The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 785: Taking Advantage of the Situation (Part )

Chapter 785: Taking Advantage of the Situation (Part )
When Ma Fengxia arrived, Li Shengli looked at the female health worker who had been so cheerful when he persuaded her two years ago, and turned into the haggard look she has now, and showed no pity.

He took out his cigarette, pushed the pure copper lighter in front of her, and said:

"Light it up for me."

After Ma Fengxia shakily lit a cigarette for him, Li Shengli curled her lips and asked:
"Are you still interrupting the tossing?
If you don't listen to good people, you will suffer the consequences right in front of you!
Now it's time for good guys to become bad guys. Tell me, what are your plans?
Can the new separatists still learn from it? "

Smoking a cigarette and scanning Ma Fengxia up and down, several years of city life were not in vain.

At least Ma Fengxia, who was not very eye-catching before, now looks a little more beautiful.

This is similar to the eldest sister and second sister from my hometown in Tong County, which is the so-called superiority of city people.

If you don't have to be exposed to wind and rain in the fields every day, your skin color will naturally be much better. If you eat better, you will look better if you have more meat on your body.

“I can’t continue studying.

I was very confused. I thought I was right, but everyone said I was wrong.

I don’t trust people very much. If you went to hang out on the street, I would persuade you several times, and I would also let others persuade you several times.

You still have at least a little bit of reliability.

I'm pulling you for nothing!
But it's not in vain. If you recognize your father and your mother, you are qualified for me.

When we were hanging out in the city, you never said anything about me. Even if someone tested you, you didn't say anything, right?

Do you know my brother-in-law Wang Qianjin?
I plan to sell you to him. He has a good father.

I'm just a little unconvinced. Why do I have to go home and work in farming while the people with me can change their jobs? "

Don't choose me, you're such a rough-and-tumble guy, I really don't like you, you give me this for free, I don't even think it's rough! "

Will this matter?

I have to recognize my parents and brothers. I don’t know how to farm, and I don’t want to study medicine anymore. You’d better sell me!

Li Shengli is also used to doing slimming.

These are basically the four ways I can tell you, take your pick.

Although I don't like you very much because of your deadly nature, you still have advantages.

Furthermore, in a few years, the second generation will no longer be allowed to do business, and besides Wang Qianjin, there will also be someone with white gloves.

I will go south with my brother-in-law in a few days.

If you wanted to sell me out on the street at that time, you would no longer be there, and your whole family would suffer.

In the following years, money is much more beautiful to look at and sound than benevolence, etiquette, and morality. Being small and doing well is better than being a chicken or a duck.

Upon hearing Li Shengli's ridicule and belittling, Ma Fengxia did not cry, but smiled sadly and said:
"Uncle, let me call you uncle!
Although my sister Ma Fenglan is your sister-in-law, in Madianji, I should be called your uncle.

Clean up your mood and go to the new separatist sect in the self-training class again. This is also your way.

If you come out to be Wang Qianjin's mistress, you may not be happy, but you will definitely be rich.

When we meet, should I call her aunt or sister? "

Benevolence, righteousness, etiquette, and morality all depend on how they are taught.

Things at home, outside, and marriage were not going well. Seeing that Ma Fengxia was going to follow the same path as Zhang Ying, Zheng Peilan, and Wang Zhi, Li Shengli, who was at least an acquaintance, decided to give her a hand.

With her by his side, even if Wang Qianjin fails to do his job after going south, he will not delay his business.

Although Ma Fengxia is a woman who doesn't listen to advice, she is reliable, sassy and capable, so she should be a good person in business.

Listening to Ma Fengxia's dissatisfaction, Li Shengli sneered and said:
"Everyone has a good father, do you have one?
Your father plans to sell you to me as his wife, but I don’t like you very much and plans to sell you to someone else. This is your way.

Looking at Ma Fengxia who was still holding her neck, Li Shengli sighed softly. This woman who accepted death was pretty much what he thought.

There are many things that you cannot tell whether they are right or wrong. Just wait and see.

Be ruthless, grit your teeth, deny your parents and brothers, break free from the cage, run out of the village of Madianji, and go out for a while, this is your fourth way.

You think well, and those who advise you are also staring at you.

As far as Ma Fengxia's current situation is concerned, it's not impossible to find someone in the city, but the Ma Brigade may not agree.

"it is good!

But I don’t know who to hate now.

Grief-stricken and unconvinced, I honestly farmed in Madianji, which was considered the third way.

