Shengli said was not about things, but about the future.

Wang Qianjin also put away his contemplative expression and became serious.

"Lao Li, you even criticized the warm wind in southern Fujian at the meeting!
I watched the film with irrefutable evidence at home with Lao Wang.

We men are familiar with this matter, the work in the pigeon market.

I never thought that they were all just talking about one thing and doing another thing.

Lao Wang doesn't like this very much.

From what I heard in the movie, there was a chance that the business would work!

It's okay not to make trouble in the city, because speculation killed me, so it would be unfair. "

Today's Wang Qianjin is also paying attention to the current situation. There is nothing he can do about it. His life is at stake, so it's impossible not to pay attention.

Li Shengli wants to get involved in the warm wind of southern Fujian, and Wang Qianjin is also familiar with it.

Moreover, he didn't watch the movie with irrefutable evidence once or twice, because he and his brother-in-law Li Shengli had done something in the movie during the storm.

In addition to doing pigeon trading, Uncle Lang also did a lot of business without capital, such as knocking bamboo poles.

Even with the women on the left and right, Wang Qianjin had some doubts about whether what he and his brother-in-law were doing was something that everyone would oppose.

Wang Qianjin’s world view is fundamentally different from Li Shengli’s.

After watching the movie, he felt a heavy sense of guilt. This was something Wang Qinjin did not tell his brother-in-law Li Shengli.

Taking a look at Wang Er, there was no trace of worry on his face, and Li Shengli didn't know what he was feeling in his heart.

Even if he knew, he would just laugh and let it go.

Changes have already begun. As the saying goes, if you are poor, you must think about changes. Although we have not reached the end of the road yet, we are not far away.

The so-called poverty is not real poverty, but a crisis brought about by economic development.

There are not enough jobs, insufficient food production, too many employees in the enterprise, and low efficiency. When these are combined together, it really becomes a crisis.

And it's the kind of crisis that forces people into a corner all at once and continues one after another.

Jobs have been eliminated, but efficiency has become lower and lower. Factories and enterprises that originally benefited from this have become in need of financial assistance.

One or two are okay, but problems arise one by one, and there is no practical solution. If there is no solution, we can only resort to outsiders, which is also a choice we have to make in the future.

The distinction between right and wrong is not so clear-cut. Even if he knew Wang Qianjin's inner thoughts, Li Shengli would smile, point his finger and say, "We'll see in two years."

"You don't have eyes or legs?

With Xiao Hu following you, as long as you are not trapped in the kiln, he can take you away no matter what.

So when you go out, stay in a guest house, not on the first floor, but on the second floor anyway.

You should also bring more letters of introduction, work permits, etc., and separate them clearly.

Don't hit blindly, I'm sure you won't die.

You don’t need to take care of others, you just need to take care of yourself and don’t let others hold you down.

If I can’t hold you down, I can’t hold others down.

Don’t we guys still have Lao Du as our backer?

Don't forget Du Peng's father-in-law, that's the one who has the final say.

The warm wind in southern Fujian was also a choice he had to make. If he didn't change it, he would die. Lao Du had already seen it.

Maybe things will go well this time when you go south, and your father-in-law Du Peng can give you a nice word.

With the endorsement of the person who has the final say as a guarantee, your grandson's future journey won't be so bumpy..."

(End of this chapter)

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