Another point is that Ma Brigade is familiar with architecture. Perhaps selling Ma Fengxia to her brother-in-law Wang Qianjin will be an opportunity for her family to make a leap.

The words are still like this, since you have no intention of studying medicine, I will give you another way to survive.

Li Shengli was somewhat uneasy about letting Wang Qianjin, the fool, take the Madianji construction cooperative south.

If you can answer me, maybe the path I point out will be more suitable for you. "

I don’t accept selling it to a man with a good father!
I just don’t accept it! "

In addition to being reliable, you are also valiant and capable. Although you don't look very good, you may be good to others.

Uncle, no matter what I say, I will not resent you. Without your support, I would not be able to go to college and see the colorful city.

"Uncle, that's your brother-in-law!
I listen to you, but what should your sister do?

Ma Fengxia agreed without much hesitation and even discussed the seniority in the family.

Li Shengli could only sigh that he was helpless.

“That’s why I choose you.

There will also be a showdown on my sister's side. You have to respect her and give way and don't make things difficult for me.

Wang Qinjin is fundamentally reckless. You have to help me keep an eye on him when we go south.

No matter what troubles or conflicts there are, no resort to martial arts is allowed.

When persuading him, just tell him, I told you this, he is a son, and you have to rely on your family background to get people.

You must keep this in mind. If he hits someone or causes trouble in the south, we will have to nag you about your inability..."

As before, before doing anything, Li Shengli had to prepare in advance based on experience.

Without Ma Fengxia, Li Shengli would have looked for someone else to follow Wang Jinjin and go south as a secretary.

I can't stand this stupid Wang Er, I'm afraid that after the next big wave, he will not be a disciple who is kicked out for doing business, but will become a disciple who is targeted for evil.

What Li Shengli told Xiao Hu to abide by the law was not nonsense.

Sometimes, when discussing matters, there is no distinction between cause and effect.

With a backer like Wang Qianjin, even if Xiao Hu has the ability to fight and kill, he can't use it.

If you commit a crime yourself and go to the public prosecutor's office, you will be able to eliminate violence and make peace.

If they are colluding, it depends on who they are dealing with. When it comes to Li Shengli and Uncle Wang Qinjin, there are not many people or no one who can do it easily.

The other children still don't know how to play this game. If they really get into trouble with Uncle Lang, they have to change it from top to bottom. To others, it's like filing a lawsuit.

For Uncle Li Shengli, it is called reflecting and solving problems.

Anyone who has some problems will be able to truly appreciate the power of King Du Ding and Xie's four families when he meets these two uncles.

Those who sit upright will not and cannot offend their uncle.

As long as he is provoked, there must be something wrong with him. Right or wrong or the level of ability has nothing to do with Uncle Lang. This is a land that never lacks people. No one is irreplaceable, let alone a traveler on his official career?

"Uncle, I made a note. If everything goes well this time, I will kowtow to you when I come back."

When Ma Fengxia, a half-college student, said this, Li Shengli glanced sideways at her and sent her away with a wave of his hand.

When I first looked at Ma Fengxia, I still had some negative outlook on life, but now my outlook is incorrect, which is a pity.

After handling Ma Fengxia's side, Li Shengli went to the village to find Xiao Hu.

Xiao Hu, although he didn't study hard when he was in the economics class.

But the supervision of younger brothers and sisters is also strict.

When Li Shengli sent brothers Xiao Bao and Xiao Huang to the hospital, his request was to let them study with their high school books.

After so many years, the results are generally good. When Xiao Bao was in high school, his grades were good and he was considered a good material for study.

With him and his sister Xiao Huang, it has been remarkable over the years.

After the four villages and the inheritance class students who are now rushing back to their hometown, the two brothers and sisters also have the best results.

Some time ago, the two brothers and sisters went to the mountain village to provide tutoring for the women in the other hospital, and the women's grades improved quickly.

Although their grades were good, over the years, the brother and sister had neglected their family skills.

Xiao Hu is a person who accepts death. The ups and downs he has experienced make him believe that the fists and kicks passed down from his family are the real support.

In addition to reviewing, Xiao Hu also clings to the family skills of his younger siblings.




I glanced at Xiao Huang, who had the same offbeat accent as Xiao Feng. Over the years, Xiao Huang was a bit more bookish than his sister Xiao Feng.

"I'm very optimistic about you two.

Especially Xiao Huang, if you fail to get into college this time, I will make you pick up cow dung for the rest of your life and make you a female cowherd.

Xiao Bao, what is his future future? He just passed the college entrance examination this time.

For university, I chose the best university outside the city. Once I entered the school, it was the same as before. While studying, I also had to make more connections.

If you are unhappy in your heart, then use your own ability to suppress it.

When you are in school, don't have the idea of ​​studying abroad. After you go out, you can come back to work in a career. The road is not long. Try to study in college for a few more years. The higher your academic qualifications, the better.

Xiao Hu, come out with me..."

I gave Xiao Bao and Xiao Huang a reminder. The next three college entrance examinations are also a place where talents can be seriously produced.

It is also an opportunity for many people to make a career change. If you choose the right industry, you can become a leader.

On Xiao Bao's side, there has always been a sense of injustice in his heart, but he is somewhat similar to Xu Zhengqing from Madianji.

Li Shengli didn't mind giving a boost to the Xiao family. As for Xiao Bao's unhappiness, it really made him get up, and he had to call him "uncle" honestly.

Being involved in the official career almost blurred the right and wrong in the family.

"Uncle, are you going down again?"

Sitting in Madianji Village was also torture for Xiao Hu, who had gone out to see the world.

"Why didn't you see Luo Yun in the village?

I'm going down soon, but don't be idle, you still need more children.

Your mother said before that you are not worthy of Luo Yun. I still didn't believe it, but now I believe it.

He's a good-looking person and treats you well. Don't go down here and you won't know your last name.

Treating her well will be good for you and your family.

I went into the city and called Wang Qianjin from the self-training class and asked him to wait for me in the cafeteria.

During this time, you go down with Lao Wang for a walk, there are some things to do. "

If the Xiao family wants to make a leap, they rely on the eldest brother Xiao Long and the third child Xiao Bao, but the second child Xiao Hu is the economic foundation.

Luo Yun's family will also play a supporting role in the Xiao family's transition.

Xiao Hu had followed Li Shengli all the way, and Li Shengli didn't want any complications with Xiao Hu's marriage.

Xiao Hu's marriage change was not unexpected. Xiao Hu was left in the cold. After everything settled, Luo Yun's family came up.

It is human nature to look down on Xiao Hu, a reckless son-in-law, if he fails to protect everything. Although Xiao Hu and Luo Yun already have a child, Luo Yun is still a popular figure even if he has a child.

Xiao Hu went down to do business and neglected the relationship between husband and wife. If someone else tried to persuade him, Xiao Hu might be in trouble when he came back.

"Uncle, I understand this.

A few days ago, Luo Yun asked me to take Wang Qian to her home.

Luo Yun is thinking the same thing as you and is afraid of something going wrong.

After meeting Wang Qianjin, my father-in-law treated me better..."

When it comes to family matters, Xiao Hu is really a little depressed, which is why he lives in Madianji by himself recently.

Everything came to an end and people's minds changed. Xiao Hu's father-in-law really didn't think highly of this reckless son-in-law.

But Luo Yun knew Li Shengli's ability, so she asked Xiao Hu to make an appointment with the notorious Wang Qian and go to her home.

Wang Qianjin is notorious to some people, and Xiao Hu's father-in-law is really not one of them.

He was Du Peng's father-in-law's old subordinate. After meeting Wang Qianjin, the Luo family understood their daughter's thoughts and followed Xiao Hu's footsteps.

"Look, your woman is more sensible than you.

Later, go to your home and pick up a few pairs of gold watches for Luo Yun to take home.

When your father-in-law asked, he said it was a gift from a friend in Hong Kong City.

Don't mention your aunt's name, just say it was a gift from a friend.

That's it, go and contact Wang Qianjin and tell him to be more careful when going to the canteen. "

After instructing Xiao Hu, Li Shengli did not forget to ask him to remind Wang Qianjin.

Now that he was contacting Wang Qianjin, Li Shengli had to be careful because someone was watching him.

If people follow the clues, the play will not go on.

You can't just make a phone call casually. If you make a call at Madianji, I'm afraid someone will follow the phone line and touch it that day.

Everything comes to an end is for the top. If you want to move from top to bottom, you have to wait!
This situation will not stop in five or six years, and there will always be stubborn people who will come out to sing the opposite. This is not a rare thing.

Some of these tough-headed people are really tough, while others are upset and come out to stir up trouble.

No one can control it, no one can control it, but Li Shengli also told Father Du that many things cannot be settled with just one word.

Among those who are iron-headed, including Father Du, there are certain things that Old Du will have to speak out when the time comes.

Xiao Hu went to the city to make an appointment with Wang Qianjin. Li Shengli asked Ma Fengxia to dress up, and then took the two of them to the large canteen of Madianji...

(End of this chapter)

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